MONTHYEARML18017A9181999-10-0808 October 1999 LER 99-008-00:on 991008,CR Emergency Filtration Sys Tech Specs Occurred.Caused by Site Personnel Failed to Recognize That Blocking Open CR Emergency Filtration Sys.Procedures Revised.With 991008 Ltr ML18017A8671999-09-10010 September 1999 LER 99-007-00:on 990811,determined That Cvis ARMs High Alarm Setpoints Were Not within TS Limit.Caused by Not Having Procedure to Verify If Cvis ARM High Alarm Setpoints Were within TS Requirements.Revised Procedures.With 990910 Ltr ML18016B0481999-08-0404 August 1999 LER 99-006-01:on 981124,noted Failure to Comply with TS 4.0.4 & TS 3/4.6.3, Civs. Caused by post-maint Testing That Did Not Adequately Test Control Circuitry & Verify Isolation Time Following Maint.Procedure Was Revised ML18016A9801999-06-0404 June 1999 LER 99-006-00:on 981124,failed to Comply with TS 4.0.4 & TS 3/4.6.3, Civ. Caused by post-maint Testing That Did Not Adequately Test Control Circuitry & Verify Isolation Time Following Maint.Procedure Will Be Revised.With 990604 Ltr ML18016A9111999-04-12012 April 1999 LER 99-005-00:on 990313,plant Exceeded ESFAS TS 3.3.2,Action 21.Caused by Inadequate Procedure Rev Preparation.Licensee Revised Applicable Maint Surveillance Test Procedure (MST-10072) to Identify TS Required Actions.With 990412 Ltr ML18016A8971999-04-0808 April 1999 LER 99-004-00:on 990312,unit Trip Was Noted.Caused by Degraded Condition of SG Water Level Flow Control Valve. Replaced Positioners on All Three FW Regulating Valves.With 990408 Ltr ML18016A8261999-02-22022 February 1999 LER 99-003-00:on 990123,noted That Plant Was Outside Design Basis Due to Isolation of Fire Protection Containment Sprinkler Sys.Caused by Human Error.Restored Containment Sprinkler Sys to Operable Status.With 990222 Ltr ML18016A8111999-02-12012 February 1999 LER 99-002-00:on 990114,RT Due to Not Removing Temporary Device from Relay Following Calibration Was Noted.Caused by Human Error.Counseled Personnel Involved in Event.With 990212 Ltr ML18016A7971999-02-0505 February 1999 LER 99-001-00:on 990106,SF Pool Water Level Was Not Maintained Greater than 23 Feet Above Stored BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Fasteners Bending Under Specific Circumstances.Increased Water Level.With 990205 Ltr ML18016A7941999-01-29029 January 1999 LER 98-004-01:on 980313,identified Design Deficiency Re Potential Runout of Tdafwp.Caused by Inadequate Original AFW Sys Design.Operability Evaluation Was Completed on 980313 & Addl Engineering Analysis Was Performed by Vendor ML18016A7211998-11-17017 November 1998 LER 98-007-00:on 981023,turbine Control Anomaly Caused Manual Rt.Caused by Failure to Incorporate Verbal Vendor Guidance in Operating Procedures.Addl Vendor Guidance Will Be Verified & Added to Procedures.With 981117 Ltr ML18016A4841998-07-0707 July 1998 LER 97-002-01:on 970207,determined That Cold Weather Conditions Resulted in Mfiv Being Potentially Inoperable During Period 970117-20.Caused by Inadequate Design of HVAC Sys.Implemented Mods to Steam Tunnel HVAC Sys ML18016A4701998-06-30030 June 1998 LER 97-021-03:on 980210,discovered That SFP Water Level Had Not Been Verified Greater than 23 Feet Above BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Misinterpretation of TS Requirements. Will Submit TS Change Request to Revise TS ML18016A4491998-06-0808 June 1998 LER 98-006-00:on 980508,failure to Perform Insp & Preventive Maint on MCCB as Required by TS Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Sps.Tested 9 Pressurizer Heater Bank Breakers by Cycling each.W/980608 Ltr ML18022B0551998-05-20020 May 1998 LER 98-005-00:on 980420,TS Verbatim non-compliance Was Determined.Caused by Misinterpretation of TS Requirements. Issued Memo to Reemphasize Need to Comply W/Literal Meaning of TS Requirements in Verbatim manner.W/980520 Ltr ML18016A4061998-04-30030 April 1998 LER 98-002-01:on 980121,determined Ssps (P-11 Permissive) Testing Deficiency.Caused by Inadequate Review of Initial Ts.Will Revise & Perform Surveillance Test Procedures to Verify Operability of P-11 Permissive ML18016A3841998-04-13013 April 1998 LER 98-004-00:on 980313,design Deficiency Related to Indequate Runout Protection for Turbine Driven AFW Pump Was Identified.Caused by Inadequate Original AFW Sys Design. Evaluation (ESR 98-00100) Will Be completed.W/980409 Ltr ML18016A3441998-03-12012 March 1998 LER 97-021-02:on 980210,identified Failure to Properly Test non-safety Related Pressurizer Porv.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Test Procedures.Revised Operations Surveillance Test OST-1117 to Include Testing of Subject PORV ML18016A3291998-02-27027 February 1998 LER 98-003-00:on 980129,failure to Perform Shutdown Margin Calculation Required by TS Surveillance Requirements Occurred.Caused by Ambiguity in TS revised.W/980227 Ltr ML18016A3211998-02-20020 February 1998 LER 98-002-00:on 980121,solid State Protection Sys Testing Deficiency Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Review of Initial Tech Specs.Ts Testing Frequency for P-11 Permissive Revised. W/980217 Ltr ML18016A3131998-02-0909 February 1998 LER 98-001-00:on 980109,potential Condition Outside Design Basis Related to Instrument Air Sys Leak Causing SG pre- Heater Bypass Isolation Valves to Be Inoperable Was Noted. Caused by Inadequate Design Control.Generated Jco 98-01 ML18016A2641997-12-18018 December 1997 LER 97-024-00:on 971118,SSPS Testing Deficiency Was Noted. Caused by Inadequate Testing Scheme Provided by Ssps Vendor. Revised procedure.W/971218 Ltr ML18016A2501997-11-24024 November 1997 LER 97-023-00:on 920721,RCS PIV Testing Deficiency Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Consider