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Rev 1 to Epop 4455D, News Releases
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/20/1998
Shared Package
ML20247R747 List:
EPOP-4455D, NUDOCS 9805290218
Download: ML20247R792 (29)


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j News Releases EPOP 4455D Rev.1 Approval:



J SORC Mtg. No:



f5 -/D/D-97 Effective Date:

6,09 97 9805290218 900521 PDR ADOCK 05000245 F


SME: C. Manner Level of Use Information


,a Millstone All Units


Emergency Plan Operating Procedure v

News Releases TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.

PURPOSE....................................................2 2.

P R E R EQ U I S ITES............................................



P R ECAUTI O N S...............................................

2 4.

I N ST R U CTI O N S..............................................

3 4.1 Preparing News Releases..................................

3 5.

REVI EW AN D S I G N O FF......................................

6 6.

R E FE R EN C ES................................................

6 7.

SU M M ARY O F CH ANG ES.....................................


. fi " Sample News Release".............................

8 L/ "SNET FaxWorks Instructions"......................

27 l



r) t Level Of Use

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h EPOP 4455D

._4 m.,.

'STOP' ' ~ THiNK '

' < ACT. '


-lnformat. ion r-e o


i d.a pN f" x l of 27.

a 1


1. PURPOSE 1.1 Ob,jective Provide guidance to the Manager of Public Information and the Nuclear News Manager for preparing and issuing news releases during events which activate the Station Emergency Response Organization.

1.2-Discussion News releases are normally prepared by the MPI at the site and the technical content is reviewed by the ADEOE The Nuclear News Manager approves news releases for all events until the EOF is activated.

After EOF activation, the EOF DSEO approves all news releases.

The Station Duty Officer is the public information point of contact in the affected unit control room.

The news release is forwarded to the NNM. The NNM obtains input from the Executive Spokesperson and the State Public Information Organization. The news release is formatted and issued by the NNM.


2.1 General N/A 2.2 Definitions

-2.2.1 ADEOF - Assistant Director Emergency Operations Facility 2.2.2 EAS - Emergency Alert System L

2.2.3 MRCA - Manager of Radiological Consequence Assessment 3.- PRECAUTIONS



h YUI,. _.1,,_ d.._,REVg Rev.13_, EPOP I

k Level of Use


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4. INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 Preparing News Releases 4.1.1 IE one of the following occurs, PREPARE a news release:

A change in plant status A change in emergency classification The Joint Media Center has been activated A significant rumor or inquiry trend develops that should be addressed An event is deemed newsworthy by the NNM A significant time period has transpired since issuance of the.

j last news release 4.1.2 Refer To Attachment 1 and REVIEW the samples of prepared news releases for one or more of the following, as applicable:

Unusual Event - No Release (Sheet 1 of 19)


1 Unusual Event - Small, Unplanned Release (Sheet 3 of 19)

Alert (Sheet 5 of 19)

Site Area Emergency (Sheet 8 of19)

General Emergency (Sheet 11 of 19)

Status Report (Sheet 13 of 19)

Joint Media Center Activation (Sheet 15 of 19)

De-Escalation of Event (Sheet 16 of 19)

Event Termination (Sheet 18 of19) 4.1.3 DEVELOP a chronology of key events for complex or long-term emergencies.

I h

EPOP 4455D Level of Use


'2. _. A _a __


' REVIEW Rev.1 lnformation T'P r (

P 'x r%

FNg 3 of27

t 4.1.4 DEVELOP and ISSUE a background for the following, as



Emergency response General plant information Radiation Insurance Electrical rates Management information 4.1.5 PREPARE news releases using the following guidelines:

INCLUDE only official and verifiable information.

IE possible, PREPARE releases without using technical jargon or acronyms.

4.1.6 INCLUDE the following information in the news release:

Date and time statement is issued Release number (ordered sequentially)

Name and phone number for media contact Name of plant and unit affected Emergency classification Status of radiological conditions Status of plant Description of emergency classification Corrective actions taken Off-site assistance requested


d i

1 A

A EPOP 4455D Level of Use

%..-.,c]2 _. - __ %.

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,., sToP '



' REVIEW Rev.1 r %

J- %


f' V..

4 of 27

I r

i 1

IE JMC has been activated, rumor and inquiry control phone gT numbers i%f IE EAS has been activated, a general description of EAS


Statement to media on where to obtain information NOTE The names of injured or contaminated personnel shall not be released under any circumstances.

4.1.7 DELETE information on the extent of personnel injuries or l

contamination until medically diagnosed and confirmed.

