ML20153C622 | |
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Site: | Millstone ![]() |
Issue date: | 06/18/1998 |
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Shared Package | |
ML20153C614 | List: |
References | |
CP-3804L, NUDOCS 9809240151 | |
Download: ML20153C622 (40) | |
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PASS Containment Air Sample CP 3804L Rev.1 l
A review by the Emergency Planning Department is required whenever this procedure is revised or whenever changes are made to this which impact the ability to collect and analyze a PASS sample. procedure W tr,, h. d M-Approval:
PORC Mtg. No:
///N Date:
Effective Date:
9809240151 980618 PDR ADOCK 050002 5-rb'
. Level of Use SME: Frank Mueller Continuous a
t Millstone Unit 3 l. (ii.
Chemistry Procedure e
y t",
L PASS Containment Air Sample I.
i 1.
PURPOSE...................................................2 j
P R ER EQ U IS ITES.............................................
2 3.
P R ECAUTI O N S...............................................
7 4.
I N STR U CTI O N S...............................................
8 4.1-Preparation for PASS Sample Acquisition.....................
8 4.2 Sa m ple Acquisition......................................
15 4.3 System Flush Prior To Sample Retrieval.....................
17 4.4 Retrieval of Containment Air Samples......................
18 4.5 S ample Analysis.........................................
21 4.6 Gas Isotopic Analysis....................................
22 fe-4.7 Gas Composition Analysis...............................
24 f)i 4.8 Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition..................
REVIEW AND SIGNO FF......................................
29 6.
R E FE R EN CES...............................................
29 7.
S UM MARY O F CHANG ES....................................
31 ATTACIIMENTS AND FORMS, " Gas Activity Worksheet"..........................
33, "3 SSP-SAS2 Septum Replacement"................
34," PASS Containment Air Sample Equipment Inventory".
35 Chem Form 3804L-1," PASS Containment Air Sample Data" Chem Form 38041.-2," PASS Containment Air Sample Restoration Lineup" j
!i O CP 3804L LV Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Continuous 1of35 w-
. _. _. _.m
- 1. s PURPOSE
'1.1 - Objective Provide instructions for operation of the Unit 3 containment air post
-1 accident sampling system for' containment air sample acquisition during i
Station Emergency Response Organization (SERO) activation when high radioactivity levels, due to an accident, may preclude the normal (conventional)' sampling method.
3 This procedure satisfies requirements listed in Unit 3 Technical l
Specification 6.8.4 d.
1.2 Discussion l
The time required to collect and analyze samples should be 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> or less
- from the time the ADTS makes the decision to obtain a sample using PASS.
If conditions arise that will not allow Sections 4.1 through 4.4 to be completed, the procedure user will be directed to Section 4.8,
" Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition," to return the systen..a normal.
'1.3 Applicability This procedure is applicable during SERO activation when in-plant radioactivity levels are too high to permit containment air sampling via the normal (conventional) method.
1.4 ' Frequency
- Performance of this procedure may be repeated periodically during SERO activation.
- 2. PREREOUISITES 2.1 General
2.1.1 SERO is activatedi
2.1.2 Heat tracing panel 311TS-PNLA3 (OP 3352) has been energized for at least 1/2 hour.
CP 3804L Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1
. Continuous 2 of 35 1
u l
1 l-
2.1.3 Key has been obtained from the MCRO to unlock the following:
/~1 i
Y Train A Train B l D 3 SSP *V51-3 SSP *V52
3HCS*V3 3HCS*V10 t
3HCS*V6 3HCS* V13.
'2.14 Health Physics has been notified that a containment air PASS sample will be taken.
2.1.5 Health Physics has evaluated need for RWP.
2.1.6 Lab ventilation is operating.
2.1.7, Computer radioisotopic analysis system in operation and calibrated.
2.1.8 Lead brick shielding has been placed in lab ventilation hood.
2.1.9 Gas chromatograph has been set up and calibrated or calibration i ~y i
has been initiated for PASS containment air sample analysis.
2.1.10 Proper operation of sample syringes in PASS suitcase has been
' verified.
2.1.11 14.4 ml gas vial has been stoppered and evacuated.
2.1.12 One train of SLCRS in operation.
I l
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V Level of Use CP 3804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1
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2.1.13 Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) or the Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (AMRDA)
Im G
has requested a containment air sample to include the following:
Check Requested Analysis Samole Eouipment Needed l '
Q ' Gas isotopic
" GAS ISOTOPIC" syringe, j
14.4 ml gas vial, gas vial septum O Gas composition
" GAS COMP" syringe l-Check Sample Point O Hydrogen Recombiner Train A O Hydrogen Recombiner Train B 2.1.14 Containment Air PASS Team has completed pre-job brief as i
Manager of Operational Support Center (MOSC) -
designates, assembles, and briefs the Containment Air PASS Team for implementation of this procedure Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological Protection
Supervisor (OSC ARPS) with the concurrence of the Manager s
of Radiological Consequence Assessment (MRCA) - specifies the radiological controls required for implementation of this procedure 2.2 Documents 2.2.1 -
RWP for PASS sample collection.
