IR 05000338/1985010

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Insp Repts 50-338/85-10 & 50-339/85-10 on 850401-04.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Fire Protection
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/1985
From: Conlon T, Wiseman G
Shared Package
ML20127J662 List:
50-338-85-10, 50-339-85-10, NUDOCS 8505210543
Download: ML20127J687 (6)


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\,...../, 4 Report Nos.: 50-338/85-10 and 50-339/85-10

? Licensee: Virginia Electric and Power Company


Richmond, VA 23261 Docket Nos.: 50-338 and 50-339 License Nos.: NPF-4 and NPF-7 Facility Name: North Anna 1 and 2 Inspection Conducted: April 1-4, 1985 Inspector Y G. R. Wiseman

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'/ - I S~ W Date Signed Approved by: ( . # N 4' n/ '/r / (- f[

T. E. Conlon, Section Chief Date Signed Engineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety SU R RY Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection involved 29 inspector-hours on site in the area of fire protectio Results: No violations or deviations were identified.




8505210543 850419 PDR ADOCK 05000338




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~ REPORT DETAILS Persons' Contacted


Licensee Employees

  • E. W._Harrell, Station Manager
  • M. L._ Bowling, Assistant Station Manager
  • G. J. Mocarski, Loss Prevention Supervisor
  • S. B. Eisenhart, Licensing Coordinator

- ;S. P.. Hughes, Shift Supervisor


.Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen,



-_ engineers, technicians, operators, mechanics, ' security force members, and office personne NRC Resident Inspectors

  • M.-W.. Branch
  • G. Luehman
  • Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on April 4,1985,-with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the-areas -inspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings listed below. No dissenting comments were received from the license Inspector Followup ' Item -(338, 339/85-10-01), Review of Fire Fighting Equipment Inventory for Hose Houses - paragraph 5.d.(1). Inspector Followup Item (338, 339/85-10-02), Position Verification and Position Control for Critical Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System's Valves - paragraph 5.d.(4).

- The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or. reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspectio . Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspectio .


5. . FireProtection/PreventionProgramImplementation(64704)

a. . Administrative Procedures The licensee's~ fire protection / prevention procedures are denoted in the Fire Protection Manual entitled, " North Anna Power Station - Fire Protection Program, dated June 28, 198 This procedure was reviewed by the inspector and found to meet provisions of the applicable NRC guidelines provided in the Branch Technical Position CMEB 9.5-1,

" Guidelines for Fire Protection For Nuclear Power Plants." Fire Brigade (1) Organization The plant fire brigade is composed of various plant employees-with a minimum .of five members maintained onsite at all time Normally the fire brigade is composed of three members from the operations organization and two from securit The-inspector reviewed the Shift Supervisor's personnel roster and verified that at least five qualified fire brigade members were on dut (2) Training and Drills The inspector reviewed the training records for 1984 for five fire brigade members from the on-duty. shift. The inspector verified that these members had received initial fire ' brigade training, respirator training, annual requalification training and that each shift had completed at least two brigade drills per quarter in 1984. The brigade leaders had also attended at least one fire brigade scere leadership course. In addition, the . inspector reviewed the licensee's fire brigade drill evaluation for. a March 29,1985 fire drill, in which the station fire brigade responded to a simulated fire emergency at Warehouse No. '2. This exercise was critiqued by the loss prevention supervisor and rated satisfactory in its perfomance. The drills and training appear


i to conform to the provisions of the site Fire Protection Progra Fire Brigade Equipment The inspector examined the eight sets of fire brigade turnout gear and


associated breathing apparatus stored in the fire brigade staging ~ area located in the turbine-service buildin Copies of the designated Fire Fighting Strategies and additional fire fighting equipment such as portable exhaust fans, portable foam units, radios and spare air cylinders are also stored in the fire brigade staging area. The above examined equipment appeared to be adequately maintained and service , ..-

= d .- Administrative Control and Periodic Test Procedures For Fire _ Protection System The " inspector reviewed the following periodic test procedures, administrative control: procedures, and ' associated 1984 inspection and test records. These appeared satisfactory except where note (1) PT-105.3, Hose House Inspection (31 days) - The inspector reviewed-the inspection procedure, the Fire Protection Program (FPP) dated June 28, 1984, and performed a physical walkdown of inventory of houses A, C, and E. From this, it wasLdetermined that the fire

. fighting equipment inventory for the Hose Houses provided in Form

' PT-105.3 does not agree with the -inventory list'in the Fire Protection Program. Specifically, the PT-105.3, Section inventory list does_ not include having adjustable hose nozzles with 250 feet of 21-inch fire hose as denoted in_ the FPP. The fire fighting equipment stored in the hose houses' appears adequate and well maintained. The-procedure documents need to be revised as necessary to provide a consistent. inventory-listing based on the North - Anna fire protection commitments for this area. This item is identified as Inspector Followup Item (338, 339/85-10-01),

Review of-Fire Fighting Equipment Inventory For Hose Houses. The licensee agreed to evaluate this item and it will be reviewed on a subsequent NRC inspection'.

