ML20058G535 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07000008 |
Issue date: | 12/06/1993 |
To: | Fess G Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES |
References | |
TAC-L21468, NUDOCS 9312090269 | |
Download: ML20058G535 (4) | |
s c
l Docke.t 70-8 License SNM-7 DEC 6
$93 i
Mr. Gregory fess NRC Licensing Coordinator Battelle Memorial Institute j
505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693
Dear Mr. Fess:
We have completed our review of the Battelle document titled " Decommissioning l
Plan for the Battelle Memorial Institute Columbus Operations," which you
-l submitted under a cover letter dated May 25, 1993, and have determined that your decommissioning program is adequate and acceptable.
However, with respect to Section (Soil Remediation) of your Decommissioning Plan, we are hereby requesting that you provide us with clarifying information as to what is meant by the phrase " remedial action consistent with NRC-approved release criteria." That is, this section should f
state the specific release criteria to be used.
Criteria acceptable to'the NRC is presented in our " Branch Technical Position" (as published in the federal Register /Vol. 46 No. 205, dated October 23, 1981), a copy of *.;hich is enclosed.
We would also appreciate periodic (perhaps every six months) status reports on your decommissioning activ. ties.
Sincerely, Oft lGINALSIGNED BY Robert C. Pierson, Chief Licensing Branch Division of fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, HMSS DISTRIBUTION: (Control No. 090f)
Docket 70-8 PDR NRC-Eile; Center Region III NMSS r/f FCSS r/f FCLB r/f FCLSI r/f l
ETenEyck JRoth, FCOB Gfrance, Rill
+See previous concurrence 0fC FCLB C
FCLB f [
_f Cla <>E NAME DJoy*
eke $ din' CEnhihi RPi k on DATE 11/17/93 11/17/93 12/ '; /93 12/$/93 12/Ih93 f
OfflCIAL RECORD COPY N31EO90269931206 f
r, p q" g 5 ft. %kQ-y
gr "hm fj PDR ADOCK 07000008 t C
i p
t Fedstnl Regist:r / Vol. 46. No. 205 / Friday. October 23, 1981 / Notices 52061 1
ne Assistant Secretary finds that good Technical Position for administration by assure that burial of radioactive wastes cause exists for hot publishing the the Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch, would not present an unreasonable
supplement to the Puerto Rico State Plan Division of Fuel Cycle and Material health hazard at some future date.
as a proposed change and making the Ssfety. Office of Nuclear Material The deleted provisions of f 20.304 Regional Administrator's approval Safety and Safeguards.
previously permitted burial of up to 100 effective upon pubhcation for the oaTts: Comments on the options for millicuries of thorium er natural uranium following reasons:
- disposal or onsite storage of thorium or at any one time, with a yearly limitation.
1.The standards are identical to the uranium are encouraged. Such of12 burials for each type of material at Federal standards which were comments will be considered in any each only disposal standards promulgated in accordance with Federal subsequent revision of the Branch specified were (1) burial at a minimum law meeting requirements for public Technical Position. Comments are due depth of four feet, and (2) successive
' burials separated by at least six feet.
December 22.1981.
Thus a total of L2 curies of these 2.De standards were adopted in Note-Comments received after the materials were permitted to be disposed accordance with the procedural expiration de te wi!) be considered if it is requirement of State Law and ferther practical to do so, but assurance of of each year by burialin a 12 foot by18 participation would be unnecessary.
consideration cannot be given except as to foot orlarger plot of ground.
The decision is effective October 23.
comments filed on or before that date.
Under the amended regulations,it is 1981.
ron runTwin twponnation contact:
incumbent on an applicant who wants i
4 (Sec. te Pub. L 92-596. 84 Stat. seos (29 USC. Ralph G. page. Chief. Uranium Fuelto bury radioactive wastes to Licensing Branch. Division of Fuel Cycle demonstrate that local land burial is g7;;
and Material Sgfety. Of5ce of Nuclear preferable to other disposal alternatives.
Sisoni et New York Oty. New York. this Material Safety and Safeguards.
The evaluation of the application takes 15th day ofInne test.
Washington. D.C. 20555, telephone 301-into account the following information:
1' Roger A. Clark.
427-4309-Types and quantities of material to be RegiornalAdministrator.
tra om n-are n a ss.n an =)
'0"E 8 **"'
i a u s.o caos as + s "
L Introduction Buriallocation Some of the sites formerly used for Characteristics of burial site NUCLEAR REGULATORY processing thorium and uranium are Depth of burial known today to be contaminated with Access invictions to disposal site COMMISS3ON residual radioactive materials. Some am Radiation safety procedures during Advisory Committee on Reactor currently covered by NRC licenses.
disposal operations Safeguards. Subcommittee on Others were once licensed. but the Recordkeeping Cattawey Plant; Location Change licenses to possess and use material Walbmialrestrictions,if any have expired. In many cases, the tots!
