IR 05000389/1975005

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Insp Rept 50-389/75-05 on 751216-18.No Deviations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Qa/Qc Program Re Site Personnel,Audit Schedules,Training & Qa/Qc Procedure Development for Site Work Authorized Under LWA-2
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Saint Lucie
Issue date: 01/08/1976
From: Bryant J, Foster L
Shared Package
ML17198A269 List: ... further results
FOIA-84-293 50-389-75-05, 50-389-75-5, NUDOCS 8508150614
Download: ML20134B414 (8)


{{#Wiki_filter:i .. UNITED STATES






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IE Inspection Report No. 50-389/75-5 Licensee: Florida Power and Light Company , ! 9250 West Flagler Street ' j P. O. Box 013100 i Miami, Florida 33101

i - j Facility Name: St. Lucie Unit 2 ._ .

Docket No.: 50-389 i License No.: Not Issued Category:

! Location: Hutchinson Island, Florida , Type of License: 800 Mwe (CE) , Type of Inspection: Routine, Unannounced, Pre-Construction Dates of Inspection: December 16-18, 1975 f . Dates of Previous Inspection: November 5-7, 1975 t Principal Inspector: L. E. Foster, Reactor Inspector Projects Section Reactor Construction and Engineering I Support Branch Accompanying Inspectors: N. Economos, Metallurgical Engfneer Engineering Support Section Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch . R. W. Wright, Reactor Inspector Engineering Support Section

Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch Other Accompanying Personnel: None 4 @O4

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. . . . , ~ ~ l IE Rpt. No. 50-389/75-5-2- ' .- f!I76 ' I l Principal Inspector:


, Foster, ~Radctor Ipat ector ' D4te i .i P to Section ?

'j tor Construction and Engineering Support Branch l' C-I/r/76 ie.ed 3 :

'{ J. C. Byfant, Secti6s/ Leader ~Date } ProjectM Section j Reactor Construction and Engineering

Support Branch . ! - ' . > l

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IE Rpt. No. 50-389/75-5 , -3- ' , , - - - ,_ e g . . ) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS . ,.. ,. , 3, , I


Deviations ,

None II. Licensee Action on Previously Identified Deviations , i None -

, ' III. New Unresolved Items - - . l None

~ IV.

Status of Previously Reported Unresolved Items ! he

I } V.

Dasinn_Channes .. s.. None VI.

Unusual occurrences ... , J l None VII. Other Significant Findings A.

Project Status Excavation work under an LWA is not expected to-start until after mid-April 1977.

Site procedures are being developed and appear to be commensurate with the construction schedule.

Engineering and procurement work are continuing.

. ' B,. Personnel or Organization Channes l Mr. N. T. Weems, Assistant QA Manager, Construction, is presently l on site.

l t i l VIII.

Management Interview a j A management interview was held with Mr. N. T. Weems, Assistant QA ' l Manager, Construction, and members of his staff at the conclusion l ', of the inspection.

The results and findings of the inspection were ' l discussed in detail.

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IE Rpt. No. 50-389/75-5 , I-1 -

i ' '. . ' . , , DETAILS I Prepared by: .N: I /IP/9/, m ~ 'Dite' @je.Fost66,Reacto# Inspector i PYo cts Section f

l Reactor Construction and Engineering '

j Support Branch i Dates of Inspection: December 16-18, 1975 Md b //F/7/, Reviewed by: , J. g Bryan M 3ection Leader ~' D' ate ~ ' Pt6jects Saction Reactor Construction and Engineering - .. _N Support" Branch _ ,-...,, 1.

Individuals ~ Contacted Florida Power and Light Company (FP&L)

N. T. Weems - Assistant QA Manager, Construction I A. M. Anderson - Senior QA Engineer, Electrical i R. P. Krolicki - Senior QA Engineer, NDE j D. L. McAfee - Senior QA Engineer, Mechanical j J. R. Forbes - QA Engineer, Civil j D. R. Stone - Project QC Supervisor [.


Scope of Inspection ' This inspection was performed to namina the licensee's QA/QC .- program regarding site personnel, audit schedules, training and QA/QC procedure development for site work authorized under an LWA-2.

, i ' 3.

QA/QC Personnel (Site) Mr. N..T. Weems, recently appointed Assistant QA Manager, Construction, has moved to the site.

Mr. Weems stated that he will be on site four' days a week and will be in Miami (Corporate Office) one day a ireek. Assignments of QA site personnel were discussed and Mr. Weems stated that no major change of personnel is anticipated.

Assignment of QC personnel was discussed with Mr. D. R. Stone, Site - QC Supervisor.

At present the QC group has 26 people on site, including two secretaries.

The QC group is broken down into five disciplines (Mechanical, Civil, Receiving, Electrical and Mministra-tion).


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s ? .. IE Rpt. No. 50-389/75-5 I-2 - " ' '. . '& l The organization, duties,and position descriptions for site peisonnel have been completed. The inspector has no furthef questions.


- . , . , t > ! 4.

Procedure Development + . The near revised QC procedure inder was avm=ined.

The index shows j that 165 QC procedures are to be developed for St. Lucie 2.

As of December 2, 1975, 45 procedures have been approved and released for

A pre 14=4==7 schedule for approval and release of the other use.

I procedures has been prepared.

. Procedures are developed by diffhrent disciplines and are formally _ , , transmitted to different groups, including management, for review

' i and comment.

Review and resolution of comments are performed as required by PP&L Quality Instruction No. 2.2., " Review and Approval e of Procedure 4."

