IR 05000338/1985034

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Insp Rept 50-338/85-34 on 851202-05.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Preparation for Refueling,Refueling Activity & Spent Fuel Pool Activity
Person / Time
Site: North Anna Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/1985
From: Jape F, Mathis J
Shared Package
ML20136J273 List:
50-338-85-34, NUDOCS 8601130316
Download: ML20136J291 (4)


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Report No.: 50-338/85-34 Licensee: Virginia Electric and Power Company Richmond, VA 23261 Docket No.: 50-338 License No.: NPF-4 Facility Name:


North Anna 1 Inspection nducted: December 2-5, 1985 Inspector: . .hh /2!3o!BG J. LI Mathis ~ Date Signed Approved by: AO+I A -/ 3/ !

F. Jape, Section Chief (/ / Date Signed Engineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY

' Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection entailed 34 inspector-hours on site in the areas of preparation for refueling, refueling activity and spent fuel pool activit Results: No violations or deviations were identifie ADOCK 860 338 PDR PDR _




REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • E. W. Harrell, Station Manager
  • J. H. Leberstein, Licensing Coordinator

.A. Neufer, Refueling Coordinator F. P. Miller, Supervisor Quality Control (QC)

J. Smith. Testing Performing Engineer J. A.' Stall, Superintendent, Technical Service Other -licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen, engineers, technicians, operators, mechanics, security force members, and office personne NRC Resident Inspectors M. Branch, Senior Resident Inspector

  • Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on December 5, 1985, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the areas inspected ~and discussed in detail the inspection finding No dissenting comments'were received from the license The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspectio . Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during the inspectio . Preparation for refueling (60705) Unit 1

.During the inspection period, North Anna Unit I was being reloaded for cycle 6. The inspector verified that the plant was in compliance with selected Technical Specification (TS) requirements for mode 6 during re-fueling. The inspector verified that testing of equipment used for re-fueling was performed in accordance with adequate procedures, test instrumentation was calibrated, limiting conditions for operation (LCO)


were met, removal' and restoration of affected components were properly





accomplished,- test results met requirements and were reviewed by p'ersonnel other than ' the individual directing the test, and that any deficiencies identified during the testing were properly reviewed and resolved by appropriate management personne Technical Specification 6.8.1.b' requires that written procedures be estab-lished,? implemented and maintained for refueling operations. During this inspection period, the , inspector reviewed the following Unit I refueling



1-0P-4.2 Reactor vessel head preassemble preparation .

-1-0P- Reactor head removal 1-0P-4.4 Receipt and storage of new fuel 1-PT-92.1 Manipulator crane operability (hoist)

-1-PT-92.2 Manipulator crane operability (Aux. hoist)

1-PT-96.3-Refueling system circuit test-manipulation crane with dummy fuel assembly ICP-RM-1-RMS-152 'New fuel storage area radiation monitor calibratio ICP-RM-1-RMS-153- Fuel pit bridge area radiation monitor calibratio ICP-RM-1-RMS-162, Manipulator crane area radiation monitor calibratio ICP-RM-1-RMS-163, Reactor containment area radiation monitor calibratio ICP-RM-1-RMS-164, Incore instrument area radiation monitor calibratio ICP-RM-1-PMS-165, Containment high range radiation monito Within the a'reas ins'pected, no violations or deviations were identifie .- Refueling Activity (60710)

The cycle 6 reload core was analyzed in accordance with methodology docu-mented in VEPC0 topical VEP-FRD-42, Rev. 1, " Reload Nuclear Design Method-ology". This methodology is consistent with that documented in Westinghouse

.-topical report WCAP-9272, entitled " Westinghouse Reload Safety Evaluation Methodol ogy" . . The ! reload anal

~ temperature coefficient (MTC) for ysis resultsofpredict beginning a positive cycle and unroddedmoderator core

- condition at hot zero powe *


A review has been performed by both the station Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee and the Safety Evaluation and control staff. It has been deter-mined that no unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59 will exist as a result of cycle 6 reload cor The inspector witnessed various refueling evolutions during reloading of fuel assemblies from the spent fuel pool to the reactor vessel for Unit These evolutions included transfer of several fuel assemblies from the spent fuel pool to the transfer cart, verification of the proper fuel assembly by visual observation of identification number, proper operation and control of transfer equipment used during fuel movement and transfer of several fuel assemblies from the transfer cart to the reactor vessel core area in the reactor buildin The inspector interviewed licensee personnel performing the fuel assembly handling evolutions to ensure that personnel were properly trained and were following approved procedures. The inspector also verified that adequate housekeeping, radiological and accountability controls were established and implemented. Staffing during reload appeared to meet requirement No violations or deviations were identified during this inspectio .. Spent Fuel Pool Activity (86700)

The inspector observed fuel handling operations during reload for Unit 1, cycle 6 in the spent fuel pool area and reviewed procedures related to fuel handling to verify that procedures included the followin A limitation on the number of fuel assemblies that can be out of safe geometry locations at the same time, Provisions for verifying prior to fuel assembly handling that the spent fuel pool area crane interlock or ph?/sical stops will prevent the crane from passing over fuel storage location Provisions for verifying prior to fuel h:tndling that the spent fuel pool area ventilation system is operable, Provisions for verifying that minimum water level requirements are monitored during fuel handling operatio Provisions for verifying that the spent fuel pool radiation and airborne radioactivity monitors are operable, Provisions for verifying that the spent fuel pool cooling and clean-up system is operabl No violations or deviations were identified in the areas inspected.