ML20196H592 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Millstone ![]() |
Issue date: | 10/29/1998 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20196H583 | List: |
References | |
B17548, TPD-7.088, NUDOCS 9812090111 | |
Download: ML20196H592 (13) | |
Docket No. 50-245 B17548 t
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l Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No.1 Certified Fuel Handler / Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program i
December 1998
9812090111 981204 j
PDR ADOCK 05000245 p
i a
l3 P
Millstone 1
~ Certified Fuel Handler / Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program l'
TPD-7.088 t
I l
Prepared By:
44 p/2S/q p Nuclea7 Training Personnel Date ' ' ' '
Reviewed By: __.
fo21 78 Nuclear Training Slipervisor D' ate
_[kh _
(oh T2 Approved By:
CAC Chairperson Date l
i i
Revision Number: 0 I!ffective Date: lll6hD
i TPD-7.088 llevision 0 l-i PageIof12
1.0 PURPOSE Millstone 1 Operations staffing requirements for the decommissioning process include the positions of Certified Fuel Handler and Equipment Operator. The purpose of this training program is to define the method for providing continuing training for personnel in these positions.
2.0 APPLICABILITY This program applies to Northeast Utilities (NU) personnel designated for the positions of Millstone 1 Certified Fuel Handler and Millstone 1 Equipment Operator. Additionally, it applies to NU personnel involved in the planning, delivery, evaluation, and review of the Certified Fuel Handler / Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program.
The Millstone 1 Certified Fuel Handler / Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program provides continuing training for personnel who are qualified as Certified Fuel Handlers and Equipment Operators. The continuing training course is based on a systematic approach to training consisting oflearning objectives derived from a Millstone 1 specific job and task analyses. The course will provide the trainees with die opportunity to meet the course objectives. As a performance i
based program, trainee job functions, performance and feedback will be evaluated in maintaining and modifying the program content. Inherent in this process is the ability to change the program to meet training needs identified by evaluation, feedback, regulatory requirements, and industry events.
4.1 Northeast Utilities Nuclear Training Procedures (NTPs) 4.2 ANSI N18.1-1971, Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel 4.3 ANSI /ANS-3.1-1981, Selection, Qualificatior, and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants 5.0 DEFINITIONS 5.1 Certified Fuel Handler-Millstone 1 Operations personnel who are responsible for the handling, storage, and cooling of nuclear fuel in a manner consistent with ensuring the health and safety of the public.
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52 Equipment Operator-Millstone 1 Operations personnel who are qualified monitor and operate the systems required for the storage and cooling of nuclear fuel at Millstone 1.
5.3 Active Qualification-A category of qualification status based on current continuing training program requirements being met. Personnel having Active Qualification are authorized to independently perform the I
respective activities of Certified Fuel llandlers or Equipment Operators.
5.4 Biennial Written Examination-A written examination administered every two years to determine the trainee's knowledge of subjects covered in the Certified Fuel Handler / Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program.
5.5 Practical Examination-An evaluation of skills and abilities that can not usually be evaluated in written examinations. Practical Examinations may include Job Performance Measures, shifVerew exercises, or plant walk-through examinations.
5.6 Periodic Examination-Examination used to measure the effectiveness of training during each continuing training cycle.
l 6.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 Supervisor. Operator Trainine 6.1.1 Responsible for the overall conduct of the Certified Fuel llandler/ Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program in accordance with Nuclear Training Procedures.
t 6.1.2 Responsible for the review and approval of training materials developed in accordance with the Nuclear Training Procedures.
6.1.3 Responsible for scheduling and coordinating training presentations associated with this program.
6.1.4 Responsible for the coordination of personnel to provide instruction associated with this program.
6.1.5 Responsible, with the Unit Operations Manager, for verifying that personnel meet program requirements.
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6.2 Trainine Procram Coordinator
6.2.1 Responsible for preparing and submitting Certified Fuel Handler / Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program schedules to the CAC for approval.
6.2.2 Responsible for scheduling classrooms for training to be conducted.
6.2.3 Responsible for maintaining program records in accordance with the Nuclear Training Procedures 6.2.4 Responsible for soliciting feedback from Operations and Training Department personnel associated with the Certifie'd Fuel Handler / Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program in accordance with the Nuclear Training Procedures.
