ML20153C617 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Millstone ![]() |
Issue date: | 06/18/1998 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20153C614 | List: |
References | |
CP-3804K, NUDOCS 9809240149 | |
Download: ML20153C617 (98) | |
NOTE A review by the Emergency Planning Department is required whenever this procedure is revised or whenever changes are made to this which impact the ability to collect and analyze a PASS sample. procedure fh, Approval:
PORC Mtg. No:
///N Date:
6//8/70 Effective Date:
9809240149 980618 ApocKosoop2sy, j
m n
p Level of Use SME: Frank Mueller Continuous s
n l
Millstone Unit 3 -
Chemistry Procedure PASS RCS/RSS Sampic TABLE OF CONTENTS l.'
PURPOSE....................................................3 2.
P R E R EQ U I S ITES....,.........................................
4 3.
P R ECAUTI O N S..............................................
10 4.
I NSTR U CTIO N S............................................
12 4.1 Preparation for PASS Sample Acquisition....................
12 4.2 S a m ple P u rge...........................................
27 4.3 pI I M easu re m e n t........................................
31 4.4 Dissolved Oxygen Measurement...........................
32 4.5 Pressurized 2 ml Grab Sample Acquisition...................
33 4.6 Depressurized 2 ml Grab Sample Acquisition...............
34 4.7 Inline Sample Acquisition.................................
35 f
4.8 Stripping Dissolved Gases.................................
38 4.9 System Flush Prior To Sample Retrieval.....................
42 4.10 Retrieval of 2 ml Grab Sample.............................
47 4.11 Retrieval of Degas Liquid Samples.........................
48 4.12 Retrieval of Gas Samples.................................
50 4.13 Sampl.e Analysis 53 4.14 Degas Liquid Isotopic Analysis............................
55 4.15 Bo ro n An alysis.........................................
5 9 4.16 Chloride Analysis..................................
60 l
4.17 Gas Isotopic Analysis..................................
61 4.18 Gas Composition Analysis....................
63 4.19 Total Dissolved Gas Determination.......................
64 4.20 Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition.......
65 5.
75 6.
R E FE R ENCES......................
75 7.
78 l
1 1.
Y Level of Use CP 3804K stoP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous l of 89
'(_)," Vapor Pressure of Water vs. Temperature"...........
79, " Sample Dilution Data Sheet"....................... 81, " Degas Liquid Activity Worksheet"................... 82, " Gas Activity Worksheet"........................... 83, "3 SSP-SAS1 Septum Replacement".................
84, " PASS Sample Equipment Inventory"................
85, " Liquid PASS Simplified Drawing"...................
- Attachment 8, " Henry's Constants vs. Temperature".................
,, "pH Temperature-Compensation"...................
89 l
Chem Form 3804K-1," PASS RCS/RSS Sample Data" Chem Form 3804K-2," PASS RCS/RSS Sample Restoration Lineup" i
l J
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CP 3804K
. Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 2 of 89
1.1 Objective Provide instructions for operation of the Unit 3 reactor coolant post accident sampling system for RCS/RSS sample acquisition during Station Emergency Response Organization (SERO) activation when high radioactivity levels, due to an accident, may preclude the normal
-(conventional) sampling method.
This procedure satisfies requirements listed in Unit 3 Technical Specification 6.8.4 d.
1.2 Discussion The time required to collect and analyze samples should be 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> or less from the time the ADTS makes the decision to obtain a sample using PASS, except for chloride, which is 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Gross activity is the sum of liquid and gaseous isotopic activity.
l A potential exists for a reactor coolant to service water leak in the PASS sample cooler during sampling. This requires 3SWP*RE60A to be in operation to allow Operations to detect the leak. If a leak is detected, G
3 SSP-V41, sample cooler SCL3 inlet isolation valve,3SWP*V839, PA kA sample cooler SCL3 service water inlet, and 3SWP*V842, PA sample cooler SCL3 service water outlet, are closed to isolate the leak.
If conditions arise that will not allow Sections 4.1 through 4.12 to be completed, the procedure user will be directed to Section 4.20,
" Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition," to return the system to
normal. contains a simplified drawing of the re-actor coolant post accident sampling system.
1.3 Applicability This procedure is applicable during SERO activation when in-plant radioactivity levels are too high to permit reactor coolant sampling via the normal (conventional) method.
o l'
For RCS sample, when RCS pressure is greater than 255 psia.
l For RSS sample, when RSS is in operation.
CP 3804K Level of Use L
i Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 l
30f89 t
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1.4 ~ Frequency 7g L-)
Performance of this procedure may be repeated periodically during SERO activation.
- 2. PREREOUISITES 2.1 General
2.1.1 Operations has removed caution tag from 3SWP*V839, PA sample cooler SCL3 service water inlet
2.1.2 SERO is activated.
2.1.3 3SWP*R$60A, service water radiation monitor, is in operation.
2.1.4 MCRO has been notified of the following:
PASS sample will be taken Chemistry must be notified if activity alarm is received from 3SWP*RE60A during PASS sample
. i--
. '() '
Chemistry must be notified if 3SWP* RE60A is removed from
service during PASS sample
2.1.5 Key has been obtained from the MCRO to unlock the following:
' 3 SSP *V13, PASS supply isolation ctmt penetration (RCS sample only) 3 SSP *V14, PASS return isolation ctmt penetration 3SWP*V839, liquid sample cooler service water inlet 3SWP*V842, liquid sample cooler service water outlet 3 SSP-V124, recirc pump flow throttle valve (RSS sample only) l
2.1.6 IIcalth Physics has been notified that a liquid PASS sample will be taken.
2.1.7 IIcalth Physics has evaluated need for RWP.
. (~'S
-Lab ventilation is operating.
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Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 4 of 89 J
2.1.9 Lead brick shielding has been placed at the following locations:
^~ ')
Lab ventilation hood
2.1.10 Oxygen analyzer and sensor have been calibrated.
2.1.11 Computer radioisotopic analysis system in operation and calibrated.
2.1.12 Ion chromatograph has been set up for PASS sample analysis and calibrated or calibration initiated.
2.1.13 ICP has been set up for PASS sample boron analysis and calibrated or calibration initiated.
2.1.14 Gas chromatograph has been set up for PASS sample analy_ and calibrc ted or calibration initiated.
2.1.15 Proper operation of sample syringes in PASS suitcase has been O[m}
2.1.16 14.4 mi gas vial has been stoppered and evacuated.
2.1.17 One train of SLCRS in operation, i
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2.1.18 Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) or the Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (AMRDA) has requested a RCS/RSS PASS sample to include the following:
Check Requested Analysis Sample Equipment Needed Q pH PASS pH probe and pH probe cable Q Dissolved oxygen Oxygen analyzer, oxygen sensor, oxygen sensor extension cord Q Pressurized 2 ml grab sample 2 ml grab sample chamber Q Depressurized 2 ml grab sample 2 ml grab sample chamber O Degas liquid isotopic
" LIQUID ISOTOPIC / BORON" syringe W Q Gas isotopic
" GAS ISOTOPIC" syringe, 14.4 cc gas vial, gas vial septum O Gas composition
" GAS COMP" syringe -
O Total dissolved gas None O Chlorides "CIILORIDES" syringe Q Baron
" LIQUID ISOTOPIC / BORON" syringe W W Same syringe is used for both n
'v Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 6 of 89
2.1.19 Liquid PASS Team has completed pre-job brief as follows:
.p (D)
Manager of Operational Support Center (MOSC) -
designates, assembles, and briefs the Liquid PASS Team for implementation of this procedure
Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) or the Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (AMRDA) - designates one the following sample points:
Check One O RCS Cold Leg A O RCS Hot Leg A O RCS Cold Leg B Q RCS Hot Leg C Q RCS Cold Leg C O RSS Train A O RCS Cold Leg D Q RSS Train B
IE RCS cold leg or hot leg sample point is designated, Manager of Operational Support Center (MOSC) or designee has provided RCS system pressure.
RCS pressure:
psia p
Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) or the
Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (AMRDA) - designates one the following paths to receive PASS system effluent:
Check One O Containment drains sump (3 SSP *SOV3)
Q Volume control tank (3 SSP *SOVS)
Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological Protection Supervisor (OSC ARPS) with the concurrence of the Manager of Radiological Consequence Assessment (MRCA) - specifies the radiological controls required for implementation of this procedure 2.2 Documents 2.2.1 RWP for PASS sample collection (if Ilealth Physics determines is necessary).
2.2.2 Degas liquid sample isotopic printout 2.2.3 Gas sample isotopic printout 13
CP 3804K Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 7 of 89
2.2.4 CP 801/2801/3801Y," Routine Operation and Calibration of the
- t g)
Laboratory Ion Chromatography System" J
l 2.2.5 Chem Form 801/2801/3801Y-4," Millstone Chemistry Department Ion Chromatograph Raw Data Log" l-2.2.6 CP 801/2801/3801 AD, " Gas Chromatograph Operation and Calibration" l
2.2.7 CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation" L
2.2.8 CP 3801AAB," Operation of the Perkin-Elme Optima 3000 DV Inductively Coupled Plasma" 2.3 Personnel 1
2.3.1 Assistant Director, Technical Support (ADTS) 2.3.2 Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) 2.3.3 Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessnient (AMRDA)
, (o')
!(v 2.3.4 Manager of Radiological Consequence Assessment (MRCA) 2.3.5 Manager of Operational Support Center (MOSC) 2.3.6 Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological Protection Supervisor (OSC ARPS) 2.3.7 Manager of Control Room Operations (MCRO) 2.3.8 Liquid PASS Team consisting of at least the following personnel:
At least two Chemistry Technicians At least one Ilealth Physics Technician
. O, Level Of Use CP 3804K e
8 of 89
2.4 Tools and Consumables
f 14.4 ml gas vial a
14.4 mi gas vial stopper 1.0 ml pipet Six plastic bags Plastic wrap Rubber squeeze bulb 250 pl syringe labeled " LIQUID ISOTOPIC / BORON" 250 pl syringe labeled " GAS ISOTOPIC" 2.0 mi syringe labeled " CHLORIDES" 2.0 ml syringe labeled " GAS COMP" 20 mi sample bottle labeled " ISOTOPIC ORIGINAI
Spare syringe needles DI water bottle containing DI water Tongs PASS pH probe and pH probe cable pH housing socket a
Socket wrench Spanner wrench 11/16" or adjustable wrench a
Phone headset Collection bottle for venting pH probe housing IC lead brick ICP lead brick
3 SSP-SAS1 septums 7/16" socket 1/2" socket Scribe Tweezers Septum insertion tool Seven 1-liter bottles 36 Lead bricks
. Small test tube for IC analysis PASS transport cart 2 ml grab sample chamber 2 mi grab sample chamber transfer container Syringe transfer container Key to 3 SSP-PNL1 (Issued to U3 Chemistry personnel)
Key to 3 SSP
- V13,3 SSP
- V14,3 SSP-V124,3SWP* V839, and
3SWP*V842 (Obtained from MRCO)
Watch Calculator Damper operating tool Oxygen analyzer and sensor, Orbisphere Model 26411 Oxygen sensor extension cord Valve wrench l
A i
is Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 90f89
2.5 Responsibilities 2.5.1 Manager of Control Room Operations (MCRO) performs or directs valve lineups from the Control Room required for Liquid PASS Team acquisition and retrieval of samples.
2.5.2 The ADTS shall make the decision to obtain a sample using PASS.
2.5.3 The Manager of Operational Support Center designates, assembles and briefs the PASS team.
2.5.4 The Manager of Radiological Consequence Assessment specifies PASS team radiological controls.
2.5.5 The Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological Protection Supervisor assigns HP technicians and briefs the PASS team on radiological conditions.
2.5.6 The Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment or the Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment specify PASS team sampling and analysis requirements.
[( ( )
2.6 Definitions 2.6.1 SLCRS - supplementary leak collection and release system 2.6.2 CR - Condition Report 2.6.3 CIRCLE - to draw a circle around
- 3. PRECAUTIONS 3.1 Do not exceed 165 F in the PASS cabinet as read on temperature indicator T1. Damage may occur to PASS cabinet components.
3.2 The inside of 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module,is contaminated. Proper Health Physics practices and RWP requirements
must be followed to prevent the spread of contamination.
3.3 Nitrogen pressures > 100 psig can damage the tubing in 3 SSP-PNLI.
l 3.4 The maximum design pressure for the pH probe is 250 psig. Do not exceed 250 psig at pH probe.