4.1.8 PROVIDE actual radiation dose measurement unless the MRCA has approved the release of estimated or projected dose measurements.

4.1.9 ENSURE only the Executive Spokesperson or NU Corporate Officials are quoted or referenced.

f) k-NOTE Information originating from sources other than NU will not be released without ADEOF review and EOF DSEO approval.

4.1.10 SUBMIT news release to the ADEOF for technical review.

4.1.11 SUBMIT news release to the EOF DSEO for approval.

4.1.12 DETERMINE news release distribution.

4.1.13 Refer To Attachment 2 and DISTRIBUTE news releases using SNET FaxWorks.


Level of Use

_ ",,,.,, j,

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' REVIEW Rev.I lnformation 3

f-s p s 5 of 27




5.1 N/A 1

6. REFERENCES 6.1 NUREG 0654, Rev.1, " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants" 6.2

" State of Connecticut Radiological Emergency Response Plan" 6.3 EPOP 4455A, " Nuclear News Manager" 6.4 EPOP 4455," Manager of Public Information"



OF CHANGES 7.1 Changed the level of use from General to Information.

1 7.2 Changed procedure from an NU common procedure (NUC EPOP) to a i

i Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan Operating Procedure (EPOP).

V 7.3 Deleted references to CY in all applicable locations.

7.4 Changed referenced procedure numbers from NUC EPOP to EPOP.

7.5 Added information to Section 1.2 to clarify that the technical content of news releases is reviewed by the ADEOF; the Nuclear News Manager approves news releases for all events until the EOF is activated; after EOF activation, the EOF DSEO approves all news releases; and the Station Duty Officer is the public information point of contact in the affected unit control room.

7.6 Deleted MPI and NNM from the definitions section and added EAS and MRCA to the definitions section.

7.7 Deleted step 3.1 that stated for drills, news releases are printed on drill letterhead and marked, "This is a Drill - Not for Release."

7.8 Changed step 4.1.10 from a step to a note that states information originating from sources other than NU will not be released without ADEOF review and EOF DSEO approval.

j l





. ~-

l EPOP 4455D


Level of Use




lnformation 6cf27 p

1 4

I 7.9 Added step 4.1.10 to submit news releases to the ADEOF for technical



7.10 Added step 4.1.11 to submit news releases to the EOF DSEO for approval.

7.11 Deleted step 4.5 to type news releases spaced and single sided.

7.12 Deleted step 4.6.4 to include corporate and emergency titles and emergency functions when preparing news releases.

7.13 Deleted step 4.6.6 to include an individual's name, agency affiliation and emergency function when preparing news releases.

7.14 Deleted step 4.7 to perform a spell and pagination check of the document prior to issuance of the final news release.

I 7.15 Deleted all references to drill actions in Attachment 1.

7.16 Added password for SNET FaxWorks to Attachment 2,"SNET FaxWorks Instructions."





A EPOP 4455D

[f lf Levelof Use o


'kVIEVT Rev.1 lnformation y


j. 4 y 3 jAh.

7 of 27

r t

Attachmcnt 1 Sample New Reicase Unusual Event - No Release I

(Sheet 1 of 19)

Release Number:



Information as of:

l l


I Phone: (860)

UNUSUAL EVENT declared at (plant name)

Operators of the (plant name)

Nuclear Power Plant in (town)

, Connecticut declared an UNUSUAL EVENT at (time) on (date)

There has been no release of radioactivny from the plant as a result of this incident.

The UNUSUAL EVENT was declared when (give plant conditions) 0 (Give details on the function of the equipment discussed above, including the system it is part of) i b


EPOP 4455D Level of Use

_ sTo'P


~ ~'ACT ' MEVisvT Rev.1 Information y

s y

n lc

. " n 8 of 27 i

e Sample New Release Unusual Event - No Release (Cont'd)


(Sheet 2 of 19)

(Only if applicabic:)

Specialists from Northeast Utilities (NU) have set up an emergency operations center at the plant and are working (to correct /have corrected) the plant's condition. Local, state, and federal officials have been notified.

Additional information about developments at the plant will be provided as soon as it is available.

