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Rev 1 to Epop 4455C, Technical Assistant
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/20/1998
Shared Package
ML20247R747 List:
EPOP-4455C, NUDOCS 9805290216
Download: ML20247R785 (8)



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Technical Assistant 1

EPOP 4455C l


'O Approval:

M.b '

/r SORC Mtg. No:

QF Al Date:

6 cDo-97 Effective Date:


9805290216 900521 PDR ADOCK 05000245 F


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SME: C. Manner Level of Use Information a

Millstone All Units

. Emergency Plan Operating Procedure


Technical Assistant TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.

PURPOSE....................................................2 2.

P RE R EQ UI S ITES.............................................

2 3.

P R ECAUTI O N S...............................................

3 4.

I N STR U CTI O N S..............................................

3 5.

REVIEW AND SIG NOFF.......................................

4 6.

R E FE R EN C ES................................................

4 7.

S UM M ARY OF CH ANG ES.....................................

4 KITACliMENTS AND FORMS, " Supplemental Information".........................



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EPOP 4455C Level of Use m

ACT' Rev.1 STOP' THINK Information

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1.1 Objective l

Provide guidance to the Technical Assistant, located at the Hartford Armory, for events which activate the Station Emergency Response Organization. These actions include the following:

Gathering technical information from the site Operating OFIS in the State EOC Interfacing with the State DEP, as necessary


1.2 Discussion The Technical Assistant provides the NU contingent at the State EOC with information technically current with the events in progress. The Technical Assistant's main points of contact are the Executive Spokesperson, the Technical Information Coordinator at the EOF, or the Control Room Data Coordinator in the control room.

Information regarding roles and responsibilities is contained in," Supplemental Information."

2. PBEREOUISITES 2.1 General l


2.1.1 N/A 2.2 Documents 2.2.1 EPUG 08B," Millstone Emergency Preparedness Resource Book" 2.3 Definitions 2.3.1 CRDC - Control Room Data Coordinator l

2.3.2 PIO - Public Information Officer 2.3.3 TIC - Technical Information Coordinator l

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EPOP 4455C Level of Use




~ REVIEW Rev.1 Information 2 of 7



3.1 It is important to conduct required communications at regular intervals (e.g.,30-90 minutes) to prevent communication overload (especially with the TIC and CRDC) or missed communications ofimportant events.

- 4. INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 After arrival at the State EOC, VERIFY the availability of the following:



Telephones Procedures and media materials


Logbook 4.2 Refer 'Ib EPUG 01," Time Sharing Option Equipment," at:d OllTAIN information on plant parameters.



EPUG 08B," Millstone Emergency Preparedness Resource Book,"is available as a guide for telephone numbers.

4.3 Refer To EPUG 08B, as necessary, and OllTAIN additional information by phoning the TIC at the EOE 4.4 IE the TIC is unavailable, REQUEST the CRDC provide information.

4.5 PROVIDE assistance to the Executive Spokesperson, as directed.

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EPOP 4455C Level of Use 2

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5. REVIEW AND SIGhlOFF g-5.1 N/A i

6.1 EPUG 01," Time Sharing Option Equipment" 6.2 EPOP 4455B," Executive Spokesperson" 6.3 EPOP 4465, " Technical Information Coordinator" 6.4 EPOP 4470," Control Room Data Coordinator"



OF CIIANGES 7.1 Changed the level of use from General to information.

7.2 Changed procedure from an NU common procedure (NUC EPOP) to a Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan Operating Procedure (EPOP).

7.3 Deleted references to CY in all applicable locations.

7.4 Changed referenced procedure numbers from NUC EPOP to EPOP.

1 7.5 Added EPUG 0813," Millstone Emergency Preparedness Resource Book,"

'i to the documents section.

7.6 Deleted step 2.1.2 that stated PAR procedures and charts are available.

7.7 Deleted step 2.1.3 that stated a phone list is available.

7.8 Deleted step 2.1.4 that stated basic media training has been provided as a prerequisite.

7.9 Added CRDC and TIC to the definitions section.

J 7.10 Deleted step 4.1 to notify the on-call Nuclear News Manager to see if the State EOC will be opening.

