IR 05000327/1985031

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Insp Repts 50-327/85-31 & 50-328/85-31 on 850916-20.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Preparations for Refueling,Followup on IE Bulletin 84-03 & Inspector Identified Problems
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/16/1985
From: Jape F, Mathis J
Shared Package
ML20133P940 List:
50-327-85-31, 50-328-85-31, IEB-84-03, IEB-84-3, NUDOCS 8511010278
Download: ML20133P956 (4)








\ ..+ /


Report Nos.: 50-327/85-31 and 50-328/85-31 Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority 500A Chestnut Street Chattanooga, TN 37401 Docket Nos.: 50-327 and 50-328 Licease Nos.: DPR-77 and DPR-79 Facility Name: Sequoyah 1 and 2 Inspection ducted: September 16-20, 1985  :

Inspector: ..

J. LL Mathis

. Mn lok 4 SS Date Signed Approved by: /3 f k- fo//c/ T5 fy F. Jape, Shction Chief Date Signed Engineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection involved 36 inspector-hours on site reviewing preparations for refueling, followup on IEB 84-03, and followup on inspector identified problem Results: No violations or deviations were identifie B51021 PDR ADCCM 05000327 G., PDR



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i Persons Contacted

Licensee Employees


  • P. R. Wallace, Plant Manager
  • L. M. Nobles, Superintendent of 0&E

! *D. L. Cowart, Quality Surveillance

  • H. R. Rogers, Compliance Engineer
  • C. L. Wilson, Nuclear Engineer
  • C. E. Chmielewski, Nuclear Engineer i  ;

i Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen,

engineers, technicians, operators, mechanics, security force members, and


office personne '

NRC Resident Inspectors

K. Jenison

L. Watson l

  • Attended exit interview }

j Exit Interview

! The inspection scope and findings were summarized on September 20, 1985, ,

! with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The inspector described '

the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection. No dissenting j coments were received from the licensee.

i t


The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided  !

! to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio !- Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters J

This subject was not addressed in the inspection.

! Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during the inspection ,


L l Preparation for Refueling Unit 1 (80705)

l The inspector reviewed technical documents related to fuel receipt and i refueling to verify that: Changes made to the approved procedures are accurat _ - - - - .-




. Revised vendor technical information pertinent to the procedures has been incorporated in to the latest approved procedure . Procedures contain prerequisites for commencement of refueling activities, including pre-refueling surveillance testing required by Technical Specificatio . Surveillance required by TS during the conduct of refueling activitie . Provisions for inspection of cladding conditions and sampling for fuel bowing, distortion, swelling or crud buildu . Provisions for maintaining proper decay heat remova . Provision for maintaining good housekeeping in the refueling and new fuel storage areas and for control of loose object . Provision for training and qualifying personnel involved in refueling activities, including adherence to TS requirements and iicensed operator requirement The inspector did not witness fuel movement because at the time of inspection Unit I was in Mode Fuel shuffle is schedule for October 5, 198 . Followup to IEB 84-03 (92703) Units 1 and 2 IE Bulletin 84-03, Refueling Cavity Water Seal, requested licensees to submit a corrective action program for review and approval prior to any fuel handling in the reactor cavit TVA letters dated October 2, 17 and 26, 1984, provided the requested information. Additional information was requested by NRC Region II management during a telephone conversation with the Sequoyah compliance staff. The Region II staff reviewed the licensee's submittals, dated September 10 and October 1,1985, which provided the actual measurements of the elevation differences between the reactor vessel flange and the reactor cavity floor for both unit The gap between the reactor vessel flange and the floor of the reactor cavity was measured and reported by the licensee. The measurement was taker, at 18 locations around the vessel ".onge for both units. The results of the measurements for Units 1 and 2 gap are below:

! Unit 1 Unit 2 i

i Avg. gap size 2.055 inches 1.992 inches j Max. gap size 2.111 inches 2.067 inches


The actual dimensions of the elevation differences oetween the reactor vessel flange and the reactor cavity floor are given below for Units 1 and %



. 3


Unit 1 Position "Y" (inches) Position "Y" (inches)

1 .048 12 .043 2 .052 13 .043 3 .036 14 .047 4 .037 15 .040 5 .053 16 .055 6 .032 17 .057 7 .031 18 .035 8 .025

, 9 +.014 10 +.025 11 .029 UNIT 2 Position "Y" (inches) Position "Y" (inches)

1 .042 10 .028 2 .034 11 .052 3 .065 12 .040 4 .063 13 .102 5 .038 14 .065 6 .013 15 .043 7 .038 16 .052 8 .024 17 .039 9 .034 18 .031

+Y indicates cavity floor high-Y Indicates cavity floor low Based on the actual dimensions, and other testing performed by the licensee, gross failure of the seal is not expecte IEB 84-03 for Units 1 and 2 is close . Followup on Inspector Identified Problem (92701)

(Closed) Inspector Followup Item 50-328/81-43-01, concerning ENDES resolu-tion to deficiency 29 which stated the deficiency was acceptable because the system operated as designed. The inspector reviewed the system description


'in the FSAR, and test data package W-6.1F agrees. Technical Specification


limiting conditions for Operation is followe IFI 328/81-43-01 is closed.