2.2.2 Gas sample isotopic printout 2.2.3 CP 801/2801/3801 AD," Gas Chromatograph Operation and Calibration" 2.2.4 CP 801/2801/3801 AT," Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation" 2.3 Personnel 1
l 2.3.1 Assistant Director, Technical Support (ADTS) l i
2.3.2 Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (MRDA) or Assistant
Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment (AMRDA)
Level of Use CP 3804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 i
Continuous 4 of 35
2.3.3 Manager of Operational Support Center (MOSC)
(x-2.3.4 Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological Protection Supervisor (OSC ARPS) 2.3.5 Manager of Control Room Operations (MCRO) 2.3.6 Manager of Radiological Consequence Assessment (MRCA) 2.3.7 Containment Air PASS Team consisting of the following personnel:
At least two Chemistry Technicians At least one Health Physics Technician i
(U 1
l D
U Level of Use CP 3804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Continuous 5 of 35
E I-2.4 Tools and Consumables
! ' 7'b 14.4 ml gas vial l'")
14.4 ml gas vial stopper 250 pl syringe labeled " GAS ISOTOPIC" 2.0 mi syringe labeled " GAS COMP" l
Spare syringe needles
'I 3 SSP-SAS2 septums 1/2" socket wrench Phone headset Scribe Tweezers Septum insertion tool 24 Lead bricks
PASS transport cart a
Syringe transfer container
Key to 3 SSP-PNL2 (Issued to U3 Chemistry personnel)
Key to the following valves (Obtained from MRCO):
Train A Train B 3 SSP *V51 3 SSP *V52 3 SSP *V59-3 SSP
- V60 3HCS*V2 3HCS*V9 3HCS*V3 3HCS*V10 3HCS*V6 3HCS*V13 Calculator Watch Damper operating tool 2.5 Responsibilities 2.5.1 The ADTS shall make the decision to obtain a sample using PASS.
L 2.5.2 The Manager of Operational Support Center designates, assembles and briefs the PASS team.
^V Level of Use CP 3804L gg STOP THINK ACT REVIEW
.Rev.1 6 cf 35
J 2.5.3 '
The Manager of Radiological Consequence Assessment specifies A
PASS team radiological controls.
2.5.4 The Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological
. Protection Supervisor assigns HP technicians and briefs the PASS team on radiological conditions.
2.5.5 The Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment or the Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment specify PASS team
. sampling and analysis requirements.
2.6 Definitions 2.6.1 SLCRS - supplementary leak collection and release system 2.6.2 CR - Condition Report.
- 3. PRECAUTIONS 3.1 The inside of 3 SSP-SAS2, containment air sample module, is potentially contaminated. Proper Health Physics practices and RWP requirements must be followed to prevent the spread of contamination.
3.2 Nitrogen pressures > 100 psig can damage the tubing in 3 SSP-PNL2.
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M CP 3804L Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Continuous 7 of 35 1
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i 4.1 Preparation for PASS Sample Acquisition 4.1.1 PERFORM the following and INITIAL Chem Form 3804L-1:
VERIFY " General Prerequisites" have been completed i
REVIEW Section 3, " Precautions" a
4.1.2 E during performance of Sections 4.1 through 4.8 any operational problems are encountered, RECORD noted problems on Chem Form 3804L-1.
i 4.1.3 E during performance of Sections 4.1 through 4.4, operational problems arc encountered that will not allow sampling to be completed, Go To Section 4.8," Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition."
4.1.4 PROCEED to containment air sample module with the following.
Stoppered and evacuated 14.4 ml gas vial One 250 pl syringe labeled " GAS ISOTOPIC"
One 2.0 ml syringe labeled " GAS COMP" Phone headset (Modes 1-4 only) l Key to 3 SSP-PNL2 (Issued to U3 Chemistry personnel)
J Key to the following valves (Key obtained from MCRO):
l Train A Train B 3 SSP *V51 3 SSP *V52 3 SSP *V59 3 SSP *V60 3HCS* V2 3HCS*V9 3HCS* V3 3HCS*V10 311CS*V6 311CS*V13 Calculator Watch Damper operating tool Syringe transfer container G
< \\d Level of Use CP 3804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Cont.inuous 8 of 35
4.1.5 NOTIFY MCRO of the following:
3HVR*DMP60 will be opened (j
E in operating Modes 1-4, Enter LCO for 3HVR*DMP60 (Ref. 6.1]
Pu.. JRM one of the following:
- 1) E hydrogen recombiner train A was selected in step 2.1.14, NOTIFY MCRO that the following valves will be opened if not already open:
3HCS* V2, recombiner 1 A supply outer isolation
3HCS*V3, recombiner 1 A supply inner isolation 3HCS*V6, recombiner RBNR-1 A return isolation a
- 2) E hydrogen recombiner train B was selected in step 2.1.14, NOTIFY MCRO that the following valves will be opened if not already open:
3HCS*V9, recombiner IB supply outer isolation ey 3HCS*V10, recombiner 1B supply inner isolation 3HCS*V13, recombiner RBNR-1B return isolation d.
E in operating Modes 1-4, Track Tech Spec surveillance requirements of for the valves opened in step 4.1.5 c.
