IR 05000443/1986013

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Insp Rept 50-443/86-13 on 860120-0228.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Test Program,Including Procedures,Test Witnessing,Evaluation of Test Results & Qa/Qc Interface
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/09/1986
From: Eselgroth P, Nicholas H, Vankessel H
Shared Package
ML20202G445 List:
50-443-86-13, NUDOCS 8604140364
Download: ML20202G448 (29)


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s Report N /86-13



Docket No. 50-443 _

License No. CPPR-135 Priorf.ty , -- Category B Licensee: Public Service of New Hampshire P. O. Box 330 Manchester, New Hampshire 03105 Facility Name: Seabrook Station, Unit 1,


Inspection,At! Seabrook Sta Q n, Unit 1


j Inspection Conducted: Jatioa ry 20,-24, 1986; January 25-31, 1986; I

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Tibruary 1-7, 1986; February 8-14, 1986; February 15-21, 1986; and-February 24-28, 1986,


b Inspectors: jII Y- 2 -D E f.pnxesig)Tha or Engineer date

.S$ Y-)-ko H. H. 'Nic 1 s, Star up Consultant , date Approved by:

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th, Chief Test Programs b 7- date f[

Section , DRS


Inspection Summary
Inspection on_ January 20,-24, 1986; January 25-31, 1986;
February 1-7, 1986; February 8- E 1986; February 15-21, 1986; and i ,

February 24-28, 1986, (Inspection No. 50-443/86-13).

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Areas Inspected: Routine Unannounced inspection of the Pre-operational Test Program including the review of pre-operational test procedures, test witnes-sing, the eval,ustion of the test results of completed tests, independent veri-ficattorfs, review of activities in QA/QC interface for the POT Progra s


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. DETAILS Persons Contacted R. Anderson, Lead Startup Engineery (NHY)

J. Ardus, Startup Engineer (NHY)

R. L. Bibber, Mechanical Engineer (YAEC)

  • S. Buchwald, Quality Assurance Supervisor (NHY)

R. Gurney, Starti';, Engineer (NHY)

R. Gwinn, Startup Engineer (NHY)

P. H. Harnes, Engineer (YAEC)

  • G. A. Kann, Test Group Manager-STD (NHY)
  • G. Kingston, Compliance Manager (NHY)

D. McLain, Startup Manager (NHY)

  • G. F. Mcdonald, Constr. QA Manager (YAEC)

G. Kleine, Startup Engineer (NHY)

G. Kotkowski, Startup Engineer (NHY)

W. Mackensen, Tech, Support Supervisor (NPSH)

L. Rau, Reactor Startup Supervisor (NHY)

  • V. W. Sanchez, Engineer (YAEC)

A. Smith, Startup Engineer (NHY) {

  • W. R. Sullivan, QA Engineer (NHY)
  • J. G. Tefft, Project Engineer-STO (NHY)

G. Thomas, Vice President Nuclear Production (NHY)

T. Waechter, Startup Engineer (NHY)

L. Upson, Preop. Test Schedule Supervisor

  • J. J. Warnock, Nuclear Quality Manager (NHY)

Other Personnel Present

  • R. Barkley, 9esident Inspector
  • A. Finkel, Lead Reactor Engineer
  • J. Hunter, Reactor Engineer t *J. Johnson, Chief Operation Section

! D. Ruscitto, Resident Inspector

Denotes those present at February 28, 1986 Exit Meetin . Licensee Actions on Previous Inspection Findings (0 pen) Unresolved Item 443/85-30-01, " Water hammer during initial cold start of the steam driven Emergency Feedwater Pump (EFWP)".