An UNUSUAL EVENT is the lowest of the four Nuclear Regulatory Commission emergency classification levels. It involves a minor problem at the plant.

l l

C l



Level of Use f

A k

EPOP 4455D

... A,_


ACP' REV!EW Rev.1 lnformation

,g 3

y $s 9 og 27

Attachincnt 1 Sainple New Release Unusual Event - Small Unplanned Helease


(Sheet 3 of 19)

Release Nuenber:



Information as of:


Phone: (860)

UNUSUAL IIVENT declared at (plant name)

Operators of the (plant name)

Nuclear Power Plant in (town)

, Connecticut declared an UNUSUAL EVENT at (time) on (date)

This event resulted in a small release of radioactivity, temporarily increasing levels slightly above those of natur al background radiation levels. This dose is slightly less than the dose that an individual would receive from (if applicable, see list)

The UNUSUAL EVENT was declared when (give plant conditions) i O

J, EPOP 4455D Level of Use

. REVIEW Rev.I Information gTOP'

~ 1HINK sACT2 e

y r,,

10 of 27


Sample New Release Unusual Event - Small Unplanned Release (Cont'd)


(Sheet 4 of 19)

(Give details on the function of the equipment discussed above, including the system it is part of)

(Only if applicable:)

Specialists from Nor theast Utilities (NU) have set up an emergency operations center at the plant and are working (to correct /have corrected) the plant's condition. Local, state, and federal officials have been notified.

I Additional information about developments at the plant will be provided as soon as it is i



An UNUSUAL EVENT is the lowest of the four Nuclear Regulatory Commission v

emergency classification levels. : involves a minor problem at the plant and may result in a very small radiation release.

i 1





EPOP 4455D

' Level of Use



' REVIEW Rev.1 m.

Information t3

.s y',


I t

Sample New Release Alert


(Sheet 5 of 19)

Release Number:

l Date:


Information as of:


Phone: (860)

ALERT declared at (plant name)

Operators of the (plant name)

Nuclear Power Plant in

. (town)

. Connecticut declared an ALERT at (time) on (date)

There has been no release of radioactivity from the plant as a result of this incident (or give actual or projected radiation dose levels at the site boundary - use millirem) v)

This event is expected to result in a release of a small amount of radioactivity, increasing levels slightly above those of natural background radiation levels. This dose is similar to the dose that an individual would receive from (see list)

Radiation monitoring teams are monitoring the release at this time.

g Level of Use


j, _j _..]L _

EPOP 4455D

' ACT' REVIEW Rev.1 Information



j< %



P"i 12 0f 27

Attachmcnt 1 Sample New Release Alert (Cont'd)

(Sheet 6 of 19) l L

The ALERT was declared when (give plant conditions)

(Give details on the function of the equipment discussed above, including the system it is part of) p Specialists from Northeast Utilities (NU) have set up an emergency operations center at the plant and are working (to correct /have corrected) the plant's condition. Local, state, and federal officials have been notified.

Additional information about developments at the plant will be provided as soon as it is available.

An ALERT is the second lowest of the four emergency Nuclear Regulatory Commission classification levels and involves a relatively minor event. A small release of radioactivity could occur.

NU has asked the public not to call the plant site. NU will be issuing phone numbers where members of the public can call with specific inquiries shortly (or once rumor control at the State EOC has been activated) Members of the general public with specific inquiries may call (860)




EPOP 4455D Level of Use lnformation



A r

i 13 of 27

Sample New Release Alert (Cont'd)

O (Sheet 7 of 19)


(Only if Joint Media Center has been activated)

NOTICE TO MEDIA: NO MEDIA OR PUBLIC INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE NUCLEAR PLANT. A Joint Media Center (has been/is being) established with the State of Connecticut at the Hartford Armory,360 Broad Street, Hartford, Connecticut as the single source ofinformation about the emergency. Members of the media should direct their requests for information to the Joint Media Center.

l l

s Level of Use 1


EPOP 4455D lnformation siOP


(kCIT ~ ~FIEV1 V/ Rev.1 r

p' %

fe 14 of 27

.,4 y

s i

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l l

Sample New Release Site Area Emergency l


(sheet 8 of 19)

Release Number:



Information as of:


Phone: (860)

ALERT declared at (plant name)

Operators of the (plant i;ame)

Nuclear Power Plant in (town)

, Connecticut declared a SITE AREA EMERGENCY at (time) on (date)

There has been no release of radioactivity from the plant as a result of this incident (or give actual or projected radiation dose levels at the site boundary - use millirem) r\\


This event is expected to result in a release of a small amount of radioactivity, increasing levels slightly above those of natural background radiation levels. This dose is similar to the dose that an individual would receive from (see list)

Radiation monitoring teams are monitoring the release at this time.


l (m

C) i> _

EPOP 4455D


A Level of Use

,a lnformation sToP'. _'THINK ~


r N yN 15 of 27

Sample New Release Site Area Emergency (Cont'd)

[G3 (Sheet 9 of 19)

The SITE AREA EMERGENCY was declared when (give plant conditions)

(Give details on the function of the equipment discussed above, including the system it is part of)

O Specialists from Northeast Utilities (NU) have set up an emergency operations center at the plant and are working to return the plant to a stable condition. Local, state, and federal officials have been notified. The State Emergency Operations Center at the Hartford Armory (has been/is being) activated.

