ML20211H647 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Millstone ![]() |
Issue date: | 08/25/1999 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20211H645 | List: |
References | |
RTR-NUREG-1433 NUDOCS 9909020140 | |
Download: ML20211H647 (53) | |
1 Technical Specifications Millstone Nuclear Power Station Millstone Unit 1 Waterford, Connecticut l
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 U S E AN D AP P LI C ATI O N.................................................
.....1.1-1 1.1 Defi n itio n s.................................................................. 1.1 - 1 1.2 Log ical C on necto rs..................................................... 1.2-1 1.3 Com pietio n Time s........................................................ 1. 3-1 1.4 F req u e n cy...................................................................... 1.4 - 1 2.0 SA F ETY Li M ITS................................................................. 2. 0-1 1
A P P LI C A B I L ITY............................................................... 3. 0 -1 3.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT (SR) APPLICABILITY......... 3.0-2 3.1 Defueled Syste ms.................................................... 3.1 - 1 l
1 3.2 -
S pe nt F uel H a n d ling................................................ 3.2-1 4.0 D ESI G N FEATU RE S...............................
.......................4.0-1 4.1 S ite Loca tio n............................................................ 4. 0- 1 4.2 F uel Sto ra g e...........................................................
4.0-1 1
1 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS................................... 5.0-1 5.1 R e s p o n s i b ility............................................................ 5. 0- 1 5.2 O rg a n izatio n..................
..... 5.0-2 5.3 Unit Staff Qualifications.......................................... 5.0-5 5.4 Tra i n i n g.................................................................. 5. 0 -6 5.5 Procedures.........
...................................................5.0-7 5.6 Programs and Manuals.............
..............................5.0-9 5.7 Reporting Requirements.............................................. 5.0-M l 6 5.8 High Radiation Area.............
........................... 5. 0- 16 1 7 l
l l
l l
1 1
i i
1 l
l I
t Millstone - Unit 1 i
i 1
I l
J Responsibility 5.1 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.1 Responsibility 5.1.1 The Designated Officer shall be responsible for overall operation of the Millstone Station Site and shall delegate, in writing, the succession to this responsibility. The Designated Manager shall be responsible for overall Unit safe operation and shall delegate in writing the succession of this responsibility.
5,1.2 The Shift Manager shall be responsible for the control room command function.
5.1.3 Unless otherwise defined, the technical specification titles for members of the staff are generic titles. Unit-specific titles for the functions and responsibilities associated with these generic titles are identified in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-1
r j
Organization 5.2 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.2 Organization 5.2.1 Onsite And Offsite Oraanizations Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safe storage of irradiated fuel, Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and a.
defined for the highest management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions.
These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descriptions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation.
These requirements shall be documented in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
The Designated Manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite activities and resources necessary for maintenance and storage ofirradiated fuel in a safe condition.
The Designated Officer shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant c.
nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable
. performance of the staffin operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to ensure the safe storage of irradiated fuel.
The individuals who train the CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLERS and those who carry out radiation protection functions or perform quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their ability to perform their assigned functions.
I i
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-2 j
3' Organization 4
5.2 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.2 Organization i
5.2.2' Facility Staff
.a Each on duty. shift shall: be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 5.2-1.
At least one person qualified to stand watch in the control room shall be present in the control room when irradiated fuel is stored in the fuel storage pool.
Deleted d.
An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures shall be onsite during fuel handling operations.
e, All fuel handling operations shall be directly supervised by a qualified individual, f.
Administrative procedures shall be developed and implemented to limit the working hours of unit staff who perform functions important to the safe storage of irradiated fuel assemblies.. These procedures should follow the general guidance of the NRC Policy Statement on working hours (Generic Letter No. 82-12),
j g.
The Shift Manager shall be a CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLER.
I" (continued)
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-3
s i
Organization i
5.2 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.2 Organization 5.2.2 Facility Staff
. (continued)
Non-Certified Operator 1
The above shift crew composition may be less than the minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in order to accommodate unexpected absence provided expeditious actions are taken to fill the required positions.
l (continued)
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-4
Facility Staff Qualifications 5.3 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.3 Facility Staff Qualifications 5.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for: The Operations Manager or Assistant Operations Manager shall be a CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLER. The Health Physics Manager shall meet or exceed the qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 1.
I Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-5
e Training 5.4 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.4 Training 5.4.1 An NRC approved training and. retraining program for the CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLERS shall be maintained.
i i
1 Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-6 i
Procedures 5.5 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.5 Procedures l
l 5.5.1 Written procedures shall be established, implemented, and maintained covering the following activities:
- a. The procedures applicable to the safe storage of irradiated fuel recommended in Appendix "A" of Regulatory Guide 1.33, February 1978;
- b. Fire Protection Program implementation;
- c. Cold Weather Operations;
- d. Quality assurance for radiological effluent and environmental monitoring;
- e. Liquid and gaseous radioactive effluent discharges from the unit for all operations involving offsite releases of radioactive effluents. These procedures shall specify the use of appropriate waste treatment utilizing the guidance provided in the REMODCM; f.