.y Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous sTOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 10 of 89
i 4
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3 SSP-V2008 must be positioned to "LO FLOW" when sample pressure is L),.
~ above 415 psia to prevent high pressure spikes due to water hammer.
3.6 - The PASS sample module drains to the floor drain. The floor drains in the hydrogen recombiner building are isolated for SLCRS boundary. If a leak develops during a PASS sample, the water will back up until Operations unisolates the drain.
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t Level of Use CP 3804K j
1 Continuous sToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 11 of 89 1
- 4. INSTRUCTIONS Tg) 4.1 Preparation for PASS Sample Acquisition ALARA The PASS sample module drains to the floor drain. The floor drains in the hydrogen recombiner building are isolated for SLCRS boundary. If a leak develops during a PASS sample, the water will back up until Operations unisolates the drain, i
L 4.1.1 PERFORM the following and INITIAL Chem Form 3804K-1:
1 VERIFY " General Prerequisites" have been completed REVIEW Section 3, " Precautions" 4.1.2 IE during performance of Sections 4.1 through 4.20 any operational problems are encountered, RECORD noted problems on Chem Form 3804K-1.
("N 4.1.3 IE during performance of Sections 4.1 through 4.12, operational V
problems are encountered that will not allow sampling to be completed, Go To Section 4.20," Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition."
I 1 (3 CP 3804K Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 12 of 89
l l
4.1.4 PROCEED to reactor coolant sample module with the follos,ing:
Liquid PASS suitcase containing the following Stoppered and evacuated 14.4 ml gas vial One 250 pl syringe labeled " LIQUID ISOTOPIC / BORON" One 250 pl syringe labeled " GAS ISOTOPIC" One 2.0 ml syringe labeled " CHLORIDES" One 2.0 mi syringe labeled " GAS COMP" Spare syringe needles i
Oxygen sensor Oxygen sensor extension cord Oxygen analyzer Blank Chem Form 3804K-1 and Chem Form 3804K-2 Key to 3 SSP-PNL1 (Is:.. a; 91 U3 Chemistry personnel)
Key to 3 SSP *V13 (RCS sample only),3 SSP *V14, 3 SSP-V124 (RSS sample only),3SWP*V839,3SWP*V842 (Key obtained from MCRO)
DI water bottle containing DI water PASS pH probe and pH probe cable pH housing socket a
O Socket wrench
v Spanner wrench 11/16" or adjustable wrench Phone headset (Modes 1-4 only)
Collection bottle for venting pH probe housing following restoration Calculator Watch Damper operating tool PASS transport cart (If shielded syringe transfer container or 2 mi grab sample chamber transfer container to be used) 2 ml grab sample chamber (If requested in step 2.1.18) 2 ml grab sample chamber transfer container (If requested in step 2.1.18)
Syringe transfer container (Ifliquid isotopic / boron, gas isotopic, gas composition, or chlorides were requested)
Valve wrench l
(n, Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 gg 13 of 89
The inside of 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module, is contaminated. Proper Health Physics practices and RWP requirements must be followed to prevent the spread of contamination.
4.1.5 PERFORM the following at 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module:
OPEN sample module cabinet door.
INSTALL pH probe as follows:
- 1) FILL pH probe sensor housing with DI water.
- 2) REMOVE pH probe from storage solution and RINSE probe with DI water.
- 3) PLACE pH probe in sensor housing and PLACE collar over probe.
- 4) PLACE pH housing socket over collar.
- 5) Using spanner wrench, HOLD pH probe to prevent rotation while tightening collar.
- 6) Using pH housing socket, TIGHTEN collar.
- 7) CONNECT pH probe cable.
IE pressurized OR depressurized 2 ml grab sample was requested in step 2.1.18, INSTALL 2 ml grab sample chamber as follows:
- 1) REMOVE grab sample rig.
- 2) PLACE 2 mi grab sample chamber on slide tray.
- 3) ENSURE 2 ml grab sample chamber liquid quicP connect collars are positioned in unlatching yoke.
i i
- 4) CONNECT nitrogen hose with blue colored end to 2 ml grab sample chamber air operator blue colored quick connect.
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CP 3804K Level of Use stoP THiNk Act neview Rev.2 Continuous i
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- 5) CONNECT remaining nitrogen hose to remaining air
operator quick connect.
- 6) PUSH slide tray into cabinet until 2 mi grab sample chamber liquid quick connects latch.
IE grab sample rig was not removed, CHECK closed 3 SSP-V2015, grab sample isolation.
NOTE 3 SSP-V2019 is closed when the operating handle is pushed in fully. The lower access door will not close if 3 SSP-V2019 is open.
CHECK closed 3 SSP-V2019, liquid septum isolation.
NOTE 3 SSP-V2023 is closed when the operating handle is pushed in fully. The upper access door will not close if 3 SSP-V2023 is open.
Abd f.
CHECK closed 3 SSP-V2023, gas septum isolation.
CLOSE sample module cabinet door.
4.1.6 OPEN the following valves:
3 SSP-V43, reactor coolant mod SAS1 inlet isolation valve 3 SSP-V44, reactor coolant mod SAS1 outlet isolation valve a
CP 3804K Level of Use ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 15 of 89
4.1.7 NOTIFY MCRO of the following:
? i (_
3HVR*DMP60 will be opened E in operating Modes 1-4, Enter LCO for 3HVR*DMP60 [Ref. 6.1]
3 SSP *V14 will be opened
E in operating Modes 1-4, Track Tech Spec surveillance requirements of for 3 SSP *V14 [Ref. 6.1]
E RCS cold leg or hot leg sample was requested in step 2.1.19, NOTIFY MCRO of the following:
3 SSP *V13 will be opened E in operating Modes 1-4, Track Tech Spec surveillance requirements of for 3 SSP *V13 [Ref. 6.1]
Constant communications with the control room are required when
,C 3 SSP *V13 or 3 SSP *V14 are opened in Modes 1-4.
4.1.8 E in operating Modes 1-4, DON phone headset and ESTABLISH communications with Control Room.
i 4.1.9 PERFORM the following:
Using damper operating tool, OPEN 3HVR*DMP60, 3 SSP-SAS1/SAS2 exhaust isolation damper [Ref. 6.1]
OPEN 3HVR-DMP1300,3 SSP-SAS1 exhaust damper
[Ref. 6.1].
E RCS cold leg or hot leg sample was requested in l
step 2.1.19, UNLOCK and OPEN 3 SSP *V13, PASS supply isolation ctmt penetration (Z 115)
UNLOCK and OPEN 3 SSP *V14, PASS return isolation ctmt penetration (Z 120)
[v CP 3804K Level of Use 4
stoP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 16 of 89
,e m 4.1.10 PERFORM the following at 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample
remote panel:
UNLOCK and REMOVE cover.
OPEN front panel.
CHECK the following valve positions:
3 SSP-V2002, N2 storage tank isolation valve, is closed.
3 SSP-V2003, N2 storage tank vent valve, is closed.
3 SSP-V2000, remote module N2 supply inlet isolation valve, is open.
CLOSE front panel.
ZERO timer.
PUSH and HOLD " POWER ON" button for 1 to 2 seconds to energize remote operating module and RECORD time
,cs, 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, energized
. (,
1 on Chem Form 3804K-1.
\\W NOTE A lit fuse indicator light indicates the fuse is blown.
VERIFY line fuses and blower fuse indicator lights are not lit.
BACK OFF 3 SSP-PCV80, nitrogen pressure regulator, fully counterclockwise.
OPEN 3 SSP-V56, nitrogen supply to RC PNL1 remote panel 1.
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Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEV/
Rev.2 D of89
3 SSP-PCV80 may require periodic adjustment to maintain 90-95 psig outlet pressure.
CAUTION Nitrogen pressures > 100 psig can damage the tubing in 3 SSP-PNLI.
ADJUST 3 SSP-PCV80, nitrogen pressure regulator, to 90-95 psig.
4.1.11 PERFORM the following to align service water flow to PASS sample cooler:
CHECK closed the following valves:
3SWP*V840, PA sample cooler SCL3 SW inlet drain 3SWP*V841, PA sample cooler SCL3 SW outlet drain NOTE 3SWP*V839 and 3SWP*V842 are located in the northern corner of the hydrogen recombiner building on the 38' level.
UNLOCK and OPEN the following valves:
3SWP*V839, PA sample cooler SCL3 service water inlet 3SWP*V842, PA sample cooler SCL3 service water outlet 4.1.12 At 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module, CIIECK exhaust fan is running.
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Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 18 of 89
4.1.13 IE exhaust fan is not running, PERFORM the following at
( (n) 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMTliquid sample remote panel:
PUSH " POWER ON" button to de-energize panel.
PUSH and HOLD " POWER ON" button for 1 to 2 seconds to energize remote operating module and RECORD time 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, energized on Chem Form 3804K-1.
At 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module, c.
CHECK exhaust fan is running.
JF ihaust fan is not nmning, NOTIFY MOSC.
4.1.14 CHECK that service water flow is indicated on 3SWP-PDIS163 and RECORD value:
psid 4.1.15 CHECK open the following valves:
3 SSP-V41, sample cooler SCL3 inlet isolation valve (i
j 3 SSP-V42, sample cooler SCL3 outlet isolation valve
%s NOTE Valve position labels are located on the wall behind 3 SSP-V186.
4.1.16 CHECK 3 SSP-V186,3-way divert to 02 analyzer AE61,in
" BYPASS O2 ANALYZER" position.
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CP 3804K Level of Use ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 19 of 89
l l
The handwheel for 3 SSP-V2026, gas loop vent, is located on top of the reactor coolant sample module.
4.1.17 CHECK clo.,ed the following valves:
3 SSP-V187,02 analyzer AE61 outlet isolation valve 3 SSP-V190,02 analyzer AE61 inlet isolation valve 3 SSP-V210, RC module SAS1 inlet test connection a
3 SSP-V2026, gas loop vent 3 SSP-V158, leakage monitoring connection isolation
3 SSP-V159, leakage monitoring connection isolation 4.1.18 IE dissolved oxygen measurement was requested in step 2.1.18, PERFORM the following:
REMOVE dust cover from flow chamber.
PLACE oxygen sensor into flow chamber.
TIGHTEN sensor collar.
CONNECT sensor cord to back of dissolved oxygen meter, e.
SET oxygen meter "ON/OFF" switch to "ON."
OPEN the following valves:
3 SSP-V187,02 analyzer AE61 outlet isolation valve 3 SSP-V190, O2 analyzer AE61 inlet isolation valve
ROTATE 3 SSP-V186,3-way divert to 02 analyzer AE61, to "TO O2 ANALYZER" position.
i \\n CP 3804K Level of Use ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous l
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l 4.1.19 PERFORM the following at 3 SSP *PNL3, post accident sample
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v i
NOTIFY MCRO that you will be taking local control of 3 SSP *CTV7 and 3 SSP *CTV8 and that will cause an alarm to actuate on Main Board 1.
The following list of valves are manufactured by the Target Rock Corporation. These valves are designed to use system pressure to aid m their operation and may provide dual position indication when operated without system pressure. However, when system pressure is applied, the valves should move to the called for position.
VERIFY the following valves are closed:
CP 3804K l
Level of Use STOP THiNK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 21 of 89
E RCS cold leg or hot leg sample was requested in m
step 2.1.19, OPEN 3 SSP *CTV7," PASS SAMPLE VV."
w e.
Refer To step 2.1.19 and ALIGN PASS system effluent as follows:
E PASS system effluent was requested to be directed to containment drains sump, OPEN 3 SSP *SOV3, "CTMT RECIRC SUMP SMPI" E PASS system effluent was requested to be directed to volume control tank, OPEN 3 SSP *SOV5,"VCT SAMPLE" NOTE An increase in the reactor coolant remote operating module indicated pressure may be obsen'ed when 3 SSP-V2024 is cycled.
r b
C A U T I _O N Excessive cycling of the solenoid operated valves from the remote operating panel can damage the valves.
4.1.20 At 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, CYCLE all valves, except 3 SSP-V2046, at least once.
4.1.21 E 2 mi grab sample chamber was installed in step 4.1.5 c.,
CYCLE 3 SSP-V2046 at least once.
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CP 3804K Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 22 of 89 i
NOTE The Tl button on 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, should remain depressed. The temperature indicator rotary switch is used to monitor the various temperatures.