NU will continue to report details about developments at the plant as soon as they are available.

A SITE AREA EMERGENCY is the third highest of the four Nuclear Regulatory Commission emergency classification levels and involves a relatively serious problem at the plant. A small radioactive release is expected, however,'the consequences will be limited to the plant's site boundary.

l NU has asked the public not to call the plant site. (once rumor control at the State EOC l

has been activated) Members of the general public with specific inquiries may call l

(860) l O

lnformation STOP


_ h....

EPOP 4455D Level of Use

/.-. -ACTJ REVIEW Rev.1 j

4 9

16 of 27 o;

1 I


Sample New Release Site Area Emergency (Cont'd) b (Sheet 10 of 19) 1

%I Connecticut residents should listen to radio or TV stations for Emergency Alert System messages for the Connecticut Office of Emergency Management. Primary statewide radio stations are WTIC (1080 AM or 96.5 FM) and WDRC (1360 AM or 102.9 FM). Primary TV stations are WFSB (Channel 3), WTNH (Channel 8), or WVIT (Channel 30).

Emergency information is also available in the yellow pages in the telephone books for residents within a 10-mile radius of the plant.

l l

l NOTICE TO MEDIA: NO MEDIA OR PUBLIC INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE NUCLEAR PLANT. A Joint Media Center (has been/is being) established with the State of Connecticut at the Hartford Armory,360 Broad Street, Hartford, Connecticut as the single source ofinformation about the emergency. Members of the media should direct their requests for information to the Joint Media Center.

cb l

l l

l l


i.,.. f _

EPOP 4455D Level of Use


s s.., _.ACT"

' REVlEW Rev.1 lnformation STQP' THINK '

f j' q jv t.


17 of 27 e


- - a

Sample New Release General Emergency


(Sheet 11 of 19)

Release Number:



Information as of:


1 Phone: (860) l l

GENERAL EMERGENCY declared at (plant name)

Operators of the (plant neme)

Nuclear Power Plant in (town)

Connecticut declared a GENERAL EMERGENCY at (time) on (date)


i D

This event has resulted in the release of (give actual measured or projected radiation dose levels at the site boundary - use millirem)

This dose is similar to the dose that an individual would receive from (see list)

Radiation monitoring teams are monitoring the release at this time.

The GENERAL EMERGENCY was declared when (give plant conditions)


Level of Use A

A 4

EPOP 4455D Rev.1 I


]H NK '


p, 18 of 27 t.;

y i

1 l

Sample New Release General Emergency (Cont'd)

(Sheet 12 of 19)

L (Give details on the function of the equipment discussed above, including the system it is part of)

Specialists from Northeast Utilities (NU) have set up an emergency operations center at the plant and are working to return the plant to a stable condition. Local, state, and federal officials have been notified. The State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at the Hartford Armory (has been/is being) activated.

NU will continue to report details about developments at the plant as soon as they are available.

A GENERAL EMERGENCY is the most serious of four Nuclear Regulatory Commission emergency classification ievels. It could involve serious damage to the plant's safety j

(b) systems and may result in the release of radioactive materials to an area beyond the plant's boundaries.

NU has asked the public not to call the plant site. Members of the general public with specific inquiries may call (860)

Connecticut residents should listen to radio or TV stations for Emergency Alert System messeges for the Connecticut Office of Emergency Management. Primary statewide radio stations a c umC (1080 AM or 96.5 FM) and WDRC (1360 AM or 102.9 FM). Primary TV stas-r.e WFSB (Channel 3), WTNH (Channel 8), or WVIT (Channel 30).

Emergency information is also available in the yellow pages in the telephone books for j

l residents within a 10-mile radius of the plant.

j l


THE NUCLEAR PLANT. A Joint Media Center has been established with the State of Connecticut at the Hartford Armory,360 Broad Street, Hartford, Connecticut as the single source ofinformation about the emergency. Members of the media should direct their requests for information to the Joint Media Center.

l r(~)

Level of Use

~,. [._


EPOP 4455D Rev.1

' STOP '


'ACT' T~{lEw Information y

yg 19 of 27 1


Attachmcnt 1 Sample New Release Status Report 7.,

(Sheet 13 of 19)

Release Number:



Information as of:._


Phone: (860)


Remains in effect at (plant name)

The (classification) declared at (time) on (date) at the (plant)

Nuclear Power Plant in (town),

Connecticut remains in effect.

