05000206/LER-1982-001, Forwards LER 82-001/01T-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl | Forwards LER 82-001/01T-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl | |
05000206/LER-1982-001-01, /01T-0:on 811210,Sigma Instruments Inc Informed of Potential Deficiency in Lumigraph Indicators Model 9270. Caused by Incorrectly Specified Resistors Incorporated Into Indicator Circuits.Replacement Planned for Mar 1982 Outa | /01T-0:on 811210,Sigma Instruments Inc Informed of Potential Deficiency in Lumigraph Indicators Model 9270. Caused by Incorrectly Specified Resistors Incorporated Into Indicator Circuits.Replacement Planned for Mar 1982 Outage | |
05000361/LER-1982-001-03, /03L-0:on 820214,during Initial Fuel Load,Control Room Emergency Air Cleanup Sys Charcoal Filters (E-419 & A-206) Were Saturated W/Water.Caused by Operator Opening Isolation Valve.Filters Replaced & Sys Returned to Svc | /03L-0:on 820214,during Initial Fuel Load,Control Room Emergency Air Cleanup Sys Charcoal Filters (E-419 & A-206) Were Saturated W/Water.Caused by Operator Opening Isolation Valve.Filters Replaced & Sys Returned to Svc | |
05000361/LER-1982-001, Forwards LER 82-001/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-001/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000361/LER-1982-001-01, /01T-0:on 821128,emergency Chiller E-335 Declared Inoperable,Rendering Creacus Train B Inoperable.Caused by Failure of Resistance Temp Detector in Motor Winding High Temp Trip Circuit.Spare Resistance Temp Detector Installed | /01T-0:on 821128,emergency Chiller E-335 Declared Inoperable,Rendering Creacus Train B Inoperable.Caused by Failure of Resistance Temp Detector in Motor Winding High Temp Trip Circuit.Spare Resistance Temp Detector Installed | |
05000362/LER-1982-002, Forwards LER 82-002/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-002/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000361/LER-1982-002-01, /01T-0:on 820314,shutdown Cooling Lost.Caused by Sys Malfunction or Operator Error,Allowing Pressurized Nitrogen to Enter Shutdown Cooling Pump Suction Line When Purification Sys Filter Was Backflushed.Procedures Revised | /01T-0:on 820314,shutdown Cooling Lost.Caused by Sys Malfunction or Operator Error,Allowing Pressurized Nitrogen to Enter Shutdown Cooling Pump Suction Line When Purification Sys Filter Was Backflushed.Procedures Revised | |
05000206/LER-1982-002, Forwards LER 82-002/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-002/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000362/LER-1982-002-03, /03L-0:on 821119,during Fuel Loading Operations, Water Observed Leaking Through Equipment Hatch Seal Into Containment.Caused by Existing Gap Around Perimeter of Hatch.Bolts Retightened | /03L-0:on 821119,during Fuel Loading Operations, Water Observed Leaking Through Equipment Hatch Seal Into Containment.Caused by Existing Gap Around Perimeter of Hatch.Bolts Retightened | |
05000206/LER-1982-002-03, /03L-0:on 820128,containment Isolation Valve in Reactor Coolant Letdown line,CV-526,failed to Close on First Two Remote Manual Close Attempts.Caused by Blocking Lever Dropping Insufficiently.Installed Actuators to Be Replace | /03L-0:on 820128,containment Isolation Valve in Reactor Coolant Letdown line,CV-526,failed to Close on First Two Remote Manual Close Attempts.Caused by Blocking Lever Dropping Insufficiently.Installed Actuators to Be Replaced | |
05000362/LER-1982-003, Forwards LER 82-003/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-003/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000362/LER-1982-003-03, /03L-0:on 821127,while in Mode 6,channel 2 Startup Monitor 3JI-006 Lost Visual Indication & Declared Inoperable.Caused by Loss of Power When Monitor Control Ctr 3BN Taken Out of Svc.Load Lists Will Be Reviewed | /03L-0:on 821127,while in Mode 6,channel 2 Startup Monitor 3JI-006 Lost Visual Indication & Declared Inoperable.Caused by Loss of Power When Monitor Control Ctr 3BN Taken Out of Svc.Load Lists Will Be Reviewed | |
