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Forwards Evaluation of Westinghouse Protection Sys Noise Tests, Dtd Dec 1974 & Suppl 1 Dtd 750220.Rept Acceptable W/Stated Exceptions.Provision of Schedule for Responding to Concerns Requested within 7 Days of Receipt of Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon, South Texas, 05000000
Issue date: 09/04/1975
From: Parr O
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Morrissey J
Shared Package
ML20210C503 List:
NUDOCS 8705060243
Download: ML20210C605 (7)


NUCLCAR RCGULATonY C O t.t t.115 SIO tJ W AS HI,# GT O N. D. C. 2 0$$ $

e.' $-

7 f p *)e 7

Dacket tios. 50-275 and 50-32I . SEP 0 41975 gg /g 1

~ .

Pacific Cas and Elcetric Co:pany ATTN: !!r. John C. :'orrissey Vice President and Ccncral Counsci 77 Ecale Street '

San Francisco, California 94106 -


Enclosed are the resuitc of our revicu of the !?cstinghouse Protection Syste:1::oisc Tests p.cport, dated Dece bcr 1974, and Supplenent 1, dated February 20, 1975. This report provided the scope, :cchnical cons'dcraticas, accep:ence criteria, tesc procedurcs, and resul:s and conclusions for the '<ies:inghouse supplied systems.

0,2r detailed review of the subject report is con:cined in Enclosure 1 and referenec?a used arc iden:ified in Enclosure 2. As indicated in

' cur detailed revicu, ve find the subject report acceptabic ri:h the follouing excep:icas: 1) The accep:ance cri:cria must ba .:dified, and 2) the noise su:ceptibility tes:s for the Ancio; Precess Cen:rol -

Systen cust be nodified tnd repen:cd as indicated in the recule: Ory

( put.itien portien of the revicu. t c reco=cnd tha: you p r: vide us vi:':.

a tes: progran for cur evaluatica prior to conduc'ing and - N-- -

inplencating the :ests.

In order to prc'eced with our licensing revice, please inf:rn us within seven (7) days af ter roccipt of this letter of the schedule you vill be abic to noct in responding to our concerns re;ardin's the sub,8c::

report. This natter. cust be resolved in an accep:able -anner before operating liccases for Diablo Canycn ll nits 1 and 2 can be issued.

Sincercly, 6 LV I c-Olan 1). Parr, Chief Light 1later Reactors Project Branch 1-3 Division of Reactor Licensing


1. Detailed Review of Subject Report

, 2. References .


See page 2 .

8705060243 B70430 ATTAC H M E N T A PDR ADOCK 05000498 r A PDR , .


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  • pgegric Cas and Elcetric Ca,pany -2 SEP 0 4 1315


cc: Philip A. Cranc, Jr., Esq.

Pacific Cas and Electric Company i 77 Beale Street-

. San Francisce, California 94106

, Andrew J. Skaf f, Esq. '

California Public Utilitics Co=nission *

, 3501:cA111 ster Street ,

! San Francisco, California 94102 i

Mr. Frederich Eissler, President -

i Scenic Shorcline Preservation * * '

Conference, Inc.

4623 :: ore ::csa Drive .

Santa Barbara, California 93105 Ms. P.nye Ficcing

  • 1746 Cho'rro Street San Luis Obispo, California 93401 -
lb. Sandra A. Silver .

322 S. Plymouth Blvd. .

Los Angeles, California 90020

) I!r. John Forster 985 Palm Strcot San Luis Obispo, California 93401 -

Mr. Uilliam P. Cornwell -

P. O. Box 453

)forro Bay, California 93442


Mr. W. J. Lindblad, Project Engineer  !

Pacific Cas and Electric Co=pany 77 Dealc Street '

San Francisco, California 94106 * -


!!r. Cordon A. Silver

  • 322 S. Plymouth Blvd.

Los Angeles, California 90020 1

1 . --

J .

I 1


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, ,, s.iiu u:,ure a

'EVALUATIO:10F Tl!E i!ESTI G!!OUSE PROTECTi0:1 S r 1,0 Summa ry of Renort The subject report was initiated as a result of our cencerns relatino

, to the qualificatica of electrical isolatien cevices, desica criteria requiring electrical and chysical separatica betxcen ::re:eitica and control circuits and "as built" protectica systems ic .;nity to electrical noise. .

  • iluclear Pc.:er Statien. Units 15 2, dated 0:te:er 16, the CP reviews of both units the -'ysical and elehtrical istictica ofthat during

., protecticn and control ucs not adequate and the ir.ple en:a:icn of the design 4.2, 4.6 presen:ed and 4.7 of in IEECthe Std FSA't d:es net t.:eet the requirements of Secti:ns 273-1371. -

The and noise voltases andfcrtest

ndi:icr.s tethods the sys:e were'lesselected s ::s:c:. to cover che c tin; caff acd the folicains a::e;; criteria for al.1 :ests.
a. ,

!!oise would not degrade the ability of the protectt:n systets to previde the necessary ac:ica b.

