Revised Pages 20-25 to App 4A of non-proprietary Version of Rev 3 to HI-971760ML18016A894 |
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Site: |
Harris |
Issue date: |
04/05/1999 |
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Shared Package |
ML18016A893 |
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References |
HI-971760-ERR, HI-971760-R03-ERR, HI-971760-R3-ERR, NUDOCS 9904130224 |
Download: ML18016A894 (7) |
MONTHYEARML20217A9931999-09-30030 September 1999 NRC Regulatory Assessment & Oversight Pilot Program, Performance Indicator Data ML20196H8621999-06-30030 June 1999 NRC Regulatory Assessment & Oversight Pilot Program, Performance Indicator Data, June 1999 Rept ML18017A8981999-05-12012 May 1999 Technical Rept Entitled, Harris Nuclear Plant-Bacteria Detection in Water from C&D Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Lines. ML18016A8941999-04-0505 April 1999 Revised Pages 20-25 to App 4A of non-proprietary Version of Rev 3 to HI-971760 ML18016A8661999-03-31031 March 1999 Shnpp Operator Training Simulator,Simulator Certification Quadrennial Rept. ML18017A8931999-02-28028 February 1999 Risks & Alternative Options Associated with Spent Fuel Storage at Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant. ML18016A8531999-02-18018 February 1999 Non-proprietary Rev 3 to HI-971760, Licensing Rept for Expanding Storage Capacity in Harris SFP 'C' & 'D'. ML18016A9371998-06-30030 June 1998 Technical Rept on Matl Identification of Spent Fuel Piping Welds at Hnp. ML18016A7711998-05-26026 May 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to HI-971760, Licensing Rept for Expanding Storage Capacity in Harris Spent Fuel Pools 'C' & 'D'. ML18016A2631997-06-30030 June 1997 1997 Automated Inservice Exam of RPV & Adjacent Piping Welds at Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant,Unit 1, Vol 1,final Rept W/Apps ML20217Q2751997-06-30030 June 1997 CP&L Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data for Period 970101-0630 ML18022A9621995-06-30030 June 1995 NPP IPEEE Final Rept. ML18011A9041995-03-0303 March 1995 Shnpp Operator Training Simulator Certification Quadrennial Rept. ML18010B0841993-05-0505 May 1993 NRC Licensing Submittal Review of Licensing Conditions Imposed by NUREG-1216. ML18010A9521992-11-30030 November 1992 NRC Licensing Submittal Review of Licensing Conditions Imposed by NUREG-1216. ML18010A8541992-10-0909 October 1992 Flow Calibration Rept Carolina Power & Light Harris Plant. ML18005A8521988-11-30030 November 1988 Criticality Analysis of Shearon Harris Spent Fuel Racks W/ Ifba Fuel. ML18005A6401988-07-31031 July 1988 Revised Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Response Facility Info Sys Verification & Validation Final Rept. ML18022A6941988-05-31031 May 1988 SPDS Dynamic Operational/Human Factors Evaluation, Final Rept ML18005A4181988-03-31031 March 1988 Metallurigical Evaluation of EDG Bases from Cp&L,Shearon Harris Nuclear Station. ML18004B8271987-01-31031 January 1987 Criticality Analysis of Shearon Harris Fuel Racks. ML18004A3471986-07-23023 July 1986 Chatham County Emergency Response Plan:Unanswered Questions. ML18019B0461986-06-13013 June 1986 Rev 1 to Analysis for Location of Battery RM SA & SB Eyewash Station & Shower. ML18019B0081986-04-30030 April 1986 Rev 2 to Tdi Diesel Generator Design Review & Quality Revalidation Rept. ML20203N4171986-04-30030 April 1986 Rev 2 to Tdi Owners Group App Ii:Generic Maint Matrix & Justifications ML18019A7931986-04-28028 April 1986 Rev 1 to Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Crdr Final Summary Rept. ML18019A5591985-11-0404 November 1985 Predicted Behavior of Containment Bldg During Structural Integrity Test. ML18019A4551985-10-25025 October 1985 Containment Recirculation Sump Evaluation. ML18019A3801985-09-30030 September 1985 Crdr Final Summary Rept. ML18019A3831985-09-11011 September 1985 Environ Qualification of Mechanical Equipment. ML18019A2561985-07-0202 July 1985 Containment Purge & Vent Valve Operability