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Forwards Listing of Changes,Tests & Experiments Completed During May 1988,per 10CFR50.59
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1988
From: Robey R
RAR-88-27, NUDOCS 8806280233
Download: ML20195H177 (16)


Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station ~.


O' Commonwealth Edison 22710.06 Avenue North Cordova, Illinois 61242 Telephone 309/654-2241


RAR-88-27 May 31, 1988 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station P1-137 Washington, D.C. 20555 Enclosed please find a listing of those changes, tests, and experiments completed during the month of May, 1988, for Quad-Cities Station Units 1 and 2, DPR-29 and DPR-30. A summary of the safety evaluation is being reported in compliance with 10CFR50.59.

Thirty-nine copies are provided for your use.

Respectfully, COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY Q'IAD-CITIES NUCLEAR POWER STATION k-R.A. Robey Services Superintendent AAR/vk Enclosure cc: 1. Johnson T. Watts /J. Galligan I

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Modification M-4-1-1/2-83-1 Description This modification was implemented to provide _a crosstie pipe (1/2-10124B-16")

connecting the 1B and 2B RHR service water lines, between the RHRS service water

- pumps and flow elements. The crosstie pipe ties into the Unit 1. Loop B RHRS service water line (1-1005B-16") in the Unit 1 RCIC room, goes'thru the wall, and ties into the Unit 2 Loop B RHR service water line (2-1005B-16"). A 16" manual. gate' valve (1/2-1099-1B) isolates crosstie usage.

This modification was initiated per AIR 4-82-27.

Evaluation This modification is required to enable the use of the Unit 2 RHR system in the event of failure of the underground portion of RHR line 2-1005-16". The installation of the system does not change any previous FSAR evaluations.

The installation of the new piping and valve system will not affect the availability of the RHR system. The crosstie line is being installed to allow continued operation of both' units in the event Loop 'B' fails.

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, Modification M-4-1/2-83-27 f-Description.

.The purpose of this modification is to reduce the post-accident radiation-3g

  • . doses to the. Standby Gag Treatment System (SBGTS) control panels for both' Units

~ 1 and' below 5 x 10 rads. This.was accomplished by the installation of Scismic Category I shield walls between the SGTS trains and their respective di control cabinets to isolate the' cabinets from the harsh environment caused by the filters on the trains. These walls have been installed to comply with I.E. Bulletin 79-01B.

Evaluation The installation of these walls are classified as Seismic Category I-so the' operation of existing equipment will not be_ effected in anyway. These walls have increased the margin of safety and aid in assuring proper equipment operation through control of the environment.


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Modification M-4-1/2-86-19 Description This modification modified four supports on line 2-1005-16". During the project close-out of the addition of the loop 'B' RHR Service Water Crosstie (M-4-1/2-83-1), it was determined that drawings for support modifications on the existing RHR Service Water lines were not issued, and consequently the modifications were not installed. An operability assessment was performed, which proved the system was functional even without those modifications.

The lines, however, did not meet FSAR requirements. This modification of four supports brings the existing lines within FSAR requirements.

Licensee Event Report 86-024 documents the RHR Service Water piping exceeds Code Stress Allowables.

Evaluation By modifying and adding supports, the system will be upgraded to meet FSAR design requirements. No changes are being performed to any system, therefore, no new scenario is postulated. The modification and additional supports actually assure that the hargin of Safety, as defined in the Technical Specifications, is upheld.


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Modification M-4-1-84-39

' Description The modification is to install three-hour rated fire' dampers in the HVAC duct penetrations:and remove the old sections of duct work and install new sections of duct work.- The reason for the modification is to meet the require-ments'of 10CFR50 Appendix R.

Evaluation This modification provides protection from a fire spreading from one fire zone to another. The margin of safety is maintained. The modification has no mechanical or electrical interfaces or interaction with existing safety related systems or equipment.

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Modification M-4-1-85-37 Description This m'odification was to . install a new RHR pump motor for the IB RHR pump.

- This was initiated due to the inoperability_of a badly damaged IB RHR pump motor and no exact motor replacement could be found.

- A'similar' environmentally qualified motor was obtained from Northern States .

Power Monticello station and was adapted to the station's motor stand and coupling

. pieces.

Evaluation ,

The motor is identical in horsepower, kV rating, and rpm. Thus, it~ met the basic requirements for the IB RHR pump. All flows remained the same and met the Tech Spec requirements. The motor met or exceeded all of the environ-mental qualification requirements.

No safety concerns have been created due to this modification.

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Modification M-4-1-85-43 Description Modification M-4-1-85-43 replaced the entire Unit One 250 volt battery.

and its racks. ..This modification was initiated due to concerns regarding the


integrity of the existing plant type batteries. Later concerns regarding'the seismic adequacy of the tacks hastened the modification installation. A new

-250 volt battery, a GNB type NCX 1500, was installed along.with new seismically.

qualified battery racks.

Evaluation The new battery is sized to provide sufficient DC power for the worst case accident load profile.' The racks are designed to be seismically qualified.

Thus, plant safety is not decreased by this modification.


