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Forwards Monthly Rept for Jan 1980 Re Licensing Assistance & SER Preparation for NRC Matls Engineering Branch
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 02/14/1980
From: Widrig R
Battelle Memorial Institute, PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATION
To: Pawlicki S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17198A223 List: ... further results
CON-BOX-13, FOIA-84-96 NUDOCS 8002250601
Download: ML20090A517 (5)



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rebruary 14, 1980



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Mr. Stefan S. Pawlicki, Chie1\\

Materials Engineering Brarch y s

s Division of Systems safety



U.S. Nuclear P.sgulatory Comm.ission s

j washington, D.C.

20555 3

t Dear Steve * ~

Enclosed is the January monthly report on Battell'es j-licensing assistance for NBC-MTES.

Sincerely, t

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Richard D. Widrig,


t c Program Manager'



/bk Enclosure i.

cet 8L Grenier, NM 3.

J Halapatz, MC l

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MONTHIY REPOEF: JANUARY 1980 PROGRAM OBJECTIVE Provide technical assistance to DSS-MTEB in preparing Safety Evaluation Report sections in response to the review and evalu-ation of safety Analysis Reports submitted by utility applicants.

Currently eight tasks are assigned to Battelle.


With the additional interia funding from the NRC ($2501) activi-ties on this program are increasing. While initial milestones for the early plants have been delayed one to three months due to the late start, it is expected that the later milestones will be nearly achieved on schedule barring major questions arising from the analyses.

l The in-service inspection work is at a virtual halt due to the lack of pre-service inspection plans from any of the applicants othee than I.aSalle.

This has contributed substantially to the present underrun in expected costs.

NBC staff are aware of this problem, and are attempting to resolve it.

TASK 1 - FEIDtI 2 i

i 1.1 Fracture Mechanics (Cybulskis - SCI.) : Review of the Fermi 1 FSAR has raised questions regarding the conformance with l

Appendix G and I requirements as well as the critaria used to evaluate this conformance. These questions have been provided to the NRC.

Additional information previously requested from the NRC has been reviewed and is being factored into the review.

The draft SER should be sulaitted in February.

1. 2 In-Service Inspection (Taylor

' 41.) : The Applicant's pre-service prr,ggsm is not availah;,e, del ring future work in this area.

TASK 2 - MATTS RAR 2.1 Metallurgy misen - PMI.) : Completed 100% of the FSAR review.

Completed the draft SER, which is being reviewed by participating staff for final additions or corrections.

Expect to subeit this to the :tRC by February 20, 1980.




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4 TASE,3 - FARLLY 2,

3.1 Metallurgy (Cybulskis - SCL):. The re.tew is expected to begin in sacre FahP:ary or earlpMarch.

The draft SER should I

be substitted in April.

3.2 Fracture 1lachanies f ybulskis - BCL): Review of Farley 2 C

FSAA has been initiated. The draft SER should be suhaitted in March.

i 3.3 in-Service Inspection (T4ylor - PNL): The Applicant's pre-service inspection program is not available, delaying further work in this area.

TASK 4 - MATERFORD 3 4.1 Metallurgy (012cn - PNL): No additional work ocupleted.

All available manpower was assigned to Task 2 activities.

Efforts should resume in February with the FSAR review and draft SER for intersal review being completed that month.

The draf t SER should be submitted to the NRC in March.

4.2 Fracture Mechanics (Cybulskis - BCL) : No work scheduled.

4.3 In-Service Inspection (Taylor - PNL) : The Applicant's pre-service inspection l

work in this area. program is not available, Jelaying further TASE 5 - NIDIJurO 5.1 Metallurgy (CNaiskis - acL): The metallurgy review of the Midland F5AR was discussed with the NBC on January 17, 1980, in Bethesda.

A number of points wre clarified and information needs identified at that time.

The draft SER should be submitted in February.

Tass 6 - COMANCIE FEAK 1, 2 No work scheduled this month.

Eote: The pre-service inspection program for these imits has not been received.

This could result in a future delay for this phase el the work.

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3 TASE 7 - LA SALLE 7.1 In-service Inspection (Taylor - FNL): The draft SER is belag revir-i by the NBC.

TASE 8 - CottSULTING SERVICES AND PROGIAM MANAGEMENT so consulting activity scheduled this month.

The Program Manager along with the BCL Program Manager discussed overall Progran progress with NRC staff at Bethesda.

Interim funding


problems were resolved at that time also.


I suMusus.p_unnsju Tuacural JAsamay 27, 1980 g

.... 3 4:ugeesoted t'u r rwen t Expectust Actual Cost FYTea Coast Issitial SEN SchedasIc Schusise l st

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T.e u k Mos Lla FYTD Dennth Mosit ta 1)rdaf t Pisan t yl S

Dr.s f t.

Visseel Haage t i

5.0 FERMI 2 9.3 34 5 12/19 5/80

$/80 l. I' Fa'suisere Meechaeolum 2 / 8 84 S / 38 88 N/4188 l

I.4 an-scevice snannection i

2.a MATTS aAu 18.8 53.6 12/79 s/80 9/80 l

2. l~~Aastal lnergy 2/MG S/80 9/80
3. 0

-FAkl.EY 2 3/.80 6/80 7/80 3.5 90s t.TTurgy 4/80 6/Sas i/80 3.2 Fracture 90ecitanics t

3/80 6/80 7/80


3. 3 an-service Inspection 4.0 WATetHFOttu 3 11.2 1/50 6/80 7/80 4.l~'AeEaU urgy 3/80 9/80 II/80 4.2 Fs acLeere Mescleanica S/50 9/80 11/90
4. I an-Service Inspect lose
  • a. O MBHl.ANH 7.3 26.1 12/79 3/80 6/80
  • >. I '~NeTaT l u a g y

.2/30 S/80 88 / 8 0 6.e CODGAsocitet PEAU a Asep 2 2.2 3/80 8/80 9/80

~ 4e~etallurgy 6.4 9

1/80 a/MG 9/80 t

6.2 Famuturm Mechanics 7/80 8/80 9/80 6.3 Ess-sestwice Inspection 7.0 8.A SAs.g 1.9 6.3 II/79 12/79 7.I In-Mervice Insgeoct ton 8.O CONSill. TING & P90GetAM 3



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