A document review form is used by the QA group

l when reviewing these procedures. This form specifies the criteria that the procedure is reviewed against; 1.e., Regulatory Guides, ' l 10 CFR, 50, codes, standards and FP&L's Quality Requirements. QA ! I comments are submitted directly to the Director of Construction ' with copies to the QA Manager.

Several procedures, including docu-mentation and resolution of comuments, were examined and the inspector has no further questions.

, <( t."


Preparation for Concrete Activities , The testing of design mixes by the test lab is proceeding. The ~ > - scope of the design mix investigation has been expanded to develop i compliance over a wider range of slumps to facilitate concrete placement. Materials are being supplied to U. S. Testing at Hoboken, N.J.

Batch Plant assembly is in progress.

The inspector has no further questions.


Audit Schedules The site QA group has one audit scheduled for St. Lucie 2.

A management audit on the St. Lucie 2 QC program and organization is planned for the near future. The licensee was advised that schedules and results of audits are continually examined during NRC inspections to ensure that adequate audits are scheduled and performed. The licensee stated that as construction activity starts, audit schedules will be prepared to cover adequately all.on-going activities.

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.. . . . . ' II Rpt. Ns. 50-389/75-5 II-L ' ~ ,

- ,,,. /!S!74 ' j DETAILS II Prepared by:

R. W. Wright, Redctor.L2spector Date , '

  • - '

i i Engineering Support Section , , Reactor Construction a'nd !

, Engineering Support Branch , ) Dates of Inspection: December 16-18, 1975 , Y,$LAAE~ / 4 14 Reviewed by: L. L. Beratan, Section Leader Date .' Enaineering Support Section j React 6r Construction and

Engineering Support Branch - , '

! 1.

Individuals Contacted i - '- Florida Power and Light Company (FP&L) - N. T. Weems - Assistant QA Manager i A. M. Anderson - QA Engineer, Electrical J. R. Forbes - QA Engiacer, Civil - ^ '

' C. F. Harron - QA Engineer, Civil D. Stone - Project QC Supervisor , $* I 2.

Specification and Quality Control Procedure Review The IE inspector reviewed the following available approved Ebasco . specifications and FP&L quality instructions for conformance to < applicable codes, standards and SAR commitments.

! Specification No. or Title Quality Instruction No.

FLO 2998.471 R3 Excavation and Backfill l FLO 2998.472 R5 Dewatering i FTA 2998.473 R2 Concrete ! FLO 2998.474 R2 Concrete Reinforcing Steel ! FLO 2998.478 R1 Mechanical Splicing of Concrete Reinforcing Steel i QI 10.2 R0 Batch Plant Inspection . , t QI 10.3 RO Inspection of Concrete Placement l QI 10.6 RO Inspection of Forms & Rebar Installation ' QI 10.7 RO Inspection of Fill Compaction QI 10.8 R0 Checking Record Review of Dewatering s Systems & Components " QI 10.9 RO Inspection of Sheet Pile Placements & ' ' Removal > ! QI 10.10 RO Inspection of Excavations ' QI 10.70 RO In-Process Tests of Concrete Materials QI 10,71 R0 In-Process Tests of Plastic Concrete , , , l l

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- - - - - . . . , , ' IE Rpt. No.,50-389/75-5 II-2 ~ . . . " ** .. . . e

. . No items of procedural noncompliance were identified.

ThefMuency of concrete cylindse'sa'mpling specified byFLO'2998.473 R2 (each 150 cu yds or fraction.thereof produced each day per mix type) was found to differ with QI 10.71 which called for cylinder

.i sampling each 100 cu yds.

The licensee stated that this conflict { of specification VRS instruction would be resolved in that both

j will specify that concrete cylinders be taken for each 100 cu yds or fraction thereof produced each day per mix type.

This specifi-cation revision will be verified on a followup inspection.

j Review of the above existing prpcedures and discussions with i FP&L QA/QC representatives concerning those procedures presently - _ ! under development disclosed that the Iicensee has established a f viable, comprehensive civil QA/QC program.

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. . . ". 2f ~ o .O . ; - .i . - . , - , IE Rpt. No. 50-389/75-5 III-l

,,,. j -. - , DETAILS III Prep'ared'by: CcryZ $ 4 74 /[#/74

N. Economos, Metalluigical Engineer Date ' l Engineering Support Section ,' Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch a A Dates of Inspection: December 16-18, 1975 Reviewed by: [[ f / 8!74' ' L. L.,Beratan, Secti6n Leader 'Date ! Engineering, Support Section - Reactor Construction and Engineering

l Support Branch , I contents of thisi report apply to St. Lucie Unit 2 only.

l j 1.

Persons Contacted

]l - a.

Florida Power and Light Company (FP&L) . '. N. T. Weems - Assistant QA Manager, Construction R. P. Krolicki - QA Engineer, Mechanical (NDE) ' ij D.. L. McAfee - QA Engineer NDE } J D. R. Stone - Quality Control Engineer b.

Contractor Organization - Ebasco Services Incorporated (Ebasco) J. R. Behres - Senior Quality Compliance Supervisor 2.

Containment - Review of QA/QC Procedures ~ The licensee's QA manual for Unit 2 consists of two sections.

The first contains quality requirements (QR's) for activities related to materials, parts, components systeu and services under the control of FP&L's QA program.

The second section contains those quality procedures (QP's) which have been developed to implement these quality requirements.

Quality Instructions (QI's) now under development are intended to delineate actions and responsibilities based on the QP's and involve ' l activities unique within each organization.

Procedure development l appears to be commensurate with work progress.

The inspector l reviewed FP&L's QA/QC procedures applicable to containment steel structure and supports.

This included receipt inspection, process control, storage handling and shipping, identification of material parts and components; there were no questions.

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