7.11 Deleted step 4.2 to report to the State EOC within 90 minutes if the State EOC will be opening.

7.12 Added note to step 4.3 that EPUG 0813 is available as a guide for telephone numbers.


Level of Use l'



d EPOP 4455C lnformation fg 4

i 7.13 Corrected title of EPUG 01 in step 6.1.


C 7.14 Deleted Public Information Resource Coordinator, External Notification Coordinator, and Employee Communications Coordinator from.

7.15 Added public information responsibilities to Attachment 1 for the Station Duty Officer, the EOF DSEO, the ADEOF, and the Nuclear News Manager.

7.16 Deleted reference to the on-call 90 minute response time in for the ES, NNM, TA, and MPI positions.

7.17 Deleted Attachment 2,"Public Information Emergency Organization On-Call and Call-In," flowchart.

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EPOP 4455C l

Level of Use STOP


' REVIEW Rev.I 1



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Supplemental Information (Sheet 1 of 2) l


The following is a description of the individuals that have public information v



Ih2 Station Duty Officer is the public information point of contact in the affected unit control room.


The EOF DSEO is responsible for approving all news releases.


The ADEOF is responsible for the technical review of all news releases.


' Die NU Executive SpokespIIsn is an NU management representative. This individual carries a Level 2 radiopager and receives notification of Unusual Event or higher classification events.

The Executive Spokesperson represents NU at Governor's briefings and official news conferences at the State EOC. The Executive Spokesperson and the nuclear information staff are the only individuals authorized to male official statements on behalf of NU.


The Nuclear News Manager is a nuclear information representative. This individual carries a Level 1 radiopager and receives notification of all nuclear events.

O y1 The Nuclear News Manager approves news releases for all events until the EOF is activated.

The Nuclear News Manager reports to the Executive Spokesperson and directs the overall public information response for NU. At the Armory, the Nuclear News Manager will serve as the official spokesperson until relieved by the NU Executive Spokesperson.

The Nuclear News Manager coordinates with the Governor's Press Secretary to determine if the Joint Media Center in Hartford should be activated, or if a company media center should be established at the site Information and Science Center.


The Technical Assistant is a nuclear organization representative. This individual carries a Level 2 radiopager and receives notification of Unusual Events or higher classification events.

The Technical Assistant reports to the Executive Spokesperson and provides technical and plant-specific information to keep him appraised of the event.


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EPOP 4455C Level of Use




' REVIEW Information W

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Attachmcnt 1 Supplemental Information (Sheet 2 of 2)

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The Manager of Public Information is a nuclear information representative. This individual carries a Level 2 radiopager and receives notification of Unusual Event or higher classification events.

The Manager of Public Information reports to the Nuclear News Manager and is the primay contact point for information concerning the event, however, information is coordinated through the Assistant Director Emergency Operations Facility.

The following NCS and NU staff will be called in as needed to cary out public information emergency functions:

The Media Center Liaison reports to the Nuclear News Manager at the Hartford Armory. This individual coordinates with a State Public Information Officer to oversee the operations of the Joint Media Center and responds to media inquiries.

The Media Center Liaison supervises the Technical and Radiological Briefers in the JMC.

Ibc Rumor and_ Inquiry Control Liaison reports to the NNM at the Hartford Armory.

This individual coordinates with a State Public Information Coordinator to oversee the operations of the Joint Rumor and Inquiry Control Center, j

j q The Tednical Briefer reports to the Media Center Liaison at the Hartford Armory.


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This individual provides technical plant-specific information to the media between official news conferences.

The Radiological Briefer reports to the Media Center Liaison at the Hartford Armory. This individual provides radiologicalinformation to the media between official news conferences.



EPOP 4455C


Level of Use REVIEW Rev.1 STOP THINK' ACT lnformation 7 of 7
