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Issues Amend 3 to License SNM-7 for Bmi,Reducing Possession Limit for Snm.Authorization for Use of 45 Kg U-235 as Irradiated Fuel Elements Not Approved.Nuclear Safety Analysis Needed in Order to Grant Request
Person / Time
Site: 07000008
Issue date: 04/14/1972
From: Nussbaumer D
To: Toy H
Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES
Shared Package
ML20234F575 List:
FOIA-86-410 NUDOCS 8707080435
Download: ML20235A430 (2)


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n. I APR 141972 nj.E prg 1

DML:RTW I'L_#[ic 70-8 SNM-7, Amendment No. 3 Battelle Memorial Institute Columbus Laboratories ATTN:

Mr. Harley L. Toy Licensing Coordinator 505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 Gentlemen:

Purs uan t to Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 70 Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM-7 is hereby amended to reduce the possession limit of special nuclear material in accordance with your application dated March 16, 1972., Accordingly, Item No. 7 is hereby amended to read as follows:


Maximum ouantity of special nuclear material which licensee may possess at any one time under this license U-235:

100 kilograms Plutonium:

I kilogram, total, including not more than 100

~l grams as Pu-238, and also including 240 grams Pu encapsulated as Pu-Be neutron sources.


J All other conditions of this license shall remain the same.

Your request under Authorized Processing, Page 2, for authorization to use 45 kilograms of U-235 in the form of irradiated fuel elements is not approved. You are currently authorised a maximum of 10 kilograms of special nuclear material pursuant to the conditions specified in application dated June 28, 1965, and for higher quantities in the form of specific types of fuel elements. If you desire a higher possession limit for hot cell examination and testing work, it vill be necessary for you to submit a nuclear safety analysis.

APR 2 41972 lj

$87 M"8l SKINNERB6-410 py


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Battelle Memorial Institute APR 14 F/2 l

l Since final action on the revisions in the fee schedule published in the Federal Register on January 25, 1972 is still pending, it would be premature for us to establish a fee for your plutonium at this particular time.

As soon as the fee has been established we will provide you with information on the correct classification of your plutonium laboratory.

FOR THE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Original sinnn' by Donald A. I;urceumer D. A. Nussbaumer, Chief Fuci Fabrication &

Transportation Branch Division of Materials Licensing l


Orir.inni Public Document Room Sec.te Health Official Dochet File Ermch R/F Divicion R/F /


n.J.McAlduff, OR E.Vcber, SI:M C.D.U,Thornton, 10G A.Ccbc11, DR: ADM imioolsey U.Ps/

J.C.Delency L.C. Rouse l

L.Johncou, SLR i

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