NOTE Constant communications with the control room are recuired when 3HCS
- V2, 3HCS* V3, 3HCS
- V6, 3 HCS
- V9, 3HCS* V15, or 3HCS
- V13 l
are opened in Modes 1-4.
4.1.6 E in operating Modes 1-4, DON phone headset and l'
ESTABLISH communications with Control Room.
4.1.7 PERFORM the following:
Using damper operating tool, OPEN 3HVR*DMP60, 3 SSP-SASl/SAS2 exhaust isolation damper [Ref. 6.1]
OPEN 31IVR-DMP1301,3 SSP-SAS2 exhaust damper
[Ref. 6.1].
l C);
CP 3804L
'v Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 l
Continuous 9 or 35 l
1' g
- C If hydrogen recombiner train A is running, the following valves will already be open:
- . 3HCS*V2, recombiner 1 A supply outer isolation 3HCS* V3, recombiner 1 A supply inner isolation 3HCS*V6, recombiner RBNR-1A return isolation l
E hydrogen recombiner train' A was selected in step 2.1.14, c.
UNLOCK and OPEN the following valves 2
i 3HCS*V2, recombiner 1 A supply outer isolation j
3HCS*V3, recombiner 1 A supply inner isolation 1
2 3HCS*V6, recombiner RBNR-1A return isolation a
3 SSP *V51, containment air sample return cross-connect l
3 SSP *V59, containment air sample supply cross-connect
.s M
If hydrogen recombiner train B is running, the following valves will already be open:
3HCS*V9, recombiner 1B supply outer isolation 3HCS*V10, recombiner IB supply inner isolation 3HCS*V13, recombiner RBNR-1B return isolation d.
E hydrogen recombiner train B was selected in step 2.1.14, UNLOCK and OPEN the following valves:
3HCS*V9, recombiner IB supply outer isolation 3IICS*V10, recombiner 1B supply inner isolation 3HCS*V13, recombiner RBNR-1B return isolation 3 SSP *V52, containment air sample return cross-connect 3 SSP
- V60, containment air sample supply cross-connect i
- Level of Use CP 3804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1
10 of 35
OBSERVE caution sign next to 3 SSP-V46 and CHECK 4.
open 3 SSP-V46, air sample pump P4 inlet isolation valve.
ft*I 4.1.8 PERFORM the following at 3 SSP-PNL2, containment air sample remote panel:
UNLOCK and OPEN panel door.
OPEN front panel.
CHECK the following valve positions:
3 SSP-V2029, containment air remote module N2 storage tank isolation valve, is closed.
3 SSP-V2030, containment air remote module N2 storage tank vent valve, is closed.
3 SSP-V2027, containment air remote module N2 supply i
isolation valve, is open.
CLOSE front panel.
ZERO timer.
PUSH " POWER ON" button to energize remote operating module and RECORD time 3 SSP-PNL2 energized:
NOTE A lit fuse indicator light indicates the fuse is blown.
VERIFY line fuses and blower fuse indicator lights are not lit.
BACK OFF 3 SSP-PCV82, nitrogen pressure regulator, fully counterclockwise.
OPEN 3 SSP-V53, nitrogen supply to containment air sample PNL.2.
l nU Level of Use CP 3804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Continuous 11 of 35
NOTE t's 3 SSP-PCV82 may require periodic adjustment to maintain 45-50 psig outlet pressure.
C A UTIO N Nitrogen pressures > 100 psig can damage the tubing in 3 SSP-PNL2.
ADJUST 3 SSP-PCV82, nitrogen pressure regulator, to 45-50 psig.
4.1.9 PERFORM the following at 3 SSP-SAS2, containment air sample module:
The inside of 3 SSP-SAS2, containment air sample module, is potentially 9f)$
contaminated. Proper Health Physics practices and RWP requirements must be followed to prevent the spread of contamination.
G a.
DON protective clothing.
NOTE 3 SSP-V2036 is closed when handle is turned fully counterclockwise.
OPEN cabinet door and PERFORM the following:
VERIFY exhaust fan is running CHECK closed 3 SSP-V2036, containment air sample module internal bypass valve 1
(O CP 3804L Level of Use STOP THINK
.ACT REVIEW Rev.I Continuous 12 0f 35
r l
I E exhaust fan is not running, PERFORM the following at c.
3 SSP-PNL2, containment air sample remote panel:
- 1) PUSH " POWER ON" button to de-energize panel.
- 2) PUSH and HOLD " POWER ON" button for 1 to 2 seconds to energize remote operating module and RECORD time 3 SSP-PNL2 energized:
- 3) At 3 SSP-SAS2, containment air sample module, CHECK exhaust fan is running.
- 4) E exhaust fan is not. running, NOTIFY MOSC.
CLOSE cabinet door.
l 4.1.10 CHECK the following valves closed:
3 SSP-V189, iodine filter FLT1' outlet isolation valve 3 SSP-V191, iodine filter FLT1 inlet isolation valve l
4.1.11 CHECK 3 SSP-V188,3-way divert valve to iodine filter FLT1, is in " BYPASS IODINE FILTER" position.
4.1.12 At 3 SSP-PNL2, containment air sample remote panel, POSITION the following valves as indicated:
l l
' a.
3 SSP-V2037 to "OPEN."'
i b.