C AUTIO N Damage may occur to PASS cabinet components at temperatures greater than 165 E 4.1.22 ENSURE the T1 button is depressed.
4.1.23 SET temperature indicator rotary switch to T1.
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l Level of Use CP 3804K si e rainx act seview nev. 2 Continuous 23 of 89
4.1.24 PURGE 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module, gas 1[
loop with nitrogen as follows:
O POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2008 to "LO FLOW" 3 SSP-V2009 to "CLOSE" 3 SSP-V2011 to "CLOSE" 3 SSP-V2012 to "OPEN" 3 SSP-V2013 to " GRAB" 3 SSP-V2014 to " BYPASS" 3 SSP-V2016 to "CLOSE" 3 SSP-V2017 to "INLINE" 3 SSP-V2018 to " BYPASS"
. krf')
3 SSP-V2020 to " GAS"
'v 3 SSP-V2021 to " BYPASS" 3 SSP-V2022 to " BYPASS" l
3 SSP-V2024 to "OPEN" C A UTIO N The stripping p, ump should not be run dry for more than 5 minutes to prevent damaging the pump.
PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to start stripping pump.
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,. s.v Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 24 of 89 I
WHEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION the following c.
valves to "INLINE":
3 SSP-V2021
3 SSP-V2022
WHEN 3 minutes have passed, PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to stop stripping pump.
POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2018 to "INLINE"
3 SSP-V2021 to " BYPASS" f.
WHEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION the following
. valves to " BYPASS":
3 SSP-V2017 3 SSP-V2018
WHEN 30 seconds have passed LOSE 3 SSP-V2024.
POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2012 to "CLOSE" 3 SSP-V2013 to " BYPASS 3 SSP-V2020 to " LIQUID" l
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i CP 3804K Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 2 Continuous 25 of 89
Gas loop pressure is displayed on 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel.
- 2.. The gas loop pressure should stabilize at a value near zero.
4.1.25 At 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module, VENT gas loop to atmospheric pressure as follows:
OPEN 3 SSP-V2026, gas loop vent.
WHEN gas loop pressure stabilizes, CLOSE 3 SSP-V2026, gas loop vent.
4.1.26 At 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, POSITION 3 SSP-V2022 to " BYPASS."
4.1.27 E one of the following conditions is met, POSITION 3 SSP-V2008 to "HI FLOW."
RCS cold or hot leg sample was requested in step 2.1.19 AND y
RCS pressure recorded in step 2.1.19 is less than 415 psia t.h RSS train A or RSS train B sample was requested in step 2.1.19 4.1.28 OBSERVE totalizer reading on 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, and RECORD initial totalizer reading (Qi):
gallons 4.1.29 PERFORM one of the following:
E RCS cold leg or hot leg sample was requested in step 2.1.19, OBSERVE caution sign next to 3 SSP-V35 and OPEN 3 SSP-V35, ctmt to sample system isolation,3 turns E RSS Train A or B sample was requested in step 2.1.19, OBSERVE caution sign next to 3 SSP-V124 and UNLOCK and OPEN 3 SSP-V124, recirc pump flow throttle valve,5 turns l
- End of Section 4.1 -
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>i Level of Use cP 3804K Continuous ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 2 26 of 89 l.
l L
4.2 Sample Purge p)-
oy NOTE If a leak develops in the PASS sample cooler, reactor coolant may be released to the service water system. 3SWP*RE60A monitors the service water for activity.
4.2.1 IE reactor coolant to service water leak occurs during sampling, PERFORM the following:
CLOSE the following valves:
3 SSP-V41, sample cooler SCL3 inlet isolation valve 3SWP*V839, PA sample cooler SCL3 service water inlet 3SWP*V842, PA sample cooler SCL3 service water outlet b.
NOTIFY Chemistry Supervision that an estimate of the activity released must be determined.
(Q c.
Go To Section 4.20, " Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition."
4.2.2 Refer To Chem Form 3804K-1 and VERIFY 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, has been energized for at least 15 minutes.
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Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 27 of 89
'I C A UTIO N 3 SSP *SOV3 and 3 SSP *SOV5 are manufactured by the Target Rock Corporation. When in the closed position, these valves may open and then re-close when system pressure is applied. They should not remain open for any significant length of time.
4.2.3 Refer lb step 2.1.19 and Table 1 below and OPEN isolation valve for desired sample point:
Table 1 PASS Sample Point Isolation Valve RCS cold leg A 3 SSP *SOV1A RCS cold leg B 3 SSP *SOV1B RCS cold leg C 3 SSP *SOVIC RCS cold leg D 3 SSP *SOVID RCS hot leg A 3 SSP *SOV2A RCS hot leg C 3 SSP *SOV2B
RSS Train A 3 SSP *SOV25A RSS Train B 3 SSP *SOV25B 4.2.4 RECORD time purge started:
4.2.5 OBSERVE purge flow rate indicated on flow meter on 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, and RECORD value:
NOTE A 100% flow indication on the flow meter on the reactor coolant post accident sample remote operating module is equal to 5 gpm.
4.2.6 PERFORM the following calculation to determine purge flow rate in gpm.
Purge flow rate (gpm) = Purge flow rate (%). 0.05 Purge flow rate (gpm) =
0.05 =
gpm A
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. Level of Use SToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 ContirluoWS 28 of 89 i
4.2.7 PERFORM one of the following calculations to determine purge i
i time in minutes.
E sampling RCS Cold or Hot Leg:
Purge time = 12 + purge flow rate in gpm Purge time = 12 +
gpm =
minutes l
E sampling RSS train A or train B:
Purge time = 7 + purge flow rate in gpm Purge time = 7 +
gpm =
minutes 4.2.8 Refer To Chem Form 3804K-1 and MARK box corresponding to sample point.
4.2.9 WHEN purge time has passed, COLLECT samples as follows:
E pH measurement was requested in step 2.1.18, a.
Go To Section 4.3, "pH Measurement."
O b.
Os ) -
E dissolved oxygen measurement was requested in step 2.1.18, Go To Section 4.4," Dissolved Oxygen Measurement."
E pressurized 2 ml grab sample was requested in step 2.1.18, c.
Go To Section 4.5, " Pressurized 2 ml Grab Sample Acquisition."
E depressurized 2 ml grab sample was requested in step 2.1.18, Go To Section 4.6, "Depressurized 2 ml Grab Sample Acquisition."
E any of the following samples were requested in step 2.1.18, e.
Go To Section 4.7,"Inline Sample Acquisition."
Degas liquid isotopic l
Gas isotopic Gas composition
Total dissolved gas i
Boron p
i CP 3804K J
Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 29 of 89
I 4.2.10 ' WHEN all samples requested in step 2.1.18 have been collected,-
Go To Section 4.9," System Flush Prior To Sample Retrieval."
- End of Section 4.2 -
i 4
L 4
l 1
i Ns) 1 l
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i 4.3 pH Measurement
-i tq,i L
4.3.1 At 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, POSITION temperature indicator rotary switch to T2.
4.3.2 POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2013 to " GRAB."
3 SSP-V2009 to "OPEN."
3 SSP-V2011 to "OPEN."
3 SSP-V2016 to "OPEN."
4.3.3 WHEN 30 seconds have passed, OBSERVE pH on 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel.
4.3.4 WHEN pH has stabilized, RECORD the following:
4.3.5 Refer To Attachment 9 and DETERMINE correction factor for measured temperature.
4.3.6 ADD correction factor to measured pH value and RECORD result as PASS sample pH in " Sample Data" table on Chem Form 3804K-1.
4.3.7 POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2016 to "CLOSE."
l b.
3 SSP-V2009 to "CLOSE."
3 SSP-V2011 to "CLOSE."
3 SSP-V2013 to " BYPASS."
4.3.8 Go Tb step 4.2.9 b.
- End of Section 4.3 -
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31 of 89
4.4 Dissolved Oxygen Measurement
-4.4.1-OBSERVE reading on dissolved oxygen meter.
4.4.2 WHEN dissolved oxygen reading has stabilized, RECORD PASS sample dissolved oxygen concentration in ppb in " Sample Data" table on Chem Form 3804K-1.
4.4.3 Go To step 4.2.9 c.
- End of Section 4.4 -
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- t v Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous STOP THINK ACT REV!EW Rev.2 32 of 89
4.5 - Pressurized 2 ml Grab Sample Acquisition 4.5.1 POSITION 3 SSP-V2046 to " SAMPLE."
4.5.2 POSITION the following valves as indicated:
- - 3 SSP-V2013 to " GRAB."
3 SSP-V2014 to " GRAB."
4.5.3 WHEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION 3 SSP-V2013 to
4.5.5 POSITION 3 SSP-V2014 to " BYPASS."
d 4.5.6 RECORD 2 ml grab sample date and time in "2 ml Grab Sample" section on Chem Form 3804K-1 and MARK
" Pressurized" block.
l 4.5.7 Go To step 4.2.9 e.
- End of Section 4.5 -
1 O
a CP 3804K Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 33 of 89
_ ~
4.6 Depressurized 2 ml Grab Sample Acquisition
! ' e) i*
4.6.1 POSITION 3 SSP-V2046 to " SAMPLE."
4.6.2 POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2013 to " GRAB."
3 SSP-V2014 to "GRA.B."
l 4.6.3 WHEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION 3 SSP-V2014 to
4.6.5 POSITION 3 SSP-V2013 to " BYPASS."
4.6.6 RECORD 2 ml grab sample date and time in "2 ml Grab Sample" section on Chem Form 3804K-1 and MARK "Depressurized" block.
4.6.7 Go To step 4.2.9 e.
.fw i k,V
- End of Section 4.6 -
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Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 34 of 89 i
l 1
n 4.7.
Inline Sample Acquisition
4.7.1 At 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2014 to " GRAB" 3 SSP-V2008 to "LO FLOW" 3 SSP-V2016 to "OPEN" 3 SSP-V2012 to "OPEN" 4.7.2 WHEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2017 to "INLINE" 3 SSP-V2018 to'"INLINE" 4.7.3 WHEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION 3 SSP-V2018 to
/7 4.7.4 PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to start stripping pump.
tV 4.7.5 WHEN 30' seconds have passed, POSITION 3 SSP-V2018 to "INLINE."
4.7.6 PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to stop stripping pump.
NOTE Flow should drop to zero when 3 SSP-V2012 is closed.
4.7.7 WHEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION 3 SSP-V2012 to "CLOSE."
NOTE Closing 3 SSP-V2016 isolates a pressurized sample of known volume.
4.7.8 WIIEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION 3 SSP-V2016 to "CLOSE."
C^1 CP 3804K
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RE W RCE 2 Continuous 35 of 89
4.7.9 POSITION temperature indicator rotary switch to T2.
' '- ]
4.7.10 RECORD the following in "Inline Sample" section on Chem Form 3804K-1:
Inline sample date and time 4
Sample temperature in *F as indicated on 3 SSP-PNL1, i
CTMTliquid sample remote panel 4.7.11 At 3 SSP *PNL3, post accident sample panel, CLOSE sample point l
isolation valve opened in step 4.2.3.
4.7.12 PERFORM one of the following:
E RCS cold leg or hot leg sample was collected, PERFORM l
the following:
- 2) CLOSE and LOCK 3 SSP *V13, PASS supply isolation ctmt penetration (Z 115).
- 3) NOTIFY MCRO of the following:
w 3 SSP *V13 is locked closed 1
i 1
E in operating Modes 1-4, Tracking requirements of Tech Spec surveillance for 3 SSP *V13 are no l
longer required [Ref 6.1]
l NOTE t
If a RSS sample was collected,3 SSP-V124 was opened 5 turns in step 4.1.29.
E RSS Train A or B sample was collected, OBSERVE
'l caution sign next to 3 SSP-V124 and CLOSE and LOCK i
3 SSP-V124, recirc pump flow throttle valve.
I 4.7.13 At 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, POSITION 3 SSP-V2014 to " BYPASS."
o t.!
v Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 36 of 89 1
4.7.14 Go To Section 4.8, " Stripping Dissolved Gases."
- End of Section 4.7 -
9 7('v
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v Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 37 of 89
4.8 Stripping Dissolved Gases g
NOTE The T1 button should remain depressed throughout this procedure. The temperature indicator rotary switch is used to monitor the various temperatures.