All Testing Variables During Initial Sp Development.Surveillance Tp OST-1506 Was Revised to Incorporate Correction factor.W/971124 Ltr ML18016A2201997-10-22022 October 1997 LER 97-021-01:on 970922,discovered That Spent Fuel Pool Water Level Was Not Maintained Greater than 23 Feet Above Stored BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Misinterpretation of TS Requirements.Revised Daily Surveillance Procedures ML18016A2081997-10-14014 October 1997 LER 97-016-01:on 970608,reactor Trip Occurred,Due to Personnel Error While Attempting to Adjust Power Range Nuclear Instrumentation Channel Following Performance of Calorimetric.Procedures revised.W/971014 Ltr ML18016A2111997-10-14014 October 1997 LER 96-008-02:on 960425,turbine Trip/Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by High Resistance Connection Resulting from a Phase Switch Jaw & Blade Contacts.Failed a Phase Disconnect Switch on Breaker 52-7 Replaced ML18016A1931997-09-29029 September 1997 LER 97-022-00:on 970829,TS Required Shutdown Due to Expiration of AFW Lco.Caused by Personnel Error.Completed Repairs TDAFW Pump & Returned Plant to Svc on 970831. W/970926 Ltr ML18016A1891997-09-12012 September 1997 LER 97-020-00:on 970814,inadequate Fire Protection Provided for safety-related EDG Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Cables Resulted in Operation Outside Design Basis.Caused by Engineering Oversight.Established Fire watches.W/970912 Ltr ML18016A1881997-09-12012 September 1997 LER 97-021-00:on 970814,spent Fuel Pool Water Level Was Not Maintained Greater than 23 Feet Above Stored BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Misinterpretation of Ts.Directions Provided to Operations.W/970912 Ltr ML18012A8641997-08-18018 August 1997 LER 97-019-00:on 970720,turbine Trip/Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Three Phase Fault That Collapsed Excitation Field in Main Generator,Resulting in Generator Lockout.Exciter Rotor Assembly Was replaced.W/970818 Ltr ML18012A8581997-08-0808 August 1997 LER 96-018-01:on 960903,manual Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Loss of Normal Sw.Caused by Mechanical Failure of B Water Pump & a Normal SW to Remain Running Once Manually Started.Restored a Normal SW Pump to Svc ML18012A8551997-08-0808 August 1997 LER 96-013-02:on 961028,condition Outside of Design Basis Where RWST Had Been Aligned w/non-seismically Qualified Sys Was Identified.Caused by Failure to Reconcile Operating Procedure Lineups.Established Administrative Controls ML18012A8471997-07-31031 July 1997 LER 97-018-00:on 970701,determined That Plant Procedures Had Not Received Proper Reviews & Approvals.Caused by Failure to Comply W/Plant Administrative Procedure AP-006.Counseled Involved individuals.W/970731 Ltr ML18012A8371997-07-24024 July 1997 LER 97-S01-00:on 970405,unescorted Access Inappropriately Granted to Contract Outage Workers Was Determined.Caused by Personnel Error.Access Files for Individuals Inappropriately Granted Unescorted Access Were Placed on Access Hold ML18012A8291997-07-11011 July 1997 LER 97-017-00:on 970612,failed to Recognize Inoperable Reactor Afd Monitor.Caused by Personnel Error.Operators Involved in Event Will Be Counseled Prior to Assuming Shift duties.W/970711 Ltr ML18012A8301997-07-0808 July 1997 LER 97-016-00:on 970608,reactor Trip Occurred Due to Personnel Error in Adjusting Power Range (Pr) Nuclear Instrumentation (Ni).Issued Night Order Prohibiting Pr Ni Adjustment When Redundant Channel inoperable.W/970708 Ltr ML18012A8241997-07-0202 July 1997 LER 97-015-00:on 970602,inadequate Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Flow Control Valve Surveillance Testing Deficiency Was Identified.Caused by Failure to Recognize Impact on TS AFW FCV Actuator spring.W/970702 Ltr ML18022B0181997-06-13013 June 1997 LER 97-014-00:on 970514,SI Occurred During Ssps Surveillance Testing.Caused by Inattention to Detail During Recent Rev to Surveillance Test Procedure Being Used.Revised Deficient Surveillance procedures.W/970613 Ltr ML18012A8081997-06-0909 June 1997 LER 97-013-00:on 970508,entry Into Mode-6 Without Operable Components,Resulting in TS 3.0.4 Violation Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Personnel Involved counseled.W/970609 Ltr ML18012A8021997-06-0606 June 1997 LER 97-023-02:on 961114,design Deficiency Was Identified in Emergency DG Protection Circuitry.Caused by Inadequate Plant Design.Revised Surveillance Test Procedures OST-1013 & OST-1073.W/970606 Ltr ML18012A8011997-06-0404 June 1997 LER 97-012-00:on 970505,determined That Previous Auxiliary Control Panel Had Not Verified Operability of Interposing Relays.Caused by Misinterpretation of Tss.Reviewed Other Remote Shutdown Panel Transfer circuitry.W/970604 Ltr ML18012A7951997-05-29029 May 1997 LER 96-023-01:on 961114,design Deficiency in EDG Protection Circuitry Was Identified.Caused by Inadequate Original Plant Design.Surveillance Test Procedures OST-1013 & OST-1073 revised.W/970529 Ltr ML18012A7891997-05-22022 May 1997 LER 97-011-00:on 970422,inappropriate TS Interpretation Resulted in Violations of ECCS Accumulator TS & Entry Into TS 3.0.3.Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Tsi 88-001 Cancelled 970508 & Procedures revised.W/970522 Ltr ML18012A7871997-05-19019 May 1997 LER 97-010-00:on 970418,design Deficiency Determined Re Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Oil Collection Sys.Caused by RCP Ocs Design Detail.Rcp Ocs Enclosures for Each of Three Installed RCP Motors Have Been modified.W/970519 Ltr ML18012A7761997-05-0707 May 1997 LER 97-009-00:on 970407,fuse Was Removed from CR Ventilation Isolation Signal Power Supply Circuitry Due to Personnel Error.Individuals Involved Were counseled.W/970507 Ltr ML18012A7751997-05-0505 May 1997 LER 97-008-00:on 970404,safety-related AHU Not Declared Inoperable During Maintenance on Associated Temperature Switches Resulting in Violation of Ts.Caused by Incorrect Interpretation.Operations Night Order issued.W/970505 Ltr ML18012A6291997-04-24024 April 1997 LER 97-007-00:on 970325,inoperable CCW Sys TS 3.0.3 Entry Made.Caused by Combination of Procedural Inadequacies, Improper Use of Procedure Guidance & Poor Communication. Applicable Individuals counseled.W/970423 Ltr ML18022B0151997-04-17017 April 1997 LER 97-006-00:on 970318,breach Was Identified in Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Wall Due to Inadequate Initial Design,Poor Construction Methods & Incomplete as-built Design.Visual Insp of Thermo-Lag Barrier Walls performed.W/970417 Ltr ML18012A6041997-04-0303 April 1997 LER 97-004-00:on 970304,in-plant Spent Fuel Cask Handling Activities Conducted Outside Design Basis.Caused by Lack of Understanding of Requirements.Operations Placed on Hold Pending NRC Review & Approval of procedures.W/970331 Ltr ML18012A6031997-03-31031 March 1997 LER 97-003-00:on 970227,steam Generator Low Level Protection Circuitry Outside Design Basis Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Failure Modes & Effects Analysis Performed as-built Piping Configuration for S/G Level.Review performed.W/970331 Ltr 1999-09-10
[Table view] Category:RO)
MONTHYEARML18017A9181999-10-0808 October 1999 LER 99-008-00:on 991008,CR Emergency Filtration Sys Tech Specs Occurred.Caused by Site Personnel Failed to Recognize That Blocking Open CR Emergency Filtration Sys.Procedures Revised.With 991008 Ltr ML18017A8671999-09-10010 September 1999 LER 99-007-00:on 990811,determined That Cvis ARMs High Alarm Setpoints Were Not within TS Limit.Caused by Not Having Procedure to Verify If Cvis ARM High Alarm Setpoints Were within TS Requirements.Revised Procedures.With 990910 Ltr ML18016B0481999-08-0404 August 1999 LER 99-006-01:on 981124,noted Failure to Comply with TS 4.0.4 & TS 3/4.6.3, Civs. Caused by post-maint Testing That Did Not Adequately Test Control Circuitry & Verify Isolation Time Following Maint.Procedure Was Revised ML18016A9801999-06-0404 June 1999 LER 99-006-00:on 981124,failed to Comply with TS 4.0.4 & TS 3/4.6.3, Civ. Caused by post-maint Testing That Did Not Adequately Test Control Circuitry & Verify Isolation Time Following Maint.Procedure Will Be Revised.With 990604 Ltr ML18016A9111999-04-12012 April 1999 LER 99-005-00:on 990313,plant Exceeded ESFAS TS 3.3.2,Action 21.Caused by Inadequate Procedure Rev Preparation.Licensee Revised Applicable Maint Surveillance Test Procedure (MST-10072) to Identify TS Required Actions.With 990412 Ltr ML18016A8971999-04-0808 April 1999 LER 99-004-00:on 990312,unit Trip Was Noted.Caused by Degraded Condition of SG Water Level Flow Control Valve. Replaced Positioners on All Three FW Regulating Valves.With 990408 Ltr ML18016A8261999-02-22022 February 1999 LER 99-003-00:on 990123,noted That Plant Was Outside Design Basis Due to Isolation of Fire Protection Containment Sprinkler Sys.Caused by Human Error.Restored Containment Sprinkler Sys to Operable Status.With 990222 Ltr ML18016A8111999-02-12012 February 1999 LER 99-002-00:on 990114,RT Due to Not Removing Temporary Device from Relay Following Calibration Was Noted.Caused by Human Error.Counseled Personnel Involved in Event.With 990212 Ltr ML18016A7971999-02-0505 February 1999 LER 99-001-00:on 990106,SF Pool Water Level Was Not Maintained Greater than 23 Feet Above Stored BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Fasteners Bending Under Specific Circumstances.Increased Water Level.With 990205 Ltr ML18016A7941999-01-29029 January 1999 LER 98-004-01:on 980313,identified Design Deficiency Re Potential Runout of Tdafwp.Caused by Inadequate Original AFW Sys Design.Operability Evaluation Was Completed on 980313 & Addl Engineering Analysis Was Performed by Vendor ML18016A7211998-11-17017 November 1998 LER 98-007-00:on 981023,turbine Control Anomaly Caused Manual Rt.Caused by Failure to Incorporate Verbal Vendor Guidance in Operating Procedures.Addl Vendor Guidance Will Be Verified & Added to Procedures.With 981117 Ltr ML18016A4841998-07-0707 July 1998 LER 97-002-01:on 970207,determined That Cold Weather Conditions Resulted in Mfiv Being Potentially Inoperable During Period 970117-20.Caused by Inadequate Design of HVAC Sys.Implemented Mods to Steam Tunnel HVAC Sys ML18016A4701998-06-30030 June 1998 LER 97-021-03:on 980210,discovered That SFP Water Level Had Not Been Verified Greater than 23 Feet Above BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Misinterpretation of TS Requirements. Will Submit TS Change Request to Revise TS ML18016A4491998-06-0808 June 1998 LER 98-006-00:on 980508,failure to Perform Insp & Preventive Maint on MCCB as Required by TS Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Sps.Tested 9 Pressurizer Heater Bank Breakers by Cycling each.W/980608 Ltr ML18022B0551998-05-20020 May 1998 LER 98-005-00:on 980420,TS Verbatim non-compliance Was Determined.Caused by Misinterpretation of TS Requirements. Issued Memo to Reemphasize Need to Comply W/Literal Meaning of TS Requirements in Verbatim manner.W/980520 Ltr ML18016A4061998-04-30030 April 1998 LER 98-002-01:on 980121,determined Ssps (P-11 Permissive) Testing Deficiency.Caused by Inadequate Review of Initial Ts.Will Revise & Perform Surveillance Test Procedures to Verify Operability of P-11 Permissive ML18016A3841998-04-13013 April 1998 LER 98-004-00:on 980313,design Deficiency Related to Indequate Runout Protection for Turbine