Review. ML20205B1311985-04-17017 April 1985 Technical Evaluation Rept of Spds,Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant ML18003B0981985-03-31031 March 1985 Control Room Design Review Summary Rept for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1. ML18018B8981985-02-13013 February 1985 Elimination of Arbitrary Intermediate Break Points in Main Feedwater Sys. ML18018B8951985-02-11011 February 1985 Seismic & Dynamic Qualification of Mechanical & Electrical Equipment,Master List, Vols 1 & 2 ML18003B1241984-12-31031 December 1984 Electrical Separation Analysis. ML18018B8511984-12-17017 December 1984 Emergency Diesel Generator Equipment. ML18018B8521984-11-30030 November 1984 Vols 1-4 of Tdi Diesel Generator Design Review & Quality Revalidation Rept. ML20134G1621984-11-0909 November 1984 Revised Rept of Results of Interviews Conducted W/Cp&L Personnel Re Selected Aspects of Affidavit Submitted by Former CP&L Employee C Van Vo ML18018B7621984-08-31031 August 1984 Rev 7 to Functional Capability of ASME Class 1 Auxiliary Piping Sys. ML18018B6941984-04-30030 April 1984 Rept on Operability of Pressurizer Safety Relief Valves, PORVs & Electrical Motor Operated Block Valves. ML18018B6321984-03-28028 March 1984 Audit Rept, Human Factors Engineering Detailed Control Room Design Review In-Progress Audit. ML18018B5411984-01-10010 January 1984 Revised Mgt Capability Rept. ML18018B4341983-10-28028 October 1983 Responses to Requests for Addl Info Re Draft SER Open Items 372,63,30,172 & 213 ML18018B4131983-10-14014 October 1983 Nonproprietary Table of Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) 400 Series Stainless Steel Items. ML18018B4291983-09-30030 September 1983 Analysis of Habitability of Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Operations Facility. ML18018B5101983-09-30030 September 1983 Safety Analysis of Shearon Harris Safety Parameter Display Sys. ML18018B4301983-09-30030 September 1983 Analysis of Habitability of Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Technical Support Ctr. ML18018A6521983-08-0404 August 1983 Revised Mgt Capability Rept. ML18018A4831983-01-31031 January 1983 Rept on Proposed Neuse Fault. 1999-09-30
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML18017A9181999-10-0808 October 1999 LER 99-008-00:on 991008,CR Emergency Filtration Sys Tech Specs Occurred.Caused by Site Personnel Failed to Recognize That Blocking Open CR Emergency Filtration Sys.Procedures Revised.With 991008 Ltr ML18017A9151999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for Shearon Harris Npp. with 991012 Ltr ML20217A9931999-09-30030 September 1999 NRC Regulatory Assessment & Oversight Pilot Program, Performance Indicator Data ML18017A8671999-09-10010 September 1999 LER 99-007-00:on 990811,determined That Cvis ARMs High Alarm Setpoints Were Not within TS Limit.Caused by Not Having Procedure to Verify If Cvis ARM High Alarm Setpoints Were within TS Requirements.Revised Procedures.With 990910 Ltr ML18017A8621999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Harris Nuclear Plant.With 990908 Ltr ML18016B0481999-08-0404 August 1999 LER 99-006-01:on 981124,noted Failure to Comply with TS 4.0.4 & TS 3/4.6.3, Civs. Caused by post-maint Testing That Did Not Adequately Test Control Circuitry & Verify Isolation Time Following Maint.Procedure Was Revised ML18017A8361999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.With 990811 Ltr ML18016B0151999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for Shearon Harris Npp. with 990713 Ltr ML20196H8621999-06-30030 June 1999 NRC Regulatory Assessment & Oversight Pilot Program, Performance Indicator Data, June 1999 Rept ML18016A9801999-06-0404 June 1999 LER 99-006-00:on 981124,failed to Comply with TS 4.0.4 & TS 3/4.6.3, Civ. Caused by post-maint Testing That Did Not Adequately Test Control Circuitry & Verify Isolation Time Following Maint.Procedure Will Be Revised.With 990604 Ltr ML18016A9851999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant,Unit 1.With 990614 Ltr