ML20205R241 | |
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Site: | Millstone ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/19/1999 |
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ML20205R236 | List: |
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CP2804L, NUDOCS 9904220240 | |
Download: ML20205R241 (84) | |
i Unit 2 Rx Coolant and Liquid Waste PASS
CP2804L 4
g y
i Rev. 3 J
1 n
t Aj valbjtte:
i sha/95P[-
4 sit 9 /99 Effective Date:
I 9904220240 990415
PDR ADOCK 05000336 F
Level of Use subject Matter Expert:
Continuous Jerrrey e. nrewer i
Millstone Unit 2 (O
Unit 2 Rx Coolant and Liquid Waste PASS V
PURPOSE..................................................3 2.
P R E R EQ U I S ITES............................................
4 3.
P R ECAUTI O N S..............................................
10 4.
I NSTRU CTI ONS.............................................
12 4.1 Determination of Procedure Entry Point..................... 12 4.2 PASS Preparation for Reactor Coolant Sampling.............
13 4.3 Isolation of Reactor Coolant Samples.......................
21 i
4.4 Reactor Coolant Pressurized 2 ml Grab Sample Isolation......
24 4.5 Reactor Coolant Depressurized 2 ml Grab Sample Isolation....
25 4.6 Reactor Coolant In-Line Sample isolation..................
26 4.7 Stripping of Dissolved Gases......
29 3
4.8 Flushing PASS Prior to Reactor Coolant Sample Retrieval.....
4.9 Reactor Coolant Sample Retrieval.........................
35 4.10 Reactor Coolant 2 ml Grab Sample Retrieval................
36 4.11 Reactor Coolant Liquid In-Line Sample Retrieval...........
37 4.12 Reactor Coolant Gaseous In-Line Sample Retrieval..........
39 4.13 Analysis of Reactor Coolant Samples.......................
41 4.14 Reactor Coolant Liquid Isotopic Analysis....................
43 4.15 Reactor Coolant Total Dissolved Gas Analysis..............
47 4.16 Reactor Coolant Chloride Analysis.......................
48 4.17 Reactor Coolant Boron Analysis..........................
49 4.18 Reactor Coolant Gaseous Isotopic Analysis 50 4.19 Reactor Coolant Gas Composition Analysis........
52 4.20 PASS Restoration.....................
53 4.21 Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis.
. 60 4.22 PASS Equipment Inventory.............................
65 5.
66 6.
R E FE R EN C ES...........................................
66 7.
S UM M A RY O F CH AN G ES.................................
69 Level of Use CP28041' STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 1 of 83 a
ATTACHMENTS AND FORMS," Unit 2 Determination of Tbtal Dissolved Gas and Sample Ouantity Worksheet"..................
70, "pH Temperature Compensation"...................
71," Liquid PASS Tbtal Dissolved Gas Worksheet".......
72," Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Reactor Coolant Sample Dilution Data Sheet,'........................ 75," Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Reactor Coolant Isotopic Worksheet".............................. 76," Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Reactor Coolant Gaseous Activity Worksheet '....................... 77," Unit 2 Post Accident Sam pling' Reactor Coolant Chemical Analysis Worksheet.....................
78," Reactor Coolant PASS Sampling Equipment Inventory". 79," Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Liquid Waste Isotopic Wo r ks h e e t ".....................................
80 0, " Syringe Check"................................
81 O 1 "pH Probe Installation"...........................
82 O 2," Isolation Valve Independent Verification Sheet"....
83 O"
Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 2 or 83
- l. EllRPOSE
1.1 Objective Provide the method for sampling and analyzing Unit 2 reactor coolant and liquid waste during Station Emergency Response Organization (SERO) activation when high radioactivity levels, due to an accident, may preclude the normal (conventional) sampling method. The sampling and analysis are performed by the Liquid PASS Team as directed by the Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) or the Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (AMRDA).
Performance and implementation of this procedure satisfies the Millstone Unit 2 Technical Specification 6.18.
1.2 Discussion This procedure provides instructions used by the Liquid PASS Team for sampling and analysis of reactor coolant, liquid waste, or both, during post accident conditions. The analyses conducted in this procedure identify the presence and amounts of various radioactive isotopes and ionic impurities contained in t he reactor coolant or liquid waste. The presence and amounts of ccitain radioactive isotopes are indicative of the type (s) and extent of core damage that exists. The results obtained from this Il procedure assin the MRDA or AMRDA in determining an estimate of C'
Unit 2 core damage. The Unit 2 systems which can be sampled and the analyses which can be conducted through performance of this procedure are summarized in the following lists:
Systems Analyses Reactor Coolant Liquid Isotopic i
Shutdown Cooling Gaseous Isotopic High Pressure Safety injection Gaseous Composition j
Low Pressure Safety injection
'Ibtal Dissolved Gas j
Liquid Radwaste Chloride j
Baron pli The time required to collect and analyze core coolant samples is 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> or less from the time the ADTS makes the decision to obtain a sample I
using PASS, except for chloride, which is 96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br />. Gross activity is the sum of liquid and gaseous isotopic activity.
In the event of a SIAS accident the following valves 2-RC-001,
2-RC-003 and 2-RC-045 will automatically close. If this occurs they l
will have to be manually over-ridden to open. This action will require SM/US direction and concurrence. These valves are over-ridden by taking them to the closed position and then to the open position.
j i
s i>
l Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 i
i Continuous 3 of 83
I This procedure is linked to the Emergency Plan, therefore the Emergency O
Planning Services Department will be a cross discipline reviewer for all revisnns or changes to this procedure.[Ref. 6.25]
j 1.3 Appil(ability This procedure is applicable during SERO activation when in plant radioactivity levels are too high to permit reactor coolant or liquid waste j
sampling via the normal (conventional) method.
1.4 Frequency Performance of this procedure may be repeated periodically during SERO activation, when requested by the MRDA or AMRDA for updates or reassessments of Unit 2 reactor coolant or liquid waste PASS results.
- 2. PREREOUISITES 2.1 General j
2.1.1 IE drill.OR exercise performance, SM or US has granted permission to peiform procedure.
2.1.2 SERO is activated OR drill simulation is in progress.
2.1.3 MCRO or drill coordinator has been notified that a PASS sample will be taken.
2.1.4 Health Physics has evaluated need for RWP.
2.1.5 Nitrogen bottle with at least 500 psig is available at the ROM.
2.1.6 Lab ventilation is operating.
2.1.7 Lead brick shielding has been placed at the following locations:
Lab ventilation hood
2.1.8 Computer radioisotopic analysis system in operation and calibrated.
2.1.9 ICP has been set up for PASS sample baron analysis and calibrated or calibration has been initiated.
Level of Use CP28041' Continuous sTOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 4,733
2.1.10 IE necessary, gas chromatograph has been set up for PASS sample
analysis and calibrated or calibration has been initiated (NA for liquid waste sampling).
2.1.11 14cc gas vial has been stoppered and 100 pl evacuated (NA for liquid waste sampling).
2.1.12 Proper operation of sample syringes verified using instructions in
. 0 (NA for liquid waste sampling).
2.1.13 pH probe has been installed IAW with Attachment 11.
2.1.14 Radmonitor bypass key has been obtained from Operations.
2.1.15 PASS anti-tamper key has been obtained from Chemistry Supervisor's Office.
O Level of Use CP2804L Continuoyg STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 5 of 83
2.1.16 Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) or the
Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (AMRDA) has requested a PASS sample to include the following:
REACTOR COOIANT Check Reauested Analysis Samnle Eauinment Needed O pH PASS pH probe and pli probe cable O Pressurized 2 ml grab sample 2 mi grab sample chamber O Depressurized 2 ml grab sample 2 ml grab sample chamber O Reactor coolant liquid isotopic 250 1 " LIQUID ISOTOPIC" syringeQ O Gasisotopic 250 pl" GAS ISOTOPIC" syringe and a stoppered and evacuated 14cc gas vial O Gas composition 500 pl" GAS COMP" syringe O Total dissolved gas None O Chlorides I ml " CHLORIDES" syringe O Boron "LIOUID ISOTOPIC" syringe W
.i O Same syringe is used for both LIOUID WASTE Check Reauested Analysis Sample EquipJnent Needed O Required sample aliquots for Sample bottle
- discharge permit preparation
2.1.17 Sample module ventilation is in operation.
2.1.18 Anti-tamper covers have been removed from the following modules and panels:
Panel C103C
Panel C103D
4 O
Level of Use CP2so4L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 6 of 83
2.1.19 Liquid PASS Team has completed pre-job brief as follows:
Manager of Operational Support Center (MOSC) -
designates, assembles, and briefs the Liquid PASS Team for implementation of this procedure Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) or the
Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (AMRDA) - designates one the following.; ample points:
Check One O RCS Hot Leg Q HPSI/LPSI O CWMT A or B O AWMT A or B If RCS hot leg sample point is designated, Manager of
Operational Support Center (MOSC) or designee has provided RCS system pressure.
RCS pressure:
psia Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) or the
Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment O
(AMRDA) - designates one the following paths to receive PASS system effluent (NA for liquid waste sampling):
Check One O Rad waste (EDST) - May only receive effluent when this procedure is performed as part of a drill or exercise.
O Volume control tank Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological
Protection Supervisor (OSC ARPS) with the concurrence of the Manager of Radiological Consequence Assessment (MRCA) - specifies the radiological controls required for implementation of this procedure 2.2 Documents l
2.2.1 CP 801/2801/3801Y," Routine Operation and Calibration of the Laboratory lon Chromatography System" 2.2.2 CP 801/2801/3801 AD," Gas Chromatograph Operation and Calibration" O
Level of Use CP2SO4L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 7 0f 83
2.2.3 CP 801/2801 AJ," Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Analysis" 2.2.4 CP 801/2801/3801 AT," Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation" 2.2.5 RWP for PASS sample collection 2.2.6 SP 2864," Liquid Waste Discharge" 2.3 Personnel NOTE If procedure is being may not be required. performed as part of a drill or exercise all personnel Personnel required will be determined by the Emergency Planning Services Department.
