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Interim Deficiency Rept Re Dresser Supplied Pressure Gauges, Initially Reported on 810923.Also Reportable Per Part 21. Evaluation for Reportability Will Not Be Complete Until Culmination of Seismic Testing Projected for Apr 1982
Person / Time
Site: Harris  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/20/1981
From: Chiangi N
To: James O'Reilly
REF-PT21-81 10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, NUDOCS 8110290194
Download: ML20011A622 (5)






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g Onc f October Od Q File: SH N-2. 8 } .

C Mr. James P. O'Reilly  %. ,. 8

.A United States Nuclear Regulatory Comaission g 1


Region II . .

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101 Marietta Street, Northwest O. s y% pf

( m,, Atlanta, Georgia ~ 30303 V/y; ,

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W-DOCKET NOS. 50-400, 50-401, 50-402, 50-403


Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

Attached is an interim report on the subject item of which you were notified as potentially reportable per the provisions of 100FR50.55(e) and 10CPR21 on September 23, 1981. Dresser Industries, Ebasco, and CP&L are continuing to

~ evaluate this matter. As stated in the interim report, the evaluation 'for -

' reportability will not be complete until the culmination of seismic testing currently-projected for April,1982.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

RDB/mt Attachment "ours very truly, oc: Mr. . G. Maxwell W/A -

Mr. V. Stello (2) W/A ,

f, [

N J. Ch angi.- Manager Engined & Construction Quality Assurance / Quality Control f'

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g41t Fayetteville Straet

  • P. O. Box 1551
  • Raleigh, N. O,27602 A KO 00 5 ._


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SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO. 1 Interim Report October 15, 1981 '

Potentially Reportable Under 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR21 e

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10CFR50.55(e) Potentially Reportable Deficiency Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant - Unit No. 1 Seismic Testing of Pressure Gages Ebasco Purchase Crder NY435104 ITEM: Bourdon - Type Pressure Gages SUPPLIED BY: Dresser Industries Industrial Valve and Instrument Division Stratford, Connecticut 06497 NATURE OF DEFICIENCY: The deficiency involves Seismic Category I Pressure gages. The gages were delivered to the Shearon Harris Site prior to completion and documentation of seismic testing.

DATE PROBLEM WAS CONFIRMED TO EXIST: Septem59r 23.1981 - Shearon Harris Site personnel discovered that documentation was not available for Seismic I pressure gages.

PROBLEM REPORTED: Sep tember 23, 1981 - L. E. Jones (CP&L) reported the item

, as potentially reportable to Mr. R. Butcher, Region II, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


October 7.1981 - CP&L personnel (E. Evans) requested Ebasco (X. Pique) to conduct an evaluation.

SCOPE _OF PROBLEM: The problem is confined to seismic pressure gages having either steel or bron'e Bourdon tube mechanisms. Thirty-eight purchase order items, consisting of a total of 38 pressure gages ake involved.


_pfPLICATIONS: The pressure gages are classified as Seismic Category I, and installed in safety-reinted piping systems. The gages are installed directly on pioes or on instrument panels.

In the lacter case, small diameter piping or tubing -

connects the gage to the pressure boundary.

Failure of the pressure gages to retain pressure boundary -

integrity during or after an earthquake could adversely affect the safe operation of the plant.

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Page 2 of-3 REASONS ~ PROBLEM' IS POTENTIALLY REPORTABLE,: During a routine' inspection by Ebasco at Dresser's. plant on October 1 and'2,1979, the Ebasco inspector rejected a shipment of pressure gages because documentation was not complete. Some time thereafter. Dresser Industries inadvertently shipped some of the Seismic I pressure gages ~

that were previously rejected, without' obtaining the proper Ebasco' release and before completion of Seismic testing.

The Seismic I pressure gages apparently were delivered .to the Shearon Harris Site as part of a shipment consisting .

primarily of Non Nuclear Safety pressure gages.

A seismic test procedure for pressure gages (Dresser Report

  1. ASH-131EI dated 2/20/75) has been submitted to Ebasco for
review. Ebasco made comments on this report (Ebasco letter to Dresser SH-251-385 dated 1/14/81). - To date, no seismic 1-tests have been conducted on these gaged.

The question of reportability is addressed ,in this report '

as a potential breakdown of Dresser's Quality Assurance .

Program, which permitted Safety-related items to be shipped l without the required Ebasco inspection, and prior to the .

completion of seismic testing. -

To determine whether this deviation, if left uncorrected,'

could create a substantial safety. hazard, seismic tests will have to be conducted.

Seismit ' test results for both steel-type and bronze-type pressure gages are not'yet available. Evaluations by Ebasco cannot be completed at this time. Therefore, a - 1 final determination of reportability cannot be mad-s until-tests are completed and evaluated.

I The seismic testing and required review of the seismic

! report are scheduled for completion by April 1,1982, at j' which time evaluations will be completed. A final report j will then be prepared and issued.


ACTION: 1) Seismic I Pressure _ gages from Dresser delivered to the Shearon Harris site have been placed on "QA Hold" as of 9/23/81.


2) Dresser Industries has been made aware of this report and will be requested to provide comments, prior to.

preparation of the final report.

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O Page-3 of 3

3) Seismic testing will be conducted by Dresser / Dayton T.

Brown Co. The results will be reviewed by Ebasco. A total of four tests will be conducted; two tests on panel-mounted instruments and two tests on pipe-mounted instruments: ^ one test each for bronze Bourdon tubes,'

4 and steel Bourdon tubes. Itesults will be presented in the final report which is scheduled for completion by April al,1982.

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