Fuel handling operations;
- g. All programs specified in Specification 5.6.
5.5.2 The Designated Manager, Designated Officer, or Designated Senior Officer may designate specific procedures and programs, or classes of procedures and programs to be reviewed in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program in lieu of review by the PORC or SORC. The review per the PORC, SORC, or Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with Northeast Utilities Quality Assurance Program (NUQAP).
5.5.3 Procedures listed in Specification 5.5, and changes thereto, shall be approved by the Designated Manager, or Designated Officer or by cognizant managers or directors who are designated as the Approval Authority by the Designated Manager, or Designated Officer as specified in administrative procedures. The Approval Authority for each procedure and program or class of procedure and program shall be specified in administrative procedures.
s (continued)
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-7
I' s
Procedures 5.5 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.5 Procedures (continued) 5.5.4 Each procedure of Specification 5.5.1, and changes thereto, shall be reviewed by the PORC or SORC and shall be approved by the Designated Manager or Designated Officer, or be reviewed and approved in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer l
Program prior to implementation. Each procedure of Specification 5.5.1 shall be reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.
5.5.5 Temporary changes to procedures of Specification 5.5.1 above may be made provided:
the intent of the original procedure is not altered; b.
the change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom is a CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLER; l
1 the change is documented, reviewed by the PORC or SORC, or the Station c.
Qualified Reviewer Program, as applicable, and approved by the Designated Manager, Designated Officer, or the Station Qualified Reviewer Program Department Manager within 14 days of implementation.
5.5.6 All procedures and procedure changes required for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program of Specification 5.6.1 shall be reviewed by an individual (other than the author) from the Radiological Assessment Branch or the Production Operation Services Laboratory (POSL) and approved by appropriate supervision.
5.5.7 Temporary changes may be made for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program provided the intent of the original procedure is not altered and the change is documented and reviewed by an individual (other than the author) from the Radiological Assessment Branch or the POSL, within 14 days of implementation.
1 l
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-8 L
Programs and Manuals 5.6 5.0 '
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Programs and Manuals The following programs shall be established, implemented and maintained.
5.6.1 Radioloaical Effluent Monitorina and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REMODCM)
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@ci tij Li c.a.nse.e. w +m htJ hanges to the REMODCM:
- a. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained. This documentation shall contain:
60 1) sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s), and 1302.,
a determination that the changhwill(q 40CFR 2) maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10CFR20.
50.36a and Appendix 1 to 10CFR50, and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.
- b. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by SORC and the approval of
- the[esignated pcer; and Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-9
Intert A to Ssction 5.6.1
- a. The REMODCM shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alarm and trip setpoints, and in the conduct of the radiological environmental monitoring program; and
- b. The REMODCM shall also contain the radioactive effluent controls and radiological environmental monitoring activities and descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating, and Radioactive Effluent Release, reports required by r
l Specification 5.7.2 and Specification 5.7.3.
Programs and Manuals 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS
,5.6 Programs and Manuals j
5.6.1 Radioloaical Effluent Monitorina and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REMODCM) l (continued)
REM 00 c M
- c. Shall l[p submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, leg entire REM'.' cr OOCivi, o5 spproprlotg as a part of or concurrent with the i
Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of the report in which any change was made. Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g.,==tS/ycar) the change was implemented.
i.e., m en h sm cl m,.
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l (continued)
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-10 i
l l
o Programs and Manuals t-5.6 i
5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Programs and Manuals 5.6.2 Technical Specifications (TS) Bases Control Program This program provides a means for processing changes to the Bases of these Technical Specifications Changes to the Bases of the TS shall be made under appropriate administrative
controls and reviews.
Licensees may make changes to Bases without prior NRC approval provided the changes do not involve either of the following:
.a change in the TS incorporated in the license; or 2.
a change to the updated FSAR or Bases that involves an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
The Bases Control Program shall contain provisions to ensure that the Bases are maintained consistent with the FSAR.
Proposed changes that meet the criteria of Specification 5.6.2b above shall be l
reviewed and approved by the NRC prior to implementation. Changes to the Bases implemented without prior NRC approval shall be provided to the NRC on a frequency consistent with 10CFR50.71(e).
l (continued)
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-11 7
l Programs and Manuals 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS l
t 5.6 Programs and Manuals 5.6.3 Fuel Storaae Pool Water Chemistry Proaram i
This program provides controls for monitoring fuel storage pool water chemistry to minimize the potential effects of corrosion which could affect the safe storage of l
irradiated fuel. The program shall include identification for critical variables and control points for these variables. The program shall include sampling frequencies and define corrective actions to be taken for off control point chemistry conditions. The NRC will be notified prior to elimination or changes to the acceptance criteria for critical variables monitored.