05000361/LER-1982-003-01, /01T-0:on 820314,unplanned Dilution of RCS Resulted When Operators Were Trying to Restore Shutdown Cooling Flow.Caused by Two Manual Valves Being Partially Open Simultaneously While One Being Opened & Other Closed | /01T-0:on 820314,unplanned Dilution of RCS Resulted When Operators Were Trying to Restore Shutdown Cooling Flow.Caused by Two Manual Valves Being Partially Open Simultaneously While One Being Opened & Other Closed | |
05000206/LER-1982-003-99, /99X-0:on 811212,control Rod C-7 Stuck During Startup & Was Freed After Repeated Manipulation.Caused by Dropped Rodlets Due to Failure of Weld Attaching Supporting Vane to Rod Cluster Control (RCC) Hub.Rcc to Be Replaced | /99X-0:on 811212,control Rod C-7 Stuck During Startup & Was Freed After Repeated Manipulation.Caused by Dropped Rodlets Due to Failure of Weld Attaching Supporting Vane to Rod Cluster Control (RCC) Hub.Rcc to Be Replaced | |
05000206/LER-1982-003, Forwards LER 82-003/99X-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-003/99X-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000361/LER-1982-004-03, /03L-0:on 821124,samples from Control Room Emergency Air Cleanup Sys Train a Charcoal Absorber Failed to Satisfy Methyl Iodine Removal Capability.Caused by Activated Charcoal Degradation.Charcoal Replaced | /03L-0:on 821124,samples from Control Room Emergency Air Cleanup Sys Train a Charcoal Absorber Failed to Satisfy Methyl Iodine Removal Capability.Caused by Activated Charcoal Degradation.Charcoal Replaced | |
05000206/LER-1982-004-01, /01T-0:on 820129,chlorine Residual in Circulating Water Sys Exceeded Tech Spec Limits During Normal Operation. Caused by Air Operated Valve Controlling Flow to Circulating Water Sys Failing Closed,While Injection Pump Contin | /01T-0:on 820129,chlorine Residual in Circulating Water Sys Exceeded Tech Spec Limits During Normal Operation. Caused by Air Operated Valve Controlling Flow to Circulating Water Sys Failing Closed,While Injection Pump Continued | |
05000206/LER-1982-004, Forwards LER 82-004/01T-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-004/01T-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000362/LER-1982-005, Forwards LER 82-005/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-005/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000362/LER-1982-005-03, /03L-0:on 821205,during Mode 5,diesel Generator 3GOO3 Taken Out of Svc Leaving Boration Flow Paths W/O Emergency Power Sources.Caused by Personnel Error Due to Failure to Recognize Consequences.Personnel Counseled | /03L-0:on 821205,during Mode 5,diesel Generator 3GOO3 Taken Out of Svc Leaving Boration Flow Paths W/O Emergency Power Sources.Caused by Personnel Error Due to Failure to Recognize Consequences.Personnel Counseled | |
05000361/LER-1982-005-03, /03L-0:on 820309,control Room Emergency Air Cleanup Sys Failed to Start Upon Receiving Spurious Toxic Gas Isolation Signal.Caused by Incorrect Positioning of Kirk Key.Caution Notes Incorporated Into Procedures | /03L-0:on 820309,control Room Emergency Air Cleanup Sys Failed to Start Upon Receiving Spurious Toxic Gas Isolation Signal.Caused by Incorrect Positioning of Kirk Key.Caution Notes Incorporated Into Procedures | |
05000206/LER-1982-005-03, /03L-0:on 820228,during Normal Power Operation, Containment Isolation Valve SV-70ZC Failed to Close on Demand.Possibly Caused by Contaminants in Valve Soft Goods. Solenoid Valve or Soft Goods to Be Replaced | /03L-0:on 820228,during Normal Power Operation, Containment Isolation Valve SV-70ZC Failed to Close on Demand.Possibly Caused by Contaminants in Valve Soft Goods. Solenoid Valve or Soft Goods to Be Replaced | |
