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Rev 0 to CK-MP3-04-03D, Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP) Programmatic Review Checklist, Change Procedure Implementation
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/25/1997
From: Tom Ryan, Sheppard P
Shared Package
ML20141E505 List:
CK-MP3-04-03D, CK-MP3-4-3D, NUDOCS 9707010091
Download: ML20141E534 (4)


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l Northeast Utilities  ;

l Millstone- Unit 3 Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP)

Programmatic Review Checklist

i. l f

CK-MP3-04-03D, Rev. 0 1 l

Channe Procedure Imniementation

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Prepared by: P. Sheopard A. I o//

/, p l Name Sig'natur'e [ Date/ 7' I l Approved by: T. J. Ryan 4 2f '7 Name Si re Dad /

l IMPLEMENTATION Change Process: Procedures Lead Procedures: DC 1 and OP 3265 Verified By: Date:

Concurrence By: Date:

1 (CK-MP74443D. Paget)

Sheet 1 of

! CtCK403D. DOC 9707010091 970627 I i

PDR ADOCK 05000423 i P PM -

. Northeast Utilities CK-MP34443D Millstone Unit 3 Procedure Sheet of Change Procedure lampiennestation Checklist Programmatic Review Checklist CK-MP3-04-03D Channe Procedure Implementation Procedure:

Change No.: Date ofRevision/ Change Procedure Channes Note: Questions 1 to 8 do not concern changes to Emergency,' Abnormal, Off-Normal, or Severe Accident Management procedures. Questions 9 to 11 do concern changes to Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) and other procedures which support the performance of the EOP Network.

1. Has the procedure been reviewed within two years from the procedure Approval Date (see Biennial Review Date on Procedure Cover Page) or has a "Do Not Use Notice" been issued? Note: The "Do Not Use" process is not applicable to Common Station, Station, or Unit procedures (Ref. Procedure DC 1,1.12,1.13 and 1.14),

yes no n/a

2. If the procedure is a special procedure, is the procedure approved, and changed the same as a permanent procedure? Special procedures control infrequently performed activities not controlled by permanent station procedures (Ref. DC 1, l.1).

-yes no n/a

3. Have non-intent procedure changes been approved within 14 days? Intent changes are alterations to: regulatory, policy or technical bases; responsibilities or interfaces; setpoints, acceptance criteria, safety Smitsl operating limits, or tolerances; scope; applicability; basic method or process; commitments; inspection or hold points; or initial conditions. Procedure changes which requwe a safety evaluation er environmental evaluation are also intent changes (Ref. DC 1,1.5.3, i 1.6.3.a.4, and Attachment 1, Technical Specification 6.8.3).

yes no n/a

4. If the procedure change is a non-intent change to a Stction, Unit, Common '

Station, or Common Department procedure, the procedure change must be a one-time change (Ref. DC 1,1.5.3 and Attachment 1). Is it? Note: Technical Specification 6.S.3.a requires that temporary changes to procedures required by Technical Specification 6.8.1 not alter the intent. -

yes no n/a s l (CK-MP3-4443D, Rev. 9, Page2)

CrK0403D. DOC

, Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-04 433 Mh- Unit 3 Procedure Sheet of Change Procedure Impleasentation Checklist

5. If the procedure is a vendor procedure, it may only be approved for use at a single Unit (Ref. DC 1,1.1 and 1.11). Is it?

yes no n/a

6. If the change is to a veador's procedure, it must be made by the vendor (Ref. DC.'

1,1.11). Isit?

yes im n/a

7. Has the Department Procedure Coordinator specified who must receive training  !

for the procedure or procedure change and what material should be covered and _ 2 .

has this been reviewed by the Department Head or Responsible Individual (Ref.

DC 3,1.19.2,1.19.6, and Atte.chment I and DC 1,1.10.26 and 1.10.30)?

yes no n/a i

8. Does the procedure change have a " Procedure and Form Change Request" Form (Attachment 6 to DC 1) and, when applicable, a " Documentation of Training Requirements" Form (Attachment 5 to DC 1)?

yes no n/a.  ;

9. Have all modifications made using the " Change" method been formally incorporated into the procedure by revision, within 14 days of the effective change date (OP 3265,4.2.1, note)?

yes no n/a

10. Do EOPs have an entry section in the procedure? This section is to list other EOPs and their specific steps that refer the operator to the current procedure, presents symptoms, such as alarms, indications, automatic system activations, and parameter changes, and states the plant Mode when the EOP is applicable (OP 3266, 1.3).

yes no n/a

11. If the EOP (those based on the ERGS only) can be used for any Modes other than <

1,2, or 3, is a generic paragraph requiring a step by step evaluation of the procedure included (OP 3266,1.3)? Attachments 5 and 6 to procedure OP 3266 contain lists of ERG derived EOPs and non-ERG derived EOPs.

yes no n/a (CK-MP3-0443D, Rev. O. Page3)


Northeast Utilities CK-MP344433

- Millstone Unit 3 Precedum Sheet et Change Pmcedure Implesmestation Checklist i

Comments For any "no" Items, provide the reason andanyappropriate discussion. Forary "no" items which are determinednot to be a discrepancy, provide the basis. {

Item No. Discussion l

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(CK-MP34443D. Rev,0, Page4)