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Forwards Safety Evaluation Re SEP Topic III-3.C, Inservice Insp of Water Control Structures. Licensee Adequately Addressed Five Issues Previously Identified in 820628 Safety Evaluation
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/1987
From: Frank Akstulewicz
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Mroczka E
TASK-03-03.C, TASK-3-3.C, TASK-RR NUDOCS 8704150148
Download: ML20206G793 (7)



  • m Docket No.: 50-213 Mr. Edward J. Hroczka, Senior Vice President Nuclear Engineering and Operations Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Post Office Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06141-0270

Dear Mr. Mroczka:



Section 4.5 of the Integrated Plant Safety Assessment Report for the Haddam Neck Plant presented the staff's conclusions resulting from the evaluation of SEP Topic III-3.C, " Inservice Inspection of Water Control Structures," for the Haddam Neck Plant. This section identified five specific concerns that the staff needed to resolve before the review of water control structures could be completed. By letters dated December 4, 1986, January 15, 1987 and February 27, 1987, Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPC0) provided information to address the staff's concerns, including descriptions of the maintenance and inspection procedures for the water control structures, specific commitments that a qualified engineer would supervise the water control struc-ture inspec-tions, and that a central file would be available for maintaining the results l of the pariodic water control structure inspections.

The staff has reviewed the material provided and has concluded that all outstand-ing issues related to inservice inspection of water control structures have been resolved. A copy of our Safety Evaluation is enclosed. In your letter dated February 27, 1987, CYAPC0 stated that all the ccomitments will be imple-

, mented by May 15, 1987. The staff concludes that upon implementation of the licensee's commitments, the staff considers this issue complete.


l Sincerely, Frank M. Akstulewicz, Jr.

Integrated Safety Assessment Project Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B


As stated cc: See next page Distribution Docket File JPartlow ISAPD File NThompson NRC PDR FAkstuliewicz Local PDR PAnderson 8704150148 870406 FMiraglia ACRS(10)

PDR ADOCK 05000213 OGC-B GStaley G PDR EJordan LMarsh BGrimes M, CLfl :

ISAPD Jh ISAPD PEEB) PDEU!NC D:ISAPD FAkst ' TLPicz:cm PAnde et GStath Marsh CThomas 3/3g/87 3/3;/87 g/(, /87 [3/L/87 3/ /87

' April 6, 1987

. Docket No.: 50-213 i

Mr. Edward J. Mroczka, Senior Vice President

] Nuclear Engineering and Operations

Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 1

Post Office Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06141-0270

Dear Mr. Mroczka:




Section 4.5 of the Integrated Plant Safety Assessment Report for the Haddam Neck Plant presented the staff's conclusions resulting from the evaluation of

- SEP Topic III-3.C. " Inservice Inspection of Water Control Structures," for the

! Haddam Neck Plant. This section identified five specific concerns that the staff needed to resolve before the review of water control structures could be completed. By letters dated December 4, 1986, January 15, 1987 and February

] 27, 1987. Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPCO) provided information l to address the staff's concerns, including descriptions of the maintenance and inspection procedures for the water control structures, specific commitments that a qualified engineer would supervise the water control structure inspec-j tions, and that a central file would be available for maintaining the results

of the periodic water control structure inspections.

The staff has reviewed the material provided and has concluded that all outstand-J ing issues related to inservice inspection of water control structures have

! been resolved. A copy of our Safety Evaluation is enclosed. In your letter d

dated February 27,1987, CYAPC0 stated that all the consnitments will be imple-mented by May 15, 1987. The staff concludes that upon implementation of the i licensee's commitments, the staff considers this issue complete.

i Sincerely, (original signed by) 3 Frank M. Akstulewicz, Jr.

j Integrated Safety Assessment i Project Directorate j Division of PWR Licensing-B

1 i


! As stated i cc: See next page Distribution i Docket File JPartlow ISAPD File NThompson

! NRC PDR FAkstulewicz

. Local PDR PAnderson l FMiraglia ACRS(10) ,


  • l ISAPD FAkstuliewicz:cm*

ISAPD PAnderson*

PBEB GStaley*


D/SV 4 Mads


j 3/31/87 3/31/87 4/6/87 4/6/87 4/ 7 /87

  1. '4

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s WASHING TON, D. C. 20555 April 7, 1987 l

Docket No.: 50-213 Mr. Edward J. Mroczka, Senior Vice President Nuclear Engineering and Operations Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Post Office Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06141-0270

Dear Mr. Mroczka:



Section 4.5 of the Integrated Plant Safety Assessment Report for the Haddam Neck Plant presented the staff's conclusions resulting from the evaluation of SEP Topic III-3.C, " Inservice Inspection of Water Control Structures," for the Haddam Neck Plant. This section identified five specific concerns that the staff needed to resolve before the review of water control structures could be completed.

By letters dated December 4, 1986, January 15, 1987 and February 27, 1987, Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPCO) provided information to address the staff's concerns, including descriptions of the maintenance and inspection procedures for the water control structures, specific commitments that a qualified engineer would supervise the water control structure inspec-tions, and that a central file would be available for naintaining the results of the periodic water control structure inspections.

The staff has reviewed the material provided and has concluded that all outstand-ing issues related to inservice inspection of water atrol structures have been resolved. A copy of our Safety Evaluation is enc. ised. In your letter dated February 27,1987, CYAPC0 stated that all the commitments will be imple-mented by May 15, 1987. The staff concludes that upon impiementation of the licensee's comitments, the staff considers this issue complete.

Sincerely, H M.0 %

Francis M. Akstulewicz, Jr.