The status of this unresolved item is discussed in detail under Section In view of the construction status of the main steam line and drain system modification, it is anticipated that the retest of the system cannot be accomplished prior to initial criticality, or more importantly, prior to i

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, the issuance of the Operating Licens The applicant is planning to actually do the retest after Initial Criticality but before Low Power Testin The NRC is reviewing this schedule for retest performance relative to operating license milestone Apart from the water hammer problem, other system deficiencies were identified during the PT-14.1 testing including:


High suction temperatures of the EFWPs as caused by the existing design of the recirculation (min. flow) line *

Failure of EFW system to meet FSAR requirements (Section

This section deals with the flow requirements to each steam generator l 1.e., 235 gpm at 1220 psig (equivalent to 315 gpm at 1050 psig). i These other deficiencies are also being addressed by the applicant and, similar to the water hammer problem, will have to be considered prior to issuance of the operating licens These additional items also are a part of unresolved item 443/85-30-0 ,

(Closed) Unresolved Item 443/85-12-02, " Scope of EDG testing in relation l to LOP Test (PT.39)". l l


(1) NRC Inspection Report 443/85-12 (2) NRC Inspection Report 443/85-21, para. 2 l

S_COEe From ref. (2) above:

" Licensee to resolve scope of Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) testin l The licensee's scope of EDG testing (discussed in Paragraph 6 of Inspec- l tion Report 50-443/85-12) did not contain a requirement to perform a Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) test in coincidence with a Loss of Coolant Acci- l dent (LOCA) loading sequence af ter the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at 100 percent load followed by a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at 110 percent load) load test of the EDG as required by Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.108 due to an FSAR amendment. This item was discussed with NRR and the licensee on several occasions. The licensee has agreed to perform a LOCA/ LOOP test sometime subsequent to the full load test (1-PT-33.1) by duplicating stable EDG temperature condi-tions obtained during the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> full load run and then perform the hot I LOCA/ LOOP sequential load test. The inspector agreed that this method of testing would satisfy the intent of RG 1.108"

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, Discussion PT 39.1 and 2 were reviewed to determine if the provisions, mentioned under the scope above, had been incorporated in the procedure. These provisions were incorporated. The inspector has no further questions on this ite .0 Preoperational Test (POT) Program 3.1 Test Procedure Review The test procedures listed in Attachments A and B were reviewed for administrative and, selectively, for technical adequacy and to verify that test planning satisfies regulatory guidance and licensee commit-ment Discussion The first PORC/JTG approved preoperational test procedures (Revi-sion 0), in many instances, continue to be issued late for NRC review. Approved test procedures are to be submitted to the NRC 60 days prior to the start of the test. Although many of those Revision 0 procedures were reviewed by the NRC in draft form, their review has to be finalized before the test is performed. The inspector concen-trated on the review of the approved procedures (Revision 0) which were issued since the last inspection period (443/86-01).



The procedures were examined for:

Management review and approval


Procedure format l *

Clarity of stated objectives

  • Prerequisites

Environmenta! conditions

Acceptance criteria and their sources


Initial conditions

Attainment of test objectives

Test performance documentation and verification

  • Degree of detail for test instructions

Restoration of system to normal af ter testing

Identification of test personnel

Evaluation of test date

Independent verification of critical steps or parameters

Quality control and assurance involvement Findings No noncompliances were identified by the inspector within the scope of this inspectio _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

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3.2 , Test Witnessing 3.2.1 Emergency Diesel Generator and ESF Testing Scope j' Portions of the following functional tests were witnessed by the inspecto (1) Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Testing, PT-33.1, Revision 1, approved 1/20/86, Emergency Diesel Generato This test was to demonstrate the capability of the diesel generator control, surveillance, and protection systems to func-tion in accordance with their design; demonstrate the full load carrying capability of the diesel generators for a period of 24 g hours at full load temperature conditions; and to demonstrate proper operation of the EDG sets during load shedding.

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(2) Engineered Safety Features (ESF) Testing, PT-38, Revision 2,-approved 1/29/86, ESF Integrated Actuation Test.