3 SSP-V2035 to " SAMPLE."
3 SSP-V112 to "OFE" d.
3 SSP-V2034 to "OFE" i
Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 13 of 35
cs 3 SSP-PNL2, containment air sam le remote panel, requires a 15 minute warm-up period. The time that the instrument was energized is recorded on Chem Form 3804L-1. The PASS Team IIealth Physics Technician will determine the best location to wait for the completion of the warm-up.
4.1.13 REQUEST 11ealth Physics Technician determine most appropriate location to wait for completion of 15 minute warm-up of 3 SSP-PNL2, containment air sample remote panel.
- End of Section 4.1 -
Level of Use CP 3804L ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.I Continuous 14 of 35
4.2 Sample Acquisition
4.2.1 Refer To step 4.1.8 f. (page 11) or step 4.1.9 c. 2) (page 13) and
' ~ '
VERIFY 15 minute warm-up of 3 SSP-PNL2, containment air sample remote panel, is complete.
. Refer To Chem Form 3804L-1 and MARK box corresponding to hydrogen recombiner train being sampled.
~4.2.3 At 3 SSP-PNL2, containment air sample remote panel, POSITION 3 SSP-V112 to " SAMPLE INFLUENT."
4.2.4 At 3 SSP *PNL3, post accident sample panel, PERFORM the following:
. a.
ROTATE " AIR SAMPLE PUMP P4 SPEED CONTROI" knob fully clockwise.
l b.
PUSH " AIR SAMPLE PUMP P4" start button to start 3 SSP-P4 4.2.5 RECORD time purge started:
4.2.6 At 3 SSP-PNL2, containment air y
sample remote panel, RECORD flow rate:
1pm 4.2.7 PERFORM the following calculation to determine purge time in minutes.
Purge time = 220 / purge flow rate in Ipm Purge time = 220 /
Ipm =
minutes 4.2.8 WHEN purge time has passed, ISOLATE sample as follows:
At 3 SSP *PNL3, post accident sample panel, ADJUST 3 SSP-P4 speed control to achieve a sample flow rate of 10 to 12 Ipm indicated on 3 SSP-PNL2, containment air sample remote panel.
At 3 SSP-PNL2, containment air sample remote panel, RECORD flow rate:
Ipm c.
Level of Use CP 3804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.I 15 of 35
CHECK that now rate is less than value recorded in d.
step 4.2.8 b.
WAIT 1 minute.
RECORD sample date and time on Chem Form 3804L-1.
POSITION 3 SSP-V112 to "OFE" 4.2.9 At 3 SSP *PNL3, post accident sample panel, PUSH " AIR SAMPLE PUMP P4" stop button to stop 3 SSP-P4.
- End of Section 4.2 -
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Level of Use CP 3804L Continuous stoe Tsinx Acr neview Rev.i 16 of 35
i, i
4.3 ' System Flush Prior To Sample Retrieval
,n i
i" 4.3.1 At 3 SSP-PNL2, containment air sample remote panel, l
INITIATE nitrogen purge as follows:
l I
POSITION the following valves as indicated:
- 1) 3 SSP-V112 to " NITROGEN FLUSH."
- 2) 3 SSP-V2037 to "OPEN."
- 3) 3 SSP-V2034 to "ON."
RECORD flow rate:
. WAIT 3 minutes.
CHECK that flow rate is less than value recorded in step 4.3.1 b.
WAIT 3 minutes.
Q g.
POSITION the following valves as indicated:
- 1) 3 SSP-V2034 to "OFE"
- 2) 3 SSP-V112 to "OFE"
- 3) 3 SSP-V2037 to "OPEN."
Health 4.3.2 Based on radiation reading in sample module room, DIRECT Physics Chemistry Technicians to perform one of the following:
Technician -
Go To step 4.3.1 and REPEAT flush Go To Section 4.4 and retrieve samples l
- End of Section 4.3 -
l l
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4.4 Retrieval of Containment Air Samples i
4.4.1 At 3 SSP-SAS2, containment air sample module, OPEN cabinet v
4.4.2 IE gas isotopic sample was requested in step 2.1.13, PERFORM the following:
VERIFY needle is screwed fully into 250 1 syringe labeled a.
3 SSP-V2036 is open when handle is inline with needle guide.
OPEN 3 SSP-V2036, containment air sample module internal bypass valve.
INSERT syringe into needle guide until syringe nut is engaged.
ALARA jg tV 1.
Do not unscrew syringe body more than 2 turns counterclockwise.
Excessive turns will disengage needle from syringe.
Steps 4.4.2 d. through g. should be performed rapidly to minimize exposure.
Rapidly DRAW 250 I gas sample into syringe and TURN syringe body 2 turns counterclockwise to lock sample in syringe.
REMOVE syringe from needle guide and INSERT needle into stoppered 14.4 mi gas vial.
IIOLD syringe tip and TURN syringe body 2 turns clockwise to unlock syringe and INJECT contents of syringe into stoppered 14.4 mi gas vial.
PLACE syringe and gas vial into syringe transfer container and PLACE lid on syringe transfer container.
l h.
CLOSE 3 SSP-V2036, containment air sample module l
internal bypass valve.