4.8.1 At 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, POSITION temperature indicator rotary switch to T3.
4.8.2 RECORD the following indications on 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, in " Calculations" section on Chem Form 3804K-1:
Initial gas loop pressure (P ) in psig i
Initial gas loop temperature (T)in F i
4.8.3 POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2021 to "INLINE" 40, 3 SSP-V2022 to "INLINE"
NOTE Gas loop pressure should increase as gas is released from the isolated sample mto the gas loop.
4.8.4 POSITION 3 SSP-V2020 to "OAS" and WAIT 10 seconds.
4.8.5 POSITION 3 SSP-V2020 to " LIQUID."
4.8.6 PUSII 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to start stripping pump.
4.8.7 WHEN 2 minutes has passed, PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to stop stripping pump.
4.8.8 POSITION 3 SSP-V2020 to " GAS" and WAIT 10 seconds.
4.8.9 POSITION 3 SSP-V2020 to "LIQUlD."
(D Level of Use cP 3804K SW MK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 38 of 89
4.8.10 PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to start stripping pump.
.WifiN 2 minutes have passed, PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to stop stripping pump.
4.8.12 POSITION 3 SSP-V2020 to " GAS" and WAIT 10 seconds.
4.8.13 POSITION 3 SSP-V2020 to " LIQUID."
4.8.14 PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to start stripping pump.
4.8.15 WHEN 2 minutes have passed, PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to stop stripping pump.
4.8.16 POSITION 3 SSP-V2020 to "OAS" and WAIT 10 seconds.
4.8.17 POSITION 3 SSP-V2020 to " LIQUID."
4.8.18 POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2017 to " BYPASS" 3 SSP-V2018 to " BYPASS" a
g (ID) 4.8.19 PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to start stripping pump.
4.8.20 WHEN 30 seconds has passed, PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to stop stripping pump.
4.8.21 POSITION 3 SSP-V2020 to " GAS" and WAIT 10 seconds.
4.8.22 PERFORM the following:
RECORD the following indications on 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT a.
liquid sample remote panel:
Gas loop pressure (P():
psig Gas loop temperature (T():
F a
POSITION temperature indicator rotary switch to T2 and RECORD liquid loop temperature (Tuq):
I Level of Use CP 3804K g
4.8.23 PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to start stripping pump.
I 4.8.24 WHEN 2 minute has passed, PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to stop stripping pump.
4.8.25 PERFORM the following:
POSITION temperature indicator rotary switch to T3.
RECORD the following indications on 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel:
Gas loop pressure (Pr):
psig Gas loop temperature (Tr):
F c.
rature indicator rotary switch to T2 and RECORD liquiu toop temperature (T ):
F tiq 4.8.26 Refer To steps 4.8.22 and 4.8.25 and RECORD the following data on Chem Form 3804K-1 from the step containing the highest gas loop pressure reading:
Final gas loop pressure (Pr) lV a'
Final gas loop temperature (Tr)
Final liquid loop temperature (T )
iiq NOTE Step 4.8.27 isolates the liquid and gas samples in their sample chambers.
4.8.27 POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2017 to " BYPASS" 3 SSP-V2018 to " BYPASS" 3 SSP-V2021 to " BYPASS" 3 SSP-V2022 to " BYPASS" t
(O d
Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 2 Continuous 40 of 89
'4.8.28 Go To Section 4.9," System Flush Prior To Sample Retrieval."
- End of Section 4.8 -
L; I
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i l
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l l
I' l
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4 i-Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 41 of 89
. u.a
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L 1
- r..c 4.9 System Flush Prior To Sample Retrieval lY((')
4.9.1 POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2012 to "OPEN."
3 SSP-V2024 to "OPEN."
4.9.2 PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to start stripping pump.
4.9.3 WHEN 30 seconds have passed, PUSli 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to stop stripping pump.
i 4.9.4 WiiEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION 3 SSP-V2024 to "CLOSE."
i 4.9.5 POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2009 to "OPEN" 3 SSP-V2011 to "OPEN" 3 SSP-V2012 to "CLOSE" w
i 3 SSP-V2013 to " GRAB" i
3 SSP-V2014 to " BYPASS" 3 SSP-V2016 to "OPEN" a
3 SSP-V2020 to " LIQUID" i
4.9.6 CHECK open 3 SSP-V113,3 SSP-P3 discharge isolation valve.
j 4.9.7 VERIFY flush pump oil level is visible in bullseye.
4.9.8 VERIFY flush tank is full.
4.9.9 IE flush tank is not full, FILL tank as follows:
OPEN 3 SSP-V116, SSP-TK2 fill, f
WIIEN the full light comes on, CLOSE 3 SSP-V116, I
SSP-TK2 fill.
l Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 gg 42 of 89
l 4.9.10 PERFORM one of the following:
E RCS cold leg or hot leg sample was collected, OPEN
3 SSP-V37, loop sample path flush valve E RSS Train A or B sample was collected, OPEN 3 SSP-V157, reactor coolant module flush water valve I
The flushing pump "ON/OFF" switch is located on the flushing pump skid.
Flow indication should be evident on the flow meter during flushing.
4.9.11 PLACE flushing pump "ON/OFF" switch in "ON" position to start flushing pump.
4.9.12 PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to start stripping pump.
4.9.13 POSITION 3 SSP-V2008 to "III FLOW."
4.9.14 RECORD time:
!n) w NOTE Several valves in 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module, are cycled three times to ensure that the sample is flushed from under the valve seats.
4.9.15 CYCLE the following valves at least three times:
3 SSP-V2009 3 SSP-V2011
3 SSP-V2016
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CP 3804K l
Level of Use STOP THINK ACr REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 43 of 89
l 4.9.16 WHEN 5 minutes have passed beyond time recorded in
step 4.9.14, POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2012 to "OPEN" b.
3 SSP-V2009 to "CLOSE" c.
3 SSP-V2011 to "CLOSE" 4.9.17 RECORD time:
4.9.18 CYCLE 3 SSP-V2012 at least three times.
l 4.9.19 E Section 4.9 is being repeated due to high radiation reading measured in step 4.9.25, PERFORM the following:
WHEN 2 minutes have passed beyond time recorded in a.
step 4.9.17, POSITION 3 SSP-V2020 to " GAS."
4.9.20 WIIEN 2 minutes have passed, PERFORM the following:
PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to stop stripping pump.
4.9.21 WAIT 1 minute.
4.9.22 E 2 mi grab sample was collected, PERFORM the following:
POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2013 to " GRAB" 3 SSP-V2014 to " GRAB" b.
WAIT 1 minute.
4.9.23 PLACE flushing pump "ON/OFF" switch in "OFF" position to stop flushing pump.
(~N V
Level of Use CP 3804K SToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 2 Continuous 44 of 89
Health 4.9.24 Using the following, MEASURE radiation levels in room l
l Physics containing 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module:
Technician Radiation levelin R/hr indicated on meter on 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel Radiation level indicated on radiation survey me;::r 4.9.25 Based on radiation reading, DIRECT Chemistry Technicians to perform one of the following:
Go To step 4.9.5 and REPEAT flush Go To step 4.9.26 and retrieve samples Chemistry 4.9.26 RETRIEVE inline samples as follows:
Technician E pressurized OR depressurized 2 ml grab sample was a.
requested in step 2.1.18, Go To Section 4.10, " Retrieval of 2 ml Grab Sample."
E any of the following analyses were requested in step 2.1.18, g
Go To Section 4.11, " Retrieval of Degas Liquid Samples."
Degas liquid isotopic Chlorides j
Boron E any of the following analyses were requested in step 2.1.18, c.
Go To Section 4.12," Retrieval of Gas Samples."
Gas isotopic Gas composition I
'O V-4 Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 45 cf 89
I 1
i If sufficient personnel are available, Sections 4.13 and 4.20 may be 1
performed simultaneously.
1 4.9.27 WHEN all samples requested in step 2.1.18 have been retrieved, PERFORM the following.
1 TRANSPORT samples to laboratory and Go To Section 4.13,
" Sample Analysis" l
Go To Section 4.20, " Restoration from PASS Sample l-Acquisition" i
- End of Section 4.9 -
i l
l i
l C)
Q t
i i
l I
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Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIE"/
Rev.2 Continuous 46 of 89
.=. -.-.... -.
4.10 Retrieval of 2 ml Grab Sample
1 4.10.1 OPEN 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module, lower access door.
4.10.2 PULL unlatching knob on slide tray to disconnect liquid quick connects.
4.10.3 PULL slide tray out of sample cabinet.
4.10.4 DISCONNECT nitrogen hoses from 2 ml grab sample chamber.
4.10.5 REMOVE 2 mi grab sample chamber and PLACE in 2 ml grab sample chamber transfer container.
4.10.6 PLACE lid on 2 ml grab sample chamber transfer container.
4.10.7 IE any of the following analyses were requested in step 2.1.18, Go To step 4.11.2:
Degas liquid isotopic Chlorides 1
1 Boron 4.10.8 CLOSE 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module, lower access door.
4.10.9 Go To step 4.9.26 b.
- End of Section 4.10 -
t 1
CP 3804K Level of Use sroP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 47 of 89
,.q 4.11 Retrieval of Degas Liquid Samples
4.11.1 At 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module, OPEN lower access door.
NOTE Experience has shown that the best results are achieved when the syrin plunger is pulled back quickly to initiate sample flow into the syringe. ge 4.11.2 IE liquid isotopic or boron analysis was requested in step 2.1.18, PERFORM the following:
VERIFY needle is screwed fully into 250 I syringe labeled a.
OPEN 3 SSP-V2019, liquid septum isolation.
INSERT syringe into needle guide until syringe nut is engaged.
i ALARA 1.
Do not unscrew syringe body more than 2 turns counterclockwise.
Excessive turns will disengage needle from syringe.
Steps 4.11.2 d. and e. should be performed rapidly to minimize exposure.
Rapidly DRAW 100 1 of liquid sample into syringe and TURN syringe body 2 turns counterclockwise to lock sample in syringe.
REMOVE syringe from needle guide and PLACE into syringe transfer container and PLACE lid on syringe transfer container.
CLOSE 3 SSP-V2019, liquid septum isolation.
p i
RE e Rev.2 Continuous 48 of 89
4.11.3 IE chloride analysis was requested in step 2.1.18, PERFORM the (q
VERIFY needle is screwed fully into 2.0 mi syringe labeled a.
OPEN 3 SSP-V2019, liquid septum isolation.
INSERT syringe into needle guide until syringe nut is engaged.
Do not unscrew syringe body more than 2 turns counterclockwise.
Excessive turns will disengage needle from syringe.
Steps 4.11.3 d. and e. should be performed rapidly to minimize exposure.
Rapidly DRAW 1.0 ml of liquid sample into syringe and TURN syringe body 2 turns counterclockwise to lock sample in syringe.
(t i
V e.
REMOVE syringe from needle guide and PLACE into syringe transfer container and PLACE lid on syringe transfer container.
CLOSE 3 SSP-V2019, liquid septum isolation.
4.11.4 CLOSE lower access door.
4.11.5 Go To step 4.9.26 c.
- End of Section 4.11 -
'Q'i CP 3804K 1
Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 49 or 89
,e x 4.12 Retrieval of Gas Samples i
4.12.1 At 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module, OPEN upper access door.
Experience has shown that the best results are achieved when the syringe plunger is pulled back quickly to initiate sample flow into the syringe.
Occasionally a small amount of water is drawn into the syringe. The syringe sample volume without water is recorded as the volume of gas sample in syringe (V ).
t 4.12.2 IE gas isotopic analysis was requested in step 2.1.18, PERFORM the following:
VERIFY needle is screwed fully into 250 I syringe labeled
OPEN 3 SSP-V2023, gas septum isolation.
i c.
INSERT syringe into needle guide until syringe nut is
'v engaged.
Do not unscrew syringe body more than 2 turns counterclockwise.
Excessive turns will disengage needle from syringe.
Steps 4.12.2 d. through i. should be performed rapidly to minimize
- exposure, d.
Rapidly DRAW 100 pl gas sample into syringe and TURN syringe body 2 turns counterclockwise to lock sample in syringe.
REMOVE syringe from needle guide.
RECORD volume of gas sample in syringe (V ):
t cc g.
INSERT needle into stoppered 14.4 ml gas vial.
V CP 3804K Level of Use sTop mlNK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 50 of 89 t
l h.
UNLOCK syringe and INJECT gas contents into stoppered (m) 14.4 ml gas vial.