Driven AFW Pump Was Identified.Caused by Inadequate Original AFW Sys Design. Evaluation (ESR 98-00100) Will Be completed.W/980409 Ltr ML18016A3441998-03-12012 March 1998 LER 97-021-02:on 980210,identified Failure to Properly Test non-safety Related Pressurizer Porv.Caused by Inadequate Surveillance Test Procedures.Revised Operations Surveillance Test OST-1117 to Include Testing of Subject PORV ML18016A3291998-02-27027 February 1998 LER 98-003-00:on 980129,failure to Perform Shutdown Margin Calculation Required by TS Surveillance Requirements Occurred.Caused by Ambiguity in TS revised.W/980227 Ltr ML18016A3211998-02-20020 February 1998 LER 98-002-00:on 980121,solid State Protection Sys Testing Deficiency Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Review of Initial Tech Specs.Ts Testing Frequency for P-11 Permissive Revised. W/980217 Ltr ML18016A3131998-02-0909 February 1998 LER 98-001-00:on 980109,potential Condition Outside Design Basis Related to Instrument Air Sys Leak Causing SG pre- Heater Bypass Isolation Valves to Be Inoperable Was Noted. Caused by Inadequate Design Control.Generated Jco 98-01 ML18016A2641997-12-18018 December 1997 LER 97-024-00:on 971118,SSPS Testing Deficiency Was Noted. Caused by Inadequate Testing Scheme Provided by Ssps Vendor. Revised procedure.W/971218 Ltr ML18016A2501997-11-24024 November 1997 LER 97-023-00:on 920721,RCS PIV Testing Deficiency Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Consider All Testing Variables During Initial Sp Development.Surveillance Tp OST-1506 Was Revised to Incorporate Correction factor.W/971124 Ltr ML18016A2201997-10-22022 October 1997 LER 97-021-01:on 970922,discovered That Spent Fuel Pool Water Level Was Not Maintained Greater than 23 Feet Above Stored BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Misinterpretation of TS Requirements.Revised Daily Surveillance Procedures ML18016A2081997-10-14014 October 1997 LER 97-016-01:on 970608,reactor Trip Occurred,Due to Personnel Error While Attempting to Adjust Power Range Nuclear Instrumentation Channel Following Performance of Calorimetric.Procedures revised.W/971014 Ltr ML18016A2111997-10-14014 October 1997 LER 96-008-02:on 960425,turbine Trip/Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by High Resistance Connection Resulting from a Phase Switch Jaw & Blade Contacts.Failed a Phase Disconnect Switch on Breaker 52-7 Replaced ML18016A1931997-09-29029 September 1997 LER 97-022-00:on 970829,TS Required Shutdown Due to Expiration of AFW Lco.Caused by Personnel Error.Completed Repairs TDAFW Pump & Returned Plant to Svc on 970831. W/970926 Ltr ML18016A1891997-09-12012 September 1997 LER 97-020-00:on 970814,inadequate Fire Protection Provided for safety-related EDG Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Cables Resulted in Operation Outside Design Basis.Caused by Engineering Oversight.Established Fire watches.W/970912 Ltr ML18016A1881997-09-12012 September 1997 LER 97-021-00:on 970814,spent Fuel Pool Water Level Was Not Maintained Greater than 23 Feet Above Stored BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Misinterpretation of Ts.Directions Provided to Operations.W/970912 Ltr ML18012A8641997-08-18018 August 1997 LER 97-019-00:on 970720,turbine Trip/Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Three Phase Fault That Collapsed Excitation Field in Main Generator,Resulting in Generator Lockout.Exciter Rotor Assembly Was replaced.W/970818 Ltr ML18012A8581997-08-0808 August 1997 LER 96-018-01:on 960903,manual Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Loss of Normal Sw.Caused by Mechanical Failure of B Water Pump & a Normal SW to Remain Running Once Manually Started.Restored a Normal SW Pump to Svc ML18012A8551997-08-0808 August 1997 LER 96-013-02:on 961028,condition Outside of Design Basis Where RWST Had Been Aligned w/non-seismically Qualified Sys Was Identified.Caused by Failure to Reconcile Operating Procedure Lineups.Established Administrative Controls ML18012A8471997-07-31031 July 1997 LER 97-018-00:on 970701,determined That Plant Procedures Had Not Received Proper Reviews & Approvals.Caused by Failure to Comply W/Plant Administrative Procedure AP-006.Counseled Involved individuals.W/970731 Ltr ML18012A8371997-07-24024 July 1997 LER 97-S01-00:on 970405,unescorted Access Inappropriately Granted to Contract Outage Workers Was Determined.Caused by Personnel Error.Access Files for Individuals Inappropriately Granted Unescorted Access Were Placed on Access Hold ML18012A8291997-07-11011 July 1997 LER 97-017-00:on 970612,failed to Recognize Inoperable Reactor Afd Monitor.Caused by Personnel Error.Operators Involved in Event Will Be Counseled Prior to Assuming Shift duties.W/970711 Ltr ML18012A8301997-07-0808 July 1997 LER 97-016-00:on 970608,reactor Trip Occurred Due to Personnel Error in Adjusting Power Range (Pr) Nuclear Instrumentation (Ni).Issued Night Order Prohibiting Pr Ni Adjustment When Redundant Channel inoperable.W/970708 Ltr ML18012A8241997-07-0202 July 1997 LER 97-015-00:on 970602,inadequate Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Flow Control Valve Surveillance Testing Deficiency Was Identified.Caused by Failure to Recognize Impact on TS AFW FCV Actuator spring.W/970702 Ltr ML18022B0181997-06-13013 June 1997 LER 97-014-00:on 970514,SI Occurred During Ssps Surveillance Testing.Caused by Inattention to Detail During Recent Rev to Surveillance Test Procedure Being Used.Revised Deficient Surveillance procedures.W/970613 Ltr ML18012A8081997-06-0909 June 1997 LER 97-013-00:on 970508,entry Into Mode-6 Without Operable Components,Resulting in TS 3.0.4 Violation Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Personnel