IR 05000312/1988002

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Discusses Concerns Noted from 880104-14 Vendor Insp Branch Announced Team Insp at Plant.Past & Present Procurement,Matl Control & Warehouse Activities Reviewed.Complete Discussion of Findings Will Be Provided in Insp Rept 50-312/88-02
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 02/02/1988
From: Crutchfield D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Andognini G
NUDOCS 8802050193
Download: ML20196A873 (5)



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\..... FED 02 093 Docket No. S12 7 Mr. G. Cer* Andognini Chief Executive Officer, Nuclear Sacramento Municipal Utility District Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station 14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638-9799

Dear Mr. Andognini:

SUBJECT: PROCUREMENT AND MATERIALS CONTROL INSPECTION FINDINGS An announced team inspection at Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station was conducted by NRC Headquarter s. Vendor inspection Branch during the period January 4-14, 1988. The purpose of the ii.spection was to review your pro-

~. curement, material control, and warehouse activities, both past and present.

This letter documents the more significant inspection findings identified during the exit meeting on January 14, 1988, which require follow-up action by SMUD. The concerns listed below provide neither a complete list of inspec-tion concerns nor any of the positive findings identified by the inspection team. A complete discussion of all inspection findings will be provided in Inspection Report No. 50-312/88-02.

1. Spare and replacement parts were purchased commercial grade and accepted by a like-for-like comparison of part number without verifying if any design or manufacturing changes were made by the vendor. The items, which would likely be most susceptible to design and manufacturing changes, would be those parts which require environmental qualification and seis-mically qualified replacement relays in the Reactor Protection System (RPS)

and Safety Features Actuation System (SFAS).

2. The current process in place at Rancho Seco for procuring comercial grade items and the implementing procedures need clarification concerning like-for-like acceptance methods. Procedures for Level III procurements need to fully describe the dedication process to bo performed.

3. SMUD had previously established a program and was in the process of reveri-fying all comercial grade items which are warehouse stou prior to issue for use in the plant. This is being done to the program in place today.

The items previously reviewed as part of this stock material reverification for comercial grade items were reverified using the method described in 1 above, which is inadequate.

4. Safety-related procurements were made from vendors who were placed on the SMUD approved suppliers list (ASL) solely on the basis of desk audits.


Also, Certificates of Conformance (C of C) for commercial grade procurements


from vendors not on the ASL, were accepted without verifying the validity of the C of C, 8802050193 800202 PDR ADOCK 05000312 G PDR SEQ)


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Mr. G. Carl Andognini -2-5. Cable (5 KV) was procured commercial grade from NSSS/DIVESCO for the Nuclear Raw Water System in November 1987 on the basis that testing was to be per-formed following receipt by an independent laboratory. Testing was not per-formed and this cable was accepted, based on test data from a 1976-cable pro-curement, and was placed in service. A SMUD review of this issue 7 during the inspection, determined that the 1976 test data could not support qualifi-cation to applicable requirements, and needs to be tested by an independent i laboratory as originally required.

Your response to these concerns should identify both long and short-term actions, including a description of how the matters will be addressed prior to restart.

Per telecons between the NRC (NRR) and SMUD on January 26 8 27, 1988, SMUD has ,

committed to perform an evaluation of all relays replaced in the Reactor Pro-tection System and the Safety Features Actuation System to verify the accepta-bility for use in seismic applications prior to restart. SMUD had also committed to review serialized work requests for environmentally qualified replacement parts since November 1985. SMUD will then identify a sufficient number of replace-ment parts in each of the identified equipment categories for parts procured commercial grade and accepted, based on a like-for-like part number review to pro-are acceptable for


. vide in use reasonable assurance E.0. applications. This that willthe also parts. be completed in each category prio 'r to restart. Also, any specific components identified during the exit meeting on January 14, 1988,

will be reviewed for seismic and E.Q. applications, when applicable.

SMUD stated that the Vendor Audit Program, as described in the Procurement /

Materials Control Action Plan,Section II, will be revised to state that an implementation audit or equivalent must be performed prior to placing any safety-related components into the plant.


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Dennis M. Crutchfield, irector Division of Reactor P jects III/IV/V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l

cc: See next page







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Mr. G. Carl Andognini ~

j cc: Mr. John Vinquist Mr. Joseph O. Ward, Chief Sacramento Municipal Utility District Radiological Health Branch 14440 Twin Cities Road State Department of Health Services Herald, California 95638-97999 714 P Street, Office Building #3 Sacramento, California 95814 Mr. Gordan K. Van Vleck Secretary, Resources Agency Sacramento County -

1416 9th Street, Room 1311 Board of Supervisors *

Sacramento, California 95814 827 7th Street, Room 424 Sacramento, Califronia 95814 Mr. David S. Kaplan, Secretary

and General Counsel Ms. Helen Hubbard Sacramento Municipal Utility District P. O. Box 63 6201 S Street Sunol, California 94586 P. O. Box 15830 Sacramento, California 95813 Thomas A. Baxter, Esq.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 2300 N Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20037 Mr. Jerry Delezinski Sacramento Municipal Utility District


". Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station 14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638-9799 Mr. Robert B. Borsum Babcock & Wilecx Nuclear Power Generation Division Suite 220, 7910 Woodmont Avenue


Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Resident Inspector / Rancho Seco c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cxrnission 14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638-9799 Director Energy Facilities Siting Division Energy Resources Conversation and Developnent Comission 1516-9th Street Sacrament, California 95814



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i Mr. G. Carl Andognini '

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FEB 021988 L

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JPartlow, NRR BGrimes, NRR CHaughney, NRR JStone, NRR UPotapova, NRR RMcIntyre, NRR TNurley, NRR JSniezek, NRR FMiraglia, NRR GHolohan, NRR l GKnighton, NRR

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Mr. G. Carl Andognini -4-



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