4.4.3 1E gas composition sample was requested in step 2.1.13, ei PERFORM the following:
VERIFY needle is screwed fully into 2.0 mi syringe labeled a.
" GAS COMP." ~
OPEN 3 SSP-V2036, containment air sample module internal bypass valve.
INSERT syringe into needle guide until syringe nut is engaged.
- 1. _ Do not unscrew syringe body more than 2 turns counterclockwise.
Excessive turns will disengage needle from syringe.
Steps 4.4.3 d. and e. should be performed rapidly to minimize exposure.
Rapidly DRAW l cc gas sample into syringe and TURN syringe body 2 turns counterclockwise to lock sample in syringe.
REMOVE syringe from needle guide and PLACE syringe into syringe transfer container and PLACE lid on syringe transfer container.
CLOSE 3 SSP-V2036, containment air sample module internal bypass valve.
4.4.4 CLOSE cabinet door.
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CP 3804L Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.I Continuous 19 of 35
i l
l If sufficient personnel are available, Sections 4.5 and 4.8 may be performed simultaneously, 4.4.5 WHEN all samples requested in step 2.1.13 have been retrieved, PERFORM the following:
TRANSPORT samples to laboratory and Go To Section 4.5, l
" Sample Analysis" Go To Section 4.8, " Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition" 7
- End of Section 4.4 --
i l-l
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- O i
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CP 3804L Level of Use i
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4.5 Sample Analysis
..,i R h
Health 4.5.1 DETERMINE handling requirements as follows:
Physics Technician a.
OPEN transport container cover and MEASURE dose rate.
E dose rate is greater than or equal to 1 R/hr, NOTIFY OSC ARPS and REQUEST instructions for handling.
E dose rate is less than 1 R/hr, DIRECT Chemistry c.
Technicians to handle samples as normal radioactive samples and to minimize radiation exposure when performing 4
required analyses.
Chemistry 4.5.2 PERFORM PASS sample analysis as follows:
Technician Refer To the following Sections as applicable and PERFORM analysis:
Section 4.6," Gas Isotopic Analysis" 2
Section 4.7," Gas Composition Analysis" f ;k U
4.5.3 WHEN analysis are complete, REPORT results to MRDA or l
4.5.4 SIGN and DATE " Performed By" section on Chem Form 3804L-1.
4.5.5 E copies of results are requested, FAX or SEND copies of the following to requesting individuals:
Chem Form 3804L-1 4.5.6 E Section 4.8," Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition," has not been completed, Go To Section 4.8 and COMPLETE PASS system restoration.
- End of Section 4.5 -
d Level of Use CP 3804L Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1
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4.6 Gas Isotopic Analysis 4.6.1 PLACE 2.5 cm shelfin detector to be used for gas isotopic analysis.
i 4.6.2 DETERMINE gas isotopic activity as follows:
Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and ANALYZE sample:
Open cave Applicable geometry for shelf being used Five minute count time General library Sample volume of 0.250 cc Sample date and time as recorded on d
Chem Form 3804L-1 U
IE dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:
- 1) ABORT count.
- 2) REPLACE shelf with next higher shelf.
- 3) Go To step 4.6.2.
c, STORE gas vial in shielded location.
l l
d CP 3804L Level of Use.
STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Continuous 22 of 35
DETERMINE background as follows:
- 1) Using the following information, Refer To CP 801/2801/3801AT, " Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM background count on detector that was used for gas isotopic analysis.
Open cave Applicable geometry for shelf that was used Five minute count time Generallibrary Sample volume of 0.250 cc Counting shelf removed
- 2) RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated background activitylevels in Ci/cc on Attachment 1.
Refer To Attachment I and CALCULATE gas activity as e.
- 1) Refer To gas isotopic printout and RECORD all identified isotopes and their associated activity levels in pCi/cc.
- 2) For each isotope listed, SUBTRACF background activity from printout activity and RECORD as isotope activity in pCi/cc.
- 3) ADD isotope activities and RECORD as gas activity in pCi/cc.
- 4) RECORD gas activity in pCi/cc in " Sample Data" table of Chem Form 3804L-1.
4.6.3 PLACE empty " GAS ISOTOPIC" syringe in shielded location.
- End of Section 4.6 -
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. ~ _. _._ _._.. _.
4.7 Gas Composition Analysis s,
D NOTE-The " GAS COMP" results a : for information only and are not used in any sample calculations.
4.7.1 Refer To CP 801/2801/3801 AD, " Gas Chromatograph Operation anct Calibration," and ANALYZE 2.0 mi syringe labeled " GAS COMP" for the following:
.% hydrogen
% oxygen
% nitrogen 4.7.2 PLACE empty " GAS COMP" syringe in shielded location.
l 4.7.3 WHEN analysis is complete, RECORD gas composition results in % in " Sample Data" table on Chem Form 3804L-1.
'( Q)
- End of Section 4.7 -
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4.8 Restoration from PASS Sample Acquisition NOTE Entry into Section 4.8 may occur at any time during performance of Sections 4.1 through 4.4. Some steps in Section 4.S may already be completed depenong on the entry point.
4.8.1 IE sample flow was achieved at any time during PASS sample, FLUSH PASS system as follows:
i IE Section 4.3, " System Flush," has not been performed, a.