6.2.5 Responsible for tracking and reporting training attendance.
6.3 Nuclear Trainine Department Personnel 6.3.1 Responsible for conducting training activities, as assigned, in accordance with the Nuclear Training Procedures.
6.4 Operations Manacer l
6.4.1 Responsible, with the Supervisor of Operator Training (SOT),
for the overall conduct of the Certified Fuel Handler /
Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program.
6.4.2 Responsible, as chairperson of the Operations Curriculum Advisory Committee (CAC), for the review and approval of training content and schedule.
6.5 Certified Fuel Handlers / Eauipment Onerators 6.5.1 Responsible for completing training as described in this Training Program Description.
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i 7.0 INSTRUCTIONS 7.1 Conduct of Trainine 7.1.1 Training material to support the Certified Fuel IIandler/ Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program shall be developed and approved in accordance with Nuclear Training Procedures.
7.1.2 Training sessions shall be conducted in accordance with Nuclear Training Procedures.
7.1.3 Personnel providing instruction for the Certified Fuel Handler Continuing Training Program shall be qualified in acenrdance with Nuclear Training Procedures.
7.2 Personnel shall be enrolled in the Certified Fuel llandler/ Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program immediately upon being qualified as a Certified Fuel Handler or Equipment Operator.
7.3 Scheduline 7.3.1 The Certified Fuel 11andler/ Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program cycle shall not exceed a duration of 24 months. During initial implementation of the continuing training program, the cycle length may be shortened to allow the beginning of subsequent continuing training cycles to be concurrent with the beginning of the calendar year.
7.3.2 Any missed training or examinations must be made up within 60 days, or the individual's active qualification shall be suspended pending completion of the missed training or examination.
- /.3 Examinations 7.3.1 Periodic examinations will be administered to assess trainee progress and the effectiveness of classroom presentations. Periodic examinations will be prepared and j
administered in accordance with Nuclear Training Procedures.
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Revision 0 Page 5 of 12 Periodic examinations require a passing score at least 80%. Failure of a periodic examination requires remediation in accordance with Nuclear Training Procedures.
7.3.2 Biennial Written Examination The biennial written examination will be comprised of at least 25 questions. A passing score of at least 80% is required. The written examination should evaluate the individual's knowledge of the following topics as they apply to the Certified Fuel Handler and Control Operator positions:
Design, function, and components of control and safety systems.
Purpose and operation of the radiation monitoring system.
Radiological safety principles and procedures.
Procedures and equipment available for handling and disposal of radioactive materials and effluents.
Principles of heat transfer, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics, as they relate to the storage and cooling of nuclear fuel.
Conditions and limitations in the facility license.
Facility operating limitations in Technical Specifications and the Technical Requirements Manual.
Radiation hazards that may arise during normal and abnormal situations, including maintenance activities.
Assessment of facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions.
Fuel handling equipment and procedures.
7.3.3 Annual Practical Examination TPD-7.088 Revision 0 Page 6 of 12 1
l The Annual Practical Examination may be conducted in the plant or in the simulator facility. The Annual Practical Examination will be comprised of at least 5 JPMs and one drill scenario. The Annual Practical Examination requires a overall score of SATISFACTORY, based on acceptable perfonnance as defined in Nuclear Training Procedures and the specific JPM. The Annual Practical Examination should measure the individual's ability to perform duties for the safe operation of the plant by performance of the following:
Identify annunciators and condition-indication signals, and perform appropriate remedial actions.
Identify the significance of facility instrument readings.
Perform control manipulations required to obtain desired ope:ation results during normal, abnormal, and eme 3ency conditions.
Operate systems required for the removal of decay heat.
Safely operate systems that could affect the release of radioactive materials to the environment.
Demonstrate knowledge of significant radiation hazards, and the ability to perform procedures to reduce excessive radiation levels.
Demonstrate or describe the use and function of radiation monitoring systems, including fixed systems, portable survey equipment, and personnel monitoring equipment.
Demonstrate knowledge of the emergency plan for the facility.
