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Forwards Info Re Organizational Changes Associated W/License SNM-7,consisting of Rev 4 to Renewal Application BCL-1081, Revised Organizational Info & BCL-1081,App a, Charter of Radiological Safety Committee (Rsc)
Person / Time
Site: 07000008
Issue date: 02/23/1993
From: Toy H
Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES
To: Jim Hickey
Shared Package
ML20012G470 List:
NUDOCS 9303020552
Download: ML20012G469 (3)



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la hnolop in \\\\ork s05 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693 Telephone (614) 424 6424 Ianimde (614) 424-5263 February 23,1993 Mr. John Hickey Fuel Cycle Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.


Dear Mr. Hickey:

Information Regarding Organizational Changes Associated with Battelle Columbus Operations License SNM-7, Docket No. 70-8 The purpose of this letter is to provide updated information regarding our SNM-7 Materials License.

We will be ccmtacting your office in the near future to arrange a meeting to fully review the licensing implications of Battelle Columbus Operations' changing operational focus.

We are fortnalizing the appointment of a Licensing Coordinator to replace Mr. Harley Toy, who retired in December,1992. Mr. Toy continues to serve as Licensing Coordinator on a part-time basis pending this appointment.

Radiological work at Battelle Columbus Operations (BCO) now focuses primarily on research and development (R&D) activities using hyproduct materials in toxicology and tracer studies, agriculture applications, and radiography. All SNM fuel has been shipped offsite. Only minimal quantities of SNM (18g of Pu-239 and 12g of Pu-238 ) remain on the SNM-7 inventory. This reduction in licensed SNM is consistrait with our decision to 5

' SNM R&D activities and focus on byproduct material R&D. As yo' are aware, we are continu ontamination and decommissioning (D&D) operations at the King e. venue and West Jefferson fau. A part of the Battelle Columbus Laboratories Decommis mning Project (BCLDP) which is funded by the DOE and Battelle. At the conclusion of the BCLDP, byproduct R&D work will continue as described above and the source material and SNM -

inventories (used for shielding and instrument calibration purposes) would be small enough to be covered under a general license.

Commencing in 1993, R&D activities at BCO have been reorganized into four divisions: IIcalth, Commercial and Industrial Technology, Defense Systems and Technology, and Environmental N

/'l no n r. d 4 9303020552 930223 PDR ADOCK 07000008 C




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I Mr. John Ilickey February 23,1993 Page 2 Syskms and Technology, as denoted in Enclosure A, Figure I. The Environmental Systems and Technology Division manages the BCLDP, with resident project oversight by the Department of 1

Energy. Facility and Suppon Operations (a division of the OfDee of the Chief Financial OfDeer) is responsible for both the Facilities, Operation and Maintenance Department's Instrument Services Facility and the Environment, Safety and Health Department's (ES&H) Radiation Safety Services, as denoted in Enclosure A, Figure II. The Office of the Chief Financial Officer reports directly to the Office of the CEO, as denoted on Figure 1. Organizations conducting licensed activities are denoted with diagonal lines on the respective figures.

The Radiological Safety Committee (RSC) has been reorganized and its charter revised to reflect the change in BCO's operational focus. The various subcommittees were consolidated into one committee.

The RSC's role has been defined as a safety -eview function with no responsibilities for program administration or regulatory compliance assur nce. Administrative and regulatory compliance assurance responsibilities have been assigned to the RSO. The RSC continues to review proposed experiments with radioactive materials as referred to it by the RSO. It also reviews the radiological safety aspects of the BCO Radiation Safety Program on an annual basis. A copy of the revised RSC Charter and biosketches of the RSC members (nos. 2,3, 8,and 25-28) are included with this letter as Enclosures B and C. To comply with item 13 of our license, a copy of this letter will be sent to the Administrator, Region Ill Office, NRC.

Radiological safety functions formerly provided by the Nuclear Services Group (NSG) in the former Nuclear Technology Department are now provided by Radiation Safety Services for BCO license-related activities and by the Safety, Health and Environmental Support (SH&ES) Department for the i

BCLDP. External and internal dosimetry services formerly provided by the NSG are now provided by the BCLDP. Compliance oversight for all BCO NRC-licensed activities (including BCLDP) is provided by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), Dennis Clum, who heads Radiation Safety Services and reports to the Office of the CEO through the ES&H Depanment. Compliance oversight for DOE-regulated activities under the BCLDP is provided by Stephen Layendecker, who manages the SH&ES Department. Messrs. Clum and Layendecker's biosketches (nos.23 and 24) are included for your review in Enclosure C.

The following enclosures are included as revised pages to BCL-1081:


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Mr. John Hickey i

February 23,1993 Page 3 Enclosure New Pace and Date Old Pace and Date A

1.1 2/15/93 1.1 3/14/88 1.2 2/15/93 (Figure 1) 1.2 3/14/88 1.3 2/15/93 (Figure II) 1.3 3/14/88

-l 1.4 2/15/93 1.4 3/14/88 4

1.4a Deleted 1.4a 3/14/88 3

1.5 2/15/93 (blank page) 1.5 3/14/88 l.7 2/15/93 1.7 3/14/88 B

Appendix A (entire)

Appendix A (entire)

C Appendix B nos. (2), (3), (8)

Appendix B nos. (2), (3), (8) j Appendix B nos. (23)-(28)

Add to existing. Appendix B In summary, we are informing you of the recent restructuring of BCO and the RSC; the pending j

appointment of a new Licensing Coordinator and appointment of Mr. Dennis Clum as RSO; the revision of the RSC's Charter and function within the BCO Radiation Safety Program; and the re-i assignment of radiation protection functions to Radiation Safety Services for BCO license-related activities and the SH&ES Department for DOE-regulated activities. Should you have questions, please -

call me at (614) 424-5228 or George Kirsch at (614) 424-5363.

Very truly yours,


Harley L Toy NRC L4 ensing nordinator ec: Donald R. Joy, NRC Headquarters Tin Mo, NRC Headquarters George France, Region Ill Office


A, B, C L

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