l l
.t-B blo w Swkm 5.6.4 nu k on P( P Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-12
I Ins:rt B - Nsw S cti:n SA4 - Pegs 1 of 2
Programs and Manuals 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Programs and Manuals 5.6.4 Radioactive Effluent Controls Program This program conforms to 10 CFR 50.36a for the control of radioactive effluents and for maintaining the doses to members of the public from radioactive effluents as low as reasonably achievable. The program shall be contained in the REMODCM, shall be implemented by procedures, and shallinclude remedial actions to be taken whenever the program limits are exceeded. The program shall include the following elements:
- a. Limitations on the functional capability of radioactive liquid and gaseous monitoring instrumentation including surveillance tests and setpoint determination in acccrdance with the methodology in the REMODCM;
- b. Limitations on the concentrations of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas, conforming to 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table
II, Column 2 (1993 version);
1 I
Monitoring, sampling, and analysis of radioactive liquid and gaseous c.
effluents in accordance with 10 CFR 20,1302 and with the methodology and parameters in the REMODCM;
- d. Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses or dose commitment to a member of the public from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released from each unit to unrestricted areas, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I;
- e. Determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions from radioactive effluents for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the REMODCM at least every 31 days; f.
Limitations on the functional capability and use of the liquid and gaseous effluent treatment systems to ensure that appropriate portions of these systems are used to reduce releases of radioactivity when the projected doses in a period of 31 days would exceed 2% of the guidelines for the annual dose or dose commitment, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; (continued)
Millstone Unit 1 5.0-13
Int:rt B - New S ction 5.6.4 - Prga 2 cf 2 O
Programs and Manuals 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Programs and Manuals i
5.6.4 Radioactive Effluent Centrois Program (continued)
- g. Limitations on the dose rate resulting from radioactive material released in gaseous effluents to areas beyond the site boundary conforming to the dose associated with 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table ll, Column 1 (1993 version);
- h. Limitations on the annual and quarterly air doses resulting from noble gases released in gaseous effluents from each unit to areas beyond the site boundary, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I;
- i. Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses to a member of the public from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half lives > 8 days in gaseous effluents released from each unit to areas beyond the site boundary, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; and
- j. Limitations on the annual dose or dose commitment to any member of the public due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources, conforming to 40 CFR 190.
Millstone Unit 1 5.0-14
Reporting Requirements 5.7 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.7 Reporting Requirements The following reports shall be submitted in accordance with 10CFR50.4.
5.7.1 Occupational Radiation Exposure Report NOTE A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.
A tabulation on an annual basis of the number of station, utility, and other personnel (including contractors) receiving exposures greater than 100 mrem /yr and their associated man-rem exposure according to work and job functions (e.g., reactor operations and surveillance, inservice inspection, routine maintenance, special maintenance (describe maintenance), waste processing, and refueling). This tabulation supplements the requirements of 10CFR Part 20.2206. The dose assignments to various duty functions may be estimated based on pocket dosimeter, thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD), or film badge measurements. Small exposures totaling less than 20% of the individual total dose need not be accounted for. In the aggregate, at least 80% of the total whole body dose received from external sources should be assigned to specific major work functions. The report shall be submitted by March 1 of each year.
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-giI
Reporting Requirements 5.7 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.7 Reporting Requirements 5.7.2 Annual Radioloaical Environmental Operatina Report NOTE j
A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.
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l (continued)
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-J/)to
ins:rt C to Srcti:n 5.7.2 p
The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 1 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period.
The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REMODCM), and in 10 CFR 50, Appendix 1, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.
The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include the results of analyses of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the I
locations specified in the table and figures in the REMODCM, as well as f
summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing i
results. The missing data shall be submitted in the next annual report.
Reporting Requirements 5.7 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.7 Reporting Requirements 5.7.3 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report NOTE A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.
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Millstone - Unit 1 5.0- $ i~7
7-in3Irt D ta Secti::n 5.7.3 The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit in the previous year shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the REMODCM and in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1,Section IV.B.1.
J l-High Radiation Area 1
5.8 -
High Radiation Area 5.8 Hiah Radiation Area 5.8.1 Pursuant to 10CFR Part 20.1601(c), in lieu of the requirements of 10CFR Part j
20.1601(a), each high radiation area as defined in _10 CFR Part 20 shall be i
barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area, and entrance
'thereto shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a radiation work' permit or equivalent. Individuals trained and qualified in radiation protection procedures (e.g., a health physics technician) or personnel continuously escorted by such individuals may be exempted from this RWP requirement while performing their assigned duties in high radiation areas where radiation doses could be received that are equal to or less than 1 rem in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> (measured at 30 centimeters from any source of radiation) provided they!are otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures, or a general radiation protection RWP, for entry into such j
l Any individual or group of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall be I
provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:
A radiation monitoring device that continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area,
' b.
