IR 05000412/1987048

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Insp Rept 50-412/87-48 on 870615-19 & 22-26.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Preoperation Test Program, Including Review of Preoperational Test List Repts & Status Review of Test Deficiencies
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 08/06/1987
From: Eselgroth P, Vankessel H, Wen P
Shared Package
ML20236P350 List:
50-412-87-48, NUDOCS 8708120310
Download: ML20236P363 (11)


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~ Docket N License No. NPF-64-Licensee: Dusquesne Light Company Post Office Box 4 Shippingport, pennsylvania 15077 Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit #2-Inspection At: .Shippingport, PA

Inspection. Conducted: June 15-26, 1987 Inspectors: 8-5-87 HenriF.vanpsel,ReactorEngineer date


8-d'77 Peter Wen, Rea - r Engineer date Approved by:  ; 8'd'87 Peter W. Eselgrjf(h, Chief, date Test Program SFction, 08, DRS Inspection Summan: Inspection on June 15-19 and June.22-26, 1987 (Inspection Number 50-412/87-48)

Areas Inspected: Routine Unannounced Inspection of the Reoperation Test Program,-including the. review of preoperational test list reports, the status review of Test Deficiencies, the review of activities in the QA interface, and the review of unresolved items identified by the inspector on previous inspections. The inspector also reviewed the cleaning program for the Recirculation Spray Heat Exchangers and for the lube oil systems of the Emergency Diesel Generator Note: For Acronyms not defined refer to NUREG 0544, " Handbook of Acronyms and Initialisms".


8708120310 B70007 .

PDR ADOCK 05000412 G PDR ,,


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DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted-Duquesne Light Company (DLC)

T. A. Srown,, Test Engineer


N. J. Daugherty, Startup Consultant-T. Doyle, Procedure Engineer J. Folkens ,- Sr. ,. QA Speciali st -

, *J. Godleski, TCT Engineer

  • D.;C; hunkele, Director QA Operations
  • J. D. Johns, Supervisor QA Surveillance


J. 'R. Kasunick, Director Maintenance

  • W. S. Lacey, Plant Manager
  • F. J. Lipchick, Senior Licensing Supervisor -

W. A..Kraycar,. Test Engineer

  • T.. F. McGourty,- Principal Engineer


A. R. Pietrangelo, Test Engineer J. W. Stark,' Supervisor Flush-Hydro

'G.'A. Summers, Phase-1 Test Engineer

  • S. P. Verma, Asst'. Director Startup Proof Test-
  • G. Zosack, Compliance Engineer
  • T. G. Zyra, Director Testing i

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission J.:Beall, Sr,. Resident Inspector

.L. Prividy, Resident Inspector

  • D. Limroth,- Project Engineer


  • Denotes.those present at the. exit' meeting held on June 26, 198 l
t 2.0 ~ Licensee's Action on Previous Inspection Findings

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I (Closed) Unresolved Item (50-412/87-36-02), "Visicorder Data for )

P0-2.07.01 Not Useable; Substituted other data without a Test j Deficiency Report." j Scope-The Visicorder Data collected for P0-2.07.01 could not be read because of ']

improper scale adjustment of the strip chart recorder. Data from another q test were substituted for the missing data without generating a test i deficiency' repor j

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' Licensee's " Response to Unresolved Item 50-412/87-36-02," by Michael, Test Engineer, undated, received by inspector on June 17, 198 Discussion i'

The licensee points reference 1 that a; test deficiency report was -

generated to. record the missing data on data sheet #30 (TDR No. 42) but that no_TDR was generated for-the missing data of. data sheet #23. The agreement with JTG for the data substitution was obtained on March 2, 1987. The missing data were then discussdd in the Test Results Report; i Conclusion

.The inspector hereby accepts the licensee's explanation and has no i further questions on this unresolved ite (0 pen) Unresolved Item (50-412/87-45-01), " Cleaning History of EDG Fuel-Oil Systems."

Scope The adequacy of the flushing and cleaning performed under phase-l'of the preoperational test program for the' fuel oil' systems of the diesel engines of the Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) sets was reviewed. The following discrepancies were found:

' There were no records for the cleaning of the twelve individual supply lines from the fuei oil supply header to the fuel injector . There were no records of the cleaning of the Day Tanks (2). A 200 mesh strainer was used in all of the flushing operations. It-was not clear what the basis was for the 200 mesh selection. A 200 mesh strainer will catch 74 micron particle . It.was not clear why class C acceptance criteria were specifie These criteria apply to water system . It is not clear whether the internals of the duplex fuel oil filters were removed during the flushing referred to in references 1 and 5 of Inspection Report 50-412/87-4 b .



References Inspection Report 50-412/87-45, Section . Cleanliness Verification ' Form, CVF Report No. 9333 for EDG-Fuel Oil Day Tank,- 2EGF-TK228, dated April 10, 1985.



