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Notifies of 860519-23 Special Insp of Actions,Per Generic Ltr 83-28.Info Re post-trip Review,Equipment Classification & Vendor interface,post-maint Testing & Reactor Trip Sys Reliability Should Be Available for Review
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/26/1986
From: Panciera V
To: Utley E
GL-83-28, NUDOCS 8604020582
Download: ML20210G701 (4)


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MAR 2 61986 Carolina Power and Light Company vATTN: Mr. E. E. Utley Senior Executive Vice President Power Supply and Engineering and Construction P. O. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602 Gentlemen:


GENERIC LETTER 83-28 INSPECTION AT SHEAR 0N HARRIS NUCLEAR PLANT This letter is to~ inform you of our plans to conduct a special inspection of_ your actions as a result of Generic Letter 83-28, . Required Actions Based on Generic Implication of Salem ATWS Events. The actions covered by this letter fall into the following four areas:

1. Post-Trip Review
2. Equipment Classification and Vendor Interface
3. Post-Maintenance Testing-
4. Reactor Trip System Reliability The inspection will be conducted at your Harris plant during -the period of May 19 - 23, 1986, by a four-member team led by Mr. Norman Merriweather of this office.

During our inspection we normally review procedures and documentation associated with the four areas listed above. -It would be appreciated if information appli-cable to these areas be readily available for our inspector's use. For informa-tion not available at the site, we request that the team be notified upon their arrival so further arrangements can be made.

We have found it helpful if information (similar to enclosures) is provided which identifies applicable procedures, licensee contacts, and telephone numbers of those who are familiar with the licensees' effort in each. of the categories listed in the Generic Letter.

Additionally, our team will observe selected portions of safety-related mainte-nance that may be scheduled or in progress during the period which they are at the site. The team will request to observe the performance of your maintenance procedure for the Reactor Trip Breakers or other breakers of the same type by knowledgeable maintenance personnel. Where this is not feasible, our team will ask for a " walk-through" demonstration.

8604020582 860326 PDR ADOCK 05000400 0 PDR 460\

  • man 86 1966 Carolina Power and Light Company 2 Your cooperation in making your records and staff available to support this inspection is appreciated.

Any questions you may have or coordination efforts you would like to clarify should be referred to Mr. Paul E. Fredrickson of our office.

i Sincerely, l(,

Vincent W. Panciera, Chief Reactor Projects Branch 2 Division of Reactor Projects


1. Sample Outline of Generic. Letter 83-28 with Cognizant Personnel and Applicable References
2. Sample of Other Documentation and Points of Contact cc w/encls:

tR. A. Watson, Vice President Harris Nuclear Project

  1. . M. Parsons, Project General Manager
  1. L. Willis, Plant General Manager bec w/encls:

E. Barth, ELD tJ. Moore, ELD

  1. C Resident Inspector Document Control Desk State of North Carolina RII RII f R '

NMerriweather:1r TEConlon A erdt 03/ /86 03/g/86 03/q/86


. ITEM / SUBJECT REFERENCE POINT OF CONTACT 1.1 Post Trip Review ADM-14 Supt Ops, Dave Christian, X-215 Supv SES, Doug Rickeard, X-288 1.2 Data and Info Response to Supv SES, Doug Rickeard, X-288 Capability GL 83-28 2.1A EQPT Class (RTS) ADM-73 Supv SES, Doug Rickeard, X-288 2.1B Vendor Interface ADM-93 Supy Records, Ed DeWandel, X-217 -

. ADM-66 Supv Records, Ed DeWandel, X-217 ADM-48 Lic Coord, Buster Bilyeu, X-451 2.2.1 EQPT Class (All) ADM-73 Supv, SES, Doug Rickeard, X-288 ADM-79 Supv Eng Plan, Mike Carson, X-500 ADM-86 Supt Maint, Wayne Kibler, X-214 ADM-61.3 Supy Maint Svce, Dick Mudd, X-447 2.2.2 Vendor Interface ADM-93 Supt Records, Ed DeWandel, X-217 DM-73 Supt SES, Doug Rickaerd, X-288 3.1 Post Maint Testing PC-DB-E/A1 Elect Eng, Joe DeMarco, X-557 3.2 Post Maint Testing ADM-89 Elect Eng, Joe DeMarco, X-557 ADM-89.7 Elect Eng, Joe DeMarco, X-557

'ADM-89.8 Elect Eng, Joe DeMarco, X-557 ADM-86 Supt Maint, Wayne Kibler, X-214 4.1 Rx Trip System PT-27.1 Elect Eng, Joe DeMarco, X-557 Reliability 4.2 Rx Trip System PC-DB-E/A1 Elect Eng, Joe Demarco, X-557-Reliability PT-8.2 & 8.2 Supt Tech Sycs, Mike Kansler, X-27 PT-2.34 Supt Tech Svce, Mike Kansler, X-27 4.2.3&4 Life Cycle Testing W OG Due to Richmond, Bob Nichols, X-450 iItilities by 10/18/84 4.3 Auto Shunt Trip Mod Elect Eng, Joe DeMarco, X-557 Auto Shunt Trip Testing Supt Projects, Gene Grecheck, X-204


ITEM / SUBJECT REFERENCE POINT OF CONTACT FSAR Chap 14 in Place Lic Coord, Buster Bilyeu X-451 Tech Specs In Place Lic Coord, Buster Bilyeu, X-451 Engineering Specs Supt SES, Doug Rickeard, X-288 Vendor Tech Manuals Supy Records, Ed DeWandel, X-217 Design & Instln Drawings DC Eng, Don Padula, X-277 In Place Procedures In Place (or Indices) Admin Asst, John Costello, X'388 Procurement Records Supv, Main Sycs, Dick Mudd, X-447 Design Change for RTS DC 83-26 " Timing DC Eng, Dick Coupe, X-285 Reliability Circuit Rx Trip Breakers" DC 84-06 & DC 84-07

" Auto Actuation Reactor Trip Breaker Shunt Trip" Recent~ Work' Orders Supv Eng Plan, Mike Carson, X-500 QA Matters Supv QC, Alan Price, X-254 EQPT Classification Supv SES, Doug Rickeard, X-288 irs, LERs Supv SES, Doug Rickeard, X-288 Copy of Response In Place Lic Coord, Buster Bilyeu, X-451 PM Demonstration Supt Maint, Wayne Kibler, X-214 Maint Schedules- Elect Eng, Joe DeMarco, X-557 QA Audit Schedules Supy QC, Alan Price, X-254 Off-Site Contact Richmond, Dave Speidell, 81-4045 Richmond, Bob Nicholls, X-410