IR 05000387/1985029

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Meeting Repts 50-387/85-29 & 50-388/85-24 on 850828 Re Rescheduling of Senior Reactor Operator Licensing Exam. Region Agreed to Administer One Instructor Certification & One Senior Operator Exam on 851120 & 21,respectively
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/23/1985
From: Keller R, Kister H, Lange D
Shared Package
ML20133D812 List:
50-387-85-29-MM, 50-388-85-24, NUDOCS 8510090198
Download: ML20133D837 (3)


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Report Nos. 50-387/85-29, 50-388/85-24


Docket Nos. 50-387/50-388 Licensee
Pennsylvania Power & Light Company

, 2 North Ninth Street  !

Allentown, Pennsylvania 18101 I  !

Facility Name: Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES)

Meeting At: King of Prussia, Pennsylvania Meeting Conducted: August 2 1985

I Prepared by: /

D. Lange, Reactor ngineer Examiner Y/

date 7b4 [

Reviewed by: [

R. Keller, Chief


Y![7 date r

l j Reactor Projects Section 1C

Approved by: M d

H.' Ki ster, lef dhte '

Reactor Projects Branch 1, DRP Summary: This meeting was held to discuss the rescheduling of the SR0 '

i licensing examination at the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station. The licensee

had previously cancelled this exam.

i i



I i




f 8510090198 B50925 l

, PDR ADOCK 05000387 i i G PDR 1 i



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, DETAILS l Meeting Scope l

This meeting was held to discuss the rescheduling of the previously j cancelled SR0 licensing examination at the SSES.

j Meeting Attendees Licensee - PP&L

$ W. G. Ward, Nuclear Training Manager 4 W. Lowthert, Nuclear Instruction Supervisor R. M. Peal, Operator Training Supervisor

! r l

NRC Region I

! R. Keller, Chief, Reactor Projects Section IC, DRP

, D. Lange, Reactor Engineer Examiner l F. Crescenzo, Reactor Engineer Examiner

.' L. Banavitch, Reactor Engineer Examiner Trainee Discussion


The case presented by the licensee representatives demonstrated adequate need for the November 1985 SR0 licensing examination. The candidate will

! be needed to serve as an immediate substitute for the SSES Supervisor of i Operations; this position requires an NRC SR0 license. The candidate has


been judged by the licensee as having the education, maturity, and l experience needed to fulfill the requirements of this position and the j licensee feels he lacks only the SRO licens .

j The Region agreed to conduct the examination after consideration of the i licensee's needs and the expected impact of this exam on the remainder of j the BWR Examination Schedule.

l The following topics related to operator licensing were informally discussed during the meeting.


A proposed trip to the Susquehanna Station by the BWR Operator >


Licensing examiners for simulator familiarizatio *

, The 1985 SSES Requalification Schedule.


The INP0 Accreditation program.

l Licensee Commitments i

. l l The licensee agreed to provide the NRC with the 1985 Requalification '

, exams and simulator scenarios prior to their use in the 1985 j Requalification Schedule for Susquehanna.


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The licensee also agreed to provide the NRC with the revised Emergency and Off Normal Operating procedures for use in preparing for the November examinatio . NRC Commitments The Region agreed to administer one (1) Instructor Certification and one (1) Instant SRO examination on November 20 and 21, 1985, at the SSE The NRC also agreed to evaluate and provide comments on the licensee's 1985 Requalification exams before their implementation.