PLACE syringe and gas vial into syringe transfer container and PLACE lid on syringe transfer container.
CLOSE 3 SSP-V2023, gas septum isolation.
The " GAS COMP" results are for information only and are not used in any sample calculations.
Experience has shown that the best results are achieved when the synnge plunger is pulled back quickly to initiate sample flow into the syrmge.
4.12.3 IE gas composition analysis was requested in step 2.1.18, PERFORM the following:
VERIFY needle is screwed fully into 2.0 mi syringe labeled a.
((p) b.
OPEN 3 SSP-V2023, gas septum isolation, c.
INSERT syringe into needle guide until syringe nut is engaged.
Do not unscrew syringe body more than 2 turns counterclockwise.
Excessive turns will disengage needle from syringe.
Steps 4.12.2 d. and e. should be performed rapidly to minimize exposure.
Rapidly DRAW 1 cc gas sample into syringe and TURN syringe body 2 turns counterclockwise to lock sample in syringe.
REMOVE syringe from needle guide and PLACE syringe e.
into syringe transfer container and PLACE lid on syringe transfer container.
CLOSE 3 SSP-V2023, gas septum isolation.
~ t i
CP 3804K Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous si of 89
. g.
. 4.12.4. CLOSE upper access door.
4.12.5. Go To step 4.9.27-End of Section 4.12 -
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Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 l
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4.13 Sample Analysis
Chemistry 4.13.1 E pressurized 2 mi grab sample or depressurized 2 ml grab Technician sample was retrieved, PLACE 2 mi grab sample chamber in shielded location for future off-site transport.
Health 4.13.2 E liquid in-line samples DJ1 gaseous in-line samples were Physics retrieved, DETERMINE handling requirements as follows:
Technician a.
OPEN transport container cover and MEASURE dose rate.
E dose rate is greater than or equal to 1 R/hr, NOTIFY OSC ARPS and REQUEST instructions for handling.
E dose rate is less than 1 R/hr, DIRECT Chemistry c.
Technicians to handle samples as normal radioactive samples and to minimize radiation exposure when performing required analyses.
Chemistry 4.13.3 Refer To the following Sections as applicable and PERFORM Technician analysis:
Section 4.14," Degas Liquid Isotopic Analysis" Section 4.15," Boron Analysis" Section 4.16," Chloride Analysis" Section 4.17, " Gas Isotopic Analysis" Section 4.18," Gas Composition Analysis" Section 4.19, " Total Dissolved Gas Determination" 4.13.4 E degas liquid isotopic sample and gas isotopic sample were analyzed, PERFORM the following:
Refer To " Gamma Activity" section on Chem Form 3804K-I and ADD degas liquid activity to gas activity and RECORD as gamma activity in Ci/gm.
RECORD PASS sample Gamma activity in pCi/gm in 1
" Sample Data" table on Chem Form 3804K-1.
%J i
i Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 53 of 89
.,q 4.13.5 WHEN analysis are complete, REPORT results to MRDA or i
w 4.13.6 SIGN and DNTE " Performed By" section on
Chem Form 3804K-1.
j 4.13.7 E copies of results are requested, FAX or SEND copies of the following to requesting individuals:
Chem Form 3804K-1
4.13.8 E any diluted sample bottles measuring greater than or equal to 100 mR/hr were prepared in step 4.14.6, PERFORM the following:
REQUEST OSC ARPS to provide disposal instructions for a.
diluted sample liter bottles.
n b.
DISPOSE of high-level sample liter bottles as directed by
, (l
-o 4.13.9 E Section 4.20," Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition,"
has not been completed, Go To Section 4.20 and COMPLETE PASS system restoration.
- End of Section 4.13 -
p 1fv l
Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 iJ Continuous 54 of 89 i-
-.. _ ~. - -. - -.
4.14 Degas Liquid Isotopic Analysis Q) i 4.14.1 PREPARE "lSOTOPIC ORIGINAU' bottle as follows:
l a.
TARE bottle.
ADD 10 ml DI water and RECORD mass:
gm c.
TARE bottle.
ALARA Steps 4.14.1 d. through g. should be performed rapidly to minimize exposure.
REMOVE " LIQUID ISOTOPIC / BORON" syringe from syringe transfer container, e.
INJECT contents of " LIQUID ISOTOPIC / BORON" syringe into 20 ml bottle labeled " ISOTOPIC ORIGINAC' and RECORD mass:
gm O\\
PLACE empty " LIQUID ISOTOPIC / BORON" syringe in shielded location.
Using tongs, REMOVE and CAP bottle and INVERT several times to mix..
4.14.2 CIRCLE " Isotopic Original" and RECORD sample mass recorded in step 4.14.1 e. on Attachment 2.
4.14.3 MEASURE dose rate of " ISOTOPIC ORIGINAI" bottle.
4.14.4 E dose rate of sample bottle is greater than or equal to 25 mR/hr, Go To step 4.14.6.
4.14.5 E dose rate of"lSOTOPIC ORIGINAL" bottle is less than 25 mR/hr, Go To step 4.14.7.
l Level of Use CP 3804K stoP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 55 of 89
4.14.6 DILUTE sample using 1000:1 (solvent: solute) dilution factor as
TRANSFER 1.0 mi from bottle containing sample (solute a.
bottle) into I hter bottle filled with DI water (solvent bottle) and CAP bottle.
PLACE solute bottle in plastic bag.
STORE solute bottle in shielded location.
Using tongs, INVERT solvent bottle several times to mix.
LABEL solvent liter bottie either "15t, "2nd,"3rd, a4th,"5th, e.
"6th, or "7th DILUTION," as applicable, for the 1000:1 dilution being performed.
CIRCLE either "15t, "2nd, "3rd, a4th, "5th, "6th, or "7th Dilution"in Sample Dilution column on Attachment 2, as applicable, for the 1000:1 dilution being performed, g.
MEASURE dose rate of solvent liter bottle.
E dose rate of solvent liter bottle is less than 25 mR/hr, Go To step 4.14.7.
E dose rate of solvent liter bottle is greater than or equal to 25 mR/hr, Go To step 4.14.6 a..
4.14.7 DETERMINE degas liquid isotopic activity as follows:
PLACE 2.5 cm shelf in detector to be used for degas liquid a.
isotopic analysis.
Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous STOP mM ACT me Rev.2 56 of 89
Using the following information, Refer To
CP 801/2801/3801 AT," Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and ANALYZE sample:
Closed cave Applicable geometry for shelf being used Five minute count time General library Sample mass corresponding to the last circled sample dilution on Attachment 2 Inline sample date and time as recorded on Chem Form 3804K-1.
IE dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:
- 1) ABORT count.
- 2) Go To step 4.14.6.
STORE sample bottle in shielded location.
Oi Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 57 of 89
- _. -, -. -. ~ -
. - ~
,. s e.
DETERMINE background as follows:
- 1) Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM background count on detector that was used for degas liquid isotopic analysis.
Closed cave Applicable geometry for shelf that was used Five minute count time a
General library a
Sample mass corresponding to the last circled sample dilution on Attachment 2 Counting shelf removed
- 2) RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated background activity levels in Ci/gm on Attachment 3.
,(eV f.
Refer To Attachment 3 and CALCULATE degas liquid activity as follows:
- 1) Refer To degas liquid isotopic printout and RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated activity levels in pCi/gm.
- 2) For each isotope listed, SUBTRACT background activity from printout activity and RECORD as isotope activity in pCi/gm.
- 3) ADD isotope activities and RECORD as degas liquid activity in pCi/gm.
- 4) RECORD degas liquid activity in pCi/gm in " Gamma Activity" section of Chem Form 3804K-1.
4.14.8 Go To step 4.13.3 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.14 -
l Level of Use.
CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 58 of 89
. _ = _
4.15 Boron Analysis I\\-
.WilEN sample bottle labeled " ISOTOPIC ORIGINAL" is no longer need for isotopic analysis, Refer To CP 3801 AAB,
" Operation of the Perkin-Elmer Optima 3000 DV Inductively Coupled Plasma," and ANALYZE sample bottle for boron.
4.15.2 PERFORM the following calculation to determine correction factor:
DI water mass Sample mass
(page 55, step 4.14.1 (page 55, step 4.14.1 e.)
Correction factor =
Sample mass (page 55, step 4.14.1 e.)
Correction factor =.
gm 4.15.3 PERFORM the following calculation to determine boron concentration in ppm and RECORD in " Sample Data" table on g
Chem Form 3804K-1.
i (LUl Boron (ppm) = Analysis result in ppb
- Correction factor /1000 Boron (ppm) =
/1000 =
ppm 4.15.4 PLACE " ISOTOPIC ORIGINAL" sample bottle in shielded location.
4.15.5 Go To step 4.13.3 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.15 -
t n
. ' t
Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 59 of 89 7
4.16 Chloride Analysis 7.).
frL 4.16.1 REMOVE " CHLORIDES" syringe from syringe transfer container.
4.16.2 INJECT coatents of " CHLORIDES" syringe into small test tube located in lead brick at IC.
4.16.3 Refer To CP 801/2801/3801Y, " Routine Operation and Calibration of the Laboratory Ion Chromatography Systems," and ANALYZE sample for chlorides.
4.16.4 PLACE empty " CHLORIDES" syringe in shielded location.
4.16.5 RECOFD chloride concentration in ppb in " Sample Data" table on Chem Form 3804K-1, 4.16.6 Go To step 4.13.3 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.16 -
i (L'
v CP 3804K Level of Use stoe 1sinx ac1 a sy,e w nev. 2 Continuous l
60 0f 89 I
l-i I
4.17 Gas Isotopic Analysis f
~ k.#
4.17.1 PERFORM the following calculation to determine gas isotopic sample mass in grams:
' V = volume of gas sample in syringe =
cc (page 50, step 4.12.2 f.)
Msamp = gas isotopic sample mass in gm i
Msamp = V
- 5.71 i
- 5.71 gm
V+5 l
4.17.2 PLACE 2.5 cm shelf in detector to be used for gas isotopic analysis.
4.17.3 DETERMINE gas isotopic activity as follows:
Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and ANALYZE sample:
A i
Open cave N-]
Applicable geometry for shelf being used Five minute count time l
General library Sample mass calculated in step 4.17.1 Inline sample date and time as recorded on Chem Form 3804K-1 b.
IE dead time is greater than or equal to 20% PERFORM the following:
- 1) ABORT count.
- 2) REPLACE shelf with next higher shelf.
- 3) Go To step 4.17.3.
STORE gas vial in shielded location.
Level of Use CP 3804K stoP THINK ACT REVIEs*/
Rev.2 Continuous 61 of 89
DETERMINE background as follows:
- 1) Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM background count on detector that was used for gas isotopic analysis.
Open cave Applicable geometry for shelf that was used Five minute count time General library Sample mass calculated in step 4.17.1 Counting shelf removed
- 2) RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated background activity Ci/gm on Attachment 4.
. ( ')
Refer To Attachment 4 and CALCULATE gas activity as follows:
- 1) Refer To gas isotopic printout and RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated activity levels in Ci/gm.
- 2) For each isotope listed, SUBTRACT background activity from printout activity and RECORD as isotope activity in Ci/gm.
- 3) ADD isotope activities and RECORD as gas activity in Ci/gm.
- 4) RECORD gas activity in pCi/gm in " Gamma Activity" section of Chem Form 3804K-1.
4.17.4. PLACE empty " GAS ISOTOPIC" syringe in shielded location.
4.17.5 Go To step 4.13.3 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.17 -
p i
s V
CP 3804K Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 gg 62 of 89
4.18 Gas Composition Analysis
' (_ /
NOTE The " GAS COMP" results are for information only and are not used in any sample calculations.
4.18.1 Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AD, " Gas Chromatograph Operation and Calibration," and ANALYZE 2.0 mi syringe labeled " GAS COMP" for the following:
% hydrogen
% oxygen
% nitrogen 4.18.2 PLACE empty " GAS COMP" syringe in shielded location.
4.18.3 WHEN analysis is complete, RECORD gas composition results in % in " Sample Data" table on Chem Form 3804K-1.
O (W
4.18.4 Go To step 4.13.3 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.18 -
i Level of Use CP 3804K S' "
"". 2 Continuous 63 of 89
4.19 Total Dissolved Gas Determination
,m i
1 4.19.1 Refer To Chem Form 3804K-1 and PERFORM the following in
" Calculations" section:
Using final liquid loop temperature (T j ), Refer To iq and RECORD water vapor pressure in psi (Pw).