Involved counseled.W/970609 Ltr ML18012A8021997-06-0606 June 1997 LER 97-023-02:on 961114,design Deficiency Was Identified in Emergency DG Protection Circuitry.Caused by Inadequate Plant Design.Revised Surveillance Test Procedures OST-1013 & OST-1073.W/970606 Ltr ML18012A8011997-06-0404 June 1997 LER 97-012-00:on 970505,determined That Previous Auxiliary Control Panel Had Not Verified Operability of Interposing Relays.Caused by Misinterpretation of Tss.Reviewed Other Remote Shutdown Panel Transfer circuitry.W/970604 Ltr ML18012A7951997-05-29029 May 1997 LER 96-023-01:on 961114,design Deficiency in EDG Protection Circuitry Was Identified.Caused by Inadequate Original Plant Design.Surveillance Test Procedures OST-1013 & OST-1073 revised.W/970529 Ltr ML18012A7891997-05-22022 May 1997 LER 97-011-00:on 970422,inappropriate TS Interpretation Resulted in Violations of ECCS Accumulator TS & Entry Into TS 3.0.3.Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Tsi 88-001 Cancelled 970508 & Procedures revised.W/970522 Ltr ML18012A7871997-05-19019 May 1997 LER 97-010-00:on 970418,design Deficiency Determined Re Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Oil Collection Sys.Caused by RCP Ocs Design Detail.Rcp Ocs Enclosures for Each of Three Installed RCP Motors Have Been modified.W/970519 Ltr ML18012A7761997-05-0707 May 1997 LER 97-009-00:on 970407,fuse Was Removed from CR Ventilation Isolation Signal Power Supply Circuitry Due to Personnel Error.Individuals Involved Were counseled.W/970507 Ltr ML18012A7751997-05-0505 May 1997 LER 97-008-00:on 970404,safety-related AHU Not Declared Inoperable During Maintenance on Associated Temperature Switches Resulting in Violation of Ts.Caused by Incorrect Interpretation.Operations Night Order issued.W/970505 Ltr ML18012A6291997-04-24024 April 1997 LER 97-007-00:on 970325,inoperable CCW Sys TS 3.0.3 Entry Made.Caused by Combination of Procedural Inadequacies, Improper Use of Procedure Guidance & Poor Communication. Applicable Individuals counseled.W/970423 Ltr ML18022B0151997-04-17017 April 1997 LER 97-006-00:on 970318,breach Was Identified in Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Wall Due to Inadequate Initial Design,Poor Construction Methods & Incomplete as-built Design.Visual Insp of Thermo-Lag Barrier Walls performed.W/970417 Ltr ML18012A6041997-04-0303 April 1997 LER 97-004-00:on 970304,in-plant Spent Fuel Cask Handling Activities Conducted Outside Design Basis.Caused by Lack of Understanding of Requirements.Operations Placed on Hold Pending NRC Review & Approval of procedures.W/970331 Ltr ML18012A6031997-03-31031 March 1997 LER 97-003-00:on 970227,steam Generator Low Level Protection Circuitry Outside Design Basis Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Failure Modes & Effects Analysis Performed as-built Piping Configuration for S/G Level.Review performed.W/970331 Ltr 1999-09-10
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML18017A9181999-10-0808 October 1999 LER 99-008-00:on 991008,CR Emergency Filtration Sys Tech Specs Occurred.Caused by Site Personnel Failed to Recognize That Blocking Open CR Emergency Filtration Sys.Procedures Revised.With 991008 Ltr ML18017A9151999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for Shearon Harris Npp. with 991012 Ltr ML20217A9931999-09-30030 September 1999 NRC Regulatory Assessment & Oversight Pilot Program, Performance Indicator Data ML18017A8671999-09-10010 September 1999 LER 99-007-00:on 990811,determined That Cvis ARMs High Alarm Setpoints Were Not within TS Limit.Caused by Not Having Procedure to Verify If Cvis ARM High Alarm Setpoints Were within TS Requirements.Revised Procedures.With 990910 Ltr ML18017A8621999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Harris Nuclear Plant.With 990908 Ltr ML18016B0481999-08-0404 August 1999 LER 99-006-01:on 981124,noted Failure to Comply with TS 4.0.4 & TS 3/4.6.3, Civs. Caused by post-maint Testing That Did Not Adequately Test Control Circuitry & Verify Isolation Time Following Maint.Procedure Was Revised ML18017A8361999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.With 990811 Ltr ML18016B0151999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for Shearon Harris Npp. with 990713 Ltr ML20196H8621999-06-30030 June 1999 NRC Regulatory Assessment & Oversight Pilot Program, Performance Indicator Data, June 1999 Rept ML18016A9801999-06-0404 June 1999 LER 99-006-00:on 981124,failed to Comply with TS 4.0.4 & TS 3/4.6.3, Civ. Caused by post-maint Testing That Did Not Adequately Test Control Circuitry & Verify Isolation Time Following Maint.Procedure Will Be Revised.With 990604 Ltr ML18016A9851999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant,Unit 1.With 990614 Ltr ML18017A8981999-05-12012 May 1999 Technical Rept Entitled, Harris Nuclear Plant-Bacteria Detection in Water from C&D Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Lines. ML18016A9581999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant,Unit 1.With 990513 Ltr ML18016A9011999-04-12012 April 1999 Part 21 Rept Re Defect in Component of DSRV-16-4,Enterprise DG Sys.Caused by Potential Problem with Connecting Rod Assemblies Built Since 1986,that Have Been Converted to Use Prestressed Fasteners.Affected Rods Should Be Inspected ML18016A9111999-04-12012 April 1999 LER 99-005-00:on 990313,plant Exceeded ESFAS TS 3.3.2,Action 21.Caused by Inadequate Procedure Rev Preparation.Licensee Revised Applicable Maint Surveillance Test Procedure (MST-10072) to Identify TS Required Actions.With 990412 Ltr ML18016A8971999-04-0808 April 1999 LER 99-004-00:on 990312,unit Trip Was Noted.Caused by Degraded Condition of SG Water Level Flow Control Valve. Replaced