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Forwards Util & June 1990 NPDES Monitoring Rept. W/O Rept
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 08/14/1990
From: Nandy F
NUDOCS 9008220022
Download: ML20058Q296 (4)



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Southem Califomia Edison Company P3 PARKER STF4EET ifiVINE, CALfFORNIA 9*; es August 14, 1990 r.R unwov ;ca a m

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U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 1


Docket No. S0 206 Report of NPDES Permit Violation, June 1990 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Unit i


Letter from H. W. Newton (SCE) to A. L. Coe (California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region), " NPDES t,lonitodng Report" for Unit 1, dated July 26, P20 As required by Technical Specification (TS) 6.16.2.c, Provisional Operating License L

DPR 13, enclosed is a copy of the referenced letter forwarding the June 1990


National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) monitoring report for Unit 1.

The June Unit 1 NPDES monitoring report stated that: (1) on June 11, the grease and oil discharge from the low volume waste stream exceeded the NPDES permit limit of 20 ppm by 16.7 ppm; (2) on June 15, the combined discharge chlorination exceeded the NPDES permit tinie limit of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> by 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> 13 minutes, and the l

mass endssion NPDES permit limit of 64 pounds / day was exceeded by 79.1 pounds; I

and, (3) on June 28, the Unit I sewage treatment plant effluent setticable solids exceeded the NPDES permit daily limit of 3 ml/l by 97 ml/l and the monthly limit l

of 1 ml/l was exceeded by 4.7 ml/1, and the effluent pH of 5.9 was outside the l

NPDES permit limit of between 6 9 pH The remaining 8 water sources sampled dunng these occasions, however, were found to be within NPDES perrait limits.


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1 Document Control Desk.

2 August 14, 1990 4;

There were no NPDES violations in Units 2 and 3 in June 1990. If you require any additional information, please let me know.

f Very truly yours, l

f Enclosure cc: J. B. Martin (Regit nal Administrator, NRC Region V) l C. W. Caldwell (Nhc Senior Resident Inspector, Units 1, 2 and 3)

J. E. Tatum (NRR SONGS Project Manager) i i

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Southern California Edison Company



. N euNENTE e.LireaN.... n July 26, 1990 Mr. Arthur L.

Coe, Acting Executive Officer California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region 4

9771 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, Suite B San Diego, California 92124-1331 i

Dear Mr. Coe:


NPDEo Honitoring Report San Orofro Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1 The NPDES monitoring report for San Onofre. Unit 1 covering the month of June is submitted in accordance with the requirements of CRWQCB Order 88-001 (NPDES Permit No. CA0001228).

A summary of the generating unit's status and significant analytical results is provided below.

The unit was operational through June 30 when it was shut down for refueling and maintenance.

All sampled water sources were found to be within permit limits, with the following er.ceptions.

The combined disc?4?ge chlorination on June 15 exceeded time limita and mass omissions due to a valve that failed to close completely. The condition was found during routine morning plant observations.

The system was immodlately isolated until repairs could be mado.

Tho low volumo wasto stream, plant drains (oily wasto separator),

was high on grease and oil on June 11.

Thu resample on June 15 indicated the system was within specifications.

No specific reason could be found for the exceodance.

A routine cleaning of l

the oily waste separator is scheduled during the next month.

The Unit 1 sewago treatment plant experienced two violations on l

June 28, low pH and high settleable solids.

The plant l

experienced severo influent pump plugging on the 28th coupled with moderately high flow.

The backup system (gravity feed to the north train only) washed some of the solids over the weirs.

The combination of excessivo flow to the north train coupled with no flow to the south upset the treatment and reduced the pH bv. low l

acceptable limits.

The plant treatment recovered the next oay.

l Two factors should prevent recurrence, a change in the methods of I

preventive maintenance and an increase in frequency, along with a permanent modification, which is currently in engineering design.

1 I

l Mr. Arthur L.

Coe July 26, 1990 NPDES Monitoring Report Unit 1 Pursuant to Order No.88-001, Reporting Requirement 12, the following representative is authorized to sign and certify all reports. required by this order:

Arthur Kneisel, Environmental Eng' sneer.

I cGFcity.under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in the attached document, and based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe s

the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete.

I am aware that there are significant penalties-for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.

Sincerelg 3

H. W. Newton Manager, Site Support Services Enclosure cc:

Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX I

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