I 2.3.1 Assistant Director, Technical Support (ADTS) 2.3.2 Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) 2.3.3 Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (AMRDA) 2.3.4 Manager of Radiological Consequence Assessment (MRCA) 2.3.5 Manager of Operational Support Center (MOSC) 2.3.6 Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological Protection Supervisor (OSC ARPS) 2.3.7 Manager of Control Room Operations (MCRO) 2.3.8 Liquid PASS Team consisting of at least the following personnel:
At least two Chemistry Technicians At least one Health Physics Technician G
'V Level of Use CP2804L i
STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous gorg3
- 2.4 Tools and Consumables O
n tg 2.4.1 I watch (range: 0 - 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) (resolution: I second) 2.4.2 14cc gas vial with septum 2.4.3 1 transport cart 2.4.4 Plastic bags 2.4.5 Seven,1 liter plastic bottles 2.4.6 Plastic wrap 2.4.7 One,2 mi grab sample chamber 2.4.8 Two,250 pl syringes 2.4.9 One,500 I syringes 2.4.10 One,1.0 mi syringes 2.4.11 1 sample transport container 2.4.12 One,2 mi grab sample chamber transport container 2.4.13 1 grab sample transport cart 2.4.14 Syringe transport container 2.4.15 pH probe 2.4.16 Small tipped screwdriver 2.4.17 T(mgs for inverting samples 2.4.18 Flat head screwdriver 2.4.19 Large channel lock pliers 2.5 Responsibilities 2.5.1 Manager of Control Room Operations (MCRO) directs valve lineups from the Control Room required for Liquid PASS Team
acquisition and retrieval of samples.
O Level of Use CP2804L ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 9 0f 83 i
2.5.2 g)
The ADTS shall make the decision to obtain a sample using PASS.
- .v 2.5.3 The Manager of Operational Support Center designates, assembles and briefs the PASS team.
2.5.4 The Manager of Radiological Consequence Assessment specifies PASS team radiological controls.
2.5.5 The Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological Protection Supervisor assigns HP technicians and briefs the PASS team on radiological conditions.
2.5.6 The Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment or the Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment specify PASS team sampling and analysis requirements.
2.6 Definitions 2.6.1 CIRCLE - to draw a circle around 2.6.2 NOTE - To Notice or Observe with Care
2.6.3 EDST - equipment drains sump tank v
- 3. PRECAUTIONS 3.1 Do not exceed 165 F influent sample flow temperature to the sample module. Ifinfluent sample flow temperature exceeds 165 F, secure sample flow to prevent damage to the sample module.
3.2 Do not exceed 2500 psig system pressure because this may damage reactor coolant PASS components.
3.3 Do not run stripping pump dry for longer than 5 minutes because this may damage the pump.
3.4 Valves 2-S-492 (V-9) and 2-S-496 (V-14) in the sample module j
must be closed at all times except when a syringe is inserted into either i
sample chamber (liquid or gas) for sample retrieval. Failure to do so may discharge radioactive reactor coolant from the sample module into the Unit 2 Primaiy Sample Sink Room.
3.5 Valve 2-S-499 (V-18) on the remote operating module must always be in the low flow position when system pressure i; greater than 415 psia to prevent high pressure spikes due to water hammer.
b, Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 Continuous 10 of 83 J
3.6 In the event of unexpected results during the course of this procedure, O-place the equipment in a safe or stable condition, cease performance of further steps, and contact the MRDA or AMRDA for further instructions.
3.7 The maximum design pressure for the pH probe is 250 psig. Do not exceed 250 psig at pH probe.
3.8 PASS sample effluent may be sent to radwaste (EDST) when this procedure is performed as part of a PASS drill or exercise. PASS effluent 4
must be directed to the VCT for all other performances of this procedure.
3.9 2-RB-210, Degassifier Effluent Cooler Return Isolation Valve i
Assembly, needs to be open during sampling to prevent exceeding temperature limits of the equipment. It should not be open for extended periods of time as cooling will be diverted from other components when j
this valve is open.
i I
/U Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 11 of 83
J l
- 4. INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 Determination of Procedure Entry Point 4.1.1 E you have been directed to perform reactor coolant sampling and analysis, Go To Section 4.2.
4.1.2 E you have been directed to perform liquid waste sampling and analysis, Go To Section 4.21.
- End of Section 4.1 -
O Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 12 of 83
4.2 PASS Preparation for Reactor Coolant Sampling 4.2.1 REQUEST Operations OPEN 2-RB-210, Degassifier Effluent Coolant Return Isolation Valve Assembly.
4.2.2 At Remote Operating Module, PERFORM the following:
OPEN front panel.
ENSURE 2-GAN-253 (nitrogen supply valve) is open.
CLOSE front panel.
On ROM panel, PRESS the " POWER ON" button to energize the ROM.
NOTE current time and RECORD time:
ROM was energized.
ENSURE " BLOWER FUSE" and "LINE FUSE" indicator lights are not lit.
RESET ROM timer to zero.
pd 4.2.3 IVithout transport cart and syringes, PROCEED to PANEL C72 (located outside Primary Sample Sink Room).
4.2.4 On PANEL C72, POSITION the following valves as specified:
2-RC-003 to "CLOSE" b.
2-RC-002 to "CLOSE" c.
2-LRR-61.1 to "CLOSE" 4.2.5 PROCEED into Primary Sample Sink Room.
4.2.6 At sample module PERFORM the following:
OPEN sample module ventilation damper.
OPEN module door.
i Level of USe CP2804L Continuous SToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 13 of 83
l t
,V Valves 2-S-492 (V-9) and 2-S-496 (V-14) are closed when the f
handle of each valve is aarallel to the side of the sample chamber in a vertical position and fu ly inserted.
ENSURE 2-S-492 (V-9) and 2-S-496 (V-14) are c.
ENSURE 2 ml grab sample chamber is installed and its quick connects are properly engaged, e.
CLOSE module door.
4.2.7 IE sampling HPSI/LPSI, behind primary sample sink, OPEN 2 - S - 504.
1 NOTE PASS sample purge may be returned to the VCT or Rad Waste. MRDA or AMRDA will designate purge return location.
O 4.2.8 At PASS valve manifold, PLACE 2-S-453 to POSITION 1.
4.2.9 JE sample effluent is to be directed to Equipment Drains Sump Tank PERFORM the following:
OPEN 2-S-458
CLOSE 2-S-460 4.2.10 IE sample effluent is to be directed to VCT PERFORM the following:
OPEN 2-S-460 b.
CLOSE 2-S-458 4.2.11 CLOSE 2-S-2, Reactor Coolant Pre-Cooler Stop 4.2.12 OPEN 2-S-2, Reactor Coolant Pre-Cooler stop 1 turn.
4.2.13.At PASS valve manifold. PERFORM one of the following:
A Level of Use CP28041 SToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 Continuous 14 of 83
1 IE RCS Hot Leg is to be sampled, POSITION 2-S-451 to
" POSITION 1" IE LPSI/HPSI System is to be sampled, POSITION 2-S-452 to " POSITION 1" 4.2.14 PROCEED to reactor coolant PASS area in Unit 2 Turbine i
4.2.15 At PASS Nitrogen Supply bottle, PERFORM the following:
OPEN nitrogen bottle isolation valve, b.
VERIFY nitrogen supply pressere is greater than or equal to 500 psig.
ADJUST 2-OAN-235 (nitrogen bottle pressure regulator c.
valve) to obtain 400 psig downstream pressure.
4.2.16 On ROM, PERFORM the following:
NOTE Monitoring of T1, T2, or T3 temperatures via the remote obrating module should be selected using only the "TEMPERATUI " rotary switch. The "T1" pushbutton on the remote operating module should remain depressed, regardless of the " TEMPERATURE" rotary switch setting.
ENSURE "Tl" pushbutton switch is depressed.
ADJUST 2-GAN-260 nitrogen pressure regulator, to obtain 80 psig as indicated on PI-1087.
SET rotary temperature switch to "T1."
4.2.17 On PANEL C103C, POSITION the following valves to "CLOSE."
l t
RC-001 b.
RC-045 i
S - 446 O'
Level of Use CP2804L i
STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 Continuous is of 83 1
4.2.18 On PANEL C103D, POSITION the following as specified:
S-448 to "CLOSE" S-457 to "CLOSE" NOTE A minimum of 15 minutes is required for remote operating module warm-up.
4.2.19 Refer To step 4.2.2.e. and ENSURE at least 15 minutes have elapsed since remote operating module was energized.
4.2.20 At the ROM, SET temperature indicator calibration setpoint to 212 F as follows:
PRESS and HOLD temperature calibration button.
E readout is greater than 165 F AND "High temp" Alarm does not flash, RELEASE temperature calibration button 3
and CONSULT with Chemistry Supervision.
E readout does not indicate 212 F, ADJUST the Cal Trim screw with screwdriver to obtain a readout of 212 E d.
RELEASE temperature calibration button.
i kl4 Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 16 of 83
4.2.21 On remote operating module, POSITION the following valves as specified:
2-S-482 (V-1) to " BYPASS" b.
2-S-486 (V-2) to " GRAB" c.
2-S-487 (V-3) to " GRAB SAMPLE" d.
2-S-488 (V-4) to "CLOSE" e.
2-S-489 (V-6) to "CLOSE" f.
2-S-490 (V-7) to " BYPASS" g.
2-S-491 (V-8) to " BYPASS" h.
2-S-493 (V-11) to " LIQUID" i.
2-S-494 (V-12) to " BYPASS" j.
2-S-495 (V-13) to " BYPASS" k.
2-GAN-259 (V-15) to "CLOSE" 1.
2-S-497 (V-16) to "CLOSE"
- m. 2-S-498 (V-17) to "CLOSE" IE system pressure is > 400 psig 2-S-499 ("V-18") to n.
"LO-FLOW" IE system pressure is < 400 psig 2-S-499 ("V-18") to o.
"lilGli-FLOW" Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 37,733 i
4.2.22 At remote operating module, FILL sample module gas loop as follows:
POSITION the following valves as specified:
- 1) 2-S-493 (V-11) to " GAS"
- 2). 2-GAN-259 (V-15) to "OPEN"
- 3) 2-S-490 (V-7) to "INLINE"
- 4) 2-S-489 (V-6) to "OPEN" b.
WAIT 30 seconds c.
POSITION 2-S-494 (V-12) to "INLINE" d.
POSITION 2-S-495 (V-13) to "INLINE" e.
WAIT 30 seconds f.
POSITION 2-S-494 (V-12) to " BYPASS" g.
POSITION 2-S-491 (V-8) to "INLINE."
WAIT 30 seconds i.
POSITION 2-S-490 (V-7) to " BYPASS."
POSITION 2-S-491 (V-8) to "IlYPASS."
WAIT 30 seconds 1.
POSITION 2-S-493 (V-11) to "LIOUID" 4.2.23 PERFORM the following to leak check the gas loop:
ALLOW pressure to stabilize as indicated on PI-1067.
NOTE pressure as indicated on PI-1067.
CLOSE 2-GAN-259 (V-15) d.
WAIT at least 1 minute GV Level of Use CP2SO4L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 18 of 83
e, NOTE pressure as indicated on PI-1067.
IE a pressure decrease is noted following the 1 minute wait, NOTIFY MRDA.
POSITION 2-S-489 (V-6) to "CLOSE."
4.2.24 PERFORM the following to depressurize gas sample loop:
POSITION 2-S-494 (V-12) to "INLINE" a.
At Sample Module, OPEN 2-S-741, Gas Loop Vent c.
WAIT at least 10 seconds d.
CLOSE 2-S-741, Gas Loop Vent VERIFY 2-S-556, RCS Test Connection Valve, is open.
I e.
At ROM, POSITION the following valves as specified:
- 1) 2-S-494 (V-12) to " BYPASS"
- 2) 2-S-495 (V-13) to " BYPASS"
- 3) 2-S-493 (V-11) to "LIOUID" 4.2.25 At flush module, PERFORM the following:
IE demineralized water flush tank level indicator light does a.
not indicate " FULL," PERFORM the following:
- 1) THROTTLE 2-S-505, PMW To Flush Tank Fill.
- 2) While filling tank, manually PUMP Nh module level indicator to obtain an accurate water level.
- 3) WHEN demineralized water flush tank indicates full, CLOSE 2-S-505, PMW To Flush Tank Fill.
Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 b
OUS 19 of 83
- b. : POSITION the following valves as specified:
- 1) 2-S-506 to "OPEN"
- 2) 2-S-503 to "OPEN" j
- 3) 2-GAN-237 to " CLOSED"
- 4) 2-S-507 to " CLOSED"
- End of Section 4.2 -
i O
.s O
CP2804L Level of Use' Continuous ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 20 of 83
4.3 Isolation of Reactor Coolant Samples
'3 4.3.1 PRESS reset button on PASS flowmeter (FI-1062) to zero the gallons indication.
4.3.2 READ totalizer and RECORD initial totalizer reading on.
4.3.3 VERIFY with Operations that 2-RB-210, Degassifier Effluent Coolant Return Isolation Valve Assembly is open.
4.3.4 On PANEL C103C, PERFORM one of the following:
E RCS Hot Leg is to be sampled, OPEN RC-001 and
E liPSI/LPSI System is to be sampled, OPEN 2-S-446.
4.3.5 On Remote Operating Module, PERFORM the following:
a POSITION 2-S-486 (V-2) to " BYPASS."
NOTE A reactor coolant flow path to the sample module is now established.
READ sample module radiation level on "RMSII" radiation meter and RECORD reading on Attachment 1.
E sample flow is not at least 0.25 gpm, CONSULT with MRDA or AMRDA for instructions.
I C A UTIO N Influent sample temperatures exceedin module. The "IllGli-TEMP"("Tl")g 165 F can damage the sample 3
mdicator light on the remote operating module flashes when influent sample temperature exceeds 4
165 E 4.3.6 E HIGil-TEMP (TI) indicator light flashes, PERFORM the following:
O Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 21 of 83
E sampling RCS Hot Leg PERFORM the following:
- 1) CLOSE 2-RC-001
- 2) CLOSE 2-RC-045
- 3) REQUEST Operations CLOSE 2-RB-210, Degassifier '
Effluent Coolant Return Isolation Valve Assembly b.
E Sampling HPSI/LPSI System, CLOSE 2-S-446.
NOTIFY MRDA or AMRDA and REQUEST further instructions.
i 4.3.7 E sampling RCS Hot Leg AND Total Dissolved Gas Analysis has been requested, PURGE 25 gallons.
4.3.8 E sampling RCS Hot Leg, AND Total Dissolved Gas Analysis has not been requested, PURGE 10 gallons 4.3.9 E sampling HPSI/LPSI, PURGE 5 gallons 4.3.10 PERFORM the following actions as applicable:
E acquisition of pressurized 2 ml grab sample is directed by MRDA or AMRDA, Refer To Section 4.4 and ISOLATE
pressurized 2 ml grab sample via remote operating module.
E acquisition of depressurized 2 ml grab sample is directed by MRDA or AMRDA, Refer To Section 4.5 and ISOLATE depressurized 2 mi grab sample via remote operating module.
E acquisition of liquid in-line sample DE gaseous in-line sample is directed by MRDA or AMRDA, Refer To Section 4.6 and ISOLATE in-line sample via remote operating module.
4.3.11 On PANEL C103C, PERFORM one of the following:
E RCS Hot Leg was sampled, CLOSE 2-RC-001 and 2-RC-045.
E HPSI/l. PSI System was sampled, CLOSE 2-S-446.
4.3.12 REQUEST Operations CLOSE 2-RB-210, Degassifier Effluent Coolant Return Isolation Valve Assembly.
Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW ev.3
4.3.13 Go To Section 4.7.
- End of Section 4.3 -
O l
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Level of Use cP2so4L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 23 of 83
4.4 Reactor Coolant Pressurized 2 ml Grah Sample Isolation O
This Section should only be performed when directed by MRDA or l
4.4.1 POSITION 2-S-482 (V-1) to " GRAB" 4.4.2 POSITION 2-S-486 (V-2) to " GRAB" 4.4.3 ALLOW approximately 60 seconds for flow to stabilize.
NOTE A pressurized sample is now trapped (isolated) in the 2 mi shielded grab sample chamber.
4.4.4 POSITION 2-S-487 (V-3) to " NORMAL AND FLUSli."
4.4.5 POSITION 2-S-482 (V-1) to " BYPASS."
NOTE Flow rate should drop to zero when "2-S-486" ("V-2") is positioned to
4.4.6 POSITION 2-S-486 (V-2) to " BYPASS."
4.4.7 RECORD the following information on Attachment 1:
System sampled Grab Sample isolation date Grab Sample isolation time
4.4.8 Go To Step 4.3.10.
- End of Section 4.4 -
O Level of Use CP2804L 5 TOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 24 of 83
4.5 Reactor Coolant Depressurized 2 ml Grab Sample Isolation O
ALARA This Section should only be performed when directed by MRDA or AMRDA.
4.5.1 POSITION 2-S-482 (V-1) to " GRAB" 4.5.2 POSITION 2-S-486 (V-2) to " GRAB" 4.5.3 ALLOW approximately 60 seconds for flow to stabilize.
4.5.4 POSITION 2-S-482 (V-1) to " BYPASS" 4.5.5 POSITION 2-S-487 (V-3) to " NORMAL AND FLUSH."
NOTE A depressurized sample is now trapped (isolated) in the 2 mi shielded grab sample chamber.
O 4.5.6 RECORD the following information on Attachment 1:
System sampled Grab sample isolation date Grab sample isolation time 4.5.7 Go To Step 4.3.10.
- End of Section 4.5 -
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STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 25 of 83 I
4.6 Reactor Coolant In-Line Sample Isolation O
ALARA This Section should only be performed when directed by MRDA or AMRDA.
4.6.1 SET rotary temperaturefwitch to "T2."
4.6.2 POSITION the following valves as specified:
2-S-482 (V-1) to " BYPASS."
2-S-486 (V-2) to " GRAB."
2-S-498 (V-17) to "OPEN."
2-S-487 (V-16) to "OPEN."
2-S-488 (V-4) to "OPEN."
4.6.3 IE flow is not at least 0.25 gpm, CONSULT with MRDA or AMRDA for guidance.
4.6.4 WAIT at least 1 minute.
4.6.5 WHEN pH reading has stabilized, RECORD the following on j :
pH reading pH temperature (T2) 4.6.6 POSITION the following valves as specified:
2-S-487 (V-6) to OPEN.
2-S-498 (V-17) to "CLOSE'.
2-S-497 (V-16) to "CLOSE" 4.6.7 Refer To Attachment 2 and DETERMINE correction factor for measured temperature.
O Level of Use CP2804L ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 26 of 83
I 4.6.8 ADD correction factor to pH value and RECORD sum on f.
4.6.9 POSITION 2-S-490 (V-7) to "INLINE" 4.6.10 POSITION 2-S-491 (V-8) to "INLINE."
4.6.11 FLUSH 2 gallons 4.6.12 POSITION 2-S-490 (V-7) to " BYPASS" 4.6.13 POSITION 2-S-491 (V-8) to " BYPASS" 4.6.14 FLUSH 2 gallons 4.6.15 POSITION 2-S-491 (V-8) to " BYPASS."
4.6.16 START stripping pump
4.6.17 F, LUSH 2 gallons l
4.6.18 STOP stripping pump i
q 4.6.19 POSITION 2-S-489 (V-6) to "CLOSE."
V 4.6.20 POSITION 2-S-488 (V-4) to "CLOSE."
NOTE A pressurized sample of known volume is now isolated within the boundaries of 2-S-488 (V-4),2-S-489 (V-6), and 2-S-493 (V-11).
4.6.21 RECORD the following information on Attachment 1:
System sampled In-line sample isolation date In-line sample isolation time 4.6.22 READ totalizer and RECORD final totalizer reading on O
Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 27 w 83
i l
4.6.23 Go 'Ib Step 4.3.10.
- End of Section 4.6 -
l l
l f
l Level of Use CP2SO4L Continuous SToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 28 of 83
4.7 Stripping of Dissolved Gases OV 4.7.1 SET rotary temperature switch to "T3."
4.7.2 RECORD the following on Attachment 1:
i Initial gas loop temperature (T3)
Initial gas loop pressure reading from PI-1067.
4.7.3 POSITION 2-S-493 (V-ll) to " GAS" to allow liquid loop and sample chamber to depressurize.
4.7.4 NOTE the following:
l Gas Loop Pressure 3
Gas Loop Temperature (T-3) 4.7.5 P,OSITION the following valves as specified:
4.7.6 2-S-493 (V-11) to "LIOUID".
4.7.7 2-S-491 (V-8) to " BYPASS" 4.7.8 2-S-490 (V-7) to " BYPASS."
4.7.9 START stripping pump.
4.7.10 WHEN 1 minute has elapsed, STOP stripping pump.
4.7.11-POSITION 2-S-493 (V-11) to " GAS".
4.7.12 L'llfl[ Gas Loop Pressure reading (P-2) from PI-1067 i
stabilizes, NOTE press"re:
4.7.13 POSITION 2-S-493 (V-11) to " LIQUID".
4.7.14 POSITION 2-S-491 (V-8) and 2-S-490 (V-7) to "lNLINE" 4.7.15 START stripping pump 1
4.7.16 Wi1EN 1 minute has elapsed, STOP stripping pump.
4.7.17 POSITION 2-S-493 (V-ll) to " GAS" O
Level of Use CP2804L Continuous 29 of 83
4.7.18 WHEN Gas Loop Pressure reading (P-2) from PI-1067 stabilizes, NOTE pressure:
4.7.19 IE a pressure increase was noted between steps 4.7.12 and 4.7.18, Go 'R) step 4.7.6.
4.7.20 POSITION 2-S-493 (V-II) to " LIQUID".
4.7.21 POSITION 2-S-490 (V-7) to " BYPASS."
4.7.22 START stripping pump.
4.7.23 POSITION the following valves as specified:
2-S-491 (V-8) to "INPASS."
2-S-494 (V-12) to " BYPASS."
2-S-495 (V-13) to " BYPASS."
2-S-493 (V-11) to " GAS."
4.7.24 WAIT 1 minute h
4.7.25 POSITION 2-S-494 (V-12) to "INLIP E" 4.7.26 POSITION 2-S-495 (V-13) to "INLINE."
4.7.27 WHEN 1 minute has elapsed, STOP stripping pump.
4.7.28. RECORD the following on Attachment 1:
Final Gas Loop Temperature (T3).
Final Gas loop pressure reading from PI-1067.
4.7.29 Go To Section 4.8.
- End of Section 4.7 -
i O
Level of Use CP2804L ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 30 of 83
4.8 Flushing PASS Prior to Reactor Coolant Samples Retrieval 4.8.1 On Remote Operating Module, POSITION the following valves are positioned as specified:
2-S-482 (V-1) to " BYPASS" b.
2-S-486 (V-2) to " GRAB" c.
2-S-487 (V-3) to " NORMAL AND FLUSH" d.
2-S-488 (V-4) to "CLOSE" e.
2-S-489 (V-6) to "CLOSE" f.
2-S-490 (V-7) to " BYPASS"
2-S-491 (V-8) to " BYPASS" h,
2-S-493 (V-11) to " LIQUID" i.
2-S-494 (V-12) to " BYPASS" j.
2-S-495 (V-13) to " BYPASS" k.
2-GAN-259 (V-15) to "CLOSE" 1.
2-S-497 (V-16) to "CLOSE"
- m. 2-S-498 (V-17) to "CLOSE" 4.8.2 On PANEL C103D, PERFORM one of the following:
IE RCS Hot Leg was sampled, OPEN "S-449."
IE HPSI/LPSI System was sampled, OPEN "S-448."
Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 31 of 83
NOTE Opening "2-S-497" ("V-16") and "2-S-498" ("V-17") allows flow past the pH probe in the sample module.
4.8.3 At ROM, POSITION the following:
2-S-498 (V-17) to "OPEN" b.
2-S-497 (V-16) to "OPEN" c.
2-S-488 (V-4) to "OPEN" d.
2-S-499 (V-18) to "HI-FLOW."
NOTE A flow should be evident on remote operating module " FLOWMETER" when Flush Pump P-155 is running.
1 4.8.4 On Panel C103D, POSITION " FLUSH PUMP P-155" to "ON."
ba 4.8.5 START the stripping pump NOTE The following flush times may vary according to the activity of the samples required.
l 4.8.6 WAIT 2 minutes.
4.8.7 CYCLE 2-S-488 (V-4) with its final position being open.
NOTE Radiation level in sample module should decrease markedly as sample is flushed from sample module piping.
4.8.8 MONITOR flow and radiation levels to assess flush effectiveness.
CP2804L Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 Continuous 32 0f 83
g 4.8.9 POSITION the following valves as specified:
a 2-S-489 (V-6) to "OPEN" b.
2-S-497 (V-16) to "CLOSE" c.
2-S-498 (V-17) to "CLOSE" 4.8.10 WAIT 1 minute.
4.8.11 CYCLE 2-S-489 (V-6) several times with its final position being open.
4.8.12 POSITION 2-S-493 (V-11) to " GAS."
4.8.13 WAIT 1 minute.
4.8.14 STOP stripping pump.
4.8.15 P,OSITION the following valves as specified:
2-S-489 (V-6) to "CLOSE" b.
2-S-486 (V-2) to " BYPASS" c.
2-S-488 (V-4) to "CLOSE" 4.8.16 WAIT 1 minute.
4.8.17 POSITION 2-S-482 (V-1) to " GRAB" 4.8.18 POSITION 2-S-486 (V-2) to " GRAB" 4.8.19 FLUSH for 60 seconds 4.8.20 PERFORM the following on PANEL C103D:
PERFORM one of the following:
E RCS Hot Leg was sampled, CLOSE "S-449."
E HPSI/LPSI System was sampled CLOSE "S-448."
O Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 33 of 83
4.8.21 Go Tb Section 4.9 O
- End of Section 4.8 -
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34 of 83 j
I 4.9 Reactor Coolant Sample Retrieval O
i l Chem Tech j' 4.9.1 OBTAIN the following items and PROCEED to sample module in Primary Sample Sink Room:
PASS transport cart Prepared syringes l HP Tech j; 4.9.2 PERFORM a rapid radiation survey of sample module area to ensure radiation levH is less than level specified in radiological controls.
l Chein Tech l; 4.9.3 E radiation level is greater than or equal to level specified in radiological controls, Refer To Section 4.8 and PERFORM PASS flesh.
4.9.4 PERFORM the following actions as applicable:
=, E acquisition of pressurized 2 mi grab sample or depressurized 2 ml grab sample is directed by MRDA or AMRDA, Refer To Section 4.10 and RETRIEVE 2 mi grab sample from sample module.
1 E acquisition of liquid in-line sample is directed by MRDA or AMRDA, Refer Tb Section 4.11 and RETRIEVE liquid in-line sample from sample module.
1 E acquisition of gaseous in-line sample is directed by MRDA or AMRDA, Refer To Section 4.12 and RETRIEVE gaseous in-line sample from sample module.
4.9.5 RETURN to chemistry lab with transport cart and samples.
4.9.6 Go To Section 4.13.
- End of Section 4.9 -
Level of Use' CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 35 of 83
4.10 Reactor Coolant 2 ml Grab Sample Retrieval O
ALARA This Section should only be performed when directed by MRDA or AMRDA.
4.10.1 PROCEED to Primary Sample Sink Room 4.10.2 OPEN module door.
4.10.3 GRAB unlatching knob and PULL slide tray outside of sample module.
4.10.4 DISCONNECT flexible hoses from grab sample valve operator.
4.10.5 LIFT 2 mi grab sample chamber from slide tray and PLACE in transport container.
4.10.6 PLACE lid on transport container.
I 4.10.7 PLACE spare 2 mi sample chamber on slide tray.
O 4.10.8 ENSURE 2 ml grab sample chamber is located so that quick connect collars are properly positioned in yoke and 2 ml grab sample chamber is pressed firmly down onto slide tray.
4.10.9 CONNECT flexible hoses to grab sample chamber air operator.
4.10.10 ENSURE blue quick connects on grab sample chamber air operator are mated.
4.10.11 PUSil slide tray, with 2 ml grab sample chamber, back into sample module until liquid quick connects latch.
4.10.12 Go To step 4.9.4.
4.10.13 If no further samples are to be obtained, CLOSE module door.
- End of Section 4.10 -
r O
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4.11 Reactor Coolant Liquid in-Line Sample Retrieval
i O
ALARA This Section should only be performed when directed by MRDA or AMRDA.
4.11.1 PROCEED to Primary Sample Sink Room 4.11.2 OPEN sample module door.
4.11.3 INSERT " LIQUID ISOTOPIC" syringe gently into brass needle guide until syringe needle is bottomed.
4.11.4 OPEN 2-S-492 (V-9) by gently pulling valve handle out to its stop.
4.11.5 COMPLETE insertion of"LIOUID ISOTOPIC" syringe needle into brass needic guide until syringe needle nut mates into needle guide slot.
- /
- /
Do not unscrew syringe nosecap more than 2 turns. Excessive turns will disengage nosecap and needle from syringe.
Steps 4.11.6 through 4.11.9 should be performed rapidly to minimize exposure.
4.11.6 WITIIDRAW approximately 100 pl liquid sample.
t 4.11.7 UNSCREW syringe body 2 turns counterclockwise to lock sample sysinge.
i 4.11.8 WITilDRAW "LIOUII) ISOTOPIC" syringe carefully and i
CLOSE 2-S-492 (V-9) as syringe is removed.
4.11.9 PLACE "LIOUID ISOTOPIC" syringe in transport container.
t i
j 4.11.10 INSERT "CilLORIDES" syringe gently into brass needle guide i
until syringe needle is bottomed.
4.11.11 OPEN 2-S-492 (V-9) by gently pulling valve handle out to its A
Level of Use CP2804L j
i STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous l
37 or 33
4.11.12 COMPLETE insertion of "ClILORIDES" syringe needle into
,A brass needle guide until syringe needle nut mates into needle V
guide slot.
Do not unscrew syringe nosecap more than 2 turns. Excessive turns will disengage nosecap and needle from syringe.
Steps 4.11.13 through 4.11.16 should be performed rapidly to minimize exposure.
4.11.13 WITliDRAW approximately 1.0 miliquid sample 4.11.14 UNSCREW syringe body 2 turns counterclockwise to lock sample syringe.
4.11.15 WITilDRAW "CIILORIDES" syringe carefully and CLOSE 2-S-492 (V-9) as syringe is removed.
4.11.16 PLACE "CllLORIDES" syringe in transport container.
7 4.11.17 Go To step 4.9.4.
k 4.11.18 IE no further samples are to be obtained, CLOSE sample module door.
- End of Section 4.11 -
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4.12 Reactor Coolant Gaseous In-Line Sample Retrieval
ALARA This Section should only be performed when directed by MRDA or AMRDA.
4.12.1 PROCEED to Primary Sample Sink Room 4.12.2 OPEN sample module door.
4.12.3 INSERT " GAS ISOTOPIC" syringe gently into brass needle guide until syringe needle is bottomed.
4.12.4 OPEN 2-S-496 (V-14) by gently pulling valve handle out to its stop.
4.12.5 COMPLETE insertion of" GAS ISOTOPIC" syringe needle into brass needle guide until syringe needle nut mates into brass needle guide slot.
Do not unscrew syringe nosecap more than 2 turns. Excessive turns will disengage nosecap and needle from syringe.
Steps 4.12.6 through 4.12.12 should be performed rapidly to minimize exposure.
4.12.6 WITHDRAW approximately 100 pl gas sample.
4.12.7 UNSCREW syringe body 2 turns counterclockwise to lock sample syringe.
4.12.8 WITIIDRAW " GAS ISOTOPIC" syringe carefully and CLOSE 2-S-496 (V-14) as syringe is removed.
1 i
4.12.9 RECORD volume of gas sample transferred to syringe (V ) on t.
4.12.10 INSERT needle into stoppered 14cc gas vial.
4.12.11 UNLOCK syringe and INJECT gas contents into stoppered 14cc nj gas vial.
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Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 i
Continuous 39 or 83 I
4.12.12 PLACE " GAS ISOTOPIC" syringe and 14cc gas vial in transport container.
4.12.13 E gas composition sample is required, PERFORM the following:
INSERT " GAS COMP" syringe gently into brass needle a.
guide until syringe needle is bottomed.
OPEN 2-S-496 (V-14) by gently pulling valve handle out to its stop, i
COMPLETE insertion of " GAS COMP" syringe needle into c.
brass needle guide until syringe needle nut mates into brass needle guide slot.
Do not unscrew syringe nosecap more than 2 turns. Excessive turns will disengage nosecap and needle from syringe.
St,eps 4.12.13d: through 4.12.13g. should be performed rapidly to mmimize exposure.
WITHDRAW approximately 500 pl gas sample UNSCREW syringe body 2 turns counterclockwise to lock e.
sample syringe.
WITilDRAW " GAS COMP" syringe carefully and CLOSE 2-S-496 (V-14) as syringe is removed.
PLACE " GAS COMP" syringe in transport container.
4.12.14 Go To step 4.9.4.
4.12.15 E no further samples are to be obtained, CLOSE sample module door.
- End of Section 4.12 -
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4.13 Analysis of Reactor Coolant Samples
l Chem Tech l
4.13.1 E retrieved, PLACE 2 mi shielded grab sample and transport container in properly shielded location for future off-site transport.
NOTE Analysis outlined in the following Sections may be performed concurrently as equipment and personnel permit.
l Chem Tech l
4.13.2 Refer To the following sections as applicable and PERFORM analysis:
Section 4.14," Reactor Coolant Liquid Isotopic Analysis" 4
Section 4.15, " Reactor Coolant Total Dissolved Gas Analysis" a
Section 4.16," Reactor Coolant Chloride Analysis" Section 4.17," Reactor Coolant Boron Analysis"
Section 4.18," Reactor Coolant Gaseous Isotopic Analysis"
Section 4.19," Reactor Coolant Gas Composition Analysis"
4.13.3 WHEN analysis are complete, REPORT results to MRDA or AMRDA.
4.13.4 COMPLETE applicable Attachments.
4.13.5 E copies of results are requested, FAX or SEND copies of the applicable Attachments or isotopic printouts to requesting individuals:
4.13.6 FORWARD original and copy of completed attachments and gamma spectrometer printouts to Chemistry Supervision.
Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 4i of 83
ALARA High-level (greater than or equal to 100 mrem /hr) radioactive waste samples cannot be disposed ofin the chemistry lab hot sink, 4.13.7 IE any diluted sample bottles measuring greater than or equal to 100 mR/hr on contact were prepared in step 4.14.5, PERFORM the following:
REQUEST OSC ARPS to provide storage instructions for a.
sample bottles.
STORE sample bottles as directed by OSC ARPS.
- End of Section 4.13 -
1 O
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4.14 Reactor Coolant Liquid Isotopic Analysis (3
l Chem Tech l' 4.14.1 PREPARE 20 ml " ISOTOPIC ORIGINAL" sample bottle as follows:
TARE 20 mi sample bottle.
ADD 10 ml DI water to sample bottle.
i c.
RECORD DI water mass on Attachment 7.
TARE 20 mi sample bottle with water.
ALARA Steps 4.14.1 e. through k. should be performed rapidly to minimize exposure.
REMOVE " LIQUID ISOTOPIC" syringe from syringe transfer container.
l f.
UNLOCK syringe and INJECT contents of "LIQUlD qQ ISOTOPIC" syringe into sample bottle.
RECORD 100 pl sample mass on the following: (M )
di h.
CIRCLE " Isotopic Original" on Attachment 4.
PLACE empty " LIQUID ISOTOPIC" syringe in plastic bag and SEAL bag.
PLACE sealed plastic bag in properly shielded location for future disposal.
Using tongs, INVERT sample bottle several times to mix.
WRAP " ISOTOPIC ORIGINAL" bottle in plastic wrap.
i l HP Tech
4.14.2 MEASURE contact dose rate of "lSOTOPIC ORIGINAL" bottle.
h Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 43 of 83
l Chem Tech l
4.14.3 E contact dose rate of sample bottle is greater than or equal to
25 mR/hr, Go To step 4.14.5.
v 4.14.4 E contact dose rate of "lSOTOPIC ORIGINAL" bottle is less than 25 mR/hr, Go 'Ib step 4.14.6.
4.14.5 Dil UTE sample using 1:1000 (solute: solvent) dilution factor as follows: [+Ref. 6.18]
TRANSFER 1.0 mi from bottle containing sample (solute a.
bottle) into 1 liter bottle filled with DI water (solvent bottle) and CAP bottie.
PLACE solute bottle in plastic bag and SEAL bag.
STORE solute bottle in shielded location.
Using tongs, INVERT solvent bottle several times to mix.
LABEL solvent liter bottle either "lSt, "2"d, "3rd, a4th, "5th, J
"6th, or "7th DILUTION," as applicable, for the 1:1000
dilution being performed.
,e3 f.
CIRCLE cither "14. "2nd,"3rd u4th,"5th,"6th, or "7th
Dilution"in Sample Dilution column on Attachment 4, as applicable, for the 1:1000 dilution being performed.
l HP Tech l*
MEASURE contact dose rate of solvent liter bottic.
l l Chem Tech f
E contact dose rate of solvent liter bottle is less than 25 l
mR/hr, Go 'Ib step 4.14.6.
E contact dose rate of solvent liter bottle is greater than or i
equal to 25 mR/hr, Go To step 4.14.5 a..
4.14.6 DETERMINE reactor coolant liquid isotopic activity as follows:
PLACE 2.5 cm shelf in detector to be used for reactor coolant liquid isotopic analysis.
i i
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44 of 83
Using the following information, Refer To
CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting
System Maintenance and Operation," and ANALYZE sample:
Closed cave Applicable geometry for sample container and shelf j
being used Five minute count time
General library Sample mass corresponding to the last circled sample a
dilution on Attachment 4 in gms Inline sample date and time as recorded on Attachment I IE dead time is greater than or equal to 20% PERFORM the c.
- 1) ABORT count.
- 2) Go To step 4.14.5.
g3 d.
STORE sample bottle in shielded location.
U e.
DETERMINE background as follows:
- 1) Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM background count on detector that was used for reactor coolant liquid isotopic analysis.
Closed cave Applicable geometry for shelf that was used Five minute count time
General library Sample mass corresponding to the last circled sample dilution on Attachment 4
- 2) RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated background activity levels in Ci/gm on Attachment 5.
I O.
l Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 45 of 83 l
Refer 7b Attachment 5 and CALCULATE reactor coolant liquid isotopic activity as follows:
i) Refer To reactor coolant liquid isotopic printout and RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated activity levels in pCi/gm.
- 2) For each isotope listed, SUBTRACT background activity and RECORD as isotope activity in Ci/gm.
- 3) ADD isotope activities and RECORD as total isotope activity in pCi/gm.
4.14.7 Go To step 4.13.2 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.14 -
l GV I
Level of USe CP2so4L Continuous ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 46 of 83 4
4.15 Reactor Coolant Total Dissolved Gas Analysis 4.15.1 Refer To one of the following and CALCULATE total dissolved gas:
Computer program 4.15.2 RECORD total dissolved gas in ec/kg on Attachment 1.
4.15.3 Go To step 4.13.2 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.15 -
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4.16 Reactor Coolant Chloride Analysis b) 4.16.1 REMOVE "CliLORIDES" syringe from syringe transfer container.
4.16.2 INJECT contents of"CllLORIDES" syringe into small test tube located in lead brick at IC.
4.16.3 Refer To CP 801/2801/380lY," Routine Operation and Calibration of the Laboratory Ion Chromatography Systems," and ANALYZE sample for chlorides.
4.16.4 PLACE empty " CHLORIDES" syringe in plastic bag and SEAL bag.
4.16.5 PLACE scaled plastic bag in properly shielded location for future disposal.
4.16.6 RECORD chloride concentration in ppm on Attachment 7.
4.16.7 Go To step 4.13.2 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.16 -
'V 1
i i
i i
1 1
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Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 48 of 83 i
4.17 Reactor Coolant Iloron Analysis 4.17.1 WHEN sample bottle labeled "lSOTOPIC ORIGINAL" is no longer needed for isotopic analysis, Refer To CP 801/2801 AJ,
" Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Analysis" and ANALYZE sample bottle for boron.
4.11.2 PLACE "lSOTOPIC ORIGINAL" sample bottle in plastic bag and SEAL bag.
4.17.3 PLACE sealed plastic bag in properly shicided location for future disposal.
4.17.4 Refer To Attachment 7 and CALCULATE boron concentration in ppm.
4.17.5 Go To step 4.13.2 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.17 -
O i
CP2804L Level of Use ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 49 of 83
4.18 Reactor Coolant Gaseous Isotopic Analysis 4.18.1 WRAP stoppered 14cc vial in plastic wrap.
4.18.2 PLACE sample on 2.5 cm shelf.
4.18.3 DETERMINE gas isotopic activity as follows:
Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and ANALYZE sample:
Open cave Applicable geometry for shelf being used Five minute count time General library Sample in-line isolation date and time as recorded on Sample quantity as calculated on Attachment I h
IE dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the d
- 1) ABORT count.
NOTE There are 3 shelves available for this count. They are the 2.5 cm, the 10 cm and the 30 cm shelves.
- 2) REPLACE shelf with next higher shelf.
- 3) Go To step 4.18.3.a.
PLACE empty " GAS ISOTOPIC" syringe and 14cc vial in labeled plastic bag and SEAL bag.
PLACE sealed plastic bag in source locker for future disposal.
Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 50 of 83
DETERMINE background as follows:
- 1) Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM background count on detector that was used for gas isotopic analysis.
Open cave Applicable geometry for shelf that was used Five minute count time General library a
Sample quantity as calculated on line 14 of
- 2) RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated background activity levels in pCi/gm on Attachment 6.
Refer To Attachment 6 and CALCULATE gas activity as follows:
- 1) Refer To gas isotopic printout and RECORD all f
identified isotopes and their associated activity levels in Ci/gm.
- 2) For each isotope listed, SUBTRACT background activity from printout activity and RECORD as isotope activity in pCi/gm.
- 3) ADD isotope activities and RECORD as "Tbtal Gaseous Activity."
4.18.4 Go To step 4.13.2 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.18 -
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4.19 Reactor Coolant Gas Composition Analysis 4.19.1 REMOVE " GAS COMP" syringe from transport container.