Integrated Safety Assessment Project Directorate Division of PWR Licensing-B


As stated cc: See next page l

! Mr. Edward J. Mroczka-Connecticut Yan';ee Atomic Power Company Haddam Neck Plant cc:

Gerald Garfield, Esquire Kevin McCarthy, Director Day, Berry & Howard Radiation Control Unit Counselors at Law Department of Environmental City Place Protection Hartford, Connecticut 06103-3499 State Office Building Hartford, Connecticut 06106 i

Superintendent Haddam Neck Plant Richard M. Kacich, Manager RFD #1 Generation Facilities Licensing Post Office Box 127E Northeast Utilities Service Company East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Post Office Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06141-0270 Wayne D. Romberg

Vice President, Nuclear Operations Northeast Utilities Service Company Post Office Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06141-0270 Board of Selectmen

, Town Hall j Haddam, Connecticut 06103 State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management ATTN: Under Secretary Energy Division 80 Washington Street Hartford, Connecticut 06106 Resident Inspector Haddam Neck Nuclear Power Station c/o U.S. NRC P. O. Box 116 East Haddam Post Office East Haddam, Connecticut 06423 Regional Administrator, Region I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission )

631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 l



SAFETY EVALUATION BY THE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION CONCERNING SEP TOPIC III.3-C - INSERVICE INSPECTIGN OF WATER CONTROL STRUCTURES CONNECTICUT YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY HADDAM NECK PLANT DOCKET NO. 50-213 I. INTRODUCTION The safety objective of this review is to assure that adequate and timely inspections of water-control structures, systems and components are ac-complished to minimize the risk to public health and safety resulting from operation of nuclear power plants. The review specifically pertains to water-control structures (e.g., dams, reservoirs, conveyance facilities) built for use in conjunction with a nuclear power plant and whose failure could cause radiological consequences adversely affecting the public health ,

and safety. In general, to be included under this topic, the structure i

must have been built, wholly or in part, for the purpose of controlling or conveying water for either emergency cooling operations or flood pro-tection of a nuclear power plant. Such structures may be located on or off site.

The scope of the review embraces the following subjects which are evaluated using data developed by the licensee and information available from all sources:

(a) Engineering data compilation; (b) Onsite inspection program and reports of these inspections (c) Technical evaluation of inspection results; and  !

(d) Frequency of inspections II. REVIEW CRITERIA The criteria that are applicable are: (1)10CFRPart 50.36,(2)10CFR Part 50, Appendix A, including General Design Criteria 1, 2 and 44, (3) 10 CFR Part 100 and (4) 10 CFR Part 100, Appendix A. Pertinent regulatory positions contained in Regulatory Guides 1.27, 1.28, 1.127, 1.132, 1.138 and 1.16 (Ref. 1) also apply. Review procedures as contained in NUREG-0000, Standard Review Plan, Sections 2.5.4 and 2.5.5 (Ref. 2), are also used where appropriate.


! III. RELATED SAFETY TOPICS AND INTERFACES The slope stability aspect of water-control structures was reviewed under Topic II-4.D. Settlement of water-control structures was reviewed under Topic II-4.F. Other interface topics include:

II-3.A. " Hydrologic Description";

II-3.B " Flood Potential and Protection Requirements";

II-3-C, " Ultimate Heat Sink";

II-3.A, " Effects of High Water on Structures";

IX-3, " Station Service and Cooling Water Systems";

III-6, " Seismic Design Considerations"; and XVI, " Technical Specifications IV. EVALUATION A Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for SEP Topic III-3.C. " Inservice Inspection of Water Control Structures," was transmitted to the licensee by letter dated June 28, 1982, D. M. Crutchfield to W. G. Counsil.


" Inservice Inspection of Water Control Structure." The SER

! was based on a Technical Evaluation Report (TER C525-543) prepared by a contractor, Franklin Research Center, dated May 17, 1982. The basic t

information on Topic III-3.C was submitted by Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPCO) in letters dated August 31, 1981 and February 12, 1982.

The June 28, 1982 SER contained a list of items that were required to formalize CYAPCO's inspection program so that it would meet current criteria. These items included:

1. Comprehensive report forms should be developed to convey field inspection information to the appropriate inspection program manager.

}* .

5 i

! 2. Criteria for initiating "special inspections" should be j developed to ascertain the integrity of structures after  :

the occurrence of extreme environmental events.
3. Inspection frequencies for each item should be established I

and included in the formal documentation.  !

4. Inspections should be performed by qualified technical per-sonnel and directed by qualified engineering personnel.


5. A program for technical review and evaluation of inspection f reports should be established. l t

t By letters dated January 15, 1986 and February 27, 1987, CYAPC0 provided i

information to address the previously identified staff concerns including descriptions of the maintainence and inspection procedures for the Haddam  !

l Neck Plant water control structures. In the February 1987 letter, CYAPC0 committed to having a qualified engineer supervise the water control struc-ture inspections and to maintaining a certral file containing documentation of the periodic water control structure inspection results.

l j V. CONCLUSION The staff has reviewed the material provided and has concluded that CYAPC0 j has adequately addressed the five issues previously identified in the i

June 28, 1982 Safety Evaluation. The staff also concludes that with the i licensee commitments, the licensee's inspection program for inservice

! inspection of water control structures will minimally satisfy the intent

of the criteria specified in applicable Regulatory Guides for new plants.

i Upon implementation of the licensee's connitments, the staff concludes I that the review of this SEP Topic is complete.


, This Safety Evaluation was prepared by F. Akstulewicz, ISAPD, DPWRLB.


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