(2) PT-105.2.1, Hose Station Inspection - Safety Related, (31 days). -

No discrepancies were note (3) - PT-100.3, Fire Suppression Water System Valve Position Verifi-cation (7 days). -

Within Section 4.0 of the instructions a statement was noted that open valves, which are not electrically monitored for position, (curb valves excluded), shall be sealed by breakable locks or plastic seal Administrative Procedure 19.29, Administrative Padlocking of Equipment, denotes the lock control for critical water fire suppression system valves; however, verification that the plastic tamper seals are in-place on required fire protection water valves,1-FP-33 'and 1-FP-20, is not included in PT-10 The licensee stated that this item would be evaluated for inclusion in the periodic test procedure, and will be reviewed during a future NRC inspection as part of Inspector Followup Item (338,339/85-10-02).

(4) PT-104.4, Low Pressure CO2 and Halon Systems Required Valve Lineup Verification, (31 days). -

This procedure is intended to provide verification of the correct valve position of critical valves that may affect the flow path for the fire suppression system. Review of the procedure and the inspector's -walkdown of the systems' flow paths revealed that

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several- critical valves were not included within the procedure's valve' check lis On the 6-ton CO2 unit, valve 1-FP-T-42, the system master actua-tion selector isolation valve was not included in the procedure checklist.- It appears that the misposition of.this valve in a closed - position would render the CO2 system inoperabl In addition, the 6-ton and 17-ton CO2 storage units fill and equalizing lines isolation valves require position verification to assure that CO2 would not be lost from the storage unit It was also recommended to the licensee that the CO2 generator hydrogen purge line isolation valve on the'17-ton storage unit-be included ~

for position verification to preclude possible misalignment to th hydrogen system in the turbine building. In addition,- the inspector requested the licensee to include all.-of the above valves in the valve position control locking or tamper seal program to provide improved valve lineup position control. This item is identified as-Inspector Followup Item (338, 339/85-10-02),

Position Verification and Position Control for Critical Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System's Valves. This item will be reviewed during a subsequent NRC inspectio Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identifie Plant Tours The inspector made tours of the plant to verify that the licensee was implementing a program for fire protection and prevention that was in conformance with the site' procedures, NRC requirements, commitments to-the NRC' and applicable industry standard These tours included walkthroughs of the following plant areas:

(1) Fire Area 2 - Control Room (2) Fire Area-3-1 . Unit 1 Cable Vault and Tunnel (3) Fire Area 3-2 - Unit 2 Cable Vault and Tunnel (4) Fire Area 6-1 - Emergency Switchgear Room (5) Fire Area 9A-1 - Diesel Generator Area (6) Fire Areas 10A + 10B - Fuel Oil Pumphouses (7) Fire Area 12 - Service Water Pump House (8) Fire Area 13 - Auxiliary Service Water' Pump House (9) Fire Area 14A - Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Room (10) -Fire Area 14B - Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Room (11) Fire Area 15-1 - Quench Spray Pump House



.(12) Fire Area 46 Technical Support Center


Housekeeping throughout the plant site was, as~a whole,. generally goo No improper storage of combustibles or flammable materials, liquids or gases and no unsafe welding and cutting operations were identifie However, several minor items involving the control of cigarette smoking in Fire Areas c14A and 14B, the--Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Rooms, were identified to the site Loss Prevention Staf The licensee is to review this item and take. appropriate- actio This will be further evaluated during a subsequent-NRC.. inspectio :

.The ;following post-indicator valves (PIVs) of the yard fire protection water distribution system.were examined and found to be locked in the-correct position:

1-FP-534 'l-FP-122 1-FP-535 1-FP-98 1-FP-536 1-FP-110 1-FP-245 1-FP-105

.The-inspector: observed fire watch patrols in the Auxiliary Buildin The fire watches appeared attentive and knowledgeable of their required'

dutie The following fire protection systems were inspected and were found in service:'. motor driven fire pump, diesel driven fire pump, Halon. system for main control room sub-floor, and the carbon dioxide suppression system for the cable vault and tunne Within the areas examined, no . violations or deviations identified.