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Requests That Van Vo Contact Region II Re Encl to Us Dept of Labor Complaining of Discrimination by Cp&L,To Discuss Hanger Deficiencies Identified to Licensee in Jul 1983.Record of 841001 Telcon Encl
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/21/1984
From: Lankford J
To: Van Vo C
Shared Package
ML20132C567 List:
FOIA-85-173 NUDOCS 8508230045
Download: ML20134G106 (5)





((9 Eass . * $

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CE GION 11 7 g 101 Mt. stTT A ST;tti1.C:D

  1. , 8 ATL ANT A. GE ORGI A 30303

% ....8~ / j SEP 2 ] 199 2

f Mr. Chan Van Vo .

Dear Mr. van Vo:


RI I A-0143 The U. S. Department of Labor has provided us a copy of your complaint of violations of the employee protection provisions of the Energy Reorganization Act by the Carolina Power and Light Company. It is our understancing that the Department of Labor is pursuing this matter.

In paragraph four of your complaint you discussed deficiencies in tangers which you identified to the licensee in July 1983, we want to discuss these allegec deficiencies with you so that we car determine if appropriate ccrrections ere mace.

Would you please call me collect at (404) 221-4194 so that I Can discuss this matter with you. If you should call and I am not available, please ask to speak to my associate, Mr. Bruno Uryc. Or, you may write us at the folloming address:

RII/IAC PO Box 2203 Atlanta, GA 30301 Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, s.

J. B. Lankfe-d Irvestigative Coordinator bec: V. Ps;kett Certified No. P 633 391 037 8508230045 850814 PDR FOIA GUILD 85-173 PDR M

l ._

- 0FFICIAL USE ONLY MEMORANDUM TO CASE FILE vves acties f w n***a " B. URYC 84-0143 sa K)0 nacomo or ti saan navisu / m 10-01-84 tI etusa n, co ri x a n au rv maeusstas a no 1005 summarr Mr. VO called collect to advise me that he has received our letter and that he is in the process of preparing an affioavit concerning his concerns relative to the Harris Plant.

VO stated that he expects the affidavit to be notarized on 10-03-84 and that he will send a copy of the affidavit. I provided him with the standard mailing address for the Region.  !

VO stated that he is being represented by Mr. Robert GUILD and that any future contact l with him (V0) should be made through his attorney, Mr. GUILD. VD following '

telephone nunt>ers for Mr. GUILD: 704/373-4011,704/373-2570,and (ni ght) .

I advised that we would be waiting for the ffidavit and VO said at it wou be forward-ed as soon as possible. _

B. JONES briefed and sent a copy of DOL letter to BAR . JONES also called BARTH to adviss him of the matter involving V0.

b>Ve ar. cmc \ Y ' 0 f * %

h' ' th' S Ru)Xu e



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PCtraato av BRUNO 0070 3 g acrson enouinto /'

nata asviewso av 0FFICIAL USE ONLY - 00 NOT DISCLOSE N 34 room azz-rie n .:


  • g'

. SI4 YORA 1cl . >

cuc (9/9) 86+-54 7/

attevide. WG 28303 A ush 28 ,1994 ADMlW/STRA TOR,.

M' age anct How- Division.  :

Emp/cywent, Standair4 Adminisbn?' inn.

u. s . D%-tment c t-a.sor 200 Cdnsti*tution. (Are WW .

Wa.skiqlon. D.C. 20210 i i

l SUSTECT: Complainb of cOscriminakon aga.iust Ca> olin.a Power $ qkt Co. under 29 cns

. Past 24  :

.. i

Dear Siir oe Mach:

1m.; l I believe tJrat Ihave been. cliscrimbu2f.ed ap by m 16 rmer employer, %clina. Poner/byIst bec~g ,

<e of my ach,on.s m, expressmg concern 1 anci clocumenL*+tg deficien.cles As.1He 4sig' n a cons &u.clibn. of fire Sireason Harris N'ac/ Gas /bw Plan.t ovhere I norXed as a const.ruction R*elel Englueer av ilse Mechaxia:n.l Depwl. ment unk2.1 9 term.ina2Lon. a.bcat Aiub . 29, ige + qua.fif*ed . I have. l

, re.fusecl. emp. /cymen2 few wh. f I a.m.

by puang Nu' . clear et.n.d. oll1eu firm s because of

! c pt us disc <im.inatoci treatu1ent . Ia learn.

l of my rQlt.ts under 1Xe emp/cyas prot n. l proviswn.s of the rNERGy REQRGwtEAT/QW ACT Depm-twent of L~ bor Regu.laCons n'ithbs. Are b '

  • fkh-Q days.

I request iAa6 you. order CP4L io provide redief +tre.idis discelin.ixalion. inc& ding.

yeovidiug. fan bacx pa m ctkm w;faAte ,eg ap. y , comp >

I hewe been, emp. loyed, by CP4 L ah tbe. l

- ~~ - - - -- -~ ' - - - ~ - - - - - - ' - - - - - - -



Shea.o.on. * 'rris Aru.c1"n> /%we

. P/axt uu. des ccssstrac14on. a b New /lil.l. , No* etl< Camb'na aluce.