Using final liquid loop temperature (T ), Refer To iig and RECORD the followmg:
Henry's constant for nitrogen (Hn)
Hemy's constant for hydrogen (H )
h c.
CALCULATE the following:
Initial gas loop pressure Final gas loop pressure Initial gas loop temperature p
Final gas loop temperature Initial mois in gas loop Final mois in gas loop Water vapor mois in gas loop following degassing Dissolved nitrogen mols following degassing Dissolved gas corresponding to gas released Dissolved gas remaining in solution Total dissolved gas 4.19.2 RECORD total dissolved gas in cc (STP)/kg 110 in " Sample 2
Data" table on Chem Form 3804K-1.
4.19.3 Go To step 4.13.3 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.19 -
l l b)
! V CP 3804K l
Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 64 of 89
4.20 Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition
( L).
NOTE Entry into Section 4.20 may occur at any time during performance of Sections 4.1 through 4.12. Some steps in Section 4.20 may already be completed depenc ing on the entry point.
4.20.1 At 3 SSP *PNL3, post accident sample panel, VERIFY the following valves are closed:
3 SSP *CTV7, " PASS SAMPLE VV" 4.20.2 E 3 SSP *V13, PASS supply isolation ctmt penetration (Z 115), is open, PERFORM the following:
CLOSE and LOCK 3 SSP *V13, PASS supply isolation ctmt a.
penetration (Z 115).
NOTIFY MCRO of the following:
3 SSP *V13 is locked closed E in operating Modes 1 -4, tracking requirements of Tech Spec surveillance for 3 SSP
- V13 are no longer required [Ref 6.1].
pG Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEV/
Rev.2 65 of 89
4.20.3 IE 3 SSP-V124, recirc pump flow throttle valve, was opened in
step 4.1.29, OBSERVE caution sign next to 3 SSP-V124 and s
VERIFY 3 SSP-V124 is closed.
4.20.4 IE sample flow was achieved at any time during PASS sample, FLUSli PASS system as follows:
IE Section 4.9, " System Flush," has not been performed, a.
PERFORM Section 4.9.
At 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2008 to "LO FLOW" 3 SSP-V2012 to "OPEN" 3 SSP-V2017 to "INLINE" 3 SSP-V2018 to " BYPASS" a
3 SSP-V2020 to " GAS" 3 SSP-V2024 to "OPEN
Ns c.
PUSII 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to start stripping pump.
WHEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2021 to "INLINE" 3 SSP-V2022 to "INLINE"
WilEN 3 minutes have passed, PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" e.
button to stop stripping pump.
J Level of Use CP 3804K Continuous sroe Tsinx act
- neviev, nev.2 66 of 89
.fs h.
W IEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION the following
'() -
valves as indicated:
1 3 SSP-V2017 to " BYPASS" i
3 SSP-V2018 to " BYPASS" i.
WHEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION 3 SSP-V2024 to "CLOSE."
At 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, POSITION the following valves as indicated.
l 3 SSP-V2008 to "HI FLOW" l
- 3 SSP-V2009 to "OPEN" i
l 3 SSP-V2011 to "OPEN" l
l-3 SSP-V2013 to " GRAB" 3 SSP-V2014 to " BYPASS"
3 SSP-V2016 to "OPEN" 3 SSP-V2017 to "INLINE" 3 SSP-V2018 to " BYPASS" L
3 SSP-V2020 to " LIQUID" k.
VERIFY flush pump oil level is visible in bullseye.
VERIFY flush tank is full.
- m. IE flush tank is not full, FILL tank as follows:
- 1) OPEN 3 SSP-V116, SSP-TK2 fill.
- 2) WHEN full light comes on, CLOSE 3 SSP-V116, S3P-TK2 fill.
t 5
t v
CP 3804K Level of Use ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 i
Continuous 1-67 of 89 4
NOTE The flushing pump "ON/OFF" switch is located on the flushing pump skid.
PUSH flushing pump "ON/OFF" switch to "ON" to start flushing pump.
PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to start stripping pump.
WHEN 3 minutes have passed, POSITION 3 SSP-V2018 to "INLINE."
PUSH 3 SSP-P5 "ON/OFF" button to stop stripping pump.
WHEN 3 minutes have passed, POSITION the following
valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2017 to " BYPASS" 3 SSP-V2018 to " BYPASS" C
-((y s.
WHEN 30 seconds have passed, POSITION the following valves as indicated:
- 1) 3 SSP-V2016 to "CLOSE."
- 2) 3 SSP-V2012 to "CLOSE."
- 3) 3 SSP-V2009 to "CLOSE."
- 4) 3 SSP-V2011 to "CLOSE."
PUSH flushing pump "ON/OFF" switch to "OFF" to stop u.
flushing pump.
4 Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 g
68 of 89
I PERFORM one of the following:
E RCS cold leg or hot leg sample was collected, CLOSE 3 SSP-V37, loop sample path flush valve E RSS Train A or B sample was collected, CLOSE 3 SSP-V157, reactor coolant module flush water valve w.
E flush tank is not full, FILL tank as follows:
- 1) OPEN 3 SSP-V116, SSP-TK2 fill.
- 2) WHEN full light comes on, CLOSE 3 SSP-V116, SSP-TK2 fill.
At 3 SSP-SAS1, PASS reactor coolant sample module, VENT l
gas loop to atmospheric pressure as follows:
- 1) OPEN 3 SSP-V2026, gas loop vent.
- 2) WHEN gas loop pressure stabilizes, CLOSE 3 SSP-V2026, gas loop vent.
4.20.5 CLOSE the following valves:
3 SSP-V43, reactor coolant mod SAS1 inlet isolation valve 3 SSP-V44, reactor coolant mod SAS1 outlet isolation valve 4.20.6 VENT pH probe housing as follows:
At 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, a.
4 POSITION 3 SSP-V2009 to "OPEN."
REMOVE cap from 3 SSP-V210, RC module SAS1 inlet test connection.
PLACE collection bottle at outlet of 3 SSP-V210 and OPEN 3 SSP-V210, RC module SAS1 inlet test connection, to vent pil probe housing.
CLOSE and CAP 3 SSP-V210, RC module SAS1 inlet test connection.
. ()
Level of Use CP 3804K ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 69 of 89 l
l i
i f-
'4.20.7 At 3 SSP-PNL1, CTMT liquid sample remote panel, PERFORM
the following:
RECORD final totalizer reading (Or):
gallons Refer To Chem Form 3804K-2 and PERFORM valve lineup c.
for valves at 3 SSP-PNL1.
4 d.
CLOSE 3 SSP-V56, nitrogen supply to RC PNL1 remote panel 1.
BACK OFF 3 SSP-PCV80, nitrogen pressure regulator, fully e.
PUSH " POWER ON" button to de-energize panel.
PLACE and LOCK cover on panel.
4.20.8 NOTIFY MCRO that you will be returning control of 3 SSP *CTV7 and 3 SSP *CTV8 to the control room and that will p
clear an alarm on Main Board 1.
4.20.9 At 3 SSP *PNL3, post accident sample panel, PERFORM the following:
IE PASS system effluent was directed to containment drains
sump, CLOSE 3 SSP *SOV3,"CTMT RECIRC SUMP SMPl" IE PASS system effluent was directed to volume control tank,
CLOSE 3 SSP *SOV5, "VCT SAMPLE" 4.20.10 CLOSE 3HVR-DMP1300,3 SSP-SAS1 exhaust damper
[Ref. 6.1].
4.20.11 Using damper operating tool, CLOSE 3HVR*DMP60, 3 SSP-SAS1/SAS2 exhaust isolation damper [Ref. 6.1].
4.20.12 CLOSE and LOCK 3 SSP *V14, PASS return isolation ctmt penetration (Z 120).
Nj l
Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 70 of 89 i
- /~"'s NOTE j (_ /
If a RCS sample was collected,3 SSP-V35 was opened 3 turns in step 4.1.29.
4.20.13 IE 3 SSP-V35, ctmt to sample system isolation, was opened in step 4.1.29, OBSERVE caution sign next to 3 SSP-V35 and CLOSE 3 SSP-V35, ctmt to sample system isolation.
l i
NOTE 3SWP*V839 and 3SWP*V842 are located in the northwest corner of the l
hydrogen recombiner building on the 38' level.
4.20.14 CLOSE and LOCK 3SWP*V839, PA sample cooler SCL3 service water inlet.
l 4.20.15 CLOSE and LOCK 3SWP*V842, PA sample cooler SCL3 service water outlet.
4.20.16 Refer To " Total Flush Volume" section on Chem Form 3804K-1 and CALCULATE flush volume.
,(,'v 1
l l
l i
l l
- ,o 1
.v Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 71 of 89
l 4.20.17 IE oxygen sensor was installed, REMOVE oxygen sensor as (m-)
i a.
CLOSE the following valves:
1 3 SSP-V187,02 analyzer AE61 outlet isolation valve
3 SSP-V190,02 analyzer AE61 inlet isolation valve b.
ROTATE 3 SSP-V186,3-way divert to 02 analyzer AE61, i
to " BYPASS O2 ANALYZER" position.
SET oxygen meter "ON/OFF" switch to "OFE" d.
DISCONNECT sensor cord from back of dissolved oxygen meter.
REMOVE sensor collar.
REMOVE oxygen sensor from flow chamber.
PLACE dust cover over flow chamber.
4.20.18 Refer To Chem Form 3804K-2 and COMPLETE remainder of j
l valve lineup.
4.20.19 Refer To Chem Form 3804K-2 and PERFORM independent verification of system lineup.
i l
l l
l l
Level of Use CP 3804K ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 72 of 89 l
[G3 NOTE When this step is completed, constant communications with the control room in Modes 1-4 is no longer required.
4.20.20 NOTIFY MCRO of the following:
3 SSP *V14 is lockeo closed IE in operating Modes 1-4, NOTIFY MCRO that tracking requirements of Tech Spec surveillance for 3 SSP *V14 are no longer required [Ref 6.1].
j 3HVR*DMP60 is closed JE in operating Modes 1-4, REQUEST MCRO exit LCO for 3HVR*DMP60 (Ref. 6.1].
PASS system is secured.
SWITCH," is in " REMOTE" PASS reactor coolant sample cooler is isolated from service water.
1E PASS system effluent was directed to containment drains sump, REPORT volume added to sump.
4.20.21 REMOVE pH probe as follows:
REMOVE pH probe cable.
PLACE pH housing socket over collar.
Using spanner wrench, HOLD pH probe to prevent rotation while removing collar.
Using pH housing socket, LOOSEN and REMOVE collar.
REMOVE pH probe from sensor housing.
RINSE probe with DI water and PLACE in storage solution.
CP 3804K Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 73 og 39
c 4.20.22 RETURN valve key to MCRO.
L 4.20.23 SUBMIT completed Chem Form 3804K-2 to Chemistry Supervision for review.
4.20.24 PERFORM the following:
1 RECORD number of needle punctures for the liquid and gas septums in PA;S log IE any septum has been punctured 20 times or more since its last replacement, Refer To Attachment 5 and REPLACE septum Refer To Attachment 6 and INVENTORY PASS sampling equipment
- End of Section 4.20 -
.O Qu f>V Level of Use CP 3804K CONTINUOUS STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 74 of 89
',1 The review and signoff for this procedure is located in the following 5
attachments and forms:
Chem Form 3804K-1 Chem Form 3804K-2
~ 6. REFERENCES 6.1 PIR 3-93-021,"SLCRS Boundary Breach" 6.2 Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press m
6.3 Technical Manual for Reactor Coolant Post Accident Sample System,"
. General Dynamics Corporation, Electric Boat Division, Reactor Plant Services 6.4. Post Accident Sample System Component Instruction Literature 6.5 PDCR MP3-92-035," Post Accident Sample System Piping Modifications" 6.6. DCR M3-97119," Relocation of the Post Accident Sampling Drain" 6.7 INPO Good Practice CT-707," Post-Accident Sampling Preparedness" 6.8 Correspondence B11121," Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3, Response to Chemical Engineering Branch DSER Open item," dated April 9,1984, from Northeast Utilities to the NRC 6.9 - Correspondence B11177," Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3, Response to Chemical Engineering Branch DSER Open item," dated May 10,1984, from Northeast Utilities to the NRC i-.
