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Proposed Tech Specs Section 6, Administrative Controls, Reflecting Certified Fuel Handler License Amend Changes, Approved on 990305
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 03/19/1999
Shared Package
ML20204J154 List:
NUDOCS 9903300015
Download: ML20204J158 (9)


_ _.. -

Docket No. 50-245 B17702 Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No.1 3

Marked Up Pages March 1999


9903300015 990319 PDR ADOCK 05000245; P


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6.1 NESPONSIBILITY S.1.1 TS: Str.i;r Vic: "raident =d Chki ".=10:r Offlect (CT)


hell t; re;p;a;ibl; f;r ever;1 ;p;retisa ef the Millst;as St;ti= Sit; ;^hW

@Suf thi Mill 3tene 'Jait "ecewry Offi.cer shell 1,e resp;;sible f:r ';;rell ;.it l A

=f cperetica and the Direct;r, Unit Operetiens shell be respeasibk f*

Oper:tien of the =it. n : :=i r Vice Prc:idst =d CT Mil ktent.

"ill;t:n; "ait i "ac;;;ry Offic;r, =d Oirst:r del:5^.te, i. i;ritias, th; n;;;nier te th;n ra, 5 t ";;r;ti:= :h:W-ew,h abtence.

p=:ibilitie: d:rin" th0i+-

6.1.2 The shift Manager on site shall be responsible for the conmand

2,a function.



SJ ORGANIZATION 6.2.1 0FFSITE AND ONSITE ORGANIZATIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate managemant, respectively.

The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.

Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be a.

established and defined for the higher management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization position:,.

These relationships shall be documented ard updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts ~, functional descrip-tions of departmental re'sponsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation.

These requirernents shall be documented in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.


The Ml hter

.M NE'c'Iry Officer shall be re asible for overall unit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.


The Senier V k: p ta o %


,raidat ar,d CM0

" ilk,tw shall have corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operation, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety, d.

The individuals who train the Certified Fuel Handlers and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have suffi-cient organirational freedom to ensure their ability to perform their assigned functions.

l G.2.2 FACILITY STAFF Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift a.

crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1.

j i


At least one person qualified to stand watch in the control room shall be present in the control room when irradiated fuel is stored in the fuel pool.

Hillstone Unit 1 6-1 Amendment No. 72, 55. 79 97 104 0322 1


'4 4

insert A 6.1.1 The Designated Officer shall be responsible for overall operat;on of the Millstone Station site and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility. The Designated Manager shall be responsible for overall Unit safe operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility.

Insert B 6.1.3 Unless otherwise defined, the technical specification titles for members of the staff are generic titles.

Unit specific titles for the functions and responsioilities associated with these generic titles are identified in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.



1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.4 TRAINING 6.4.1 An NRC approved training and retraining program for the Certified Fuel Handlers shall be maintained.



6.5.1 Plant 00erations Review Committee (PORC)

.Eustina j


..I r1. 5e,.

The PORC shall function to advise the -Direct;r,g" Opre.ier.s on


all matters related to nuclear safety.

C_ojnposition The PORC shall be composed of nine to eleven members.

Members shall collectively have experience and expertise in the following areas:

Plant Operations


Engineering Reactor Engineering Maintenance Instrumentation and Controls Health Physics Chemistry Work Planning Quality A**urance The minimum qualifications of PORC members shall be that all members have an academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a management position, and have a minimum of five years


technical experience in their respective field of expertise.

i The members of PORC shall be appointed in writing by the Mrect r, " nit n y.,.

s,.:f. o.r j

0 craticas.

The Chairperson and alternate Chairperson of the PORC


sball be drawn from the PORC members and be appointed in writing b i

the Circctor, l'ait Oprations.

b% ~~ + *.!

n~~ y e 6.5.1 3 Alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the PORC Chairperson to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate in PORC activities at any one time.

Millstone Unit 1 6-5 Amendment No. 77, 75, 7J p), pp, 104


i Quality Control for effluent monitoring using the guidance in 9

Regulatory Guide 1.21 Rev.1, June 1974.


Radiological Effluent Monitoring and offsite Dose calculation Manual (REM 00CM Environme)ntal Monitoring. implementation, except for Section I.E., Radiolog The0Y$It'$f,$W5rb.Y3f.f:#$NEtf:: SYiPION:[0'f'ficer, 6.8.2 a.

0 r

cr Ernier V!: Prc:ident : d C"O "ilht-- may designate specific procedures and programs, or classes of procedures and programs to be reviewed in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program in lieu of review by the PORC or SORC. The review per the Qualified Reviewer Program shall be it, accordance with Speci.f* ition 6.5.4.


Procedures and programs listed in Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall be a'pproved by the Dir;;t:r, "-it Oper:tt::: er S:nier ou:y.a.a Vk Prc:id:nt :nd C"O "ilutet: or by cognizant Manager or u,,, fDirectors who are designated as the Approval Authority by the p

o..:3 +.4 3 ' Direct:r, Unit Operat4:n: ;r 5:ni:r Yi;; 77;;id:nt and C"O iithun; as specified in administrative proceduras. The Approval Authority for each procedure and program or class of procedure and 3

program shall be specified in administrative procedures.


Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall be c.

i reviewed by the PORC or SORC and shall be aproved by the Dir::t:r, D";34*J Wit Sp:r: tier,: cr Senier Y k: Prc:id:;t

,_ C"O "il htene, or be


" +3 reviewed and approved in accordance with the Station Qualified

- ++d Reviewer Program, prior to implementation. Each procedure of 4

i Specification 6.8.1 shall be reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.

6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of 6.8.1 above may be made provided:

The intent of original procedure is not altered.



The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom is a certified Fuel Handler.

l The change is documented, reviewed b c.

Station Qualified Reviewer Program, y the PORC or SORC, or the as applicable, and approved by D'5:r + 4 the circ ttr Unit Oper:ti:n:, :r th: u n Sr Vie: Prt:ident :nd CNC D.'gr;y "ilhtent o. Station Qualified Reviewer Program Department Manager within 14 days of implementation.

. m.,,

6.8.4 Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained covering Section I.E, Radiological Environmental Monitoring, of the REMODCM.

Millstone Unit 1 6-15 Amendment No. M.

U, 9/, PP,104 0323

Docket No. 50-245 B17702 Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No.1 Retyped Pages March 1999

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1 The Designated Officer shall be responsible for overall operation of the Millstone Station Site and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility.

The Designated Manager shall be responsible for overall Unit safe operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsibility.

4 6.1.2 The Shift Manager shall be responsible for the control room command function.

6.1.3 Unless otherwise defined, the technical specification titles for members of the staff are generic titles.

Unit specific titler, for the functions and


responsibilities associated with these generic titles are' identified in tb Quality Assurance Topical Report.

l 6.2 ORGANIZATION 6.2.1 0FFSITE AND ONSITE ORGANIZATIONS Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate manag ment, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.

1 a.

Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined for the higher management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descrip-tions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation. These requirements shall be documented in the Quality Assurance Topical Report.


The Designated Manager shall be responsible for overall unit safe l

operation and shall have control over those onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.


The Designated Officer shall have corporate responsibility for I

overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operation, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.


The individuals who train the Certified Fuel Handlers and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have suffi-cient organizational freedom to ensure their ability to perform their assigned functions.


Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1.


At least one person qualified to stand watch in the control roo9 shall be present in the control room when irradiated fuel is stored in the fuel pool.

Millstone Unit 1 6-1 Amendment No. p. M. N, M, ##,




1 l.

J l

l l

ADMINISTRA TIVE CONTROLS 6.4 TRAINING-l 6.4.1 An NRC approved training and retraining program for the Certified l

Fuel Handlers shall be maintained.

6.5 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5.1 Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC)

Function The PORC shall function to advise the Designated Manager on all I

q matters related to nuclear safety.

Composition i The PORC shall be composed of nine to eleven members. Members shall collectively have experience and expertise in the following areas:

l Plant Operations Engineering Reactor Engineering l

l Maintenance Instrumentation and Controls l

Health Physics Chemistry Work Planning Quality Assurance l

The minimum qualifications of PORC members shall be that all members have an academic degree in an engineering or physical science field, or hold a management position, and have a minimum of five years i

technical experience in their respective field of expertise. The members of PORC shall be appointed in writing by the Designated Manager. The Chairperson and alternate Chairperson of the PORC shall be drawn from the PORC members and be appointed in writing by the Designated Manager.

I i

Alternates Alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the PORC l

Chairperson to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate in PORC activities at any one time.

Millstone Unit 6-5 Amendment No. pp, JJ 7J. 77, 77

Jpp, 0328-b_

m A



Quality Control for effluent monitoring using the guidance in Regulatary Guide 1.21 Rev. 1, June 1974.

i h.

Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual l

(REMODCM) implementation, except for Section I.E., Radiological i

Environmental Monitoring.

6.8.2 a.

The Designated Manager, Designated Officer or Designated Senior i

l Officer may designate specific procedures and programs, or classes of l

procedures and programs to be reviewed in accordance with the Station l

Qualified Reviewer Program in lieu of review by the PORC or SORC.

The review per the Qualified Reviewer Program shall be in accordance with Specification 6.5.4.

l b.

Procedures and programs listed in Specification 6.8.1, and changes i

thereto, shall be approved by the Designated Manager or Designated l

Officer or by cognizant Manager or Directors who are designated as the Approval Authority by the Designated Manager or Designated l

Officer as specified in administrative procedures. The Approval Authority for each procedure and program or class of procedure and l

program shall be specified in administrative procedures.


Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1, and changes thereto, shall be reviewed by the PORC or SORC and shall be approved by the Designated Manager or Designated Officer, or be reviewed and approved in accordance with the Station Qualified Reviewer Program, prior to 4


Each procedure of Specification 6.8.1 shall be reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.

6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of 6.8.1 above may be made provided:


The intent of original procedure is not altered.


The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, l

at least one of whom is a Certified Fuel Handler.


The change is documented, reviewed by the PORC or S0RC, or the Station Qualified Reviewer Program, as applicable, and approved by the Designated Manager or Designated Officer or Station Qualified l

Reviewer Program Department Manager within 14 days of implementation.

i 6.8.4 Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained covering Section I.E, Radiological Environmental Monitoring, of the REM 0DCM.

l l


Millstone Unit 1 6-15 Amendment No. 5, 7J U, #, J#,