This test was to demonstrate proper operation of system air and

! motor operated valves which are actuated by safeguard signals; to demonstrate proper operation of motor circuit breakers for system components which are actuated by safeguard signals; to demonstrate operation of safeguards system valve interlocks; and to demonstrate automatic realignment of RHR and CBS pump suctions to containment building sumps for the ECCS recirculation mod Discussion Test witnessing by the inspector included observations of:

  • Overall crew performance

Use of latest revised and approved procedure by test personnel

Designation of one person in charge of conducting the tests

Availability of sufficient test personnel to perform the tests

Coverage of test prerequisites

Use of acceptance criteria to evaluate test results


Verification that plant supporting systems are in service


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In-service status of calibrated special test equipment required by the test procedure

  • . Adherence to the test requirements of the test procedure-during the tests


  • Timely and correct action by test personnel during the performance of the tests
  • Data collection of final analysis by test personnel The inspector independently verified readings of system i

parameters during the test Findings Test results observed by-the inspector indicated that acceptance criteria had been met for the ESF testing and EDG set IA testing that had been witnessed by the inspector with exception of the following:

The EDG 1A successfully completed the 24-hour full load run, which consisted of running for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at a 10% overload (2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> rate of 6700 kw) and then followed by running for 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at 100% full load (6100 kw).

At the conclusion of the 24-hour full load run this EDG set is stopped and 5 minutes later the EDG is started and loaded to full power in order to satisfy the Hot Restart requiremen After the EDG 1A was stopped and 5 minutes elapsed, the EDG 1A was restarted. The engine came up to speed, but the electrical load could not be applied as the generator field did not flash due to a malfunction of a contact. This occurrence negated the last portion of the test procedure. It will be retested for Hot-Restart following a full power run, at a later date. This item will be followed by the NRC inspector on subsequent inspec-


tions and is designated unresolved item 443/86-13-0 The inspector had no further questions on these test .2.2 Fuel Movement

Scope The objective of this inspection was to ascertain whether nuclear fuel received at the construction site is properly accepted and safeguarded, and whether it is stored in accordance with the NRC license requirement This was accomplished by direct observation of the activities and review of documentation at i





. various times prior to the issuance of the NRC materials license and the arrival of the first shipment of nuclear fuel, and by witnessing of the first shipment of fuel from its arrival on site to its final storage place in the new fuel storage are Discussion The inspector reviewed documents in the following areas pertaining to the receipt, inspection and storage of new fuel; such as Nuclear Materials License, Qualifications and Training, Fire Protection, Health Physics and Radiation Protection, Physical Security, and Preoperational Testin The inspector witnessed inspection and storage of 6 fuel assem-blies from removal from the shipping casks to storage in the new fuel storage area. The activities included radiation surveys of the outer metal casks, opening of the casks, initial survey of f

the two fuel assemblies in each cask, the removal and inspection of each fuel assembly, and the final storage of each fuel assem-bly in the new fuel storage area. The inspector observed the


use of fuel handling cranes, new fuel handling tools, personnel l involved, procedures being used, HP monitors, and QC partici-l pation.

I The inspector also reviewed documentation and made observations, on a sampling basis, during this evaluation in the areas of


Administration, Physical Security, Health Physics and Radiation Control, Reactor Engineering, Quality Assurance, and Quality Contro The inspector verified that receipt, inspection and storage, including documentation, was accomplished in accordance with NRC license requirements. The inspector also verified that: all license requirements had been implemented for new fuel receipt, inspection, and storage; security controls were exercised; health physics and radiation protection controls were implemented in the areas of swipes, surveys, air monitoring, and personnel protection and dosimetry; control of the environment of the fuel storage area; verification of documentation; inspection of ship-ping casks; and qualification of personnel involved in manage-ment and implementation of receipt, inspection, and storage of nuclear fuel. The inspector witnessed the evaluations and verified documentation and proper use of procedures for fuel movement within the fuel building and fuel storage location Findings No items of noncompliance were identified and no discrepancies were noted during these inspections. The inspector will con-tinue to observe and inspect this evaluation of new fuel

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, receipt, inspection, handling, and storage on subsequent inspec-

! tions until all . fuel is on site. The inspector had no further l questions at this time.