L CVF: Report No. 9332 for EDG-Fuel Oil Day' Tank, 2EGF-TK22A, dated


l: LApril 10, 198 Discussion Some progress was made'on item 2 abov The Cleaning Verification Forms i for the EDG-Day. Tanks (2) were' located (ref. 2 and 3 above). . It has been established also that cleaning work has been done on the individual-supply lines (item 1 above) to the fuel injectors of both EDGs. The paperwork,.however, was not available to the inspecto Conclusion 1-The inspector will continue to follow this unresolved ite '

(0 pen) Unresolved Item (50-412/86-38-01), " Emergency Diesel Generator Discrepancies"'

Scope The'. review of the test results for the phase-1 tests of Emergency Diesel Generators, EDG2-1 and 2-2, identified 6 open items as listed in reference 1 belo Five of these open items have been addresse Sub-item 5 remains open pending the solution of the lube oil strainer delta P build:

up proble .

References LInspection Report 50-412/87-45 for inspection' completed on i


June 5, 198 Discussion The lube oil strainer delta P problem persists. A high delta P on the oil ,

strainer greater than 25 psi was observed in the early diesel generator i pre-operational test, as documented in the NRC inspection report 50-412/86-38. LThis high delta P problem again showed during the diesel-generator 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. full load test (P.O.-2.36.8,02) performed on May 5, 1987. The licensee attributed this to the system's preservative, Tectyl, and the. subsequent laboratory analysis confirmed its presence in the lube oil system. After replacing the strainer, the licensee conducted the same test under the extended OST 2.36.1 monthly surveillance test. At

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l the end of 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> run, delta P across the strainer gradually increased to 7.5 psi, while 10 psi is viewed as reaching a dirty limit. The

, licensee maintenance personnel then changed all lube oil and reran the test on June 8, 1987. The test results indicated that the high delta P


l problem still existed. At the end of the 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> test, the delta P increased to 7.5 PS DLC management is planning to provide duplex lube oil strainers to avoid future problems of limited EDG availability in operable status as a result of excessive delta P buildu No further information has been received on the lube oil strainer sample analysis with regard to the presence of carbon in addition to what might be found in the Tectyl component of the sampl <

This high delta P problem was discussed at the exit meeting. DLC management is committed to provide information to the'NRC on the root cause of this problem and corrective actions to fix this proble ;

Conclusion This item will remain open until the lube oil strainer delta P problem has been resolve .0 Preoperational Test Program 3.1 Preoperational Test Witnessing Scope All steps of the retest for procedure P0-2.06.13, " Reactor Head Vent System," were witnessed. Test witnessing included observations of the attributes listed in Section 3.2 of Inspection Report 50-412/86-2 Discussion All of the steps involved in retest 6-001 of P0-2.06.13 were witr,es-sed. Opening and closing times for SOV-200A, -200B, -201A, and -201B were recorded on a strip chart recorder. It was noted that there were no acceptance criteria for the opening or closing speed of these ,

valves. The opening speed varied from .08 seconds on 50V-200A to  !

.016 seconds on S0V-200B. The closing speed varied from .01 seconds on S0V-200A to .028 seconds on SOV-2008. No test deficiencies were incurred. The retest was concluded successfull Findings No unacceptable conditions were note _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



- t 3.2 Preoperational Test Result Evaluation Scope The Test Result Reports (TRRs) for the test procedures listed in-Attachment A'were reviewed to verity that adequate testing-was accomplished in order to satisfy regulatory guidance and licensee-commitments and to ascertain that uniform criteria were being applied for evaluating completed preoperational tests to assure their technical and administrative adequac Discussion The TRRs'were reviewed for the attributes listed in Inspection Report 50-412/87-19'. Each TRR was reviewed together with the file contain-ing the completed original of the procedure and the correspondence-associated with_ completed work and retesting _for identified test deficiencies. All of the files reviewed were complete'and in good orde Findings No violations.or deviations were noted by the inspecto .3 Test Deficiencies


Scope '

The-listing of open test deficiencies with safety significance, as 1 prepared under inspection 50-412/87-38, was updated and reviewed I against the test deferral listing prepared- by the Licensee. New test -!

deficiencies, completed as well as uncompleted, were reviewed for the -

adequacy of corrective action taken or planne ]

Discussion '

The listing of open test deficiencies (TDs) was updated to incorpor-ate new items and delete the completed items. All of the complete and some of the uncompleted TDs were reviewed for the adequacy of the corrective action. . In all cases reviewed, the corrective action was found to be acceptabl The latest schedule for retesting and preoperational test completions was reviewed against the requirements for test completion as reflected in the Licensee's _ letter on Post Core Test Deferrals. This test deferral letter provides the (revised) required test completion times in terms of the milestones of the RCS startup (modes of RCS operations). The test schedule was found to be compatible with the milestone schedule of the test deferral lette _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _

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Findings No unacceptable conditions were observed within the scope of this revie . Independent Inspection Effort Scope