6.10 NUREG-1031," Safety Evaluation report related to the operation of
Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3," dated August 2,1984.
tv CP 3804K Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 75 of 89
6.11 -Northeast Utilities Service Co. DWG, No. 25212-29039 6.12 S&W DWG. No.12179-CI-RCS-LP3 6.13 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396703 6.14 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396705 6.15 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396713
'6.16 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396734 6.17 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396750 6.18 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396751 l
6.19 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396754 6.20 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396771 6.21 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396772 TN 6.22 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396773 i: p'-
6.23' S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396774 6.24 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396775 6.25 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396776 6.26 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396777 6.27 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396778 6.28 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396779 6.29 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396780 6.30 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396781 6.31 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-396789 6.32 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-402055 6.33 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-402057 4kj CP 3804K Level of Use STOP
, THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 76 of 89
_3 6.34 S&W DWG, No.12179-CP-402059
- Q~ ).
6.35 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-402701
- 6.36 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-408001 6.37 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-408002 r
6.38 S&W DWG.'No.121'79-CP-408003 6.39 S&W DWG. No.12179-CP-408004 6.40 S&W DWG. No.12179-EM-102A 6.41 S&W DWG. No.12179-EM-102B 6.42 S&W DWG. No.12179-EM-102D 6.43 S&W DWG. No.12179-EM-102F 6.44 S&W DWG. No.12179-EM-144B
'6.45 S&W DWG. No.12179-EM-155A -
( k.
6.46 S&W DWG. No.12179-EM-155B 6.47 S&W DWG. No.12179-EP-121 A 6.48 S&W DWG. No.12179-EV-IA 6.49 S&W DWG, No.12179-EV-IM 6.50 SPROC EN98-3-10," PASS Operability Test for Total Dissolved Gas Detection."
6.51 DCR M3-98034,"Setpoint Change to 3GSN-PCV106,3 SSP-PCV80, and 3 SSP-PCV82" 6.52 DCN DM3-00-0638-98,"Setpoint Change to 3GSN-PCV106, 3 SSP-PCV80, and 3 SSP-PCV82" 6.53 Technical Paper," Temperature - Another Wild Card in pH Control,"
L submitted by TBI-Bailey i
6.54 ATI Orion PerpliccT Meter Line Instruction Manual Models 310,330, j
fj 370, Copyright 1994 Analytical Technology i
i lv Level of Use CP 3804K 1
sT P mlNK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous -
77 of 89 i
rs 7,
OF CHANGES 7.1 Incorporated the following previously approved changes to Revision 1:
Summary of Changes - Revision 1, Change 1 Changed 3 SSP-PCV80 setpoint to 90-95 psig IAW DCR
M3-98034 and DCN DM3-00-0638-98.
Changed maximum nitrogen pressure caution to 100 psig IAW DCR M3-98034 and DCN DM3-00-0638-98.
7.2 Delete steps to verify flow at 3 SSP-PNL1.
7.3 Added step to record pH sample temperature and to temperature compensate the pH reading.
7.4 Chamged 240 psig to 255 psia in applicability section.
7.5 Added valve wrench to tools and consumables and inventory.
h.p O
CP 3804K Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 78 of 89
Vapor Pressure of Water vs. Temperature f
(Sheet 1 of 2)
1.08 1.06 i
i.04 1.02 1.00 0.98 0,96
0.94 0.92 0.90
0 88
0 86 0.84
0.82 0.80 0.78 1
0.76 Q 0 74
- E 0.72 h 0.70 l
$ 0.68 2 066 f
$ 0.64
b 0.62
('v' A
j j
gg C 0.58 k 0.56 I
0.54 0.52 0.50 O 48 O 46 I
0.44 0.42 0.40
0.38 I
0.36 I
O 34 O 32
0.30 0.28 0 26 0.24 0.22 0 20 0.18 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104
.,o Temperature ( F) t Level of Use CP 3804K l
STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous l
79 of 89 l
1 i
l Vapor Pressure of Water vs. Temperature g
(Sheet 2 of 2) l
5.40 1
5 30 5.20 5.10 5.00 4.90
4 80 4.70 4.60 4.50
4.40 4.30 4.20 4.10 4.00 3 90
i 3.80
.3 3.70
$ 3.60 3.50 3 40 lll1
g 3.30 g
G 3 20
h 3.10 b 3.00
& 2.90 2.80 2 70 2.60 2.50 2.40 2.30
2.20 2.10 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.s0 1.50
1.20 1.10
SO41 10811011211411s11812012212412s12813013213413si3814014214414si4815015215415s1581601s2164 (m
Temperature ( F)
'V CP 3804K Level of Use l
STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Cont.inuous i
80 of 89 l
Sample Dilution Data Sheet (Sheet 1 of 1)
NOTE Circle the appropriate sample bottle dilution corresponding to the dilution (s) required during performance of step. The sample mass is determined by multiplying the degas liquid sample mass (M ) by the di applicable correction for the sample dilution that is being counted.
Degas Liquid Sample Sample Dilution Mass (gm)
Isotopic Original Mdl =
gm (page 55, step 4.14.1 e.)
ISt Dilution Mai + 1.0E-01 =
- 1.0E-01 =
gm 2nd Dilution Mal
- 1.0E-04 =
- 1.0E-04 =
gm 3rd Dilution Mal
- 1.0E-07 =
- 1.0E-07 =
gm 4th Dilution Mdi
- 1.0E-10 =
- 1.0E-10 =
5th Dilution Mdi 1.0E-13 =
- 1.0E-13 =
gm 6th Dilution Mai 1.0E-16 =
- 1.0E-16 =
gm 7th Dilution Mdi a 1.0E-19 =
- 1.0E-19 =
gm c.,
t CP 3804K Level of Use ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 81 of 89
Degas Liquid Activity Worksheet
,q (Sheet 1 of 1)
Printout Activity
lsotope Activity
Isotope Printout Activity
Isotope Activity (2-place accuracy)
(2-place accuracy)
( Ci/gm)
( Ci/gm)
( Ci/gm)
NOTE: Degas Liquid Activity =
Degas Liquid Activity summation of allisotope activities.
(2 place accuracy)(pCi/gm)
Prepared by:
SUBMIT completed attachment '- "Semistry Supervision.
l G
\\v i
Level of Use CP 3804K ST P THiNK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 82 of 89 I
4 i
Gas Activity Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 1)
Printout Activity
lsotope Activity
Isotope Printout Activity
Isotope Activity (2-place accuracy)
(2-place accuracy)
( Ci/gm)
(pCi/gm) l l
NOTE: Gas Activity = summation of Gas Activity (2-place accuracy) (pCUgm) j all isotope activities.
Prepared by:
SUBMIT completed attachment to Chemistry Supervision.
DO Level of USe CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous 83 of 89 3 SSP-SASI Septum Replacement (Sheet 1 of 1) -
- 1. PROCEED 'to 3 SSP-SAS1 with the following:
3 SSP-SASI septums 7/16" socket
- 1/2" socket Socket wrench Scribe i
Tweezers Septum insertion tool
- 2. Using 7/16" socket, UNSCREW lockplate bolt and REMOVE lockplate.
- 3. Using 1/2" socket, UNSCREW and REMOVE septum holder.
.- (f')
- 4. IE,old septum did not come out with septum holder, REMOVE old septum usmg scribe or tweezers.
- 5. Using tweezers and septum insertion tool, INSTALL new septum.
- 6. Using 1/2" socket wrench, INSTALL septum holder.
- 7. Using 7/16" socket, INSTALL lockplate.
- 8. MARK which septum was replaced:
O Liquid septum j
O Gas septum 9.-
RECORD septum re mment in PASS log.
i i
Replaced by:
' SUBMIT completed attachment to Chemistry Supervision.
'D Level of Use CP 3804K i
sToe Tsinx Act neview nev. 2 Continuous.
84 of 89
PASS Sample Equipment Inventory
,f~ s (Sheet 1 of 2)
Description Minimum Check Quantity Liquid PASS Suitcase 14.4 mi gas vial 2
14.4 ml gas vial stoppers (Sealed in bag to prevent dry rot) 2 250 pl syringe labeled " LIQUID ISOTOPIC / BORON" 2
250 pl syringe labeled " GAS ISOTOPIC" 2
2.0 mi syringe labeled " CHLORIDES" 2
2.0 mi syringe labeled " GAS COMP" 2
Spare syringe needles 2
Oxygen sensor 1
Oxygen sensor extension cord 1
Oxygen analyzer 1
Unit 3 Chemistry Lab Lead bricks 36 Damper operating tool 1
PASS transport cart 1
Syringe transfer container 1
(*U Unit 3 Chemistry Makeup Cage 2 ml grab sample chamber 1
2 ml grab sample chamber transfer container 1
i tO U
i Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REV!Ew Rev.2 Continuous 85 of 89
PASS Sample Equipment Inventory (Sheet 2 of 2) 7-)
Unit 3 Chemistry Lab 1%SS Drawer / Cabinet 1-liter bottles 7
1.0 ml pipet 1
Rubber squeeze bulbs 1
3 SSP-SAS1 septums 4
Scribe 1
Tweezers 1
Septum insertion tool 1
Plastic bags (for 1 liter bottles) 6 Plastic wrap Roll Spanner wrench 1
Socket wrench 1
7/16" socket 1
1/2" socket 1
11/16" wrench or adjustable wrench 1
pil housing socket 1
i Collection bottle for venting pH probe housing 1
20 mi sample bottle labeled " ISOTOPIC ORIGINAll' 1
Tongs 1
PASS pH probe 1
IC sample test tubes 1
Lead brick containing drilled hole for IC sample 1
ICP waste bottle 1
Lead brick for ICP sample and waste bottle 1
IC regenerant bottle 1
IC eluent bottle 1
IC 250 pl loop 1
IC carbo pack 1
IC PA1 guard column 1
GC 0.1 cc loop 1
GC injection septum 1
Phone i adset 1
Valve wrench 1
l Completed By:
i lp SUBMIT completed attachment to Chemistry Supervision.
il "
Level of Use CP 3804K STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.2 Continuous
- (_,
__ - -,~ x.___
L Attachit 7 (w/
i Liquid PASS Simplified Drawing (Sheet 1 of 1)
' 11 Recombiner O Analper 2
_ uT2 Building' Building II y
p Train A-r, 3 SSP *SOV25A Sampic 3 SSP-V210 Cooler Jk I
l f l f I
3 SSP-Vl90 3 SSP-V187 jg RSS
' 3 SSP-V124 3 SSP-V4I 3 SSP-V42 3 SSP-V43 Liquid 3 ssp _ y44 II b
Sampic @
Train B
Y. 5N $0........;
6 Module 3 SSP-Vi86 3 y 3SSr-viss
.j j
b>4: RPCCW 3 r 3 SSP-VI57 Flush I k P
l Tank M
g2 3 SSP-Vis]1 Pump 1 SSP-Vi t 3 3 SSP-V37 l P U
3 SSP-V35 A k y 3 SSP *SOVI A Cold Leg A = 7 4 37_
3 SSP *SOVIB Cold Leg B : ) 4 3 SSP *SOVIC Cold Leg C = ; 4 Os, rn LT2 A
w2 s
3 SSP SOvio r,
r, 3 SSP *CTV7 3 SSP *VI3 Cold Leg D = g 4 3 SSP *SOV2A l
Ilot Leg A =>4 GMT ; BuildingH; Recombiner 3 ssp. soy;n 1101 Leg C = 7 4 VG -
r rm
~ r, 3 SSP-SOvs 3 SSP *crVs 3 SSP *V14 CTMT Drains : 74 Sump 3 SSP *SOv3 CP 3804K Level of Use Continuous sTOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 2 87of89
l Henry's Constants vs. Temperature (Sheet 1 of 1) 7-w,)
- Q m
C 0905
.N 0.900
mae 0895
m g 0 890
- g 0.885
0 0865 W 0860 H
~ 0 855 Y
O 8j5g
0.840 d 0 M5 R
'G 0.830 Q.