PERFORM Section 4.3.
1 b.
At 3 SSP-PNL2, containment air sample remote panel, POSITION 3 SSP-V2035 to " SAMPLE."
INITIATE nitrogen purge as follows:
- 2) POSITION 3 SSP-V2037 to "OPEN."
- 3) POSITION 3 SSP-V2034 to "ON."
RECORD flow rate:
1pm e.
WAIT 3 minutes.
CHECK that flow rate is less than value recorded in step 4.8.1 d.
P h.
WAIT 3 minutes.
4.8.2 POSITION the following valves as indicated:
3 SSP-V2034 to "OFE" b.
3 SSP-V112 to "OFE" c.
3 SSP-V2037 to "OPEN."
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CP 3804L Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 25 of 35
-.. ~.
l 4.8.3 Refer To Chem Form 3804L-2 and PERFORM valve lineup for valves at 3 SSP-PNL2.
l 4.8.4 CLOSE 3 SSP-V53, nitrogen supply to centainment air sample l
L 4.8.5 BACK OFF 3 SSP-PCV82, nitrogen pressure regulator, fully counterclockwise.
4.8.6 PUSH " POWER ON" button to de-energize panel.
4.8.7 CLOSE and LOCK panel door.
PERFORM the following:
Using damper operating tool, CLOSE 3HVR*DMP60, 3 SSP-SAS1/SAS2 exhaust isolation damper [Ref. 6.1]
CLOSE 3HVR-DMP1301,3 SSP-SAS2 exhaust damper
[Ref. 6.1].
IE hydrogen recombiner train A was selected in step 2.1.14, CLOSE and LOCK the following valves:
p Q
3HCS*V2, recombiner IA supply outer isolation 3HCS*V3, recombiner 1 A supply inner isolation 3HCS*V6, recombiner RBNR-1 A return isolation 3 SSP *V51, containment air sample return cross-connect 3 SSP *V59, containment air sample supply cross-connect IE hydrogen recombiner train B was selected in step 2.1.14,-
CLOSE and LOCK the following valves:
3HCS*V9, recombiner 1B supply outer isolation 3HCS*V10, recombiner 1B supply inner isolation 3HCS*V13, recombiner RBNR-1B return isolation L
3 SSP *V52, containment air sample return cross-connect 3 SSP *V60, containment air sample supply cross-connect
f x
'V Level of Use CP 3804L STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 I
Continuous 26 of 35 L
. 4.8.9 -
Refer To Chem Form 3804L-2 and COMPLETE remainder of fq valve lineup.
.V 4.8.10 - Refer To Chem Form 3804L-2 and PERFORM independent verification of system lineup.
NOTE When this step is completed, constant communications with the control room in Modes 1-4 is no longer required.
4.8.11 NOTIFY MCRO of the following:
E hydrogen recombiner train A was selected in step 2.1.14 a.
the following valves are closed and locked:
3HCS*V2, recombiner 1 A supply outer isolation, 3HCS*V3, recombiner 1 A supply inner isolation 3HCS*V6, recombiner RBNR-1 A return isolation
- ~.
E hydrogen recombiner train B was selected in step 2.1.14,
the following valves are closed and locked:
3HCS*V9, recombiner 1B supply outer isolation 3HCS*V10, recombiner 1B supply inner isolation 3HCS*V13, recombiner RBNR-1B return isolation E in operating Modes 1-4, NOTIFY MCRO that tracking c.
requirements of Tech Spec surveillance are no longer required for valves reported closed in step 4.8.11 a. or step 4.8.11 b. [Ref 6.1].
3HVR*DMP60 is closed e.
E in operating Modes 1-4, REQUEST MCRO exit LCO for 3HVR*DMP60 [Ref. 6.1].
PASS system is secured.
4.8.12 RETURN valve key to MCRO.
CP 3804L V
Level of Use Continuous stor rainx Act neview Rev.i 27 of 35
4.8.13 _ SUBMIT completed Chem Form 3804L-2 to Chemistry Supervision for review.
4.8.14 PERFORM the following:
' RECORD number of needle punctures for the containment air septum in PASS log IE containment air septum has been punctured 20 times or more since its last replacement, Refer To Attachment 2 and REPLACE septum Refer To Attachment 3 and INVENTORY PASS sampling a
- End of Section 4.8 -
0 l
I' l
,Id O
Level of Use CP 3804L ST P THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Continuous
'8 cf 35 l
I i
. 'v'
-5.1 The review and signoff for this procedure is located in the following l
attachments and forms:
Chem Form 3804L-1 Chem Form 3804L-2
- 6. -REFERENCES 6.1 PIR 3-93-021,"SLCRS Boundary Breach" 6.2 Technical Manual for Containment Air Post Accident Sample System,"
General Dynamics Corporation, Electric Boat Division, Reactor Plant Services
,7 6.3 Installation, Operating, and Maintenance Instructions Model MB-151'
V Post Accident Air Sample Compressor j
6.4 Regulatory Guide 1.97 6.5 -Post Accident Sample System Component Instruction Literature
' 6.6 INPO Good Practice CT-707," Post-Accident Sampling Preparedness" 6.7 NUREG 0737 6.8 S&W DWG. No 12179-EM-155A 1
i 6.9 S&W DWG. No 12179-EM-115A 6.10. S&W DWG. No 12179-CP-402001 L 6.11 S&W DWG. No 12179-CP-402002~
6.12 S&W DWG. No 12179-CP-402003 l
t 6.13 S&W DWG. No 12179-CP-402004
/. L.)