A radiation monitoring' device that continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in the area and alarms'when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rates in the area have been determined and personnel have been made knowledgeable of them, l
An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures with a radiation dose rate monitoring device. This individual is responsible for providing l
positive radiation protection control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified in the radiation protection procedures or the applicable RWP.
l (continued)
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-/ )$
t High Radiation Area 5.8 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.8 High Radiation Area 5.8 Hiah Radiation Area (continued) 5.8.2 In addition to the requirements of Specification 5.8.1, areas that are accessible to personnel and that have radiation levels greater than 1.0 rem (but less than 500 rads at 1 meter) in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at 30 cm from the radiation source, or from any surface penetrated by the radiation, shall be provided with locked or continuously guarded doors to prevent unauthorized entry, and the keys shall be maintained under the administrative control of the appropriate supervisor on duty or health physics supervision. Doors shall remain locked except during period of access by personnel under an approved RWP that specifies the dose rates in the immediate work areas and the maximum allowable stay time for individuals in that area. In lieu of a stay time specification on the RWP, direct or remote continuous surveillance (such as closed circuit 'IV cameras) may be made by personnel qualified in radiation protection procedures to provide positive exposure control over the activities being performed within the area.
5.8.3 Individual high radiation areas that are accessible to personnel, that could result in radiation doses greater than 1.0 rem in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, and that are within large areas where no enclosure exists to enable locking and where no enclosure can be reasonably constructed around the individual area shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted. A flashing light shall be activated whenever the dose rate in such an area exceeds or is expected to exceed 1.0 rem in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at 30 cm from the radiation source or from any surface penetrated by the radiation.
I Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-J7'li
e Docket No. 50-245 B17829 1
l l
Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No.1 i
Supplement No.1 to the Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications (TSCR 1-1-99)
Retyped Pages i
August 1999
F e
Nuclerr R:guletory Commission B17829/ Attachment 2/Page 1 I
RETYPE OF SUPPLEMENT Refer to the attached Supplement No.1 to the Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications (PDTS). This supplement reflects the incorporation of the proposed changes to the PDTS. The entire Section 5, Administrative Controls, of the previously l
submitted PDTS, retyped with revisions, is included for clarification.
l 1
l l
l I
1 j
i I
l Technical Specifications Millstone Nuclear Power Station I
i Millstone Unit 1 Waterford, Connecticut i
1.0 U S E AN D AP P LI CATI O N......................................................... 1.1 -1 1
1.1 Defi n i t ion s.................................................................. 1.1 - 1 1.2 Logical Connectors............
..................................1.2-1 1.3 Completion Times....................
...............................1.3-1 1.4 Frequency.......
......................................................1.4-1 2.0 S A F ETY Ll M ITS.................................................................. 2. 0- 1 3.0 LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION (LCO)
.. 3.0-1 3.0 SURVEILIANCE REQUIREMENT (SR) APPLICABILITY......... 3.0-2 3.1 Defueled Systems..................................................... 3.1 -1 3.2 Spent Fuel Handling.,
....... 3.2-1 l
l 4.0 D E S I G N F EATU R ES...................................................... 4.0-1 4.1 S i te Loca t io n.................................................................. 4. 0- 1 4.2 Fu el Storage............................................................ 4. 0- 1 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS........................................ 5.0-1 5.1 Responsibility................................................................... 5. 0-1 5.2 Org a niza tion................................................................. 5. 0-2 5.3 U nit Staff Q ualificatio ns................................................... 5.0-5 5.4 Tra i ni n g.............................................................................. 5. 0-6 5.5 P roced u res........................................................................
- 5. 0-7 5.6 Prog rams a nd M a n uals.................................................. 5.0-9 5.7 Re porting Req u irements................................................. 5.0-15 5.8 High Radiation Area.....................
.......................5.0-18 f
l Millstone - Unit 1 l
r Responsibility 5.1 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.1 Responsibility 5.1.1 The Designated Officer shall be responsible for overall operation of the Millstone Station Site and shall delegate, in writing, the succession to this responsibility. The Designated Manager shall be responsible for overall Unit safe operation and shall delegate in writing the succession of this responsibility.
5.1.2 The Shift Manager shall be responsible for the control room command function.
5.1.3 Unless otherwise defined, the technical specification titles fo'r members of the staff are generic titles. Unit-specific titles for the functions and responsibilities associated with these generic titles are identified in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
l i
1 Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-1 l
Organization 5.2 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS l
5.2 Organization 5.2.1 Onsite And Offsite Oraanizations Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively.
The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safe storage of irradiated fuel.
Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined for the highest. management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions.
These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descriptions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation.
These requirements shall be documented in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.
The Designated Manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe operation and l
shall have control over those onsite activities and resources necessary _ for maintenance and storage of irradiated fuel in a safe condition.