ML18017A8981999-05-12012 May 1999 Technical Rept Entitled, Harris Nuclear Plant-Bacteria Detection in Water from C&D Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Lines. ML18016A9581999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant,Unit 1.With 990513 Ltr ML18016A9011999-04-12012 April 1999 Part 21 Rept Re Defect in Component of DSRV-16-4,Enterprise DG Sys.Caused by Potential Problem with Connecting Rod Assemblies Built Since 1986,that Have Been Converted to Use Prestressed Fasteners.Affected Rods Should Be Inspected ML18016A9111999-04-12012 April 1999 LER 99-005-00:on 990313,plant Exceeded ESFAS TS 3.3.2,Action 21.Caused by Inadequate Procedure Rev Preparation.Licensee Revised Applicable Maint Surveillance Test Procedure (MST-10072) to Identify TS Required Actions.With 990412 Ltr ML18016A8971999-04-0808 April 1999 LER 99-004-00:on 990312,unit Trip Was Noted.Caused by Degraded Condition of SG Water Level Flow Control Valve. Replaced Positioners on All Three FW Regulating Valves.With 990408 Ltr ML18016A8941999-04-0505 April 1999 Revised Pages 20-25 to App 4A of non-proprietary Version of Rev 3 to HI-971760 ML18016A9101999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.With 990413 Ltr ML18016A8661999-03-31031 March 1999 Shnpp Operator Training Simulator,Simulator Certification Quadrennial Rept. ML18017A8931999-02-28028 February 1999 Risks & Alternative Options Associated with Spent Fuel Storage at Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant. ML18016A8551999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for Shearon Harris Npp. with 990312 Ltr ML18016A8261999-02-22022 February 1999 LER 99-003-00:on 990123,noted That Plant Was Outside Design Basis Due to Isolation of Fire Protection Containment Sprinkler Sys.Caused by Human Error.Restored Containment Sprinkler Sys to Operable Status.With 990222 Ltr ML18016A8531999-02-18018 February 1999 Non-proprietary Rev 3 to HI-971760, Licensing Rept for Expanding Storage Capacity in Harris SFP 'C' & 'D'. ML18016A8111999-02-12012 February 1999 LER 99-002-00:on 990114,RT Due to Not Removing Temporary Device from Relay Following Calibration Was Noted.Caused by Human Error.Counseled Personnel Involved in Event.With 990212 Ltr ML18016A7971999-02-0505 February 1999 LER 99-001-00:on 990106,SF Pool Water Level Was Not Maintained Greater than 23 Feet Above Stored BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Fasteners Bending Under Specific Circumstances.Increased Water Level.With 990205 Ltr ML18022B0631999-02-0404 February 1999 Rev 0 to Nuclear NDE Manual. with 28 Oversize Uncodable Drawings of Alternative Plan Scope & 4 Oversize Codable Drawings ML20202J1161999-02-0101 February 1999 SER Accepting Relief Requests Associated with Second 10-year Interval Inservice Testing Program ML18016A8041999-01-31031 January 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1999 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.With 990211 Ltr ML18016A7941999-01-29029 January 1999 LER 98-004-01:on 980313,identified Design Deficiency Re Potential Runout of Tdafwp.Caused by Inadequate Original AFW Sys Design.Operability Evaluation Was Completed on 980313 & Addl Engineering Analysis Was Performed by Vendor ML18016A7801998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1998 for Shearon Harris Npp. with 990113 Ltr ML18016A7671998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for Shnpp,Unit 1.With 981215 Ltr ML18016A9731998-11-28028 November 1998 Changes,Tests & Experiments, for Harris Nuclear Plant.Rept Provides Brief Description of Changes to Facility & Summary & of SE for Each Item That Was Implemented Under 10CFR50.59 Between 970608-981128.With 990527 Ltr ML18016A8351998-11-28028 November 1998 ISI Summary 8th Refueling Outage for Shearon Harris Power Plant,Unit 1. ML18016A7411998-11-25025 November 1998 Rev 1 to Shnpp Cycle 9 Colr. ML18016A7211998-11-17017 November 1998 LER 98-007-00:on 981023,turbine Control Anomaly Caused Manual Rt.Caused by Failure to Incorporate Verbal Vendor Guidance in