05000206/LER-1982-005, Forwards LER 82-005/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-005/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000206/LER-1982-006-99, /99X-0:on 811120,refueling Water Tank Level Decreased & Sphere Sump Actuation Increased.Caused by Water Leaking Through Containment Spray Block Valves CV-82 & CV-114 Due to Open Isolation Valve | /99X-0:on 811120,refueling Water Tank Level Decreased & Sphere Sump Actuation Increased.Caused by Water Leaking Through Containment Spray Block Valves CV-82 & CV-114 Due to Open Isolation Valve | |
05000362/LER-1982-006-01, /01T-0:on 821217,while in Mode 5,ESF Actuation Sys Inadvertently Activated Resulting in Simultaneous Actuation of Safety Injection Actuation Signal & Recirculation Actuation Signal.Cause Under Investigation | /01T-0:on 821217,while in Mode 5,ESF Actuation Sys Inadvertently Activated Resulting in Simultaneous Actuation of Safety Injection Actuation Signal & Recirculation Actuation Signal.Cause Under Investigation | |
05000362/LER-1982-006, Ro:On 821217,incident Involving Emergency Safety Features Actuation Signal Occurred.Written Followup Rept W/Interim LER 82-006 Will Be Submitted by 821228 | Ro:On 821217,incident Involving Emergency Safety Features Actuation Signal Occurred.Written Followup Rept W/Interim LER 82-006 Will Be Submitted by 821228 | |
05000361/LER-1982-006, Forwards LER 82-006/99X-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-006/99X-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000206/LER-1982-006, Forwards LER 82-006/99X-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-006/99X-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000362/LER-1982-007, Forwards LER 82-007/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-007/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000206/LER-1982-007-03, /03L-0:on 820208,south Saltwater Cooling Pump (G13B) Declared Inoperable.Caused by Random Failure of Discharge Pressure switch,PS-39.Pressure Switch Replaced | /03L-0:on 820208,south Saltwater Cooling Pump (G13B) Declared Inoperable.Caused by Random Failure of Discharge Pressure switch,PS-39.Pressure Switch Replaced | |
05000206/LER-1982-007, Forwards LER 82-007/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-007/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000362/LER-1982-007-03, /03L-0:on 821211,during Mode 5,review of Strip Chart Recordings of RCS Temps During Filling & Venting Operations on 821210 Indicated RCS Heatup Rate Exceeded. Caused by Inadequate Attention to Heatup Restrictions | /03L-0:on 821211,during Mode 5,review of Strip Chart Recordings of RCS Temps During Filling & Venting Operations on 821210 Indicated RCS Heatup Rate Exceeded. Caused by Inadequate Attention to Heatup Restrictions | |
05000361/LER-1982-007, Ro:Submits Corrections to Equipment Tag Number Errors in LER 82-007 on 820407 | Ro:Submits Corrections to Equipment Tag Number Errors in LER 82-007 on 820407 | |
05000206/LER-1982-008-03, /03L-0:on 820227,during Performance of Special Engineering Safety Injection Test,Safeguard Load Sequencer Failed to Activate X Subchannel Sys Relays.Caused by Power Transistor Failure.Circuit Card Replaced | /03L-0:on 820227,during Performance of Special Engineering Safety Injection Test,Safeguard Load Sequencer Failed to Activate X Subchannel Sys Relays.Caused by Power Transistor Failure.Circuit Card Replaced | |
05000206/LER-1982-008, Forwards LER 82-008/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-008/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000361/LER-1982-008, Forwards LER 82-008/01T-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-008/01T-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000362/LER-1982-008, Forwards LER 82-008/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-008/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000362/LER-1982-008-03, /03L-0:on 821215,while in Mode 5,RCS Chloride Level Exceeded Limit of 0.15 Ppm.Caused by Displacement of Chloride from Purification Ion Exchange Resin to Rcs. Resin Replaced | /03L-0:on 821215,while in Mode 5,RCS Chloride Level Exceeded Limit of 0.15 Ppm.Caused by Displacement of Chloride from Purification Ion Exchange Resin to Rcs. Resin Replaced | |