!!oise be which causes initiaticn of pr:te:tive a:ticas, if any, would acceptable.

r.n. /

  • The test report llcstin;heuse was systems:

s;; plied divided into three covering the follefdn; Section A Solid State Protecticn Syste 1 (SSFS). A::endix A of this section ecntained isola:i:n verifica:ic . :ests and results for tne lient emit:ing dicdas (LE:s) used 1 for isolatien in the SSPS. ~

Sectien B fluelcar Instrumentation System Section C Process Analog System 7100 Series '

s Test _00scriptic s

' The above identified systems ucre sebject to the follcuing tests. .

Representativo casnnels were energi:cd and the functional crerability checked for cach test. -

i iloise Susce-tibility Tests - These tests were run in accordance with I MfGPliDMJ, caico June T.1960. Ullitary Specificatien - ::uclear Propuisten Centrol and Instrumentation Equipront, Canaral Requiretents, l

, Paragraph 4.6.11. Susceptibility. - .

) .

___l-_A------ *


.* I

,'. Output, rg.ble Voltam Faults - The maxinwa credible voltages (118 Y AC

".and 250 V DC) wire applice to cac'i systen output cabling to d2termine

, the effect cr,) the innut sid2. Tuo additional tests were ecneucted

,e . -

on the Analog Process Systen. A 450 V AC fault test and a 125 V CC test switching a 2.17h inductive load to sirulate the inductive '

component of the isolator cutput circuit. The isolator output circuits -

.wcre discennected during the fault tests. The isolators and connectors ~

have already been cualified for fault voltaces and current; uhicn

  • verified c;crobility of the inpu: sido during costructicn of cc::enents in the cutput porti:n of the isolator. The cu . ut ccole voltag2 favi:

tests ucre to verify the adequacy of the cabic separation (input /ou:put) of the "as built" systems. -

Jhon.g, tic *nteri:reate TEs:s - These tests were cenducted by discenne ing the ou;put ccales ano intrc:u: ing a 113 7 AC ; scur:e and providing a 100 oh= lead at tho'cc.noc:ce and to allcu i a pere to fl u in the out:ut uiring. The input side of the is01ator was menit: red for induced noise. Since the inpu:/ca:put ut rir.; in :ne Frecess Anaieg Systo cre closer than the other.'sys:c:s :he 1 ampere AC current was routinely switched. ,

Light Erittine Diede ('.E31 Veri fics:t e . 72sts - These tests were condu::e: :y in:r::::in; a c:rm:n  ::: v:.::;e scur:e to tr.e isolati:n board. A 2 Ky de dynar.ic scur:e a.d fr:: se tests c: 2 kV peak, i Ph:

ringing d:an in 6 - 13 cy:les a:;ifed f:r 1 r.inu:2. A 10 V res 53 hz dynamic scur:e was a: plied to :he cut:ut side cf the isola:Or end the fault v:lta;2.

inputtests r: nit:..ers redcerfere:d to c2:er .i"e the offe:: of a g:s;ru:

ntic is c:;iicd cr.

f) The the ncn-pre:2::icn sido are not dirc::ly ( or indirec:iy (induced er capacitan:o) coupiad into the pr::c::ica logic sics.

to ce . nstra:2:ha:

The basis for selecting t!'e 1 f. p value fer the magnetic interference-tests described abov2 were based en an analytical study. The cai:ulaticn considerad untuisted centrol cables runnin; ;arallai for ~3 retars

. ) tith three-phase ccccuctcrs carryin: 23 ar. cres. The induced 10cp current was c:1:ula: d to t: 2.7 miirc-ce eres in a IC3 ch- load. The 1 amperc was selected to provica a c nserva:ive value for :he test.

Test Procedures 02scricti:n and P,osults

' ~ ' " '

The test report provided detailed test pre:edures and descriptions for the tests identified bove. llestinghouse sunari:cd the results of the tests for cach of t.he systems tested. -

2.0 Sun: nary of Renulatory devicu - .

We revicued the datailed test procedures, sctuu. description,

' functional checks and test results for the systems icentificd -'

) in the suciary of the report. The results of all the tests conducted indicated that the tests p.;rform:d did not intreduce interference ce noisa fro"t the non-safety te the safety partion of

' ') the systea.... ihe functieaal verif k..;)ca paruen or tne :ests indicated that the equipn.ent performad as ecsigacd Defure, during 8 4 _ ..

3-and after, tests.. The safety functions of the systems were exercised during the test.s.