Operating Procedures.Addl Vendor Guidance Will Be Verified & Added to Procedures.With 981117 Ltr ML18016A7071998-11-0303 November 1998 Rev 0 to Harris Unit 1 Cycle 9 Colr. ML18016A7201998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.With 981113 Ltr ML20154F8701998-10-0606 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Authorizing Proposed Alternative to Requirements of OMa-1988,Part 10,Section for 21 Category a Reactor Coolant Sys Pressure Isolation Valves ML18016A6201998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for Harris Nuclear Power Plant.With 981012 Ltr ML18016A5971998-09-21021 September 1998 Rev 1 to Harris Unit 1 Cycle 8 Colr. ML18016A5881998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1998 for Shnpp,Unit 1.With 980914 Ltr ML18016A5071998-07-31031 July 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Jul 1998 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant.W/980811 Ltr ML18016A9431998-07-0707 July 1998 Rev 1 to QAP Manual. ML18016A4841998-07-0707 July 1998 LER 97-002-01:on 970207,determined That Cold Weather Conditions Resulted in Mfiv Being Potentially Inoperable During Period 970117-20.Caused by Inadequate Design of HVAC Sys.Implemented Mods to Steam Tunnel HVAC Sys ML18016A9371998-06-30030 June 1998 Technical Rept on Matl Identification of Spent Fuel Piping Welds at Hnp. ML18016A4861998-06-30030 June 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1998 for SHNPP.W/980715 Ltr ML18016A4701998-06-30030 June 1998 LER 97-021-03:on 980210,discovered That SFP Water Level Had Not Been Verified Greater than 23 Feet Above BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Misinterpretation of TS Requirements. Will Submit TS Change Request to Revise TS ML18016A4491998-06-0808 June 1998 LER 98-006-00:on 980508,failure to Perform Insp & Preventive Maint on MCCB as Required by TS Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Sps.Tested 9 Pressurizer Heater Bank Breakers by Cycling each.W/980608 Ltr ML18016A4521998-05-31031 May 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1998 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.W/980612 Ltr ML18016A7711998-05-26026 May 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to HI-971760, Licensing Rept for Expanding Storage Capacity in Harris Spent Fuel Pools 'C' & 'D'. 1999-09-30
[Table view] |
Linear Regression with Correlation Coefficient of 0.1 3
~ O'Q'<
AO 1.01 0
>QI ao' CIA'g" 1
. QIN) oo, o+i oooj, .005 U>glI 1 Q
'r 0 S
S f
I 1 .000 U
0 Bias O
0.995 0.990 5 6 7 5 9 0.1 Energy of Average Lethargy Causing Fission (Log scale)
Linear Regression with Correlation Coefficient of 0.21 1.010 1.005
- 0) 1.000 U Bias
~ 0.995 0
0 O
0.990 0.985 0.1 1 Energy of Average Lethargy Causing Fission (Log scale)
Linear Regression with Correlation Coefficient of 0.03 1.010 1.005 0
S 0
ID Bias 0
0 U
O 0.995 0.990 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Enrichment, w/o U-235 Hi~760 FIGURE 4A.3 MCNP CALCULATED k ef f VALUES AT VARIOUS U 235 ENRICHMENTS Appendix 4A, Page 22
Linear Regression with Correlation Coefficient of 0.38 1.010 1.005
.Q 1.000 U 8ias U 0.995 O
0 O
0.990 0.985 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 ; 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
- Enrichment, w/o U-235 HI~760 FIGURE 4A.4 KENO CALCULATED k eff VALUES AT VARIOUS U 235 ENRICHMENTS Appendix 4A, Page 23
0.94 4 4.2x E 0.92 N
o 0.90 0
O 0
C3 3.
0.88 LA O
IJJ hC 0.86 3.0m 0.84 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 MCNP k-eff Calculations FIGURE 4A.5 COMPARISON OF MCNP AND KEN05A CALCULATIONS FOR VARIOUS FUEL ENRICHlvlENTS HI~760 Appendix 4A, Page 24
1.82 1.81
- 1. 88
.818 g/cme
- 8. 99 U 8. 98 0)
U 815 grcmsq O
- 8. 97 U
- 8. 96 8.828 gro oq 0
U 8. 825 lc me q 0)
- 8. 9d
~ 838 gi omo
- 8. 93 gYcmoq
- 8. 92 8.84 gr'o eq
- 8. 91 0.900 0.920 0.940 . 0.960 0.980 1.000 1.020 1.0 Reactivity Calculated with KEN05a FIGURE 4A. 6 COMPARISON OF MC NP AND K E N05a CALCULATIONS FOR VARIOUS BORON 1 0 AREAL DENSITIES HI-971760 Appendix 4A, Page 25
y t