3.3 Test Result Evaluation Scope The test procedures listed in Attachments C and D were reviewed to verify that adequate testing was accomplished in order to satisfy regulatory guidance and licensee commitments and to ascertain whether uniform criteria were being applied for evaluating completed pre-operational tests in order to assure their technical and adminis-l trative adequac Discussion The test results were reviewed for:


  • Test changes
  • Test exceptions
  • Test deficiencies '
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Performance verification
  • Recording of conduct of test
  • OC inspection records
  • System restoration to normal
  • Independent verification of critical steps or parameters
  • Identification of test personnel
  • Verification that the test results have been approved Findings No discrepancies or unacceptable conditions were noted in the review of-these procedures with the following exceptions:

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, . Procedure . Title Exception N PT-9 . ECCS 02, 03, 04, 05 PT-1 MSIV 01 PT-1 Emergency Feedwater 03, 04 PT-1 Primary Comp. Cooling Water 01 PT-4 PZR Press. & Level .

02, 11 I

PT-4 Remote Shutdown Panel 02 PT-4 Cond. Steam Oumps 01, 02, 03 AT- Startup Feedwater Pump 01, 02

! AT- Feedwater 03, 04, 06, 07, 08 AT- CW Pump 01 AT- CW Transients 01 t

AT-1 SG Sampling 01, 02 AT 1 Aux Sampling 01 +

AT-11 RC Orains 01 AT-1 XFMR Fire Protection 01, 02, 03 AT-26 Rod Control 01, 02 AT-38 Aux. Boiler 01 AT-39 Lube Oil Transfer and Puri , 02, 03

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AT-41 Main Lube Oil AT-66 125 VDC Non-Vital Dist (These open exceptions against completed tests will be reviewed on subsequent inspections for their resolution and closing.)

These open exceptions collectively are designated unresolved item 443/86-13-0 i

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3.4 Emergency Diesel Generator Set Status References (1) Seabrook Station Final Safety Analysis Report (2) Seabrook Station Safety Evaluation Report (3) PT 33.1 Emergency Diesel Generator (4) PT 33.3 Diesel Generator Ventilation (5) RG 1.6 Independence Between Redundant Standby (onsite)

Power Sources and Their Distribution Systems (6) RG 1.9 Selection Design Qualification of EDG Sets as Onsite Star.dby Electric Power Systems (7) RG 1.32 Criteria For Safety Related Electric Power Systems (8) RG 1.41 Preop Testing of Redundant Onsite Electric Power Systems (9) RG 1.68 Initial Test Programs for Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (10) RG 1.75 Physical Independence of Electric Systems (11) RG 1.108 Periodic Testing of Diesel Generator Units used as Onsite Electric Power Systems (12) RG 1.118 Periodic Testing of Electric Power and Protection Systems (13) RG 1.137 Fuel Oil Systems For Standby Diesel Generators

'(14) IEEE 308 Criteria For Class IE Power Systems For Nuclear Power Generating Stations (15) IEEE 336 Installation Inspection Testing Requirements For Class IE Instruments and Electric Equipment (16) IEEE 384 Criteria For Independence of Class IE Equipment and Circuits (17) IEEE 387 Criteria For Diesel Generator Units as Standby Power Supplies at Nuclear Power Plants Scope The two emergency diesel generator (EDG) sets are the vital components of the emergency standby power supply system to Unit 1 in the event of a loss of coolant accident and/or the loss of offsite power during operation of the uni During the preoperational test program it is verified that the diesel engines, or a prototype, have completed 300 successful starts and stops; the EDG sets have mechanical and electrical load tests includ-ing 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> at rated power and 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at overload rating; followed by qualification testing of the EDG sets consisting of 35 success-ful. starts and stops, loading to at least 50 percent load; and, lastly, observing the performance of the EDG sets, when in standby, to res-pond to a simulated loss of coolant accident, with and without simul-taneous loss of offsite power.