  • As 5tc have indicated in the summary of this report, the test program was initiated as a result of our concerns relating to the lac % of physical separation between the protection and control circuits in
  • the final ir.:pleacntation of the sys:cn designs unich c:vid result in interaction between control and safety functior.s. 5cstin:.S use

- has indicated as part of their acec,:cnce cri;cria that r.cisc which causes initiation of protective acticns, if any, w uld be accc::able.

ife find this criteria unacceptabic. IEEE Std 279-1971, recuires that the protection syste, snall, with precision and reliatility, auto-matica11y initiate acprepriate proto::ive action unenever a c:ndition

. monitored by the system reauies a pr e-set level. The tests pericr. ad by llestinghouse indicate that the systems are adequate for those tes s



ile have concluded that the tests 'and results "fcr the 5 lid State Protection Systcra and the !;uclear Ins ru er.:a:i:n S/s::, are a:c:: Ate

. to de castrate non-in:orac !cn sf the safety and c:n:r:i fen:.icns.

Ilouever, we have concluded that the r.oise s s:c :i:iii / :ss:s fer the Analog Process Con:rcl Syster are er.:::c::a:;e. Tre re airi ; tests and results for the Anslo; prc: css C:mrsi Sys:sn a.e :::e:::;je. The input and cutput cabling in Anale; ~r::sss C:n:rol S/s:s: cc:incts are physically in the same utre ways i:n ns so:ces;i:.. A::iticnal a;ne-i:

interference tests were perfcenad i:r tre Ar,al:; *-r:::: s C:r .rci -

p) System and r.ot the othar systcrs. ;le have ccnciu:od :n:: :.E n0ise susceptibili;y tests f;r the c;her sys;e .s were a:c:uate c:40 to the fact that physical secaration exists an: :he proximi:/ of the inpu:/

output cabics is for a short distance. .

.lle u111 require that modified i41L '-1990 E ::oise Sus:c::ibility Test '

Progracs or a new progrc.n .:: initia:cd for the Maic; pec:ess Sysic :

which will include the followin: recuircren:s. The :ss: pr ;ran will include all the provisions or similar rargirc : .:s of '4*L-h-MI"02.

lloucver, the noisc . source output c::Ic snill ran in tre sa c c'.ble ways, vertical and hori: ental, as the input /:u::ut cchles of the Analog Precess for tnc cis::r:c c fine: in :no :< L. 5:cc.

test progran. The basis for the IS-inch distance frc , the r.oisa source output cable for the equipe:nt tested in the 41L->l9s;03 tests

. is that typical cabicuays aboard snt:s are IS in:nes wide. If tha l

installed equin,:ent experiences noisc interference pecklens, the scurce l

can be detected and so:arated by at least a distance of 1S inches.

lle utili:cd IEEE Std 270-1971, " Criteria for Protcetica Systens f or

' h'uclear Pa.:ce Generatir; Stations," in. cur revicu of inis i cstin?"cuse Test Report. Other references used are included in Enclosure 2.

,. Regula tory posi tion _ -


I!c have concluded that the tests and results as documnted in the report are acceptable for the Solid State l'rotectiun Systeni, the liuclear l'ns truxntallen Sy4 tem. l.ignt trti tti"n l'lede% J"d t"0 A"dI0')

Process Control Systent with the exception of the noisu susceptibility tests.

~ _

4 ife requir,e.that the acceptance criteria be ch:nged to ir.dicate that noise which ct.uses spurious initiation of a crctcction c:ticr. cr

/. function will be it,lcntified. If the spuricus trips or initi; tion of protective actions occur due to lack of separation, we will rcquire a design change to provide adequate separation to clininate the spurious .

operations. -

1.'c require tha t a nodified 141L-l1-199'43 ::oise Sus:cotibility Test Progren or a new progra that will irclude the recuirc-entsbe initia:cd for the Analog ider.;ified I'r::esscfSystenf in tne Surt.ary P.cgulatory Revict pcrtion of this re; ort.

ir 7

  • The requiiuuni.s of Regulatory Guide 1.75, "Ehysicci Ir.dere :er.ce of Electric Systcas" r.:ust be r.:et for any noa system desi;r.s ar.: for all desiens which ccnstructi:n ::ermi: a;:lica:icr.s for . .ic :he issue date of the Safety Evaluation Report is Febr.;sry 1,1974, er af ter. ,

4 o

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RCTEREilCES Report of Procccs Instru.T.cntation Isolation Amplifiers, dated I liarch 28, 1973.

- ~ !!cstingP.ouse Topical !!ct: ort !-! CAP 7432L Solid State Protection Systcra

, Description, dated Jcnusry, 1971.

Surg.ary of Electrical Site Visit and I:ecting licld on February 20-22, 1974, dated i: arch 10, 1974.

Sun:rsry August of ibetin9 with !!0stinfmuse Electric Corporation', dated 7,1974. . , ,. ,

Safety dat.ed October Evaluation P.erort, Diablo Canyon i;uclear Power Station L' nits 1 and 2, 16, 1974.

Sur.cary dated i: archof i't:cting 5,1975. held February 6,197'5 to.- discuss separctior, cr.d qu:lificoticn, IEEE Std Ger.orttir.; 279-1971, Statiens"." Criteria for Protection Systems for !;ucl,cci Pcuer Regulctory Cuide 1.75, " Physical Independance of Electric Syste:.:5, Revisten 1",

dated Jantcry 1975. ,

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