For applications involving disposal of The ACRS Subcommittee on amount of contaminated soilis large, but soils contamineted with low level Callaway Plant will hold a meeting on the activity concentrations of concentrations of thorium and uranium November 4 and 5.1981, at the radioactive materials are believed g
HOLIDAY INN-WEST.19001-70 Drive suf5ciently low to justify their disposal exceeding EPA cleanup standards), the Southwest Columbia.MOinstead of the on pnvately owned lands or storage maners f principalimportance am Hilton Inn.
onsite rather than their transport to a Notice of this meeting was published licensed radioactive materials disposal Concentrations of thorium and uranium in the Federal Register on October 19.
(commercial) site. In many instances -
(either in secular equilibrium with 1981 (46 FR $1329), and all other ite=s packaging and transporting these wastes their daughters or without daughters remain the same except for the location to a licensed disposal site would be too present) change as indicated above.
costly and not justified from the Volume of contaminated soll J
Daiid October 19.1981.
standpoints of fisk to the public health Costs for offsite and onsite disposal jobn C. Hoyle, or cost-benefit.Furthermore,because of Availability of offsite burial space 4
Advisory committee. Mcocpment CWicer; the totalvolume of these wastes. limited Disposal site characteristica in raa w m se mi commercial waste disposal capacity.
Depth of burial and accessibility of and restrictions placed on receipt of buried wastes sueso coes rea-eim long-lived wastes at commercial sites. it State and local government yiews Disposal or Onsite Storage of Thorium eseYa's'tes a D. Branch Technical Position er al w evel or Uranium Wastes From Past waste disposal sites.
There are five acceptable options for Operations Effective January 28.1981.NRC disposal or onsite storage of thorium actwev: Nuclear Regulatory regulations in 10 CFR 20 ** Standards for and uranium contaminated wastes.
Commission (NRC).
Protection Against Radiation", were Applications for disposal or storage will amended (45 FR n781-n782) to delete be approved if the guidelines discussed acTioec Discussion of options for NRC i 20.304 which provided general under any option are met. Applications approval of applications for disposal or authority for disposal of radioactive for other methods of disposal may be onsite storage of thorium or uranium materials by burial in soil IJnder the submitted and these will be evaluated wastes:intenm use and public comment. amended regulations, licensees must on their own merits.
suuuany:This notice discusses five apply for and obtsm specific NRC 1.Disposalof acceptablylow options for NRC approval of disposal or approval to dispose of radioactivs concentrations (which meet EPA cleanup standards) of natural thorium onsite storage or thorium or uranium materials in this manner under the g
wastes from past nuclear operstions.
provisions of 10 CFR 20.302. A case-by-with daughters in secular equilibrium.
The options are contained tn a Branch case review was beheved needed to depleted or enriched uranium. and
.520C2-Federal Register / Vol. 48. No. 205 / Friday. October 23. 1981 / Notices
' arenium ores with daughte:s in secular and natural uranium ore wastes
- 3. Disposarof low concentrations of equilibnum with na restncuon on bunal containing daughters not at secular natural uranium cres, with all daughters methoi equilibrium can be calculated on a case-in equilibrium. when buned under Und2r this option. the concentrations by-esse basis using the applicable prescribed conditions in areas zoned for of natural thonum and depleted or isotopic activities data.
industnal use and the recorded title ennched uranium wastes are set
- 2. Disposal of certain low documents are amended to state that the sufficiendy low that no member of the concentrations of natural thorium with specified land contains buried pubbe is expec!ed to receive a radiation daughters in secular equibbnum and radioactive materials and are dose comnutment from the disposed depleted or enriched uranium with no conditioned in a manner acceptable c)ateritle in excess of1 milbrad per year daughters present when buried under under state law to impose a covenant to the lung or 3 milhrads per year to the presenbed conditions with no running with the land that the specified
' bone from inhalation and ingestion.
subsequent land use restnctions and no land may not be used for residential ander any foreseeabie use of the continuing NRC licensing of the building. (There is no continuing NRC material or property. These rad ation material.
licensing of the material.)
dose guidehnes were recommened by Under this option the concentrations Disposal will be approved if the burial the EnvironmentalProtection Agency of natural thorium and uranium are set criteria outlined in option 2 (including (epa) for protection against sufficiently low so that no member of burial at a minimum of 4 feet) are met.
transuranium elements present in the the public will receive a radiation dose Dependmg upon local sou environment as a result of unplanned exceedmg those d scussed under option characteristics, burials at depths greater contamination (42 FR 609W60959). In.