CP 3804L Level of Use l-Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 y
29 of 35 p
1 l
' 6.14 S&W DWG. No 12179-CP-402006 g
.U 6.15 S&W DWG.' No 12179-CP-402009
'6.16 S&W DWG. No 12179-CP-4020014 6.17 S&W DWG. No 12179-CP-4020015 6.18 S&W DWG.' No 12179-CP-4020053 I
6.19. S&W DWG. No 12179-CP-4020054 6.20 S&W DWG. No 12179-CP-4020056 6.21 S&W DWG. No 121' 79-CP.-402700 1;
- 6.22 Correspondence B11121," Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3, Response to Chemical Engineering Branch DSER Open Item," dated.
April 9,1984, from Northeast Utilities to the NRC 6.23 Correspondence B11177," Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3,
, Response to Chemical Engineering Branch DSER Open Item," dated w.
May 10,1984, from Northeast Utilities to the NRC f')
(J' 6.24 NUREG-1031," Safety Evaluation report related to the operation of Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3," dated August 2,1984.
6.25.. DCR M3-98034, "Setpoint Change to 3GSN-PCV106,3 SSP-PCV80, and 3 SSP-PCV82" 6.26 DCN DM3-00-0638-98,"Setpoint Change to 3GSN-PCV106, 3 SSP-PCV80, and 3 SSP-PCV82" i-I l
. p)
' THINK ACT REvlEw Rev.1 Continuous 30 of 35 i
- 7.
'v 7.1 Incorporated the following previously approved changes:
i i
Summary of Changes - Change 1
Deleted "...using this procedure." from discussion of MRDA or AMRDA in Section 1.2.
Added statement to discussion detailing when 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> clock starts.
Deleted details on setting up lead bricks in lab hood.
Added "or calibration initiated" to prerequisites for GC.
Rearranged PASS suitcase and PASS drawers / cabinet. Changed procedure to reflect changes.
Added caution to steps that operate 3 SSP-V46.
Changed several steps from record and calculate on Chem Form
to record and calculate in the procedure.
Added step at end of section 4.5 to go to restoration section if not already completely restored.
Changed counting steps to count sample and then count d,
9 Q
Added step to sign and date " Performed By" section on a
Chem Form 3804L-1.
I Deleted " properly" from " properly shielded location" throughout
Moved note describing when to remove headphones to step notifying SM/US that PASS 3 SSP *V14 is closed.
Summary of Changes - Change 2 Deleted extra step to verify 15 minute warmup complete.
Summary of Changes - Change 3 Changed restoration steps to ensure panel is lined up correctly and de-energized in cases where a sample was not collected.
Changed syringe sample collection steps to allow for quicker retrieval of sample to minimize exposure.
j U
CP 3804L Level of Use Continuous STOP mM C
MN Rev.I 31 of 35
q Summary of Changes - Change 4 ftV Altered discussion section including defining 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> start time as the time when ADTS makes decision to obtain sample.
Changed personnel required and responsibilities to correspond with changes made to E-Plan procedures.
Summary of Changes - Change 5 l
Changed as left and valve lineup position of 3 SSP-V46 to open to correspond with OPS Form 3311C-1.
L Summary of Changes - Change 6 Added 1 to 2 second hold to step energizing 3 SSP-PNL2. Also added step allowing 2nd attempt to start sample module blower.
Changed 3 SSP-PCV82 setpoint to 45-50 psig IAW DCR M3-98034 and DCN DM3-00-0638-98.
Changed maximum nitrogen pressure caution to 100 psig IAW DCR M3-98034 and DCN DM3-00-0638-98.
s s
Specified that constant communications with the control room when 3HCS*V2,3HCS*V3,3HCS*V6,3HCS*V9,3HCS* V10, or 3HCS*V13 are opened is only required in Modes 1-4.
, (V Level of Use CP 3804L l
Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 32 of 35 Cont inment Air Gas Activity Wsrksheet (Sheet 1 of 1)
Printout Activity
lsotope Activity
Isotope Printout Activity -
Isotope Activity (2-place accuracy)
(2-place accuracy)
( Ci/cc)
D) i\\s.
NOTE: Gas Activity = summation of Gas Activity (2 place accuracy) (pci/cc) all isotope activities.
Prepared by:
SUBMIT completed attachment to Chemistry Supervision.
Level of Use CP 3804L Continuous ST P THINK ACT REVIEv/
Rev.1 33 of 35 i
3 SSP-SAS2 Septum Replacement (Sheet 1 of 1)
- 1. PROCEED to 3 SSP-SAS2 with the following:
3 SSP-SASI septums 1/2" socket Socket wrench
Scribe Tweezers
_a Septum insertion tool
- 2. DON protective clothing as directed by Health Physics.
- 3. Using 1/2" socket, UNSCREW and REMOVE needle guide.
