IR 05000312/1988024

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Ack Receipt of 880908 Ltr Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-312/88-24
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 09/20/1988
From: Yuhas G
To: Firlit J
NUDOCS 8809290289
Download: ML20154N397 (1)


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L SEP 2 01939



Docket No. 50-312 Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station

Sacramento Municipal Utility District 14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638-9799 Attention
Mr. J. F. Fir 11t Chief Executive.0fficer, Nuclear

] Thank you for your letter dated September 8,1988, in response to our Notice

of Violation and Inspection Report No. 50-312/88-24, dated August 16, 1988, informing us of the steps you have taken to correct the item which we brought to your attentio Your corrective actions will be verified during a future
inspectio Your cooperation with us is appreciate ,



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i G. P. Yu Ms, Chief j Emergency Preparedness and

Radiological Protection Branch


bec w/ copy of letter 9/h /88:

docket file State of California j A. Johnson G. Cook 8. Faulkenberry J. Martin


Resident Inspector Project Inspector


J. Zo111 coffer M. Smith


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SACRAMENTO MUNICML UTIUTY C1 STRICT O 6201 S Street, P.o. Box 1583o. Sacramento bNi 3 30.(916) 452 3211


AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM SERVING Tg f 0F CALIFORNIA CEO 88-199' ' P IE Ajj ,* j y September 8, 1988 U. S. fluclear Regulatory Commission -

Attn: Document Control Desk Hashington, DC 20555 Docket No. 50-312 Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station License No. DPR-54 RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF VIOLATION 88-24

. .


Attention: George Knighton On August 16, 1988, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District received a Notice of Violation concerning activities at the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.261, the District provides theattachedresponsetothisjviolatio This letter acknowledges the violation as cited and describes the reistrict's corrective actions.

< Hembers of your staff with questions requiring additional information or clarification may contact Ms. Rita H. Bowser at (916) 452-3211, extension 4522.

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y ose F. Firlit


Chief Executive Officer,  :

Nuclear L


l Attachment j


cc w/atch: J. B. Hartin, NRC, Halnut Creek *

l A. D'Angelo, NRC, Rancho Seco INPO l




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RANCHO SECO NUCLE AR GENERATING STATION C 1444o Ten Cities Road, Herald, CA 95638 9739;(209)333 2935



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NRC STATEMENT OF VIOLAT10H Technical Specification 6.11 requires that procedures for personnel radiation protection shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of-10 CFR Part 20 and shall be approved, maintained, and adhered to for all operations involving personnel radiation exposur The licensee's Radiation Protection Manual, established pursuant to the above Technical Specification, procedure RP-305, Article 2 states, in part, "An example of responsibilities of all radiation workers follows:

.. Hear TLD/ film badges when required by procedure, RHP or radiation ._

i Protection Personnel ...." Procedure RP 305.4 Section 6.6.2 states, in part, "It is the responsibility of all personnel using an RHP to familiarize themselves with radiological conditions listed, protective clothing, dosimetry required ...."

Contrary to the above, on July 20, 1988, an individual did not wear a TLD badge required by RHP No. 88-021A while working in the grade level decon roo This is a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement IV).

DISTRICT RESPONSE Admission or denial of alleged violation:

TheDistrictacknowledgesandadmitsthattheaboveoccurredasstate . Reason for the violation:

The individual read and signed RHP 88-21A prior to Controlled Area entry.

l This RHP required the individual to wear a thermoluminescent dosimeter l (TLD) badge. The individual inadvertently left his security badge and TLD j

in a Controlled Area locker on Grade Level of the Auxiliary Building after


'onning Anti-Contamination (Anti C) clothing, and proceeded to his work arc . Corrective actions taken and results achieved: Immediately upon discovery, a Radiativ'. Protection Technician (RP Tech) esr.orted the individual to a whole bocy frisker (PCH-18) and then to the individual's locker where the individual retrieved his security badge and TLO. (The whole body frisk did not detect any


personnel contamination.) The RP Tech escorted the individual C,ut of I


the Controlled Are A' survey of the work area (decon room) was conducte Survey results indicated that radiation levels were i 10 mR/hr and the n.aximum contamination lovel was 1,000 d5m/100cm2 I

- The individual's pocket ion chamber (PIC) dosimeter was read and indicated no measurable radiation yas received for the entr r I



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. An Abnormal Dosimetry Report (ADR) was prepared in accordance with Administrative Procedure AP.312-I- 3 to assess dose for the entr The individual was immediately restricted from Controlled Area access until August 4, 1988, when, based on'PIC results, a dose of 6 mrem was assigned for the entry, and accest privilege restore . Corrective actions to avoid further violations:

The indiviJual received a lecture and reprimand for his actions prior to having Controlled Area access restore . Date when full compliance was achieved:

full compliance was achieved August 4, 1988, upon completion of the disciplinary action and assignment of dos .





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