(Plant conditions) v (Give details on the function of the equipment discussed above, including the system it is part of) l Level of Use

.j _..

EPOP 4455D




- ACT ~ ~




/- s

,- X j?,

20 of 27 1



Sample New Release Status Report (Cont'd)

(Sheet 14 of 19)

I w

Specialists from Northeast Utilities (NU) have set up special emergency operations centers at the plant and are working to return the plant to a stable condition. Local, state, and federal officials have been notified. The State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at the Hartford Armory (has/has not) activated.

Additional information about developments at the plant will be released as soon as it is available.

(If applicable:)

Connecticut residents should listen to radio or TV stations for Emergency Alert System messages for the Connecticut Office of Emergency Management. Primary statewide radio stations are WTIC (1080 AM or 96.5 FM) and WDRC (1360 AM or 102.9 FM). Primary TV stations are WFSB (Channel 3), WTNH (Channel 8), or WVIT (Channel 30).

Emergency information is also available in the yellow pages in the telephone books for residents within a 10-mile radius of the plant.


,q THE NUCLEAR PLANT. A Joint Media Center (has been/is being) established with the C/

State of Connecticut at the Hartford Armory,360 Broad Street, Hartford, Connecticut as the single source ofinformation about the emergency. Members of the media should direct their requests for information to the Joint Media Center.

J f


EPOP 4455D Level of Use-




" ACT" "REVl$vi Rev.1 Information "N

i" S r

P 21 of 27

Sample New Release Joint Media Center Activation (Sheet 15 of 19)

C Release Number:



Information as of:


Phone: (860)

Joint Media Center Activated Officials from Northeast Utilities (NU) and the State of Connecticut have activated a Joint Media Center in Ilartford to serve as a single source of information regarding the j

emergency at the (plant name, town, and state)

NO MEDIA OR PUBLIC INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE NUCLEAR PLANT. Members of the media should direct their requests for information to the Joint Media Center.

O The Joint Media Center is located at the Hartford Armory,360 Broad Strcet, Hartford, Connecticut. Access to the center will be restricted to media representatives bearing proof of their affiliations.

If you wish to speak to an NU media representative at the Joint Media Center, please call the phone number listed above. NOTE: THIS NUMBER IS FOR MEDIA USE ONIX AND SHOULD NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO THE PUBLIC. Separate phone numbers have been issued for use by the public and are contained in news releases.


Level of Use j

- - ~

... +_

EPOP 4455D lnformation STOP THINK '


,e f= (

22 of 27 1

Sample New Release De-Escalation of Event (Sheet 16 of 19)

L Release Number:



Information as of:


Phone: (860)


Reduced at (plant name)

The (cmergency classification) declared at (time) on (date) at the (plant name, town, and state) has been reduced from a (classification) to a (classification)

The emergency classification was downgraded when (give reason for downgrade) n This classification level more appropriately reflects the improving conditions at the plant.

j NU will continue to keep you informed of any additional developments as information becomes available.

l r._



6 A

EPOP 4455D Level of Use

c. u lnformation

'STOP' "fHINK ACT" REVIEW Rev.1 cM rN 0,


23 of 27



Sample New Release De-Escalation of Event (Cont'd)


(Sheet 17 of 19)

(Description of classification)


l l

NOTICE TO MEDIA: NO MEDIA OR PUI3LIC INFORMATION IS AVAILAllLE AT Tile NUCLEAR PLANT. A Joint Media Center has been established at the llartford Armory,360 Ilroad Street, llartford, Connecticut as the single source of information about the emergency. Members of the media should direct their requests for information to the Joint Media Center.



i Level of Use f.x.

... i.._

EPOP 4455D Information




REVIEW Rev.I j-g g q gg yi 24 of 27



Sample New Release Event Termination


(Sheet 18 of 19)

Release Number:



Information as of:


1 I

Phone: (860) i Emergency ended at (plant name)

The (emergency classification) declared at (time) on (date) at the (plant name, town, and state) f)

has been terminated.

v The (cmergency classification) was declared when (give plant conditions)

I l

O Level of Use


EPOP 4455D stoF TimW

'ACT' M6 Rev.I Information 25 0f 27 e

Sample New Release Event Termination (Cont'd)


(Sheet 19 of 19)

(Give details on the status of the equipment discussed above) l The plant is shut down and remains in a stable condition. The radioactive release has been terminated, and there is no potential for any further releases.