- 4. IE old septum did not come out with septum holder, REMOVE old septum using scribe or tweezers.
- 5. Using tweezers and septum insertion tool, INSTALL new septum.
- 6. Using 1/2" socket wrench, INSTALL needle guide.
- 7. RECORD septum replacement in PASS log.
Replaced by:
SUBMIT completed attachment to Chemistry Supervision.
CP 3804L Level of Use STOP MW ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Continuous 34 of 35
PASS Containment Air Sample Equipment Inventory (Sheet 1 of 1) k~ )
' Description Minimum Check Quantity Unit 3 Chemistry Lab PASS Drawer / Cabinet l
14.4 ml gas vial 2
14.4 mi gas vial stoppers (Sealed in bag to prevent dry rot) 2 250 pl syringe labeled "lSOTOPIC" 2
2.0 mi syringe labeled " GAS COMP" 2
Spare syringe needles 2
3 SSP-SAS2 septums 4
1/2" socket wrench 1
Scribe 1
Tiveezers 1
Septum insertion tool 1
Damper operating tool 1
Unit 3 Chemistry Lab Lead bricks 36 PASS transport cart 1
Syringe transfer container 1
Cempleted By:
SUBMIT completed attachment to Chemistry Supervision.
CP 3804L Level of Use stoP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.1 Continuous 35 of 35
Form Appr vil l YW l
Y i
n Form CoverSheet 7
v Generic Information l
Fam Titta Rev. No.
PASS Containment Air Sample Data 3
Reference Procedure Applicable Tech. Spec.
CP 3804L FSAR Section As requested bi MRDA or AMRDA dd ing SERO activation This form is being used for the following:
O Tech spec surveii'ance o System Alignment C Other:
C Maintenance Restoration
@ Surveillance (PM)
Non-Tech Spec (Retest)
Specific information l Schedule Date Applicable Mode Partial Test Authorized By (SM/US)
Date Prerequisites Completed (Initials)
Precautions Noted (Initials)
Performed By Data (N
Accepted By Date Accep anc Cnteria Approved By (Department Head or Designee)
Date Yes No Shift Manager Notified of Failed Test Date Surveillance information Noted Problems: _
Chem Form 3804L-1 Rev.1 Page 1 of 2
Sample Point i
O Hydrogen Recombiner Train A O Hydrogen Recombiner Train B Containment air sample date and time:
Sample Data Analysis Result Gas Activity (pCi/cc)
Ilydrogen (%)
Gas Composition Oxygen (%)
Nitrogen (%)
t Oh
b Chem Form 3804L-1 Rev.1 Page 2 of 2
. - ~.
F?rm Apprrvil l 41 N
/ /
.i j
6 Form CoverSheet
Generic information l Form Title Rev. No.
PASS Containment Air Sample Restoration Lineup i
Reference Procedure Applicable Tech. Spec.
Frequency CP 3804L N/A N/A This form is being used for the following:
O Tech spec surveiiiance 8 system ^iionment O Other:
O Maintenance Restoration Q Non-Tech Spec (Retest)
Surveillance (PM)
Specific Information l
ESK 4UI,4U2,4U3,4U4,7ABG EM 155A,148E t
Reviewed By:
Chem Form 3804L-2 Rev.1 Page 1 of 2
PASS Containment Air Sample Restoration Lineup PcrformId IV 8
CcmponInt 10 Description Position initial Date Initial Date r
\\v 3 SSP-V112 Containment air sample module OFF remote / remote module select 3 SSP-PCV82 Nitrogen pressure regulator Ba ed 3 SSP-V2034 Nitrogen supply to 3 SSP-SAS2 OFF
3 SSP-V2035 Containment air sample module K3/K4 SAMPLE isolation valve 3 SSP-V2037 C ntainment air sample module bypass OPEN Left side of 3 SSP-PNL2 4
3 SSP-V53 r gen supply to containment air sample CL i
Post Accident Sample Module Room 3 SSP-V2036 Containment air sample module internal CL bypass valve fj jj 1
3HVR-DMP1301 3 SSP-SAS2 exhaust damper CL 3HVR*DMP60 3 SSP-SAS1/SAS2 exhaust isolation CL damper i
Outside 'A' Recombiner Cubicle 3HCS*V2 Recombher 1 A supply outer isolation LC V
3HCS*V3 Recombinar 1 A supply inner isolation LC 3HCS*V6 Recombiner RBNR-1 A return isolation LC 3 SSP *V51 Containment air sample return LC i
cross-connect 3 SSP *V59 Containment air sample supply LC cross-connect
((((((((((((/((((((((((((((((((((((((((f Observe caution sign at 3 SSP-V46 3 SSP-V46 Air sample pump P4 inlet isolation valve OP Outside 'B' Recombiner Cubicle 3HCS*V9 Recombiner 1 B supply outer isolation LC 3HCS*V10 Recombiner 1 B supply inner isolation LC 3HCS*V13 Recombiner RBNR-1 B return isolation LC 3 SSP *V52 Containment air sample return LC cross-connect 3 SSP *V60 Containment air sample supply LC cross-connect Performed by:
Verified by:
Chem Form 3804L-2 Rev.1 Page 2 of 2