The Designated Officer _ shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant c.
nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to ensure the safe storage of irradiated fuel.
The individuals who train the CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLERS and those who carry out radiation protection functions or perform quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their ability to perform their assigned functions.
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-2 l
's Organization 5.2 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.2 Organization 5.2.2 Facility Staff a
Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 5.2-1.
At least one person qualified to stand watch in the control room shall be present in the control room when irradiated fuel is stored in the fuel storage pool.
Deleted d.
An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures shall be onsite during fuel handling operations.
All fuel handling operations shall be directly supervised by a qualified individual.
Administrative procedures shall be developed and implemented to limit the working hours of unit staff who perform functions important to the safe storage of irradiated fuel assemblies. These procedures should follow the general guidance of the NRC Policy Statement on working hours (Generic Letter No. 82-12).
The Shift Manager shall be a CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLER.
l (continued)
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-3
9 Organization 5.2 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.2 Organization 5.2.2 Facility Staff (continued)
Non-Certified Operator 1
The above shift crew composition may be less than the minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in order to accommodate unexpected absence provided expeditious actions are taken to fill the required positions.
i I
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-4
Facility Staff Qualifications 5.3 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.3 Facility Staff Qualifications 5.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for: The Operations Manager or Assistant Operations Manager shall be a CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLER. The Health Physics Manager shall meet or exceed the qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 1.
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Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-5
9 a
Training 5.4 5.0
Training 5,4,1 An NRC approved training and retraining program for the CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLERS shall be maintained.
l Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-6 l
l Procedures 5.5 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.5 Procedures 5.5.1 Written procedures shall be established, implemented, and maintained covering the following activities:
- a. The procedures applicable to the safe storage of irradiated fuel recommended in Appendix "A" of Regulatory Guide 1.33, February 1978; i
- b. Fire Protection Program implementation;
- c. Cold Weather Operations; l
- d. Quality assurance for radiological effluent and environmental monitoring;
- e. Liquid and gaseous radioactive effluent discharges from the unit for all operations involving offsite releases of radioactive effluents. These procedures shall specify the use of appropriate waste treatment utilizing the guidance provided in the REMODCM; f.
Fuel handling operations;
- g. Aki programs specified in Specification 5.6.
5.5.2 The Designated Manager, Designated Officer, or Designated Senior Officer may designate specific procedures and programs, or classes of procedures and programs to be reviewed in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program in lieu of review by the PORC or SORC. The review per the PORC, SORC, or Station Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with Northeast Utilities Quality Assurance Program (NUQAP).
5.5.3 Procedures listed in Specification 5.5, and changes thereto, shall be approved by the Designated Manager, or Designated Officer or by cognizant managers or directors who are designated as the Approval Authority by the Designated Manager, or Designated Officer as specified in administrative procedures. The Approval Authority for each procedure and program or class of procedure and program shall be specified in administrative procedures.
l (continued)
Millstone - Unit 1 S.0-7 l
Procedures 5.5 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.5 Procedures (continued) 5.5.4 Each procedure of Specification 5.5.1, and changes thereto, shall be reviewed by the PORC or SORC and shall be approved by the Designated Manager or Designated Officer, or be reviewed and approved in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program prior to implementation.
Each procedure of Specification 5.5.1 shall be reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.
5.5.5 'emporary changes to procedures of Specification 5.5.1 above may be made provided:
the intent of the original procedure is not altered; b.
the change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one.of whom is a CERTIFIED FUEL HANDLER; c.
the change is documented, reviewed by the PORC or SORC, or the Station Qualified Reviewer Program, as applicable, and approved by the Designated Manager, Designated Officer, or the Station Qualified Reviewer Program Department Manager within 14 days of implementation.
5.5.6 All procedures and procedure changes required for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program of Specification 5.6.1 shall be reviewed by an individual (other than the author) from the Radiological Assessment Branch or the Production Operation Services Laboratory (POSL) and approved by appropriate supervision.
5.5.7 Temporary changes may be made for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program provided the intent of the original procedure is not altered and the change is documented and reviewed by an individual (other than the author) from the Radiological Assessment Branch or the POSL, within 14 days of implementation.
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-8 l
p Programs and Manuals 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Programs and Manuals The following programs shall be established, implemented and maintained.
5.6.1 Radioloaical Effluent Monitorina and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REMODCM)
- a. The REMODCM shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the
' calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alarm and trip setpoints, and in the conduct of the radiological environmental monitoring program; and
- b. The REMODCM shall also contain the radioactive effluent controls and radiological environmental monitoring activities and descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating, and Radioactive Effluent Release, reports required by Specification 5.7.2 and Specification 5.7.3.