Northeast Utilitics' (NU's) emergency response organizations at the plant have been disbanded, and a recovery organization is in place to oversee the restoration of the plant to its normal operating condition. The plant is expected to remain shut down until (date)

NOTICE TO MEDIA: News information regarding NU or the nuclear event will no longer be available at the Joint Media Center in Hartford. If you wish to speak to an NU media representative, please call the phone number listed above.

l l

1 F)

Level of Use j

.,l. - _ $ _, j. _

EPOP 4455D s.





j. 's fs 26 of 27 r

Attachm:nt 2 SNET FaxWorks Instructions (Sheet 1 of 1)

SNET FaxWorks: Sending a Fax Broadcast from a Fax Machine These instructions demonstrate how to send a fax broadcast via SNET FaxWorks from a fax machine to either a distribution list or a group of fax numbers that have not been e itered into the SNET FaxWorks computer.


Dial 1-800-229-4329 from the telephone connected to the fax machine. You will be guided through a set of voice instructions by the SNET FaxWorks Computer.


From the telephone set enter the seven digit SNET FaxWorks password, followed by the star key (*). The Password is:

7972657 l


To send a fax PRESS ONE.


You will then be given a list of choices regarding the delivery time of the fax:

To send the fax immediately: PRESS ONE.

To send the fax overnight (Between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. EST): PRESS TWO.

TO schedule delivery at a specific time within a 24-hour period: PRESS TIIREE.

Then enter the military time you want the fax to go out (i.e.,4 p.m. EST is 16:00 hours in military time).

To send to a SNET FaxWorks Mailbox: PRESS FOUR.

iQ V


You will then be asked to enter the distribution list number (i.e.,001) or the fax number (including area code) you want to send the document to, followed by the star key (*). You can enter in as many lists or fax numbers as you would like, but they need to be entered in one at a time, pressing the star key after each entry (i.e.,001 *,003',

860 - 555 - 1212*, 005*,704 - 555 - 9898*, 404 -555 - 6666*).

Choose from the following lists for SNET FaxWorks:

001 - Local Media 002 - CT State-wide 003 - Government 004 - Local & Government (Lists 001 & 003) 005 - All lists (Lists 001,002, & 003) 6.

When you have completed entering the lists or destination number that you want to send to: PRESS TIIE POUND KEY (#).


Walt for the fax tone and press start on the fax machine. The document will start going through the fax machine and you may hang up the receiver.



L~I 4<

5 e

a EPOP 4455D i

Level of Use Information of pf Acf 'nhvihVT Rev.1 e ~%

y y%


27 of 27

Procedure or Form Cancellation Request I

(Sheet 1 of 1) see DC 1 secfion 1.1sfor instructions Section 1: Document Information Document No.: NUC EPOP 4455E Revision No. O


Neiivs Ci ife're'rEes- ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~





l Initiated By:

D"te: 04-13-1998 B. Tsrallo

-Section 2iReason for Cancellation c Replacment YES[ j c SPROC YES[ }

if YES, the Procedure Screenings are not required, if VES, the Independent Resiew and Procedure Screenings are not required.

This procedure is being cancelled because the State of Connecticut Joint Media Center (Governor's staff)is responsible for conducting news conferences. The NU Executive Spokesperson and Nuclear News Manager responsibilities regarding news conferences are contained in their respective procedures.

One procedure and any associated form (s)or any number of forms from the name procedure per Attachment 7.

-Section 3: Cancellation Reviews Independent Reviewer Signature:

n+2 h Date:

/ f c Safety Evaluation Required?

YES[ N V c Environmental Review Required? YES NO[/

QA Reviewer Signature (if required):

gg Date:

~Section 4: Department Head or Responsible Individual Review and Approval PORC or eview Required? YES NO:

Re.sponsible Departrnent Ilead or g

Responst' ale Indig idual Signaturcu 1



~Section 5: P6)fC or Sd~RC Review and Approval (if required) g b}

PORC or SOHC Chairperson Signature: __

Meeting No:

Approval Date:_6-RO T Cancellation Effective Date: _dp9-Y O

Level of USe ln{OMagIOn DC 1, Att. 7 - Rev. 6, Chg 2 Station Admin Procedures Group OSCAR Report

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _