ML20199A753 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Millstone ![]() |
Issue date: | 12/31/1998 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20199A739 | List: |
References | |
PROC-981231-01, PROC-981231-1, NUDOCS 9901130123 | |
Download: ML20199A753 (10) | |
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Docket No. 50-336 B17596
Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 2 Restart Backlog Management Plan r
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December 1998 9901130123 981222 PDR ADOCK 05000336)j!
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'U S Nucl:ar Regul tory Commission B17596%ttachment 2\\Page 1 p
i Millstone Unit 2 Restart Backlog Management Plan Summary i.
i Table of Contents Section Descriotion P_9.2%
' Introduction 2
l I
2' Characterization of the Backlog of Deferrable Work 2
Backlog Management Methodology.
3 l
Measuring Unit 2 Backlog After Plant Startup 4
5 Reference List 4
- Table 1:
Deferrable (Recovery Bccklog) Items Summary f.
Table 2:
Restart and Post Restart Performance Targets by Work
Management Category i
- Table 3 Millstone Acronyms l
I' l
I' i
e n
4 0
4 e
U.S. Nucl=r Reguliitory Commission B17596\\ Attachment 2\\Page 2 1.
Purpose 4
The Millstone. Unit 2 Restart Backlog Management Plan provides an integrated, j
structured approach to successfully manage and disposition the backlog of identified open items at the time of Unit 2 restart. The plan considers the
. balance and integration of the " Recovery Packlog", "New Work" and the need to 4-focus on t5e safe, event-free operation of Unit 2.
Performance Obiectives 4
The Plan; has been constructed to support the following Unit 2 high level j
performance objectives:
j Reduce challenges to the operators e
i e
improve timeliness and effectiveness of maintenance and work activities, while maintaining high quality standards Maintain a high state of plant materiel condition i
e l~
Plan Structure Section 2 provides a characterization of the items that may be completed l
after restart.
Section 3 describes the backlog management method.
Section 4 describes measuring backlog after restart.
Section 5 provides the reference list.
i i
o Table 3 provides a listing of Millstone acronyms.
e 2.
CHARACTERIZATION OF THE BACKLOG OF DEFERRABLE WORK Work items identified Prior to Entry into Mode 2 Deferrable work items identified beforo entry into Mode 2 will be tracked as
" Recovery Backlog" " Recovery Backlog" will include Unit 1 deferred work on systems required to support the Unit 2 licensing and design hasis.
The methodology for determining deferrable work items was provided in References 3,4,and5.
Work items identified After Entry into Mode 2
. Work items identified after entry into Mode 2 will be tracked as "New Work".
"New Work" items will be prioritized in accordance with station processes (e.g.,
work control and cc.nective action).
U.S. Nuclezr Regulatory Commission B17596\\ Attachment 2\\Page 3 Outaoe Prooress in Dispositionina Work Items Throughout this recovery outage, primary emphasis and priority has been placed on completing those items required for the safe restart of Millstone Unit 2.
However, this has not been to the exclusion of other work. Beyond those items required for restart, a significant number of deferrable. corrective action items have also been completed. These items encompass Millstone Unit 2 Condition Reports, ICAVP DRs, CMP Unresolved Item Reports (UIR), Maintenance AWOs, and engineering work products.
Daily progress is being mede in dispositioning both restart and post-restart work items.
BACKLOG MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY The Backlog Management Guidance, which reflects the following process functional requirements, will be developed and PORC approved prior to entry into Mode 2. Note that "dispositioned" is defined as establishing management direction for the course of action needed to move a backlog item towards it closure. Disposition may include scheduling an item with an implementation due date such as the next refueling outage, providing work item closure, or canceling an item.
Backlog of UIRs will be dispositioned prior to entry into mode 2 following RFO13.
Backlog of Discrepancy Reports (DRs) will be dispositioned prior to entry into mode 2 following RFO13.
Remaining " Recovery Backlog" will be dispusitioned within six months after RFO13.
Existing work control and prioritization processes will be used to disposition work items, including an option not to pursue performance enhancement items.
- Resiart Backlog Management Plan performance monitoring will be established, tracked, and monitored. KPI's for the categories of backlog will be maintained and reported quarterly.
There will be management performaace review of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) goals.
Periodic assessments will be conducted to provide added assurance that management standards are being conservatively applied.
[U'.S. Nuclur Regulatory Commission i
B17596\\ Attachment 2\\Page 4 4.
MEASURING UNIT 2 BACKLOG AFTER STARTUP The "P.ecovery Backlog" list will be finalized within the first calendar week after Unit 2 enters Mode 2. This list of assignments will be reported to the NRC within 30 days after Unit 2 enters Mode 2.
Applying the Unit 2 " Recovery Backlog" list selection logic through December 18, j
1998, generates e list of 2765 backlog assignments, in nine work management areas, as shown in Table 1.
Restart items for eight of the work management categories are listed in Table 2.
Also shown on Table 2 are the restart and post restart performance targets for
.I i-each of the work management categories. The post restart targets apply to the summation of " Recovery Backlog" and "New Work. Progress for each work management category will be monitored by Key Performance Indicators similar j
to the KPis in use for Unit 3. *
!I i
Reference List
(1) NRC Letter, S. J. Collins (NRC) to N. S. Carns (NNECO), dated April 16,
(2) NNECO Letter, B. D. Kenyon (NNECO) to U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Units 1,2, and 3, Progress j
Toward Restart Readiness at Millstone Station," dated February 12,1998.
(3) NNECO Letter, M. L. Bowling to U. S. Nodear Regulatory Commission,
" Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit Nos.1,2, and 3, Initial Information Submittal Regarding NRC 10 CFR 50.54(f) Information Request," dated May 29,1997.
(4) NNECO Letter, M. L. Bowling to U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
" Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3, Update Submittal Regarding NRC 10 CFR 50.54(f) Information Request," dated January 9,1998.
(5) NNECO Letter, M. L. Bowling to U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
" Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Supplementary Response to 10CFR 50.54(f), Information Request, item 3, Process and Rationale for Deferrable items", dated December 22,1998.
s (6) NNECO Letter, M. L. Bowling to U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
" Millstone Unit No. 3 Third Quarter Performance Report" dated November 16, 1998.
'.S. Nucirr Regulttory Commission U
B17596%ttachment 2\\Page 5
't Table 1 Deferrable (Recovery Backlog) Items Summary Work Management As of:
Category Bins 12/18/98 Corrective Action Assignments (includes Level 4 DR ARs) 1825 Corrective Maintenance Work Orders 531 Configuration Management Discovery 73 (UIRs)
Non-Conformance Reports 0
Operator Work Arounds 3
Control Room Deficiencies 2
Engineering Backlog 297 Procedures in "Do Not Use" Status 31 TotalDeferrable items 2765 a
' D U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission B17596\\ Attachment 2\\Page 6 Table 2 Restart and Post Restart Performance Targets by Work Management Category WORX MANAGEMENT RESTART RESTART MP2 POST RESTART RFO13 RESTART
Corrective Action 1443 No MID13 1st Qtr. - Total open Level 1 & 2 CRs -
. fe overdue Level 1 CRs Assignments assignments hold steady
. < 1 % overdue AITTS tied to No overdue
. Subsequent Qtrs. - Gradual Reduction Level 1&2 CRs Level 1 CR in total open.
. All Deferred Corrective Actions investigations Dispositioned 53%
. ICAVP DR corrective actions overdue completed and implemented AITTS tied to Level 1&2 CRs No MID13 Expected to rise for the first quarter 5 500 Power Block Corrective Maintenance 776 Work Orders (AWOs)-
AWOs following restart, hold steady in the 5 350 On PRA Risk Significant 5 500 Power second quai 3r, and be reduced in Systems Block subsequent quarters.
5350 On PRA Risk Significant Systems Temporary Modifications 18 510 Temp.
By the end of 1999:
510 Temp. Mods. at Restart.
510 Temp. Mods. that can be removed
. No Temp. Mod. installed > 1 at power cycle without CNO approval (at Restart of each planned outage).
i m
m m
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
B17596\\ Attachment 2\\Page 7 -
Table 2 (Continued)
as of 12/1/98 (NEAR-TERM TARGETS)
Operator Work Arounds 16 510 OWAs
. By the end of 1999 510 OWAs that can 56 OWAs at Restart.
(OWAs) be addressed at power
. No OWAs open11 cycle without CNO approval (at Restart of each planned outage).
Control Room Deficiency 35 5 10 By the end of 1999, 5 5 CRDs that ccn be 5 5 CRDs at Restart.
(CRDs) addressed during power operations.
'. No CRDs open 31 cycle without CNO approval (at Restart of each planned outage).
Configuration 35 No Open LB/DB
. All UIRs dispositKmed.
Management Discovery items (UIR)
Procedures in "Do Not 59 31 No procedures in "Do Not Use" Status Use" status i
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
l B17596\\ Attachment 2\\Page 8 Table 2 (Continued)
Engineenng Backlog 67 All Restart e 3 Months followina Restart - Emphasize day-to-day
. Complete RFO13 Modifications Engineering items support of safe, event-free operations. Cor duct (includes: EWA, EWR, MMOD, dispositioned.
review of pj! open Engineering work items. Identify-DCN,DCR,PDCE,MSEE, a) Items that can be safely worked during power PDCR, PMR, RIE) operations.
t b) Items that can only be worked during plant l
By 6 months followina Restart c) Publish the list of modifications that will worked j
during RF013.
d) Issue PJrchase Orders for RFO13 long lead time parts and materials.
e) Identify / eliminate Engineering Bacidog items 3
- 1. are not required for compliance with DB/LB requirements, or
- 2. do not meeningfully contribute to safe, t
event-free operations, or
- 3. do not measurably, and significantly improve plant availability or output.
. By end of 1999:
f) Engineering Packages issued for > 50% of RFO13 Modifications.
g) Publish the list of modifications that will be worked during RFO13.
M Publish the list of modifications that will be worked during power operations (approved by VP Operations).
1 9
U.S. Nucl:ar Regul tory Commission -
B17596\\ Attachment 2\\Page 9 J'
Table 3 Millstone Acronyms Acronym Words that form the Acronym AITTS Action item Tracking Trending System AR Action Request AWO Automated Work Order CIA Corrective Action CR Condition Report CRD Control Room Deficiency i
DCN Design Change Notice DCR Design Change Record DR.
Discrepancy Report EWA Engineering Work Assignment EWR Engineering Work Request
' KPI Key Performance Indicator LAR License AJnendment Request LB/DB License Bases / Design Bases MR Maintenance Rule MRT Management Review Team MSEE
' Maintenance Support Engineering Evaluation NCR Non-Conformance Report NSAB Nuclear Safety Assessment Board i
OIR Open issue Report OWA Operator Work Around PDCE Plant Design Change Evaluation PDCR Plant Design Change Record PMR Plant Modification Request
- PORC Plant Operations Review Committee TMOD-Temporary Modification UIR Unresolved Issue Report