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, , Discussion The emergency diesel generator sets presently are in the testing i stage of the preoperational test program. The inspector reviewed the engineering report for Seabrook Unit 1, entitled " Engineering' report on Diesel Generator Unit 1, 300 Start and Load Acceptance Qualifi-cation Tests. The inspector verified the following:

(1) A total of 273 valid start and load acceptance runs were made i from warm standby temperature with no failures to meet the acceptance criteri (2) A total of 33 valid start and load acceptance runs were made from normal operating equilibrium temperatures with no failures to meet the acceptance criteri (3) The diesel generator unit successfully passed the 300 start and load acceptance qualification tes The remaining tests to be accomplished on the diesel generator sets are the mechanical and electrical load tests, and the 35 successful start and load tests for each EDG set. The inspector will follow

.. these tests on subsequent inspection Findings No discrepancies or unacceptable conditions were noted in the review of references, documentation or procedures; nor in preparation being made for further testing of the EDG sets. During inspection of the diesel generator sets, and while observing preparations being made for testing, the inspector noted that the two Colt Pielstick diesel

. engines have only one_ simplex lube oil strainer for each engin There is no spare lube oil strainer that can be put into operation while the engine is running, in the event of failure of the strainer or of an excessively large delta P across the straine It appears that, for reliability, there should be a duplex lube oil strainer on each engine, so that if a large differential pressure develops across

.one strainer, the operator can shift to the other strainer without having to shut the engine down. This is an unresolved item and is designated 443/86-13-02,

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3.5 New Fuel Receipt, Inspection and Storage Preparations References:

(1) Materials License No. SNM-1963 dated December 19, 198 (2) PT-34.1, Revision 1, Approved January 10, 1986 Fuel Handling Equipment (3) PT-17.1, Revision 0, Approved February 15, 1934 (4) PT-17.2, Revision 0, Approved February 9, 1984 Spent Fuel Pool Cleanup (5) PT-27.1, Revision 1, Approved October 10, 1984 Fuel Storage Building Ventilation (6) PT-27.2, Revision 0, Approved July 3,1985 Fuel Storage Building Exhaust Filter (7) OP-HD0 958.01, Revision 1, Approved November Zo, 1985 New Fuel Surveys (8) OP-HD0 958.26, Revision 0, Approved January 26, 1985 Receipt of Radioactive Material (9) OP-RS 0720, Revision 1, Approved November 6, 1985 SNM Inventory and Control (10) OP-RS 0724, Revision 1, Approved November 13, 1985 Core Component Receipt and Inspection (11) OP-RS 0722, Revision 1, Approved November 13, 1985 New Fuel Receipt and Inspection (12) F-1, Handling of New Fuel Assemblies and RCC Elements (13) F-4, Site Removal of Fuel Assemblies from Shipping Containers and Handling of Containers (14) F-4.1, Site Loading of New Fuel Assemblies Into Shipping Con-tainers for Return to Vendor Facility (15) F-5, Instructions, Precautions, Limitations For Handling New and Partially Spent Fuel Assemblies (16) F-5.1, Instructions, Precautions and Limitations For Handling RCCA and Core Component Assemblies (17) F-7.11, New Fuel Assembly Handling Fixture Operating Instructions

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, (18) F-7.15, New RCC Handling Fixture Operating Instruction (19) AD Fuel No. 1, Security of New Fuel (20) AD Fuel No. 2, Attack Related Events (21) AD Fuel No. 3, Bomb Related Events (22) AD Fuel No. 4, Disturbance Related Events (23) AD Fuel No. 5,. Intrusion Related Events (24) AD Fuel No. 6, Extortion Threat / Event