Positioners on All Three FW Regulating Valves.With 990408 Ltr ML18016A8941999-04-0505 April 1999 Revised Pages 20-25 to App 4A of non-proprietary Version of Rev 3 to HI-971760 ML18016A9101999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.With 990413 Ltr ML18016A8661999-03-31031 March 1999 Shnpp Operator Training Simulator,Simulator Certification Quadrennial Rept. ML18017A8931999-02-28028 February 1999 Risks & Alternative Options Associated with Spent Fuel Storage at Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant. ML18016A8551999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for Shearon Harris Npp. with 990312 Ltr ML18016A8261999-02-22022 February 1999 LER 99-003-00:on 990123,noted That Plant Was Outside Design Basis Due to Isolation of Fire Protection Containment Sprinkler Sys.Caused by Human Error.Restored Containment Sprinkler Sys to Operable Status.With 990222 Ltr ML18016A8531999-02-18018 February 1999 Non-proprietary Rev 3 to HI-971760, Licensing Rept for Expanding Storage Capacity in Harris SFP 'C' & 'D'. ML18016A8111999-02-12012 February 1999 LER 99-002-00:on 990114,RT Due to Not Removing Temporary Device from Relay Following Calibration Was Noted.Caused by Human Error.Counseled Personnel Involved in Event.With 990212 Ltr ML18016A7971999-02-0505 February 1999 LER 99-001-00:on 990106,SF Pool Water Level Was Not Maintained Greater than 23 Feet Above Stored BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Fasteners Bending Under Specific Circumstances.Increased Water Level.With 990205 Ltr ML18022B0631999-02-0404 February 1999 Rev 0 to Nuclear NDE Manual. with 28 Oversize Uncodable Drawings of Alternative Plan Scope & 4 Oversize Codable Drawings ML20202J1161999-02-0101 February 1999 SER Accepting Relief Requests Associated with Second 10-year Interval Inservice Testing Program ML18016A8041999-01-31031 January 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1999 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.With 990211 Ltr ML18016A7941999-01-29029 January 1999 LER 98-004-01:on 980313,identified Design Deficiency Re Potential Runout of Tdafwp.Caused by Inadequate Original AFW Sys Design.Operability Evaluation Was Completed on 980313 & Addl Engineering Analysis Was Performed by Vendor ML18016A7801998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1998 for Shearon Harris Npp. with 990113 Ltr ML18016A7671998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for Shnpp,Unit 1.With 981215 Ltr ML18016A9731998-11-28028 November 1998 Changes,Tests & Experiments, for Harris Nuclear Plant.Rept Provides Brief Description of Changes to Facility & Summary & of SE for Each Item That Was Implemented Under 10CFR50.59 Between 970608-981128.With 990527 Ltr ML18016A8351998-11-28028 November 1998 ISI Summary 8th Refueling Outage for Shearon Harris Power Plant,Unit 1. ML18016A7411998-11-25025 November 1998 Rev 1 to Shnpp Cycle 9 Colr. ML18016A7211998-11-17017 November 1998 LER 98-007-00:on 981023,turbine Control Anomaly Caused Manual Rt.Caused by Failure to Incorporate Verbal Vendor Guidance in Operating Procedures.Addl Vendor Guidance Will Be Verified & Added to Procedures.With 981117 Ltr ML18016A7071998-11-0303 November 1998 Rev 0 to Harris Unit 1 Cycle 9 Colr. ML18016A7201998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.With 981113 Ltr ML20154F8701998-10-0606 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Authorizing Proposed Alternative to Requirements of OMa-1988,Part 10,Section for 21 Category a Reactor Coolant Sys Pressure Isolation Valves ML18016A6201998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for Harris Nuclear Power Plant.With 981012 Ltr ML18016A5971998-09-21021 September 1998 Rev 1 to Harris Unit 1 Cycle 8 Colr. ML18016A5881998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1998 for Shnpp,Unit 1.With 980914 Ltr ML18016A5071998-07-31031 July 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Jul 1998 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant.W/980811 Ltr ML18016A9431998-07-0707 July 1998 Rev 1 to QAP Manual. ML18016A4841998-07-0707 July 1998 LER 97-002-01:on 970207,determined That Cold Weather Conditions Resulted in Mfiv Being Potentially Inoperable During Period 970117-20.Caused by Inadequate Design of HVAC Sys.Implemented Mods to Steam Tunnel HVAC Sys ML18016A9371998-06-30030 June 1998 Technical Rept on Matl Identification of Spent Fuel Piping Welds at Hnp. ML18016A4861998-06-30030 June 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1998 for SHNPP.W/980715 Ltr ML18016A4701998-06-30030 June 1998 LER 97-021-03:on 980210,discovered That SFP Water Level Had Not Been Verified Greater than 23 Feet Above BWR Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Misinterpretation of TS Requirements. Will Submit TS Change Request to Revise TS ML18016A4491998-06-0808 June 1998 LER 98-006-00:on 980508,failure to Perform Insp & Preventive Maint on MCCB as Required by TS Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Sps.Tested 9 Pressurizer Heater Bank Breakers by Cycling each.W/980608 Ltr ML18016A4521998-05-31031 May 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1998 for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant.W/980612 Ltr ML18016A7711998-05-26026 May 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 2 to HI-971760, Licensing Rept for Expanding Storage Capacity in Harris Spent Fuel Pools 'C' & 'D'. 1999-09-30
[Table view] |
ACCESSION 5R:9811200298 DOC.DATE: 98/11/17 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET -0 FACZL:50-400 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, Carolina 05000400 AUTH. NAME 'UTHOR AFFILIATION ELLINGTON,M. Carolina Power E Light Co.