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" Modification M-4-1-85-53 Description The existing main steam line' radiation monitors (GE model #194X629),

1-1705-2A-thru D, were obsolete. They were removed from their locations on

., the 901-10 panel and. replaced with modern, technically superior monitors (GE model #304A3700G002). The'new monitors are exact functional. replacements and are~ plug compatible units.

Evaluation The new main steam line radiation monitors are providing the same function as-the'old monitors. The trip points have remained the same. The safety aspects have not changed.


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Modification M-4-1-85-58 Description The modification'is to increase the concentrations of steam'in-the off-gas

- system where existing off-gas concentrations are. combustible. This modification to the off-gas system will eliminate off-gas fires. The modification is to eliminate the flammable. region of the off-gas system.

Evaluation This modification will reduce the probability of off-gas fires without effecting equipment important to safety. The modification does not interface with any. safety related equipment and the design does not change the design intent of-the technical ~ specification requirements of the off-gas system.

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Modification M-4-1-86-20 Description This modification will provide three hour fire rated penetration seals in cable penetration openings under 4KV Switchgears 13-1 and 14-1. It will l also provide a one hour rated fire wrap over the bus duct from the 1/2 Diesel Generator to 4KV Switchgear 13-1 for that portion which runs in the Turbine Building. These items are required to meet our Appendix R Safe Shutdown Analysis.

This modification will also provide three hour fire rated penetration seals in the cable penetration openings under the MG-Sets.

Evaluation The installation of the penetrati>n seals and the wrapping of the duct will prevent the propagation of a fire from one fire area to another.

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Modification M-4-1-86-22

"'1 Description'

-This modification replaced two electro-mechanical timers with one solid state agastat time delay relay per division on the Core Spray system. The time delay relay is used to sequentially load the Core Spray pump to the bus in the event of a core spray initiation and loss of off-site power.

The electro-mechanical timers were less reliable and crratic in time.

They were required ~to return to an "AT HOME PCSITION" to be ready for the next start. 'On occasions, they would not return to the "AT HOME POSITION".

Because the new agastat relay was more reliable'and did not require an

'"Kr HOME POSITION" alarm, the two electro-mechanical timers were replaced with one solid state relay.

Evaluation The new time. delay relay performs the sat.e function as the two electro-mechanical timers except for the "AT HOME POSITION" annunciator. By removing the-redundancy of two electro-mechanical timers and replacing them with one solid state time delay relay, the possibility of creating a malfunction is not increased'because of the reliability of the new time delay ralays.


7 Modification M-4-2-82-16 Description The pressure suppression chamber wide. range level monitoring system was installed as a result of AIR 4-82-6 to provide the main control room with level indication outside the normal ~ range of operation. The system is comprised of two independant channels and uses differential pressure between the top and the bottom of the pressure suppression chamber to sense the level. Each channel has a gauge readout on the 902-3 panel and a strip chart recorder-on the 902-2 panel. Pressure indication is provided alongside level readout on all four indicators.

Evaluation The existing pressure suppression chamber level monitoring system will remain intact and will be used during normal operation. In the event that suppression chamber level rises / falls outside the range of the existing level monitoring system, the wide range level monitoring system will provide the necessary information. Since this system only supplies additional information, the margin of safety is increased.

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Modification M-4-2-82-17

~ Description-The modification is to install a hydrogen monitoring system. The existing system does not. fully. satisfy NRC requirements listed in the NUREG 0737. The existing in-containment system will be replaced with an out-of-containment 1 hydrogen monitoring system.-

Evaluation The modifications upgrade is to meet new NRC standards. The function and basic operation of the system is not being changed. The margin of safety is not reduced. g l

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D- Modification M-4-2-83-30

' Description The modification-is to install alternate power feeds and control for Diesel Generator auxiliaries, alternate feeds to the, Division II IUIR room cooler, reroute RHR. pump power feeds, and install additional smoke detectors, ,

wet pipe sprinkler ~ system-and local control isolation capability for the RCIC steam supply isolation valve. The modification is necessary for the station to comply with 10CFR50 Appendix R.

Evaluation The modifications are to reduce the possible consequences of a fire in various zones, this reduces the probability of an accident or malfunction of equipment. It also increases the reliability of the on-site power system, RHR system and fire protection system. The margin of safety is increased.

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l Modification M-4-2-83-45

' Description

'This modification was initiated to replace the old Unit One 1255 volt battery which was nearing the end of its service life. A new 125 volt battery, aLGNB type NCT 1344, was. installed along with new seismically qualified battery racks.

Evaluation The new 125 volt battery has a greater ampere-hour capacity which enhances r plant safety. The battery rack is designed to be seismically qualified and therefore does not change the margin of plant safety.


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Modification M-4-2-84-39 Descriptiqn The modification is to install three-hour rated fire dampers in the HVAC duct penetrations and remove the old sections of duct work and install new sections of duct work. The reason for the modification is to meet the require-ments of 10CFR50 Appendix'R.

Evaluation This modification provides protection from a fire spreading from one fire zone to another. The margin of safety is maintained. The modification has no mechanical or electrical interfaces or interaction with existing safety related systems or equipment

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