I when the wastes are buried in an than 4 feet may be required in order to cddibon. the concentrations are approved manner absent ihtrusion into assure protection against radon 222 sufLciendy low so that no individual the bunal gmunds.This opuon will releases (daughter in decay chain of tasy receive an external dose in excess require establishing prescribed uranium 238 and uranium :34),it is of to microroentgens per hour above condibons for disposal in the hcense.
Decessary that the recorded utle baclytrouni This is compatible with such as depth and distribution of documents be amended to state in the material, to minimize the likelibood of permanent land records that no guidelines EPA proposed as cleanup intrusion. Bunal wiU be permitted only if residential building should be permitted standards for inattve uranium It can be demonstrated that the buned over specified areas of land where processing sites (46 FR 155:583).
materials will be stabilized in place and natural uranium ore residues (U-238 For natural uranium cres having not be transported away from the site.
plus U-234)in concentrations exceeding daughters in equilibnum, the
. cceptability of the site for disposal 10 pCi/gm has been burieilndustnal A
concentratson hmit is equal to that set by th epa (46 FR :556-2583) for will depend on topogra hical, bub &g h accep@ w Im n b radium-226 (i.e $ pCi/gm. including geolopcal,hydrologica and concentration of buried material does meteorolopcal characteristics of the not exceed 40 pCi/gm of uranium (i.e.,
background) and its decay products,
'l A
d' h he concentraticcs specified below Ra-226 shall not exceed 20 pCi/gm).
at s u cre beheved appropnate to apply. It is
- 4. Disposal of land-use-limited 6e e ent that Gem b an 6 trusion mto e ncentrations of natural thonum or expected however, inat current]y beb
- 1 f6 bcensed operstons will be conducted in d*],emb natural uranium with daughten in g
, a dos in such a manner as to rmmmize the excess fo170 millirems to a critical secular equilibrium and depleted or possibility of soil contammaton and e gan. An average dose not exceedirg enriched uranium without daughters 170 milhrems to the whole body for all present when buried under presenbed when such occurs tne contamination conditions in aress zoned for industnal wul be reduced to levels as low as memben of a general popukuon b use and the recorded title documents are reasonably achievable.
recommended by internationd rod amended to state that the land contains national radiation expert bodies to limit buried radioactive material and are population doses. With respect to Emitmg doses to individual body organs, conditioned in a manner acceptable ca=~
the concentrations are sufDciendy low under state law to t= pose a covenant that no individual will receive a dose in running with land that the land (1) may w
a-= rwr = wm a
- excess of170 r:ulLrems to any organ not be excavated below stated depths in o,,,,,,, ?,**f""' " "**"*
from exposure to natural thonum, specified areas of land unless cleared by s-,,w m so depleted uranium or enriched uranium.
appropnate health authorities. (2) may ow= u-m o uras - u.m '
- The average activity concentration of not be used for residential or industnal radioactive material that may be buried structures over specified areas where under this option in the case of natural radioactive materials in concentrations ne analysis upon which the Branch thonum (Th-232 plus Tb-228) is 50 pCi/
higher than specified in options 2 and 3 Technical Posinon is based is available gm. if all daughters are present and in are buried and (3) may not be used for for inspection at the Commission's equilibrium: for ennched uranium it is agricultural purposes in the specified Pubhc Document Room at 1717 H St 100 pCi/gm if the uranium is soluble and areas. (There is no continuing NRC N.W., Wa shington. D.C.
250 pCi/gm if insoluble: for depleted licensing of the disposal site.)
The concentrations specified under uranium rt in 100 pCi/gm if the uranium Under this option, conditions of burial this. option may be compared with is soluble and 300 pCi/gm if insoluble.
will be such that no member of the naturally occurring thenum and uranium Natural uranium ores containing radavm public will receive radiation doses in are cone stranons of 1.3 pCi/gm in 06 and its daughters are not included excess of those discussed under option 1 igneous rott and uranium under this opuon, because of possible absent intrusion into the bunal grouni concentrations o"20 pCi/gm tn Florida raden :22 emanations and resultant Criteria for disposal under these phosphate rock and 50-80 pCl/gm in
, higher than acceptable exposure of conditions is predicated upon the Tennessee bitummous shale.
individuals in pnvate residences if assumption that intentional intrusion is Concentration hauts for natural thonum bouses were built over buned materials.
less hkely to occur if a warning is gun
Federal Register / Vol. 46. No. 205 / Friday, October 23, 1981 / Notices S2063 in land doeurnents of record not to the availability of an appropriate QFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES excavate below bunal depths in disposal site.