CLARK,B.H. Carolina Power S Light Co.
LER 98-007-00:on 981023,turbine control anomaly caused maual RT.Caused by failure to incorporate verbal vendor guidance in operating procedures.Addi vendor guidance will be verified & added to procedures. With 981117 ltr.
TITLE: 50.73/50.9 Licensee Event Report (LER), Incident Rpt, etc. E NOTES:Application for permit renewal filed. 05000400 0
Carolina Power & Ught Company Harris Nuclear Plant P.O. Box 165 New Hill NC 27562 NOV j. 7 1998 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial: HNP-98-170 ATTN: NRC Document Control Desk 10CFR50.73 Washington, DC 20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT 1 DOCKET NO. 50-400 LICENSE NO. NPF-63 LICENSEE EVENT REPORT 1998-007-00 Sir or Madam:
In accordance with 10CFR50.73, the enclosed Licensee Event Report is submitted. This LER describes a manual reactor trip following an unexpected opening of the Main Turbine Governor Valves.
Sincerely, B.H. Clark General Manager Harris Plant CWF Enclosure c: Mr. J. B. Brady (HNP Senior NRC Resident) l Mr. L. A. Reyes (NRC Regional Administrator, Region II) ~)
Mr. S. C. Flanders (NRC - NRR Project Manager) 5413 Shearon Harris Road New Hill NC
'tt8ii200298 st8iii7 PDR ADOCK 05000400 S PDR
APPROVED BY OMB No. 3150 0104 EXPIRES 06/30/2001 NRC FORM 366 U.s. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Estimated burden per response to comply with this mandatory information (6-199 BI collection request: 50 hrs. Reported lessons learned are incorporated into the licensing process and fed back to industry. Forward comments regarding burden estimate to the Information and Records Management Branch (TW LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) F33), U.S. Nuc(ear Regulatory Commisshn, Washington, Dc 2055540)t, and to the Paperwork Reduction Project (31 504(04), Office of Management (See reverse for required nur/lber of and Budget, Washington, Dc 20503. I( an information collection does not disp(ay a cunentfy va1id OMB control number, the NRC may not conduct or digits/characters for each block) sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the Information cot(ection.
FACILITYNAME (1> DOCKET NUMBER (2l PAGE (3I 1 OF 3 Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 05000400 Turbine control anomaly causes a manual reactor trip MONTH DAY 'EAR YEAR SBOUPmaL RsvfstoN MONTH DAY YEAR FACILrrYNAME OOCKET NUMBER NUMB'UMBER 10 23 1998 1998 - 007' 00 11 17 1 998 FACFLITY NAME DOCKET NUMBER 05000 OPERATING MODE (9) 20.2201(b) 20.2203(a)(2)(v) 50.73(a)(2](I) 50.73(a)(2)(viil)
POWER 094 20.2203(a)(1) 20.2203(a)(3) I) 50.73(a)(2)(ii) 50.73(a)(2)(x)
LEVEL (10) 20.2203(a) (2)(i) 20.2203(a)(3)(ii) 50.73(a) (2) (iii) 73.71 20.2203(al(2l(ii) 20.2203(a) (4) X 50.73(al(2)(ivl OTHER 20.2203(a) (2) (iii) 50.36(c)(1) 50.73(a)(2)(v) pacify in Abstract below 20.2203(a)(2)(iv) 50.36(c)(2) 50.73(a)(2)(vii) or in NRC Form 36BA NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER IInetude Ares Code(
Mark Ellington, Senior Analyst - Licensing (919) 362-2057 COMPLETE ONE LINE FOR EACH COMPONENT FAILURE DESCRIBED IN THIS'REPORT 13)
ABSTRACT (Limit to 1400 spaces, i.e., approximately 15 single-spaced typewritten lines) l16)
At 19:28 on October 23, 1998, the control room staff commenced a planned shutdown of the unit, from 100% power, for entry into a refueling outage. All four Governor Valves (GVs) on the unit's High Pressure Turbine unexpectedly went full open while the unit was at approximately 85% power.
Indicated power increased to approximately 94% prior to the unit being manually tripped by the operators.
All turbine control manipulations were performed as required by the operating procedure and in accordance with all written vendor recommendations; however, some unofficial, verbal vendor recommendations regarding transfers from MANUAL'ontrolto OPER AUTO control were not performed. It is believed that these recommendations may have resulted in a successful transfer from TURBINE MANUALto OPER AUTO control of the Digital Electro-Hydraulic (DEH) system. Therefore, the root cause of this event was a failure to incorporate verbal vendor guidance into operating procedures. This additional vendor guidance will be verified and added to applicable procedures, as well as performing diagnostic testing of the DEH system, prior to the next turbine startu'p.
The Harris Nuclear Plant uses a Westinghouse P2000, MOD1 type DEH computer.