O 0 820
0.795 ui 0.800 C
0.790 Q
0.785 0.700 M 0 775 D 0.770
g 0.765 - /
g 0.760 0.755 j
0.750 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 Temperature ( F)
(N 1.48 i( \\,_,J 1.46 g
7 1
1 40 C
[ )j0
.F 138
N, 1.28
I 1'22 1
T 1'20
.18 U
1:16 R
v i i4
1:18 G
m i.08
1.06 i
E 1.04 i
1.02 N
C t00
M 0 98
m 0 96 C
0.94 C
U 0 90
O 3 l
0 84 5
E*$f 0.78
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 l
Temperature ( F) t
's i
V i
i Level of Use CP 3804K ggg stoP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 2 88 of 89 pH Temperature Compcnsation (Sheet 1 of 1)
Temperature pII
( F) 5 6
7 8
9 60
- 0.05
- 0.03 0
- 0.03
- 0.05 62
- 0.04
- 0.02 0
- 0.02
- 0.04 64
- 0.03
- 0.02 0
- 0.02
- 0.03 66
- 0.03
- 0.02 0
- 0.02
- 0.03 68
- 0.02
- 0.01 0
- 0.01
- 0.02 70
- 0.01
- 0.01 0
- 0.01
- 0.01 72
- 0.01
- 0.01 0
- 0.01
- 0.01 74 0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 4
76 0.01 0.00 0
0.00 0.01 78 0.01 0.01 0
0.01 0.01 80 0.02 0.01 0
0.01 0.02 82 0.03 0.01 0
0.01 0.03 84 0.03 0.02 0
0.02 0.03 p
86 0.04 0.02 0
0.02 0.04 k,)
88 0.05 0.02 0
0.02 0.05 90 0.05 0.03 0
0.03 0.05 92 0.06 0.03 0
0.03 0.06 94 0.07 0.03 0
0.03 0.07 96 0.08 0.04 0
0.04 0.08 98 0.08 0.04 0
0.04 0.08 100 0.09 0.04 0
0.04 0.09 102 0.10 0.05 0
0.05 0.10 104 0.10 0.05 0
0.05 0.10 106 0.11 0.06 0
0.06 0.11 108 0.12 0.06 0
0.06 0.12 110 0.12 0.06 0
0.06 0.12 112 0.13 0.07 0
0.07 0.13 114 0.14 0.07 0
0.07 0.14 116 0.14 0.07 0
0.07 0.14 118 0.15 0.08 0
0.08 0.15 120 0.I 6 0.08 0
0.08 0J6 Gr Level of Use cP 3804K stoP THINK ACT REVIEW Rey,2 Continuous 89 of 89 3
Form Approval l oJ Approv%a as wem as POR4C M Approval Date Effective Date
. No.
w Form CoverSheet Generic information l Form Title Rev. No.
PASS RCS/RSS Sample Data Reference Procedure Applicable Tech. Spec.
Frequency CP 3804K FSAR Section As requested by MRDA or AMRDA during SERO activation This form is being used for the following:
O Tech SpecSurveiriance O System Alignment
@ Other: To record PASS sample data O Maintenance Restoration O Non-Tech Spec (Retest)
Surveillance (PM) i Specific Information l Schedule Date Ap;;.licable Mode RSS: When in operation RCS: System oressure > 255 Dsia Surveyance Test Authorized By (SM/US)
Date g
Frerequisites Completed (initials)
Precautions Noted (Initials)
Performed By Date l
Accepted By Date Acceptance Criteria Satisfied Approved By (Department Head or Designee)
Date Yes No Shift Manager Notified of Failed Test Date Surveillance information Noted Problems:
Chem Form 3804K-1 Rev.1 Page1of5
l l
Time 3 SSP-PNL1 energized:
t Sample point:
l O RCS Cold Leg A O RCS Hot Leg A 0 RCS Cold Leg B O RCS Hot Leg C 1
O RCS Cold Leg C O RSS Train A O RCS Cold Leg D 0 RCSTrain B 2 ml Grab Sampig 1
2 ml grab sample date and time:
OPressurized ODepressurized Inline Sample Inline sample date and time:
Sample temperature:
F l
Gamma Activity Gas activity:
Ci/gm I'
+ Degas liquid activity:,
Ci/gm Gamma activity:
pCi/gm Total Flush Volume Final totalizer reading (Or) =
gallons (step 4.20.7 b.)
- Initial totalizer reading (Qi) =
gallons (step 4.1.28)
Total flush volume gallons
Chem Form 3804K-1 Rev.1 Paj,e 2 of 5 i
Calculations Pi= initial gas loop pressure psig
initial gas loop temperature F
Pr = final gas loop pressure psig
Tr = final gas loop temperature F
Tiiq = final liquid loop temperature
- F l
Pwv= water vapor pressure psia
Hn = Henry's constant for nitrogen psia / (cc/kg)
H = Henry's constant for hydrogen =
psia / (cc/kg) h Initial gas loop pressure:
P c = initial gas loop pressure in psia i
P c = P; + 14.7 i
Pc =
+ 14.7 =
psia i
Final gas loop pressure:
f Prc = final gas loop pressure in psia Pre = Pr + 14.7
~ Pre =
. + 14.7 =
psia Initial gas loop temperature:
Tik = initial gas loop temperature in Kelvin T = 5/9(T - 32) + 273 ik i
Tik = 5/9(
- 32 ) + 273 =
K Final gas loop temperature:
Trk = final gas loop temperature in Kelvin Try = 5/9(Tr - 32) + 273
- 32 ) + 273 =
K j
i Initial mois in gas loop:
n; = initial mois in gas loop r
ni = 0.166 P c / Tik i
n; = 0.166
Chem Form 3804K-1 Rev.1 i
Page 3 of 5 I
Final mots in gas loop:
I nr = final mois in gas loop nr = 0.166 Prc /Try nr = 0.166
Water vapor mois in gas loop following degassing:
w = water vapor mois in gas loop n
nm = 0.166 Pm / Trg nw = 0.166
Dissolved nitrogen mois following degassing:
ndn = dissolved nitrogen mols ndn = ni / [(9.803 E+04 nr Hn / Prc) + 1]
ndn =
/ {(9.803 E+04 -
non =
mots Dissolved gas corresponding to gas released:
n = gas mois released into gas loop g
i n = ng - ni - nw + ndn g
g m is DGrei = dissolved gas corresponding to gas released in cc (STP)/kg H O 2
DGrei = 9.803 E+04 ng DGrel = 9.803 E+04
- cc (STP)/kg H O
2 Dissolved gas remaining in solution:
DGsoi = dissolved gas remaining in solution in cc (STP)/kg H O 2
DGsoi = [(n / nt)
- Prc]/ Hh g
DGsoi =
cc(STP)/kg H O 2
Total dissolved gas:
TDG_ = total dissolved gas in cc (STP)/kg H O 2
TDG = DGrel + DGsoi
cc (STP)/kg H O 2
Chem Form 3804K-1 Rev.1 Pa'ge 4 of 5
?. (~)
Sample Data
Analysis Result i
pil Dissolved Oxygen (ppb)
Chlorides (ppb) l Total Activity ( Cilgm)
IIydrogen (%)
i j
Gas Composition Oxygen (%)
Nitrogen (%)
Total Dissolved Gas (cc (STP)/kg II 0) 2 l
l Oe l
,U Chem Form 3804K-1 Rev.1 Page 5 of 5
Ferm Appr::vsl l Approvt Appro al D..te Effective Datg PORC Mtg. Jo.
N l
h/l 5
l/A Q Form CoverSheet
Generic Information l Form Title Rev. No.
PASS RCS/RSS Sample Restoration Lineup 0
Reference Procedure Applicable Tech. Spec.
Frequency CP 3804K N/A N/A This form is being used for the following:
O Tech Spec Surveillance
@ System Alignment O other:
O Maintenance nestoration O Non-Tech Spec (Retest)
Surveillance (PM)
Specific Information l
ESK 4U1,4U2,4U3,4U4,7ABG EM 155A,133B,148E V
Reviewed By:
Chem Form 3804K-2 Rev.1 Page 1 of 3
PASS RCS/RSS Sample Restoration Lineup
,Q Performed IV 1
Component ID Description Position lV Initial Date Initial Date 3 SSP-PNL1 3 SSP-PCV80 Nitrogen pressure regulator Ba ked 7
3 SSP-V2008 Flow control valve LO FLOW 3 SSP-V2009 pH probe outlet isolation valve CLOSE
3 SSP-V2011 pH probe inlet isolation valve CLOSE
(([j(([J 3 SSP-V2012 pH probe bypass isolation valve CLOSE
(((((([J 3 SSP-V2013 Grab sample loop outlet isolation GRAB
(((((([J 3 SSP-V2014 Grab sample loop inlet iso!ation BYPASS I(((([M
3 SSP-V2016 Sample loop inlet isolation CLOSE
(([J(([J 3 SSP-V2017 Liquid sample cylinder valve BYPASS 3 SSP-V2018 Liquid sample cylinder valve BYPASS
I(((([M 3 SSP-V2020 Gas / liquid four way valve LIQUID
(((((([J 3 SSP-V2021 Gas sample clyinder valve BYPASS 3 SSP-V2022 Gas sample clyinder valve BYPASS
((((((M 3 SSP-V2024 N2 supply isolation valve CLOSE
Left side of 3 SSP-PNL1 N supply to RC panel 1 remote panel 1 CL
(((((([J 3 SSP-V56 2
At Flush Pump
(((((([jj 3 SSP-V37 Loop sample path flush valve CL
3 SSP-V157 Reactor coolant module flush water valve CL
3 SSP-V116 3 SSP-TK2 fill CL Post Accident Sample Module Room 3 SSP-V2019 Liquid septum isolation CL
~ (([jf((J
3 SSP-V2023 Gas septum isolation CL
(((((([J 3 SSP-V2026 Gas loop vent CL
3 SSP-V43 Reactor coolant mod SAS1 inlet isolation valve CL
3 SSP-V44 Reactor coolant mod SAS1 outlet isolation valve CL
(((((([J 3 SSP-V210 RC module SAS1 inlet test connection CL
((M(([J 3 SSP-V186 3-way divert to 0 analyzer AE61 BYP 2
((((((M 3 SSP-V187 0 analyzer AE61 outlet isolation valve CL 2
(((((([J 3 SSP-V190 O analyzer AE61 inlet isolation valve CL 2
3HVR-DMP1300 3 SSP-SAS1 exhaust damper CL 3HVR*DMP60 3 SSP-SAS1/SAS2 exhaust isolation damper CL Chem Form 3804K-2 Rev.1 Page 2 of 3
1 PASS RCS/RSS Sample Restoration Lineup
,7x Performed IV
Component ID Description Position i
l Initial Date Initial Date Outside Post Accident Sample Module Room I((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((J Observe caution sign at 3 SSP-V35
3 SSP-V35 Containment to sample system isolation CL
Observe caution sign at 3 SSP-V124 3 SSP-V124 Recirculation pump flow throttle valve LC Outside 'A' Recombiner Cubicle i
3 SSP *V13 PASS return isolation ctmt penetration LC (Z 120) 3 SSP *V14 PASS supply isolation ctmt penetration LC (Z 115) 3 SSP *PNL3 3 SSP *SOV25A Ctmt recirc isolation valve (RSS train A)
CL 3 SSP *SOV25B Ctmt recirc isolation valve (RSS train B)
CL j
3 SSP *SOVIA Cold leg sample valve (Cold leg A)
CL 3 SSP *SOV1B Cold leg sample valve (Cold leg B)
CL 3 SSP *SOV1C Cold leg sample valve (Cold leg C)
3 SSP *SOVID Cold leg sample valve (Cold leg D)
CL v
3 SSP *SOV2A Hot leg sample valve (Hot leg A)
CL 3 SSP *SOV2B Hot leg sample valve (Hot leg C)
CL 3 SSP *SOV3 Ctmt recirc sump sample (PASS return to CL ctmt sump) 3 SSP *SOV5 VCT sample (PASS return to VCT)
CL 3 SSP *CTV 7. 8 PASS sample valve 7&8 transfer switch REMOTE Note: When 3 SSP *CTV7.8 is in " REMOTE," local position indication for 3 SSP *CTV7 and 3 SSP *CTV8 is lost and the valve positions must be verified at Main Board 1 in the control room.
3 SSP *CTV7 PASS sample valve (Ctmt supply isolation)
CL 3 SSP *CTV8 PASS sample valve (Ctmt return isolation)
CL 38' Hydrogen Recombiner Building 3SWP*V839 PA sample cooler SCL3 service water inlet LC 3SWP*V842 PA sample cooler SCL3 service water outlet LC Performed by:
Verified by:
.v Chem Form 3804K-2 Rev.1 Pag'e 3 of 3