April /0,1979 . I frage been prosnoted. from A, Teclwl cia _ n. ll,,

Englaeering' Assoelnfe E ngisreer , e4 f&salio EngZueerin

. Eng <.'nees- Lv o c ho b>ss , / 9 8 2 where I was assignad. to work n Alex RuJ/er , Peinc:~ f Engbreer - Hangees . I4 w.

been. subject to ,'epeat.ed. ha.ra.ssment, c'nfimida pressu re and oZises cGecelsu.h*nflon beea"ce eq%

es{cemix -/Res wklE

~_cf AeeA doA- f*cn.s be,. p/re klenk

  • aficn., and docu m.en fa %n9 a of d> syn. o& con.structicn. defczenczes .

Toe exa.wtp/s ., Lx. Tune ,, /983 , 711e ACse!= ? Equ/at Cosnatiesto>1 ./ssded. def%>e.ciad fc>- aus- area am Ms. Fu//es. asstyned me fa iQcb /As fras,gesd -few fu.<1/re>- deficiexcled along wif4 f4e O~/>~L Assurane Su>-reillance G . A n es. 1 e u s m 'H 4 rep' or e

l 4<, Tu. whick.

  • ex a. la,ge n. umber af ci ru )/.es y'f o l d >+1 e z was a lias. ad. sta- not haar.

h.ow +b perforn< m.y yob . AhhougA.14e amQ Assu> ass.ce nepos te su y .f 4 s e d & <g 4 ,, Z

  • u placed. cn six suen.Th.pportM a Preba.fien about A ustt 19ea ,, +s fa peformance. havi>r'g dec e at . *
below 1/1e'a.ccep la. feve2 foe dreelassif

cf E>r(.aer over lAs pasbgear ~A c>re AaLf.#

I pe>-formed. my a>4 w wk
A en prokilon an.d. wa.s esot informed cf any poorperfornmnce a*rd me I was repeoleAQ pressa. red ta resign

./i*na]Q farsui>ea. beg o.haa.6 Feb . 29,, i9 e 4. .

I repenkdQ com.plained to y supe >lors a CP$L abou.6 f.h2s discrisnin~ finn inc.4 din Sive: ~~

HLasungement WAo prorni. sed to bed,o srre .g/ hey se><.fo me. -lo warJ6 w i//r o u.t a y /re . No s al CP4L 4<f% med. me of my rigkl to

-t42s D o L. dLseetsuis,a.z'can casup' l I ha e. t.s-ted. La gel .Aefp oriay p,acfe and


. Governme i Ag *x.cEe4 AGn. c f fir m h w firfas.n, e

    • re of my 3-2 als to /<*le 24ss comp. /aI>s.t . In-. )

?farok. ,/98 4 971 ;1 e En<p. laymentSeca.esG Gmntissic c of Ara #f4 Cerollaa Ra.peesen. dab.*.ve fa& 81e 1/a., 1 l CPt L Mexo a//cweal /c ferm.issa.te me un.c%.1/te cf.rewnsb:ancea . D1 Aprid and Jh Q , /984 %a.ske' l artsnen.6 of La.Aev ofy 46 i Jeu.A.aep sk ah Tire.O.

M/askiMgton.- f./.S.

C - Dep/ro Atf ug4 .Z e.vpfainaet' ni '

co1+<.p. la.ixt I wos aen.t away aach 1%1e. >v/S:od

help e> br a 60uz n,4 eyAls to ,rcle.
ikEs con <p. lain.t/ena,an t

. I have. 12 eel. for ana. fue> red e/oivi'

,for >*ran,.y clean and Arau . A&cfea., gr.oba .)cn w/ sic.L Taw qua d*f*ed beense of CPJ t 's c?'~~'in.< bra.isors I a3+n. s l2 $ $ u *t.e n < y. la y e ct.' . .

Abou l l cn pG St., /9e4 , I twas ings neto(n,e coaa,-><nr rep,as Proy/A ecteofe,. /4e.

f.o.w +a e -a aud. y e; /.oy// ten ee Pectsef ~>wr Pro visdens <

/Ais of s<>1c e. . of / row fo {<2e cosup/<12nt.

I a s M ..f o e yeeu- he fp Le. 4< vash'.ga./2ng y comp /~~>tt au.a. pro ve'c4*n m e. a up' A a.6fa rs4 $f fe# fAZ$ cG'ser[mi -f2.ep

  • Z w /// b 4.,,

4 4t les -mafic,n.- auel haffy /o su;P,o&u,t. 9 u -14 e r-docwec>< in n on suppo, t ycy%g con,piar,1e.

Sbrce, eQ ,


( A/sa Known e:rs VAN yo ogys's)