Licenseu.nitiated changes to the REMODCM:
- a. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be rotained. This documentation shall contain:
1) sufficient information to support the change (s) together with the l 1
appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s), and 4
2) a determination that the change (s) will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10CFR20.1302, 40CFR Part 190,10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix I to 10CFR50, and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations; l
- b. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by SORC and the approval of the designated officer; and l
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-9 l
Programs and Manuals 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS j
J 5.6 Programs and Manuals 5.6.1 Radioloaical Effluent Monitorina and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REMODCM)
- c. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire REMODCM as a part of or concurrent with the Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of the report in which any change in the REMODCM was f
made. Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected
.pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and shall indicate the date (i.e., month and year) the change was implemented.
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-10 l
Programs and Manuals 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Programs and Manuals 5.6.2 Technical Specifications (TS) Bases Control Program This program provides a means for processing changes to the Bases of these Technical Specifications a.
Changes to the Bases of the TS shall be made under appropriate administrative controls and reviews.
Licensees may make changes to Bases without prior NRC approval provided the changes do not involve either of the following:
a change in the TS incorporated in the license; or 2.
a change to the updated FSAR or Bases that involves an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59.
The Bases Control Program shall contain provisions to ensure that the Bases are maintained consistent with the FSAR.
Proposed changes that meet the criteria of Specification 5.6.2b above shall be reviewed and approved by the NRC prior to implementation. Changes to the Bases implemented without prior NRC approval shall be provided to the NRC on a frequency consistent with 10CFR50.71(e).
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-11 l
r Programs and Manuals 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Programs and Manuals 5.6.3 Fuel Storace Pool Water Chemistry Proaram This program provides controls for monitoring fuel storage pool water chemistry to minimize the potential effects of corrosion which could affect the safe storage of irradiated fuel. The program shall include identification for critical variables and control points for these variables. The program shallinclude sampling frequencies and define corrective actions to be taken for off control point chemistry conditions. The NRC will be notified prior to elimination or changes to the acceptance criteria for critical variables monitored.
l Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-12 l
'.o Programs and Manuals 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Programs and Manuals 5.6.4 Radioactive Effluent Controls Program This program conforms to 10 CFR 50.36a for the control of radioactive effluents and for maintaining the doses to members of the public from radioactive effluents as low as reasonably achievable. The program shall be contained in the REMODCM, shall be implemented by procedures, and shall include remedial actions to be taken whenever the program limits are exceeded. The program shall include the following elements:
- a. Limitations on the functional capability of radioactive liquid and gaseous monitoring instrumentation including surveillance tests and setpoint determination in accordance with the methodology in the REMODCM;
- b. Limitations on tha concentrations of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas, conforming to 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 11, Column 2 (1993 version);
- c. Monitoring, sampling, and analysis of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1302 and with the methodology and parameters in the j
- d. Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses or dose commitment to a member of the public from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released from each unit to unrestricted areas, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix l;
- e. Determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions from radioactive effluents for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the REMODCM at least every 31 days; f.
Limitations on the functional capability and use of the liquid and gaseous effluent l
treatment systems to ensure that appropriate portions of these systems are used to reduce releases of radioactivity when the projected doses in a period of 31 days would exceed 2% of the guidelines for the annual dose or dose commitment, l
conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; (continued) l l
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-13 l
Programs and Manuals 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Programs and Manuals 5.6.4 Radioactive Effluent Controls Program (continued)
- g. Limitations on the dose rate resulting from radioactive material released in gaseous effluents to areas beyond the site boundary conforming to the dose associated with 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 11, Column 1 (1993 version);
- h. Lirnitations on the annual and quarterly air doses resulting from noble gases released in gaseous effluents from each unit to areas beyond the site boundary, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I;
- i. Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses to a member of the public from iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half lives > 8 days in gaseous effluents released from each unit to areas beyond the site boundary, conforming to 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; and J. Limitations on the annual dose or dose commitment to any member of the public due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources, conforming to 40 CFR 190.
l Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-14 l
Reporting Requirements 5.7 l
5.7 Reporting Requirements 1
The following reports shall be submitted in accordance with 10CFR50.4.
1 5.7.1 Occupational Radiation Exposure Report l
NOTE A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.
l A tabulation on an annual basis of the number of station, utility, and other personnel (including contractors) receiving exposures greater than 100 mrem /yr and their associated man-rem exposure according to work and job functions (e.g., reactor 1
operations and surveillance, inservice inspection, routine maintenance, special l
maintenance (describe maintenance], waste processing, and refueling). This tabulation supplements the requirements of 10CFR Part 20.2206. The dose assignments to various duty functions may be estimated based on pocket dosimeter, l
thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD), or film badge measurements. Small exposures totaling less than 20% of the individual total dose need not be accounted for. In the aggregate, at least 80% of the total whole body dose received from external sources should be assigned to specific major work functions. The report shall be submitted by l
March 1 of each year.
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Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-15 l
4 Reporting Requirements 5.7 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS l
5.7 Reporting Requirements l
5.7.2 Annual Radioloaical Environmental Operatino Report NOTE A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.
The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 1 of each year. The report shallinclude summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period.