The special efforts being made to clean the RSS Heat exchangers (shell side) were examined to determine their effectiveness in removing the assorted debris and dirt as found during the normal flushing operations with the system pum References Flow Diagram of temporary flush circuit and the temporary chemical cleaning . system, as prepared by the Flush Grou . Eight Day Flush Schedule for the four RSS Heat Excangers (A-D),

dated June 17, 198 . Outline of proposed air injection sequence for RSS Heat Exchanger

"C", received June 18, 198 Discussion A number of special efforts were being made to accelerate the cleaning of the RSS Heater Exchangers as follows: Caustic cleaning. This will affect wood dramaticall It softens and disintegrates wooden debri . Drilled holes in the vertical heat exchangers to gain access to the dead flow pockets between the baffles of the shell side via the injection of air and/or wate . Used a temporary recirculation system, mounted on a skid, complete with head tank and high head, high flow pump (3500 gpm), to circulate water through the heat exchangers for flushin The caustic cleaning proved to be very effective with the wooden debri A high percentage of the debris was in the form of wood. The inspector witnessed a run with the temporary recirculation system on heat exchanger

"C". _The debris found on the 20 Mesh Sample Screen, after approximately one hour of recirculation, was still unacceptably high. A variety of debris was found including some organic matter, pieces of wood, small gravel stones, and shells of pistachio nut It was clear that more flushing would be required to get acceptable results, i


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l Holes.were drilled in the heat exchanger to gain access for flushing in-the shell side compartments between the baffles. Debris tends to .

accumulate in the low flow pockets of these compartments. The' holes will j make it possible to flush the debris out of these low flow pockets. This can be made more effective by using air.for the sparging operation. Heat Exchanger D.was. going to be done with air sparging and with the use of the system pump for the normal flush path. A certain sequence was adopted (ref. 3) for the air sparging on Heat Exchanger "C". The air sparging would be done with one connection at a time, starting with the connection at the top. At the end of this inspection period, the cleaning / flushing process is still~in progres Findings No violations or deviations were encountered within the scope of this inspectio . Startup Test Program During this inspection period, the plant remained in Mode 5 with the reactor coolant system (RCS) temperature less than 200 F. The unit was depressurized and atmosphere while preparations were made to bring the unit to Mode Incore Movable Detector System Checkout Test (IST-2.03.01) was completed-on June 24, 1987. The inspector witnessed portions of this test in progress, and noted that the test was conducted by qualified personnel in accordance with an approved procedure. Test deficiencies were properly identified, resolved, and signed authorized personne No unacceptable conditions were identifie .

6. QA/QC Interface-Scope


The participation of the Duquesne Light QA Surveillance Group in the (

preoperational test program was evaluated by the inspector. The Surveillance Check Lists listed in Attachment B were reviewed for I adherence to the requirements of the Startup Manual (SUM).. I Discussion None of the surveillance checklists of Attachment B shows any j unsatisfactory entries. This agrees with the inspector's observations 1 with respect to prepoperational test P0-2.06.13, Reactor Head Vent System i (a retest). -


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l Findings l

The inspector has no questions on the QA documents of Attachments . Exit Interview At the conclusion of the site inspection, on June 26, 1986, an exit interview was conducted with the licensee's senior site representatives (denoted in Setion 1). The findings were identified and previous inspection items were discusse At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspector. Based on the NRC Region I review of this report and discussion held with licensee representatives during this inspection, it was determined that this report does not contain information subject to 10 CFR 2.790 restriction l l

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p TO IR 50-412/87-48 l i


Approval Date Proc. N Title Rev. N TRR by JTG l

P0-2.01A.02 RPS and ESFAS Response Test 0 4-24-87 PO-2.018.01 Full Length Rod Control System 0 5-27-87 P0-2.02.01 Nuclear Instrumentation System 0 4-24-87 PO-2.13.02 Quench Spray Pumps crd Controls 0 5-27-87 PO-2.13.05 Quench Spray Chem. Injection System 0 5-27-87 P0-2.14A.02 Post Accident Sampling System 0 6-01-87


PO-2.20.01 Fuel Pool Cooling System 0 5-16-87 P0-2.45D.01 Heat Tracing System - QA Cat .1 0 6-01-87 PO-2.46.01 Post DBA Hydrogen Control System 0 5-04-87 P0-2.47.03 Containment Type B LRT Pers. Hatc PO-2.47.04 Containmerit Type B LRT Equipment Hatch 0 5-27-87

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TO IR 50-412/87-48 REVIEW QA SURVEILLANCE REPORTS Surveillance Surr. No. Proc. N Proc. Title Comp 1. Date N/A: SOV 2.440.01 CRDM Shroud Cooling Test 6-17-87 N/A SOV 2.24A.01 S/G Feed Pumps & Controls 6-17-87 POT 61A-87 P0.2.06.13 Reactor Vessel Head Vent 6-17-87

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