~(25) AD Fuel No. 7, Theft / Threat of Theft of SNM Scope Fuel receipt, inspection and storage consists of receiving new nuclear fuel on site from the vendor, inspection of the fuel, dry storage of the fuel in a secure area, and accountability of the fue Discussion Discussions were held with licensee representatives on preparations being made for the receipt of new unirradiated nuclear fuel, includ-ing inspection and storage in the spent fuel pool. The inspector received approved copies of fuel receipt, inspection, and storage procedures, as well as procedures for fuel handling equipmen Included in the discussions were the areas of preoperational testing, fire protection, security and safeguards, health physics and controls training, and fuel accountabilit The inspector witnessed preparations being made for the testing of the Cask Handling Crane; the Fuel Handling Machine (Spent Fuel Pool Bridge and Hoist), the new fuel elevator and console, the fuel trans-fer system and console and the new fuel and spent fuel handling tools. These included the calibration of the fuel handling bridge crane's local and remote digital readout of load cells for the bridge crane, the indexing of the bridge crane versus the spent fuel pool, and the operation of the fuel transfer system both in the fuel build-ing and containment. The inspector also followed and verified the field changes being made to the Fuel Handling Machine Bridge Crane via the approved test procedure PT 34.1, Fuel Handling Machine. The


inspector observed the housekeeping and cleanliness controls being l implemented in the fuel building.


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Findings Since this was the first examination of fuel receipt, inspection, and storage preparations, this item will be examined in greater detail-on the next and subsequent inspections. Areas to be examined are:

new fuel assembly and RCCA receipt and inspection, cask handling crane preoperational checklist, fuel handling machine preoperational

. checklist, new fuel elevator preoperational checklist, as well as the new fuel and spent fuel handling tools. The inspector had no further questions at this tim .0 QA/QC Interface Scope The participation of the YAEC Field QA Group in the test witnessing of the ESF Integrated Actuation Test (PT.38), EDG Test (PT 33.1), fuel storage ventilation (PT 27.1), Control Room Leak Tightness (PT-28.3), UPS test (PT-32) and other tests, and the verification of test result evaluation was evaluated by the inspecto Discussion l In continuation of the assessment of QA/QC involvement with the POT pro-gram,.the inspector reviewed the surveillance reports as listed in Attach-ment All of these listed surveillances are samples of test witnessing after Pre Core Hot Functional Tests. The review of these surveillances indicates adequate coverage of these test Findings No noncompliances were observed within the scope of this inspectio .0 Independent Inspection Effort References Main Steam Drawings per table 5- . " Main Steam Master Integrity Test Diagram," handout in meeting NRC/

YAEC Engineering on Thursday, February 27, 1986. (Shows modified drain system design).

3.~ Sketch'of new drain pot installed in main steam piping and with


proposed drain piping, handout in meeting NRC/YAEC Eng. on February 27, 198 . NRC Region I inspection report 50-443/85-30, paragraph 2.2.5.



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' Engineering Change Authorization 08113712B, "Madify the Emergency Feedpump Steam Supply Line," issued February 2.1, 1986, United Engineer . Non-Conformance Report (NRC) 82-994A, " Emergency Feedwater System

' does not meet FSAR requirement for most limiting condition,"

approved January 17, 1986.

! Non-Conformance Report (NCR) 82-993A, " Flow test of EFW Pumps 1-FW-P-37A&B had shown that pumps do not meet manufacturer's test curve," approved December 14, 198 . Request for information (RFI) 99109088A, " Previous operating and startup experience of the turbine driven Emergency Feedwater Pumps,"