TRADE REPRESENTATIVE specified areas of land without When concentrations exceed those clearance by health authorities; not to specified in option 4. long term disposal Resolution of Complaint of Price-construct residential or industnal other than at a licensed disposal site Undercutting of Subs 6diz.ed Cheese building on the site; and not to use will not normally be a viable option imports specified areas of land for agncultural under the provisions of to CFR 20.302. In On October 1,1981. the United States purposes. Because of this, we believe it such cases the thonum and uranium Trade Representative received a letter appropriate to apply a maximum critical may be permitted to be stored onsite from the Secetary of Agriculture organ exposure hunt of 500 millirems per under an NRC license until a suitable informing him of the Secretary's finding year to thonum and uranium buned method of disposal is found. License thatimported Grade A Swiss type under this restnction instead of 170 con 6tions will require that radiation cheese produced in Finland has been millitems as used in options 2 and 3. In doses not excee'd those specified in to offered for sale in the United States at addition, any exposure to such materials CTR Part 20 and be maintained as low duty-paid wholesale prices which are is hkely to be more transient than as reasonably achievable.
five cents per pound less than the assumed (essentially continual domestic wholesale market pnce of Before approving an application t similar cheese produced in the United exposure) under those options.These dispose of thorium or uranium under two factors combme to increase the States activ;ty concentration limits calculated options 2. 3. or 4. NRC will solicit the In accordance with Section 702(c)(2) under option 2 by about 10. Thus, the view of *ppropriate State health of the Trade Agreements Act of1979 average concentration that may be of5cials within the State in which the (the Act) (19 U.S.C. n02 note), the OfSce buned under this option for thorium disposal would be made.
of the United States Trade (Tb-232 plus Tb-228) is 500 pC/gm if all Dated at silver Sprins. Maryland this 29th Representative notified Finland of the daughters are present and in day of October.3961.
price undercutting determination made equilibrium; for enriched uranium it la maard T. c-sham, by the Secretary of Agriculture.
1000 pC/gm if the uranium is soluble Derector. Division offuel cycle andMaarial requested that corrective action be and 2500 pC/gm if insoluble; and for Office ofNuclearMoteno1 Safety and taken, and asked for appropnate assurances concerning the commitments depleted uran:um it is 1000 pC/gm if the Scfqua ds.
uranium is soluble and 3000 pCl/gm if made in the ArranFement Between the insoluble.
United States and Finland Concerning
- ""* CC * "
With respect to natural uranium with Chassa.
daughters present and in equilibrium.
On October 14.1981 nnland notiSed the concentration that may be buried the United States Trade Representativa under this option is 200 pCi/gm of U-238 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL that measures have been taken to plus U-234.1.e 100 pCi/gm Ra-220. This MANAGEMENT ensure that the duty-paid wholesale concentration is based on a limited price ofimported Crede A Swiss type exposure of 2.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> per day to limit the Postponement of Application Ocadtine cheese produced in Finland will not be radon dose to less than 0.5 working level for FuntFRaising Privileges Amon9 less than the domestic wholesale market month DV1.M) which is equivalent to Federal Employees by Private price of similar cheese produced in the contmuous exposure to 0.c2 workin8 Voluntary Organtzations United States. In addition. Finland gave level DV1.). Dependmg upon local soil assurance that it will respect the price charactenstics, burials at depths greater Section 5.43 of the," Manual on Fund-commitments in the Arrangement. Since than 4 feet may be requaed.
Raising Within the Federal Service for the above notification by Finland has Voluntary Health and Welfare occurred within the 15-day period Suuuany or umuvu CowerwTRAticus Agencies ** sets December 1 of each year provided in Section 702(c)(3) of the Act.
Ptpurrrco (Nota Dispots OmoNs as the deadline by which national the United States Trade Representative voluntary agencies must submit has notified the Secretary of Agriculture e,.eeru. nw applications for participation in the of his belief that no further action is
" I8'l','
Combmed Federal Campaign (CFC) to required.
be conducted in the fall of the followin8 wmiam E. Bmd.
,,,,,,, y,,,,,,,, m-=m year.This year's deadline is being UnitedStates Trade Representative.
= nwm P es a postponed from December 1.1981, to
, _ w m,,,
e sum.urw
.e o w e w - we a February 1.1982. In June 1981, the U.S.
,,3,, ceag,,,,,
C '..,,
d Office of Fersonnel Management (OPM) announced that the eligibility criteria for two som as a participation in the 1982 83 CFC are SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE g,,,,',,,
being reviewed.The deadline date ts COMMtSSION tom sma m e "f-being postponed to avoid national
- gtJ,' gq_ _,, voluntary agencies having to revise their mh h 2
- 236 70 M501 i
applications to meet chgibility criteria yg,ll",y*,,',', " '"""'S ***"*"" "**"
- which may be changed.
Arkansas Power & Ught Co.t Proposed I
nee and Sale of First Mortgage
,,,6Ca' i,';*"" g*,f/""',5,,,,,**4'",, * " Donald ). Devine.
- 5. Storage of licensed concentrations fra oo-arse w moei ec.=l October to.1981.
of thorium and uranium onsite pendmg ow o cooc in Arkansas Power & Light Company