7.3.4 Failure of two consecutive periodic examinations, the Biennial Written Examination or the Annual Practical Examination will require:
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1 1
a) Immediate suspension of the individual's Active Qualification status.
l b) Remediation in accordance with Nuclear Training Procedures.
I c) Passing a equivalent examination prior to resuming Certified Fuel Handler or Equipment Operator duties.
l 7.4 Active Oualification Reauirements 7.4.1 To retain Active Qualification, the following items are required:
j Complete all scheduled Certified Fuel Handler /
Equipment Operator Continuing Training, including all periodic examinations. Complete a Biennial Written Examination. Complete an Annual Practical Examination. Complete a minimum of two (2) shifts of watchstanding per calendar quarter. Pass a Biennial Medical Examination, indicating that there are no medical conditions that would impair the ability to perform Certified Fuel Handler duties and responsibilities (Certified Fuel Handlers only).
7.4.2 If Active Qualification requirements are not met, Active Qualification shall be suspended until the deficient requirement is met. If the quarterly watchstanding requirement is not met, Active Qualification may be restored following two (2) shifts of watchstanding under the instruction of a qualified Certified Fuel Handler or Equipment Operator, as applicable.
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1 7.5 Waiver of Retrainine Reauirements 7.5.1 Exemptions from specific training program requirements can be granted using the following criteria as a basis for the decision:
Completion of similar training, e.g. recent completion of the initial training program.
Completion of similar evaluations, e.g., participation in a graded emergency plan drill.
Active participation in development, delivery, or evaluation of training, e.g., preparation of the annual examination. Personnel who do not maintain active qualification, e.g., training and staff personnel, are exempted from all practical training and examinations, but must compete all applicable classroom training and all written examinations.
7.5.2 An individual shall not be waived from two consecutive periodic examinations, Annual Practical Examinations or Biennial Written Examinations.
7.5.3 The requirement for a Biennial Medical Examination for Certified Fuel Handlers shall not be waived, except for personnel who do not maintain active certification, such as training and staff personnel.
7.6 Records Reauirements 7.6.1 The following records shall be maintained by the Certified Fuel llandler Continuing Training Program Coordinator: Training Attendance Matrix, listing the scheduled training sessions and when each student completed the training.
7-6.1.2 Training Program Fiie, containing a copy of training schedules, attendance sheets, and examinations. Student File, containing the following:
Completed Qualification Record from initial training.
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l Figure 8.1 for the current retraining cycle.
Copy of completed Figure 8.1 for previous retraining cycles.
7.6.2 Within 60 days following completion of each retraining cycle, the Certified Fuel Handler / Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program Coordinator shall transmit all Continuing Training Program records to Nuclear Document Services.
8.0 FIGURES 8.1 Certified Fuel Handler / Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program 9.0 ATTACHMENTS NA 10.0
NA i
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t Figure 8.1 Certified Fuel Handler / Equipment Operator Continuing Training Program (page1of2)
Retraining Period:
to NAME:
- I.
- Qualification date:
Biennial Medical Examination date (CFH only):
Satisfactory participation in tre.ining and watchstanding (first year):
1st Quarter CFH Training Program Coordinator Date 2nd Quarter CFH Training Program Coordinator Date 3rd Quarter CFH Training Program Coordinator Date 4th Quarter CFH Training Program Coordinator Date III.
Annual Practical Examination (first year):
i JPM:
Drill Scenario:
Training Program Coordinator Date TPD-7.088
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l r
I l
Figure 8.1 l
l Certified Fuel Handler / Equipment Operator l
Continuing Training Program (page 2 of 2) l NAME:
l IV.
Satisfactory participation in training and watchstanding (second year):
lst Quarter Training Program Coordinator Date l
2nd Quarter Training Program Coordinator Date 4
l 3rd Quarter i
Training Program Coordinator Date i
1 l
i l
4th Quarter Training Program Coordinator Date l
l V.
Annual Practical Examination (second year):
i f
i JPM:
l l
Drill Scenario:
l l
I l
Training Program Coordinator Date VI.
. Biennial Written Examination.
Examination Number: _.
Training Program Coordinator Date.
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