The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REMODCM), and in 10 CFR 50, Appendix 1, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.
The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include the results of analyses of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the table and figures in the REMODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted in the next annual report.
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I (continued) l Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-16 l
l l
Reporting Requirements 5.7 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.7 Reporting Requirements 5.7.3 Radioactive Effluent Release Report l
NOTE A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.
The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit in the
previous year shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a. The report shallinclude a summary of the quantities of l
radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit.
l The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the l
REMODCM and in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR Part 50, l
Appendix 1,Section IV.B.1.
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l Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-17 l
l l
High Radiation Area 5.8 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.8 High Radiation Area 5.8 Hiah Radiation Area 5.8.1 Pursuant to 10CFR Part 20.1601(c), in lieu of the requirements of 10CFR Part 20.1601(a), each high radiation area as defined in 10 CFR Part 20 shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area, and entrance thereto shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a radiation work permit or equivalent. Individuals trained and qualified in radiation protection procedures (e.g., a health physics technician) or personnel continuously escorted by such individuals may be exempted from this RWP requirement while performing their assigned duties in high radiation areas where radiation doses could be received that are equal to or less than 1 rem in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> (measured at 30 centimeters from any source of radiation) provided they are otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures, or a general radiation protection RWP, for entry into such high radiation areas.
Any individual or group of individJals permitted to enter such areas shall be provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:
A radiation monitoring device that continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area, b.
A radiation monitoring device that continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rates in the area have been determined and personnel have been made knowledgeable of them, c.
An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures with a radiation dose rate monitoring device. This individual is responsible for providing positive radiation protection control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified in the radiation protection procedures or the applicable RWP.
(continued) 1 Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-18 l
High Radiation Area 5.8 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.8 High Radiation Area 5.8 Hioh Radiation Area (continued) 5.8.2 In addition to the requirements of Specification 5.8.1, areas that are accessible to personnel and that have radiation levels greater than 1.0 rem (but less than 500 rads at 1 meter) in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at 30 cm from the radiation source, or from any surface penetrated by the radiation, shall be provided with locked or continuously guarded doors to prevent unauthorized entry, and the keys shall be maintained under the administrative control of the appropriate supervisor on duty or health physics supervision. Doors shall remain l
locked except during periods of access by personnel under an approved RWP that specifies the dose rates in the immediate work areas and the maximum allowable stay time for individuals in that area. In lieu of a stay time specification on the RWP, direct or remote continuous surveillance (such as closed circuit TV cameras) may be made by personnel qualified in radiation protection procedures to provide positive exposure control over the activities being performed within the area.
5.8.3 Individual high radiation areas that are accessible to personnel, that could result in l
radiation doses greater than 1.0 rem in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, and that are within large areas where no enclosure exists to enable locking and where no enclosure can be reasonably constructed around the individual area shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted. A flashing light shall be activated whenever the dose rate in such an area exceeds or is expected to exceed 1.0 rem in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at 30 cm from the radiation source or from any surface penetrated by the radiation.
Millstone - Unit 1 5.0-19 l
1 J
Docket No. 50-245 B17829 1
Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No.1 Supplement No.1 to the Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications (TSCR 1-1-99)
Background, Description of Change, and Safety Summary j
August 1999 L.
Nuctur R guictory Commission B17829/ Attachment 3/Page 1 Backaround and Description of Chance As discussed with the NRC, Millstone Unit No.1 is supplementing proposed TSCR 1 99 to revise PDTS Administrative Control Specifications 5.6.1,5.7.2 and 5.7.3, and to add PDTS Administrative Control Specification 5.6.4.
The supplement incorporates programmatic controls for the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications which were relocated to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REMODCM) as permitted by Generic Letter 89-01, dated January 31,1989 and Standard Technical Specifications (STS) for General Electric Plants, BWR/4 NUREG-1433, Volume 1, revision 1. Proposed PDTS Administrative Control Specifications 5.6.1, REMODCM, 5.7.2, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report and 5.7.3, Radioactive Effluent Release Report, were revised to be consistent with STS NUREG-1433, Volume 1, revision 1, Sections 5.5.1, 5.6.2, and 5.6.3 respectively.
PDTS Administrative Control Specification 5.6.4, Radioactive Effluent Controls Program, was added to establish the correct programmatic controls for the REMODCM and to be consistent with STS NUREG-1433, Volume 1, revision 1, Section 5.5.4.
As discussed with the NRC in a telephone conversation on June 30,1999, references to 10 CFR Part 20 that are contained in proposed PDTS Administrative Control Sections 5.6.1.a.2. and 5.6.4.c. refer to the latest version of 10 CFR Part 20 for Compliance with dose limits for individual members of the public (i.e., 20.1302) in lieu of the corresponding section in the 1993 version of 10 CFR Part 20 (i.e., 20.106). References in Sections 5.6.4.b and 5.6.4.g refer to effluent concentrations of gaseous and liquid effluents from the 1993 version of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B (Table ll, Columns 1 and 2) rather than the latest version of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B (Table 2, Columns 1 and 2). Finally, changes identified by Industry /TSTF Standard Technical Specification Change Traveler TSTF-152 were incorporated into Section 5.7.3.