4.19.2 Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AD, " Gas Chromatograph," and PERFORM the following analyses on sample:
Hydrogen analysis Oxygen analysis 4.19.3 PLACE empty " GAS COMP" syringe in plastic bag and seal bag 4.19.4 STORE sealed plastic bag in properly shielded location for future disposal.
4.19.5 RECORD results of gas composition analysis on bottom of.
4.19.6 Go To step 4.13.2 and COMPLETE any remaining analysis.
- End of Section 4.19 -
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4 4.20 PASS Restoration i
O NOTE Performance of this section prepares the reactor coolant PASS and sample contammation from sampling pipmg and equ(ipment. chambers for the 4.20.1 PROCEED to PASS sampling area in Unit 2 Turbine Building.
4.20.2 IE demineralized water flush tank level indicator light does not indicate " FULL," PERFORM the following:
THROTTLE 2-S-505, PMW To Flush Tank Fill.
While filling tank, manually PUMP flush module level indicator to obtain an accurate water level.
WHEN demineralized water flush tank indicates full, CLOSE 2-S-505, PMW To Flush Tank Fill.
4.20.3 On Remote Operating Module, POSITION the following valves O(/
as specified:
2-S-482 (V-1) to " BYPASS" 1
2-S-486 (V-2) to " GRAB" c.
2-S-487 (V-3) to " GRAB SAMPLE" d.
2-S-488 (V-4) to "CLOSE" e.
2-S-489 (V-6) to "CLOSE" f.
2-S-490 (V-7) to "INLINE" l
2-S-491 (V-8) to " BYPASS" h,
2-S-493 (V-11) to " GAS" i.
2-S-494 (V-12) to "BY PASS" j.
2-S-495 (V-13) to " BYPASS" l
Level of Use CP2804L CondnuOUS STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 53 of 83
2-GAN-259 (V-15) to "CLOSE" O
2-S-497 (V-16) to "CLOSE"
- m. 2-S-498 (V-17) to "CLOSE" n.
2-S-499 (V-18) to "HI-FLOW" 4.20.4 On PANEL C103D, PERFORM the following:
PERFORM one of the following:
E RCS Hot Leg was sampled, OPEN "2-S-449 "
E HPSI/LPSI System was sampled, OPEN "2-S-448."
4.20.5 POSITION the following valves as specified:
2-S-489 (V-6) to "OPEN" b[ 2-S-498 (V-17) to "OPEN" c.
2-S-497 (V-16) to "OPEN" d.
2-S-488 (V-4) to "OPEN" 4.20.6 POSITION " FLUSH PUMP P-155" to "ON."
NOTE A flo,w should be evident on " FLOWMETER" when stripping pump is runmng.
4.20.7 START stripping pump 4.20.8 WAIT at least 3 minutes 4.20.9 POSITION 2-S-493 (V-11) to " LIQUID."
4.20.10 POSITION 2-S-491 (V-8) to "INLINE."
4.20.11 STOP stripping pump 4.20.12 WAIT at least 3 minutes O
Level of Use CP2804L ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 Continuous 54 of 83
4.20.13 POSITION the following valves as specified:
O 2-S-490 (V-7) to " BYPASS" a.
2-S-491 (V-8) to " BYPASS" c.
2-S-486 (V-2) to " BYPASS" 4.20.14 WAIT at least 30 seconds 4.20.15 POSITION the following valves as specified:
2-S-488 (V-4) to "CLOSE" b.
2-S-498 (V-17) to "CLOSE" c.
2-S-497 (V-16) to "CLOSE" d.
2-S-489 (V-6) to "CLOSE" e.
2-S-482 (V-1) to " GRAB" f.
2-S-486 (V-2) to " GRAB" O
4.20.16 FLUSH for at least 3 minutes 4.20.17 POSITION 2-S-487 (V-3) to " NORMAL AND FLUSH."
4.20.18 On Panel C103D, POSITION " FLUSH PUMP P-155" to i
"OFE" 4.20.19 On flush module, CLOSE "2-S-506".
4.20.20 On PANEL C103D, PERFORM one of the following:
E RCS Hot Leg was sampled, CLOSE "2-S-449."
E HPSI/LPSI System was sampled, CLOSE "2-S-448."
4.20.21 PERFORM nitrogen flush of gas loop as follows:
POSITION 2-S-486 (V-2) to " GRAB."
- b., OPEN 2-S-489 (V-6).
O CP2804L Level of Use sToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 55 or 83
POSITION the following valves as indicated:
U 2-S-493 (V-11) to " GAS"
2-S-494 (V-12) to "INLINE" 2-S-495 (V-13) to "INLINE"
VERIFY 2-GAN-260 is approximately 80 psig.
OPEN 2-GAN-259 (V-15).
START stripping pump.
WAIT at least 1 minute.
POSITION valves as follows:
2-S-494 (V-12) to " BYPASS" 2-S-495 (V-13) to " BYPASS" i.
WAIT at least 1 minute.
o j.
POSITION valves as follows:
2-S-495 (V-13) to "INLINE" 2-S-490 (V-7) to " BYPASS" k.
STOP stripping pump.
WAIT 30 seconds.
- m. CLOSE 2-GAN-259 (V-15).
CLOSE 2-S-489 (V-6).
POSITION 2-S-493 (V-11) to "LIOUID."
4.20.22 On Remote Operating Module, PERFORM the following:
l POSITION the following valves as specified:
- 1) 2-S-482 (V-1) to " BYPASS"
,a e
i Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 56 or 83
- 2) 2-S-486 (V-2) to " GRAB"
- 3) 2-S-487 (V-3) to " GRAB SAMPLE"
- 4) 2-S-488 (V-4) to "CLOSE"
- 5) 2-S-489 (V-6) to "CLOSE"
- 6) 2-S-490 (V-7) to " BYPASS"
- 7) 2-S-491 (V-8) to " BYPASS"
- 8) 2-S-493 (V-11) to " LIQUID"
- 9) 2-S-494 (V-12) to " BYPASS"
- 10) 2-S-495 (V-13) to " BYPASS"
- 11) 2-GAN-259 (V-15) to "CLOSE"
- 12) 2-S-497 (V-16) to "CLOSE" i
- 13) 2-S-498 (V-17) to "CLOSE" GV
- 14) 2-S-499 (V-18) to "LO-FLOW" b.
BACK OFF 2-GAN-260 (V-19) (nitrogen pressure regr.lator) completely.
4.20.23 BACK OFF 2-GAN-235, Nitrogen Supply Regulator.
4.20.24 At nitrogen bottle, CLOSE nitrogen bottle isolation valve.
4.20.25 DE-ENERGlZE Remote Operating Module.
4.20.26 REPLACE and LOCK anti-tamper covers on the following modules and panels:
Remote Operating Module
" PANEL C103C"
" PANEL C103D"
Level of Use CP28"4' STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 57 of 83
4.20.27 IE demineralized water ilush tank level indicator light does not indicate " FULL," PERFORM the following:
THROTTLE 2-S-505, PMW To Flush Tank Fill.
While filling tank, manually PUMP flush module level indicator to obtain an accurate water level.
WHEN demineralized water flush tank indicates full, CLOSE c.
2-S-505, PMW To Flush Tank Fill.
4.20.28 PROCEED to sample module in Primary Sample Sink Room.
4.20.29 PLACE 2-S-453 in "POS 2."
4.20.30 PLACE 2-S-451 in "POS 2."
4.20.31 IE open, CLOSE "2-S-460."
4.20.32 C, LOSE 2-S-556, RCS Test Connection.
4.20.33 Behind primary sample sink, CLOSE 2-S-504.
O y
4tini y pH probe may be extremely radioactive. Proper radiological controls and surveys should be adhered to in order to prevent over-exposure or contamination of adjacent equipment or personnel.
4.20.34 REMOVE pH probe (AE 1068) and o-ring from sample chamber.
4.20.35 IE pH probe protective cover absorbant material is not damp, FILL pil probe protective cover with a few drops of KCL 4.20.36 INSTALL pH probe protective cover onto pH probe.
4.20.37 INSTALL FME cover on AE 1068 sample chamber.
4.20.38 STORE pil probe in a vertical position such that the KCL remains on the pH probe sensor.
Level of Use CP2804L Continuous 58 of 83
4.20.39 REQUEST second chemistry technician to independently verify the position of the following valves:
2-RC-001 "CLOSE."
2-RC-002 "CLOSE."
2-RC-003 "OPEN."
2-RC-045 "OPEN."
2-LRR-61.1 "CLOSE."
4.20.40 DOCUMENTindependent verification on Attachment 12
" Isolation Valves Independent Verification Sheet."
4.20.41 RETURN to chemistry lab.
4.20.42 NOTIFY MCRO that reactor coolant PASS sampling has been c9mpleted.
- End of Section 4.20 -
4 pG I
l i
O Level of Use cP2804L Continuous SToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 59 of 83
1 Uquid PASS 4.21 Liquid Waste Sampling nnd Analysis Team ALARA This Section should only be performed when directed by MRDA or AMRDA.
4.21.1 ENSURE lead brick shield in Chemistry Lab Primary Sample Hood Area is intact.
4.21.2 PERFORM one of the following:
E CWMT is to be sampled, CONSULT MCRO to ensure CWMT has been recirculated at least 2.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> with mixer or at least 7.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> with pump.
1 E AWMTis to be sampled, CONSULT MCRO to ENSURE AWMT has been recirculated at least 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> with mixer or at least 4.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> with pump.
4.21.3 PROCEED to left side of primary sample sink in Primary Sample Sink Room.
O 4.21.4 E CWMT is to be sampled, ESTABLISH sample flow from CWMT as follows:
ENSURE "2-S-262" (rack shutoff valve) is open.
OPEN "2-S-111" (sample isolation valve).
E sampling A CWMT, REQUEST operations close c.
"2-LRR-124.l A."
E sampling B CWMT, REQUEST operations close "2-LR R - 124.1 B."
MONITOR radiation dose rate as sample flow is established I
l HP Tech.
to ensure personnel radiation exposure remains less than level specified in radiological controls.
Level of Use CP2804L i
Continuous 60 of 83
l Sample flow rate and flush time may require adjustment as radiation levels increase. MRDA or AMRDA shall specify the required adjustments.
l Chem Tech.
l f.
TilROTTLE 2-S-111 to obtain sample flow rate of approximately 500 ml/ min and FLUSli for 20 minutes.
RETURN to Chemistry Lab.
4.21.5 E AWMT is to be sampled, ESTABLISH sample flow from i
AWMT as follows:
ENSURE 2-S-126 (Rack Shutoff valve) is gen.
OPEN 2-S-128 (sample isolation valve).
REQUEST Operations to close "2-LRA-55.1".
MONITOR radiation dose rate as sample Dow is established to ensure personnel radiation exposure remains less than p
level specified in radiological controls.
V ALARA Sample flow rate and flush time may require adjustment as radiation levels I
increase. MRDA or AMRDA shall specify the required adjustments.
l l
i THROTFLE 2-S-128 to obtain sample flow rate of e.
approximately 500 ml/ min and FLUSH for 20 minutes.
RETURN to Chemistry Lab.
4.21.6 WHEN required flush period is completed, RETURN to primary sample sink.
I l HP Tech.
l 4.21.7 MONITOR dose rates j
i l Chem Tech.
l 4.21.8 E dose rates preclude obtaining required discharge samples, l
I PERFORM the following:
l a.
CP2SO4L Level of Use i
STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 61 of 83
REQUEST guidance on sample volumes.
OBTAIN sample equipment required to collect adequate c.
sample for analyses.
4.21.9 Refer To SP 2864 and OI;TAIN required sample aliquots for discharge permit preparation.
4.21.10 E AWMT was sampled AND sampling is complete, PERFORM f
the following:
4 1
NOTIFY Operations that "2-LRA-55.1" may be opened a.
CLOSE "2-S-128" Sample Isolation Valve.
4.21.11 E CWMT was sampled AND sampling is complete, PERFORM -
the following:
E A CWMT was sampled, NOTIFY Operations that a.
"2-LRR-124.l A may be opened.
E B CWMT was sampled, NOTIFY Operations that "2-LRR-124.1B may be opened.
4.21.12 CLOSE 2-S-111 Sample Isolation Valve.
4.21.13 Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AT," Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM liquid waste activity analysis as follows:
PERFORM a 5 minute, closed cave, background count on the a.
detector to be used for liquid isotopic analysis.
RECORD required isotopes and their associated background activity levels on Attachment 9.
I SAVE gamma spectrometer printout for future reference, c.
PLACE bagged sample liter bottle on detector in gamma spectrometer and PERFORM a 5 minute, closed cave count using the following information:
Sample date and time as recorded on Attachment 9.
Sample volume corresponding to the last circled sample dilution on Attachment 4.
,D CP2804L Level of Use ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 Continuous 62 of 83
E dead time is less than 20%, Go To step 4.21.14.
,,-b f.
E dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:
- 1) OPEN cave and REMOVE sample liter bottle.
- 2) TRANSFER 1.0 ml of sample from sample liter bottle (the solute liter bottle) into another 1 liter plastic bottle filled with demineralized water (the solvent liter bottle).
- 3) RECORD new sample volume on Attachment 4, as applicable, for the 1000:1 dilution being performed.
- 4) PACKAGE solvent liter bottle (diluted sample liter bottle) in a plastic bag and SEAL bag.
- 5) Go To step 4.21.13.d.
1 4.21.14 Refer To SP 2864, " Liquid Waste Discharge," and PERFORM required NPDES analyses.
4.21.15 Refer To Attachment 9 and DETERMINE total waste activity as follows:
SUBTRACT background activity level from printout activity a.
level to obtain isotope activity level for each isotope.
ADD isotope activity level for each isotope to obtain total isotope activity.
4.21.16 Refer To SP 2864," Liquid Waste Discharge," and PERFORM manual calculation for discharge permit.
4.21.17 COPY the following documents 2 times:
Completed attachments Gamma spcstrometer printouts E originated, completed liquid discharge permit
/~N C/
Level of Use CP28041.
STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 63 of 83
I 4.21.18 SEND originals of the following documents to MRDA or O
G Completed attachments j
Gamma spectrometer printouts s
k E originated, completed liquid discharge permit
4.21.19 FILE copies of the following documents:
Completed attachments j
Gamma spectrometer printouts
E originated, completed liquid discharge permit 4.21.20 PLACE bagged sample liter bottle (s) in properly shielded location for future disposal.
- End of Section 4.21.
Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 a of83
r 4.22 PASS Equipment Inventory U
4.22.1 Quarterly and after each PASS sample, PERFORM inventory of all equipment required to perform containment PASS sampling.
4.22.2 COMPLETE Attachment 8," Reactor Coolant Sampling Inventory."
4.22.3 FORWARD Attachment 8 to Chemistry Supervision
- End of Section 4.22 -
1 O
e O
Level of Use CP2so4L Continuous sToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 65 of 83
V 5.1 Indicate (check) Subsections of this procedure which were performed:
l 0 4.1 04.2 04.3 04.4 04.5 04.6 l
O 4.7 04.8 04.9 0 4.10 0 4.11 0 4.12 0 4.13 0 4.14 0 4.15 0 4.16 0 4.17 0 4.18 0 4.19 0 4.20 0 4.21 0 4.22 5.2 If procedure was terminated prior to completion, specify cause:
s 5.3 This proc 6 dure was performed by the following personnel:
Job supervisor (MRDA):
Print Name Signature Initials 1.iquid PASS Team personnel:
Print Name Signature Initials Print Name Signature Initials
Print Name Signature Initials Print Name Signature initials 5.4 This procedure was reviewed by Chemistry Supervision:
Print Name Signature initials
" Final Safety Analysis Report Unit 2," Appendix 12A Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 Continuous 66 of 83 I
J e
" Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan" 6.3 RAB Accident and Shielding File #608.002 6.4.NUREG-0654," Criteria for Preparation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants" 6.5 NUREG-0737," Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements, Supplement 1, Requirements for Emergency Response Capability" 6.6
" Instructions Model 85(X) Gas Chromatograph:" Perkin-Elmer, October 1987 6.7 " Technical Manual for De-lonized Water Flushing Module:" General Dynamics Corporation; Electric Boat Division, Reactor Plant Services, November 1981 i
6.8 " Technical. Manual for Reactor Coolant Post-Accident Sample System:"
General Dynamics Corporation; Electric Boat Division, Reactor Plant Services, May 1982 6.9 "VAX/VMS Spectroscopy Applications Package User's Manual 07-0196,"
April 1982 i
V 6.10 SP 2864," Liquid Waste Discharge" 6.11 CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation" 6.12 CP 801/2801/3801AD," Gas Chromatograph Operation and Calibration" l
6.13 CP 2801X," Routine Operation, Calibration and Maintenance of the DX-120 and DX-500 Laboratory Ion Chromatography Systems" 6.14 CP 807/2807/3807AA,"lloron Analysis" 6.15 Chemistry Memorandum CHEM-93-1212; from J. P. Kangley to J. Broussard, dated January 18th 1993 6.16 CP 801/2801/3801 AJ," Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Analysis" 6.17 NRC, Docket Number 50-245. 50-336. Combined Inspection 50 - 245/80 - 18,50 - 336/80 - 20. December 171980, Page 12 O
Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW R.ev.3 Continuous 67 of 83
6.18 NRC, Commitment Record # RCR-10781. Docketed Correspondence
Dated 11/17/87. Combined Inspection 50-245/87-24,50-336/87-21, G
50 -423/87-19.
6.19 USNRC Reg Guide 1.97, Rev. 3 May 1983," Instrumentation for Light Water Coolant Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant and Environs Condition During and Following an Accident 6.20 CR M3-97-3450," Calculation Used in Liquid PASS E Plan Procedure Appears In Error" 6.21 CR M2-97-2509," PASS Operation and Configuration Differ in FSAR, Reg Guide 1.97 and EPOP" 6.22 CR M2-97-2797," PASS Equipment and Supplies are not Inventoried IAW Regulatory and Site requirements" 6.23 CR M2-97-2905," Audit of PASS Determined that Existing Program Requirements may not Ensure TS 6.18 Compliance" 6.24 CR M1-97-0641,"EPOP Procedures References Call for Performing Chloride Analysis" 6.25 Memo 98-067, From Max Keyes to Tom Blount, PASS Procedure p)s Meeting Minutes
6.26 Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2, Technical Specification 6.18, August 28,1992.
6.27 MPNS-2 FSAR, Section 9.6," Post Accident Sampling System" 6.28 EPRI NP-3513,"Postaccident Liquid Sampling Systems," Final Report, May 1984 6.29 INPO Post Accident Sampling Preparedness CY 707 INPO 91-019 6.30 Technical Paper," Temperature - Another Wild Card in pH Control,"
submitted by TBl-Bailey, February 14,1995.
Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 68 of 83
- 7.
7.1 Added amplifying wording as to when 2-RB-210 is to be opened.
7.2 Added specific instructions as to when to open and close 2-RB-210.
7.3 Added alternate total purge volumes based on analysis required as part of sampling.
7.4 Changed initial purge volume due to increasing volumes purged through lines prior to isolating in-line samples.
7.5 Increased line purge volumes to ensure lines are sufficiently flushed prior to isolating sample.
7.6 Deleted requirement for Health Physics to monitor radiation levels on contact with sample just prior to analysis. This monitoring is performed as sample is acquired both utilizing RMS-2 data and also as samples are physically retrieved at the Primary Sample Module.
'V I
I i
V Level of Use CP2804L Continuous s10e rning ac1 a sy,g,
ac, 3 69 of 83
Unit 2 Determination of Total Dissolved Gas and Sample Quantity Worksheet
(Sheet 1 of 2)
Grab Samnle Worksheet Completed by:
System Sampled:
Print Name Isolation Date:
Isolation Time:
In-line Samnle System Sampled:
Isolation Date:
Isolation Time:
Initial Totalizer Reading Gals 2.
Radiation Meter Reading:
rem /hr
Uncorrected Coolant pH 4.
pH Temperature Reading F
Corrected (77 F) Coolant pH 6.
Final Totalizer Meter Reading Gals 7,
Initial Gas Loop Temperature F
Initial Gas Loop Pressure psig 9.
Final Gas Loop Temperature "F
- 10. Final Gas Loop Pressure psig
- 11. Volume of Gas Transferred to the Syringe cc CALCULATIONS
- 12. Total Dissolved Gas from computer or Attachment 3: TDG cc/Kg
- 13. Calculate the syringe sample quantity as follows:
V. 6.40 Ms em i
V+5 i
Where V = Volume of Gas Sample in Syringe in ml.
i Reviewed by:
Print Name Signature p.
Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 70 of 83 pH Temperature Compensation (Page1of1)
Temperature pli j
( F) 5 6
7 8
9 j
- 0.05
- 0.03 0
- 0.03
- 0.05 62
- 0.04
- 0.02 0
- 0.02
- 0.04 64
- 0.03
- 0.02 0
- 0.02
- 0.03 66
- 0.03
- 0.02 0
- 0.02
- 0.03 68
- 0.02
- 0.01 0-
- 0.02 70
- 0.01
- 0.01 0
- 0.01
- 0.01 72
- 0.01
- 0.01 0
- 0.01
- 0.01 74 0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 76 0.01 0.00 0
0.00 0.01 78 0.01 0.01 0
0.01 0.01 80 0.02 0.01 0
0.01 0.02 82 0.03,
0.01 0
0.01 0.03 84 0.03 0.02 0
0.02 0.03 86 0.04 0.02 0
0.02 0.04 O
88 0.05 0.02 0
0.02 0.05 90 0.05 0.03 0
0.03 0.05 4
92 0.06 0.03 0
0.03 0.06 94 0.07 0.03 0
0.03 0.07 96 0.08 0.04 0
0.04 0.08 98 0.08 0.04 0
0.04 0.08 100 0.09 0.04 0
0.04 0.09 102 0.10 0.05 0
0.05 0.10 104 0.10 0.05 0
0.05 0.10 106 0.11 0.06 0
0.06 0.11 108 0.12 0.06 0
0.06 0.12 110 0.12 0.06 0
0.06 0.I2 112 0.13 0.07 0
0.07 0.13 114 0.14 0.07 0
0.07 0.14 116 0.14 0.07 0
0.07 0.14 118 0.15 0.08 0
0.08 0.15 120 0.16 0.08 0
0.08 0.16 l
i O
Level of Use CP2804L ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 71 of 83
1 Liquid PASS Total Dissolved Gas Worksheet (Page1of3)
/Ni '!
NOTE When performing the following calculation carry significant digits throughout calculation to infinity. Ensure that the "N" term is carried out to a minimum of 3 significant digits. This is absolutely necessary in order to ensure the accuracy of this equation Initial Data:
A - Initial Gas Loop Pressure (psig)
B - Absolute Gas Loop Pressure (psia)
C - Initial Gas Loop Temperature ( F)
D - Absolute Gas Loop Temperature ( R)
Eauilibrium Data:
E - Final Gas Loop Pressure (psig)
F - Absolute Gas Loop Pressure (psia)
G - Final Gas Loop Temperature ( F) li - Absolute Gas Loop Temperature ( R)
I - IIenry's Constant for Nitrogen at Equilibrium (psia / mole Fraction)
((11*0.9893)- 406.46]*10000 li I
X 0.9893 406.46 X
J - Partial Pressure of Nitrogen at Equilibrium (psia) - Ji (Numerator Term)
- ll
- l
- 0.195
- 18.015 *454 B
J1 X
0.195 X 18.015 X
0 Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 Continuous 72 of 83
1 Liquid PASS Total Dissolved Gas Worksheet (Page 2 of 3)
,/~T U
J - Partial Pressure of Nitrogen at Equilibrium (psia) - J2 (Denominator Term)
- 0.195
- 18.015
- 454) + (H
- 250
- 10.73
- 28.317)]
- D a - Left Hand Side of Denominator Term I
a 1
X 0.195 X
18.015 X
b - Right Hand Side of Denominator Term.
H b
i 1
X 250 X
10.73 X
Completed Denominator Term a
b D
Completed J Term 31 J2 J
p K - Vapor Pressure of Water at Equilibrium (psia)
[(-9496.5*/H)INV(n]*21790834 H
INV(nt K
- 9496.5 +
X 21790834
L - Partial Pressure ofIlydrogen at Equilibrium (psia) j F-J - K l
Note 1: This step means that the inverse natural log will be taken of the result of -9496.5 + H.
j On some calculators this can be performed by pressing the INV key followed by the (n key. On others this will be done by pressing the 2nd key followed by the Cn key. In any case should you i
have any questions, contact Supervision for guidance, i
I i
q 1
Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 73 of 83 L.iquid PASS Total Dissolved Gas Worksheet (Page 3 of 3) u./
M - Henry's Constant for Ilydrogen at Equilibrium (psia / mole fraction)
[(H*0.3081)-64]*1000 H
0.3081 64 X
N = TDG @ STP (cc/kg)
- 250)/(M
- 18.015 *454)] + [(L* 0.195)/(H
- 10.73
- 28.317)]) * [( 10.73 *492
- 28.217
- 1000 N1 - Left Hand Term a - left hand side L
M a
X 250
b - right hand side l
b q
Completed Len Hand Term a
b N1
N2 - Right Hand Term (10.73*492*28.317*1000)/(l4.7*0.25)
N2 4
10.73 X
492 X
28.317 X
0.25 40677543.87
l Completed N Term N1 N2 N
X 40677543.87
,G i
Level of Use CF2804L ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 74 of 83 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Reactor Coolant Sampic Dilution Data Sheet (Sheet 1 of 1)
Sample Worksheet Completed by:
Print Name System Sampled:
Isolation Date:
Isolation Time:
NOTE Circle the appropriate sample bottle dilution corresponding to the dilution (s) required dur,ing performance of step. The sample mass is determined by multiplying the 100 pl sample mass (Mai) by the applicable correction for the sample dilution that is being counted.
Degas Liquid Sample Sample Dilution Mass (gm)
Isotopic Original Md1 =
1" Dilution Mdi.1.0E-01 =
1.0E-01 =
gm 2nd Dilution Mdi
- 1.0E-04 =
gm 3rd Dilution Mai.1.0E-07 =
1.0E-07 =
gm 4th Dilution Mdt
- 1.0E-10 =
1.0E-10 =
gm i
1 5th Dilution Mdi.1.0E-13 =
1.0E-13 =
gm 6th Dilution Mai.1.0E-16 =
1.0E-16 =
gm 7th Dilution Mdl
- 1.0E-19 =
1.0E-19 =
gm Reviewed by:
Print Name Signature ol Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 j
Continuous 75 of 83
i Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Reactor Coolant Isotopic Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 1)
/^N U
Samnle Worksheet Completed by:
Print Name Isolation Date:
Isolation Time:
hintoret Activity Backgrotend lsotope Activity
Isotope Printout Activity
Isotope Activity (2-P ace accuracy)
(2-place accuracy)
l (pCi/gm)
( Ci/gm)
( Ci/gm)
l i
O i
l NOTE: Total Isotope Activity =
TotalIsotope Activit summation of allisotope activities.
(2-place accuracy) 4Ciigm)
Reviewed by:
Print Name Signature O'
Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 76 of 83 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Reactor Coolant Gaseous Activity Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 1)
Sample Worksheet Completed by:
Print Name Isolation Date:
Isolation Time:
Printout Activity
lsotope Activity
Isotope Printout Activity llackground Isotope Activity (2-place accuracy)
(2-place accuracy)
( Cilgm)
( Ci/gm)
( Ci/gm)
OV r
l i
NOTE: Total Gaseous Activity =
TotalGaseous Activity summation of all isotope activities.
( -place accuracy) (negm)
Gas Composition Analysis
% Hydrogen:
% Oxygen:
Reviewed by:
p Print Name Signature t
i v
Level of l.lse CP28041' i
SToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 3 Continuous 77 of 83 i
Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Reactor Coolant Chemical Analysis Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 1)
Sample Worksheet Completed by:
Print Name Isolation Date:
Isolation Time:
Boron Datai 11oron Weight Datal DI Water Mass:
grams 100 pl Sample Mass:
grams Boron Correction Factor:
DI water mass
100 pl Sample Mass
Correction Factor =
100 1 Sample Mass gm +
gm Correction Factor =
gm Boron (ppm) = Analysis results in ppm
- Correction Factor Boron (ppm) =
Coolant chloride concentration:
ppm Coolant pH (Attachment 1)
Additional Analysis Concentration i
Reviewed by:
Print Name Signature U
Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 78 of 83 Reactor Coolant PASS Sampling Fquipment Inventory (Sheet 1 of 1)
V Equipment Name Required On IIand Ordered 250 pl syringe with sideport needle 2
500 pl syringe with sideport needle 1
1.0 ml syringe with sideport needle 1
Syringe transport container i
Liquid radwaste sample vial 4
Transport container for sample vials 1
0.1 cc sample loop for gas chromatograph 1
2 mlgrab sample chamber 2*
Transport cask for grab sample chamber 1
Transport cart 1
CaroPac PA1 Guard (10-32) column 2
Anion micromembrane suppressor 1
250 ml sample loop 1
- 1 installed in PASS reactor coolant sample cabin'et.
Reason for Inventory: (circle one)
Quarterly After Use Remarks:
O 1
Level of Use CP2804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 79, 33 1
Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Liquid Waste Isotopic Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 1)
Sample Worksheet Completed by:
Print Name Date:
l'rintout Activity Backgunmd lsotope Activity
Isotope Printout Activity Hackground Isotope Activity (2 place accuracy)
(2-place accuracy)
( Ci/gm)
O l
NOTE:TotalIsotope Activity =
halisotope Activity I2 P * ""'"'FI ("cI'8* )
I summation of allisotope activities.
Reviewed by:
Print Name Signature O
Level of Use CP28041.
Continuous sTOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 80 of 83 0
Syringe Check (Sheet 1 of 1)
- 1. CHECK each of the prepared syringes for proper operation as follows:
1.1 ENSURE syringe is open (syringe nosecap screwed against syringe body).
1.2 DRAW air into syringe.
1.3 PLACE needle in a beaker of water.
1.4 PRESS plunger and ENSURE air exits syringe.
1.5 REMOVE needle frorn beaker.
1.6 DRAW air into syringe.
1.7 UNSCREW syringe nosecap 2 turns.
1.8 PLACE needle in beaker of water.
1.9 PRESS plunger and ENSURE no air exits syringe.
1.10 REMOVE needle from water and SCREW syringe nosecap against syringe body.
1.11 PRESS plunger.
O Level of Use CP2804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 81 of 83 1
pil Probe Installation (Sheet i of 1
- 1. OPEN module door.
- 2. REMOVE FME cover from pH probe (AE 1068) sample chamber.
- 3. REMOVE protective cover from pli probe sensor.
- 4. INSTAL.L pH probe (AE 1068) and 0-ring into sample chamber.
- 5. INSTALL electrical connector onto pH probe.
- 6. CLOSE module door.
O 1
I Level of USe CP280n.
' REVIEW Rev. 3 82 of 83 2
Isolation Valve Independent Verification Sheet (Sheet 1 of 1)
O Valve Required Position Independently Verified Independently Verified l
By: Sign Name By: Print Name 2-RC-001 CLOSED 2-RC-002 CLOSED i
2-RC-003 OPEN l
l 2-RC-045 OPEN 2-LRR-61.1 CLOSED j
1 O
r Level of Use CP2804L sToP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.3 Continuous 83 of 83