NRC FORM 366 (6-1996)
SEQUENTIAL REVISION Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 05000400 NUMBER NUMBER 2 OF 3 1998 007 00 TEXT (IImore space is reqo1red, use eddidonsl copies ofARC Form 366AJ l17I I. DESCRIPTION OF EVENT At 19:28 on October 23, 1998, the control room staff commenced a planned shutdown of the unit for entry into a refueling outage. Turbine load was initially at 100% and was being reduced in the TURBINE MANUAL mode because the control system (EIIS: TG, DCC) had unexpectedly transferred to this mode a month earlier, due to power supply problems. The Harris Nuclear Plant uses a Westinghouse P2000, MOD1 type DEH computer. The plan was to decrease turbine load below 90%, then transfer to the OPER AUTO mode of control (i.e., automatic turbine load decrease based on operator entered settings). Currently the operating procedures do not allow the transfer above 90% due to the anticipated load swings during the transfer. The OPER AUTO mode was desired to minimize the burden on the control room staff during the remainder of the shutdown. The power decrease to approximately 85% power (780 MW on the DEH digital displays) using TURBINE MANUALoccurred without problems. Power was held at this point for the transfer to OPER AUTO.
At that time, governor valve positions were as follows: GV-1 shut, GV-2, 3, 5 4 approximately 40% open.
A licensed operator commenced the transfer by depressing the SINGLE, OPER AUTO, and IMP IN (first stage impulse pressure feedback loop) push-buttons. The transfer took approximately 19 minutes, as the valves moved from SEQUENTIAL to SINGLE mode positions. The unit experienced minor load swings of up to 20 MWe, which are normal during such a transfer. At the completion of the transfer, all four valves indicated approximately 25 percent open.
With normal indications of OPER AUTO in SINGLE valve control, the licensed operators initiated another power decrease by selecting MW IN (megawatt feedback loop), enteiing a target value of 120 MW at 5 MW/minute, and depressing the GO push-button. The operator verified that the digital display in the REFERENCE window was lowering; however, subsequent reviews of chart recorders and computer archive data show that the governor valves never started moving closed. Approximately two minutes after the operator depressed the GO push-button', the operators observed outward automatic rod motion, the receipt of the TURBINE AUTOMATICLOADING STOP annunciator (i.e., the C-16 interlock), all four GVs indicating full open by their split lens position indications, and reactor power steadily increasing. Upon confirmation, the shift supervisor decided to manually trip the unit. The trip occurred at 20:39 hours with an expected automatic start of all three auxiliary feedwater pumps (i.e., ESF actuation), due to the shrinking steam generator water levels. The reactor trip recovery proceeded normally with minor equipment deficiencies noted on some non-safety secondary systems.
II ~ CAUSE OF EVENT The root cause for this event is a failure to incorporate verbal vendor guidance into operating procedures.
Specifically, the failure to incorporate vendor guidance previously provided (in 1992; see section V for additional details) by the vendor though phone calls and E-mail regarding the need for additional control manipulations when transferring control from TURBINE MANUALto OPER AUTO control.
One aspect of the new vendor guidance deals with 'zeroing'he 'governor valve common signal'rior to transferring from TURBINE MANUALto OPER AUTO. The second recommendation calls for the following manipulations when transferring: 1) ensuring the IMP and MW feedback loops are out of service; 2) depressing the OPER AUTO push-button and placing the IMP feedback loop in service about 15 seconds after the transfer to OPER AUTO begins; 3) once the transfer is complete, removing the IMP feedback loop from service; 4) making a 1MW change at 1MW/min; and 5) placing the IMP and MW feedback loops in service.
Thus far, no specific reason has been identified as to why the DEH system becomes unstable following a mode control transfer.
NRC FORM 366 I6.96I
)i ~
Harris Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 05000400 YEAR SEQUENTIAL NUMBER REVISION NUMBER 3 OF 3 1998 007 00 TEXT (IImore spsce ls required, rrse eddi Vonsl copies ol NRC Form 368rU )17)
III. SAFETY SIGNIFICANCE There were no actual safety consequences as a result of this event. All systems required to" limit an excessive steam demand, as enumerated in FSAR sections 15.1.3 through 15.1.5, remained operable throughout the event. Additional features available to protect the unit from an overpower condition are reactor trips and rod stops/runbacks, such as Power Range Nuclear Instrument High Flux, Over Power Delta-T, and Over Temperature Delta-T. These features remained available, and were not challenged due to conservative, intervening operator action. No safety limits were exceeded and the event neither initiated nor exacerbated any radiological releases.
This report is being submitted pursuant to the criteria of 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv) for an unplanned manual actuation of the Reactor Protection System (RPS) and the unplanned, automatic Engineered Safety Features (ESF) actuation of all three of the auxiliary feedwater pumps (e.g., Motor Driven and Turbine Driven AFW Pump starts on low-low steam generator levels) ~
- 1. Incorporate the additional control manipulations needed when transferring from TURBINE MANUAL to OPER AUTO control into the applicable procedures prior to the next turbine startup.
- 2. Perform diagnostic testing of the DEH system prior to the next turbine startup.
V. SIMILAR EVENTS Two similar events occurred at Harris involving the unwanted opening of all four governor valves; one event occurred in 1988 and the other in 1992. Both of these events were terminated by the operators taking TURBINE MANUALcontrol and restoring valve positions to normal (i.e., neither event resulted in a unit trip).
Neither event resulted in the generation of an LER because no reactor trip or ESF actuation occurred.
The 1988 event involved restoration of the DEH computer following a complete loss of power to it.
Subsequent investigation by the vendor revealed and corrected minor problems with control cards.
The 1992 event was very similar to the subject event in that the unit load was being decreased after transferring from SEQUENTIAL to SINGLE valve control while in OPER AUTO. The transfer to SINGLE was uneventful; however, all four GVs went full open approximately two minutes into the subsequent downpower. Following this event, the vendor provided verbal guidance regarding additional control manipulations needed to minimize the possibility of an unexpected opening of the governor valves. These recommendations were evaluated in 1992, but were not incorporated into the operating procedures because the recommendations were unofficial (i.e., not included in the vendor manual) and the approved guidance had been successful during numerous transfers.
NRC FORM 366A I6.96)