In addition to the above changes, this letter identifies a minor editorial change to attachment 1 of the NRC submittal of the proposed PDTS dated April 19,1999. On page 8 of attachment 1, at the "1.0.CC Staggered Test Basis" row in the third column of the table, replace the words "Not included" with the words "Not Applicable".
Safety Summary This supplement to proposed TSCR 1-1-99 revises three Administrative Controls Sections 5.6.1, 5.7 2, and 5.7.3 and adds one Administrative Control Section 5.6.4 to conform to:
- 1. STS NUREG-1433 Volume 1, revision 1 (programmatic controls for the former Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications), and
a Nucirr Regulatory Commission B17829/ Attachment 3/Page 2
- 2. GL 89-01, January 31,1989, " Implementation of Programmatic Controls for Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications in the Administrative Controls Section of the Technical Specifications and the Relocation of Procedural Details of RETS to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual or to the Process Control Program."
This supplement is consistent with the STS and strengthens the programmatic controls for radiological effluents and radiological environmental monitoring and sampling.
Further, this supplement incorporates the guidance contained in GL 89-01.
It is anticipated that this supplement would reduce any existing affect on the public health 4
and safety. Therefore, this proposed supplement is safe.
The revision and addition of Administrative Controls is an administrative change that does not alter or affect the design of systems, structures, and components and any accidents applicable to the safe storage and handling of irradiated fuel or the methods used for handling and storage of such fuel in the fuel pool. Therefore, the supplement does not involve any increase in the probability or consequences of any accident or malfunctions previously evaluated.
Similarly, because the supplement constitutes administrative changes to the Administrative Controls section of the Technical Specifications, these changes would not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident or malfunction than previously evaluated nor would it involve any reduction in a margin of safety.
Therefore, the changes described in this supplement do not conctitute any unreviewed safety question (USQ) and are considered safe.
i 1
a Docket No. 50-245 B17829
Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No.1 j
Assumptions Used in the Fuel Handling Accident Analysis j
and Summary of Results August 1999
a Nucl:cr Regulatory Commission B17829/ Attachment 4/Page 1 Table of FHA Assumptions ASSUMPTIONS
- 1) Power Level = 2051 MW
- 2) Core Inventory (TID 14844)
- 3) Core Release Fractions: 30% noble gases,12% iodines
- 4) Decontamination Factor = 1
- 5) Release Point: Ground
- 6) Decay Time: Shutdown from 11/4/95 until 11/4/98 (3 years)
- 7) Peaking Factor: 1.5
- 8) Fuel Assemblies Damaged: Four
- 9) X/Q (sec/m'): Ground EAB (0-2) hr = 6.10E-4 LPZ (0-4) hr = 1.90E-5 MP-1 Control Room (0-8) hr = 3.83E-2 MP-2 Control Room (0-8) hr = 4.43E-2
- 10) All activity is released within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />
- 11) MP-1 Control Room Volume: 4.644E4 cubic feet
- 12) MP-1 Control Room Unfiltered inleakage: 1,000 cfm
- 13) MP-1 Control Room Normal Makeup Air Flowrate: 2,600 cfm
- 14) MP-2 Control Room Volume: 3.565E4 cubic feet
- 15) MP-2 Control Room Unfiltered inleakage: 130 cfm
- 16) MP-2 Control Room Intake Flowrate: 800 cfm Fuel Handling Accident (FHA) Summary of Results The calculated results are acceptable since at the EAB and LPZ, the thyroid and whole body doses calculated are all less than the Standard Review Plan 15.7.4 limits of 75 rem and 6 rem, respectively. The thyroid, whole body and beta skin dose to the MP-1 and MP-2 control room are less than the limits specified in GDC 19. Thyroid, whole body and beta skin dose to the MP-3 control room was not calculated because the dispersion factor for MP-3 is 1/50 the dispersion factor for MP-2. Therefore, dose to the MP-3 control room is estimated to be about 1/50 of the MP-2 control room dose.
r Nuciser Regulatory Commission B17829/ Attachment 4/Page 2 i
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- es Locitiori! Mg/' dinTli9rdidC ;/
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l EAB 2.76E-03 6.69E-04 N/A LPZ 8.61E-05 2.08E-05 N/A l
MP-1 Control Room 0.00E+00 3.86E-03 8.56E+00 l
MP-2 Control Room 0.00E+00 9.93 E-03 2.41E+01 l
- 1. N/A = not applicable
- 2. EAB = exclusion area boundary
- 3. LPZ = low population zone l
l 1
l l
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