05000206/LER-1982-009-01, /01T-0:on 820405,failed Attachment Welds on Four Feedwater Sys Pipe Supports Discovered During Scheduled Insp.Cause Undetermined.Metallurgical & Design Analysis in Progress.Failed Supports Being Replaced | /01T-0:on 820405,failed Attachment Welds on Four Feedwater Sys Pipe Supports Discovered During Scheduled Insp.Cause Undetermined.Metallurgical & Design Analysis in Progress.Failed Supports Being Replaced | |
05000206/LER-1982-009, Forwards LER 82-009/01T-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-009/01T-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000361/LER-1982-009-01, /01T-0:on 820325,Bechtel Informed Util of Location of Lumigraph Indicators Model 9270 Mfg W/Incorrect Resistors in Indicator Circuits.Caused by Improper Design of Indicator Circuits.Resistors to Be Replaced Prior to Full Pow | /01T-0:on 820325,Bechtel Informed Util of Location of Lumigraph Indicators Model 9270 Mfg W/Incorrect Resistors in Indicator Circuits.Caused by Improper Design of Indicator Circuits.Resistors to Be Replaced Prior to Full Power | |
05000206/LER-1982-010-99, /99X-0:on 820317,three Tubes on Inlet Side of Steam Generator C Found Leaking.Caused by Intergranular Attack at Top of Tubesheet on Tube Portion of tube-sleeve Assembly.Leaking Tubes Removed from Svc by Plugging | /99X-0:on 820317,three Tubes on Inlet Side of Steam Generator C Found Leaking.Caused by Intergranular Attack at Top of Tubesheet on Tube Portion of tube-sleeve Assembly.Leaking Tubes Removed from Svc by Plugging | |
05000362/LER-1982-010, Forwards LER 82-010/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-010/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000362/LER-1982-010-03, /03L-0:on 821115,during Surveillance Testing,Fire Detection Instrumentation Found Inoperable.Testing Revealed Need to Replace/Repair Parts of Sys.Replacements/Repairs Expected to Be Complete in 90 Days | /03L-0:on 821115,during Surveillance Testing,Fire Detection Instrumentation Found Inoperable.Testing Revealed Need to Replace/Repair Parts of Sys.Replacements/Repairs Expected to Be Complete in 90 Days | |
05000206/LER-1982-010, Forwards LER 82-010/99X-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-010/99X-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000361/LER-1982-010, Forwards LER 82-010/01T-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-010/01T-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000361/LER-1982-010-03, Fire Detection Panels in Zones 1,9 & 28 Failed Surveillance Test S023-I-2.62.Caused by Component Failure | Fire Detection Panels in Zones 1,9 & 28 Failed Surveillance Test S023-I-2.62.Caused by Component Failure | |
05000362/LER-1982-011, Forwards LER 82-011/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-011/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |
05000362/LER-1982-011-03, /03L-0:on 821217,during Mode 5,Zone 41 (Cable Spreading Room) Fire Detectors Removed from Svc to Permit Repair of Cables.Caused by Minor Cable Damage During Const Activities.Cable Replaced | /03L-0:on 821217,during Mode 5,Zone 41 (Cable Spreading Room) Fire Detectors Removed from Svc to Permit Repair of Cables.Caused by Minor Cable Damage During Const Activities.Cable Replaced | |
05000206/LER-1982-011, Forwards LER 82-011/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | Forwards LER 82-011/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Submitted | |