United Engineers, issue date August 29, 198 . Non-Conformance Report (NCR) 82-967A, " Valves 1-MS-V127 and V128 will not operate under design conditions," approved November 25, 198 . FSAR, paragraph, " Analysis of Ef fects and Consequences" (feedwater line rupture), pages 15.2-17 through 2 . Engineering Change Authorization (ECA) 05 113093A, "Five new valves and associated controls for AML 361." (Main Steam and Feedwater valves), United Engineers, approved February 19, 198 Scope In view of the safety significance of the water hammer problem (unresolved item 443/85-30-01), experienced during the Emergency Feedwiter System Test 1-PT(I)-14.2, as performed during the Hot Functional Test, the inspector examined the design aspects and installation of the main steam line and drain system modifications to appraise the adequacy of these corrective actions and the timing for the necessary retest in the preoserational test progra Discussion The Inspectors had discussions with YAEC engineers in charge respecti-vely, of design and installation of the main steam line and drain system

modifications to prevent re-occurrence of the experienced water hammer l problems. Teledyne Engineering Services was retained as a subcontractor


to develop the concept for the modifications and to analyze tae new system for compliance with FSAR requirements and its effectiveness in preventing water hammer problem After these discussions, the inspector walked down the pertineat main steam lines now being modified in accordance with completed construction drawings for the main steam line changes (see table 5-1).







The following observations were made by the inspector during the above said discussions and walkdown:

(1) The valves 1-MS-V127 and 128, which did not perform satisfactorily during the test (PT 14.2), have been retained in the new scheme but now will be normally open. These valves will be used as isolation valves onl (2) Two new valves, (MS-V394 and V393, will receive tne EFW Pump actuation signal (ref. 2). These new valves are Hammel Dahl Control valves. -- o (3) The single drain pot, used in the existing design has been remove It was located in the middle of a straight run with the piping on either side sloped towards the drain pot. Under these conditions the piping down stream of the drainpot would experience steam flow in one direction and condensate flow in the opposite direction, a condition favorable to water hamme (4) Another new control valve 1MS-V395 has been installed in the system upstream, and close to, the steam inlet of the turbine. This valve also, will receive the EFW Pump actuation signal but with a time delay relative to valves IMS-V393 and V394. This delay will provide additional warmup time for the steam line and time to drain off developed condensate prior to steam entry into the turbin (5) Three new drainpots have been installed to collect drains from the main steam line to the EFWP Turbine. These pots (ref. 3) appear to be of ample size and are located in low points of the main steam lines where good condensate drainage can be expected to occur. The steam line is sloped one way towards these drainpots so that opposite flow of steam and condensate in a horizontal section, will not occur. Condensate removal from the 3 drainpots is accomplished with Bestobell steamtraps (thermal type).

(6) Any condensate, formed in the steam line as a result of valve leakage in the standby condition, will be drained via check valves MSD 269 I and 270. These check valves have not been installed yet but will be l upon arrival at the site. These valves are installed in a vertical section of drain pip In the standby mode of operation (without line pressure) the disc will hang down and permit passage of the condensate to the sump (by passing the steam traps). When steam is admitted there will be pressure in the line which will close the check valves and force routing of the condensate to the trap (7) A 10 CFR 50.55(e) is being prepared for the old syste l




, (8) The installation of the main steam line modifications is almost complete. The drainpots have been installed but the rest of the drain system is still to be done. The present plan for the retest (FT14.2) calls for it to be done after initial criticality, but before power escalation. The applicant's paper work on the subject, however, shows this to be done during power escalatio The same terminology was encountered during the review of other test exception (9) A transient analysis for the modified main steam end drain system has been performed by Teledyne. The report is being prepared. It will be issued in the near future. A good transient analysis will provide a reasonable appraisal of the effectiveness of the modifications in preventing inadequate drainage and water hammer during the cold start of the EFWP Turbine. The inspector will receive this report for his appraisal during his next visi (10) As a part of plant operating procedures, the sumps in which the con-densate is collected will be sampled for radioactivity measurement before being pumped. Steam Generator tube failure would admit radio active water (reactor coolant) to the main steam syste Findings Considerable effort and thought went into the design modification There is every reason to believe that the modified system will perform as intended. The proof, however, must come form a retest of PT 1 Un-resolved item 85-12-03 cannot be closed until the retest has been accom-plishe The applicant's schedule for this work shows the retest to be done during the Post Core Hot Functional Test. The paperwork, however, indicates this work to be done "during power escalation." That would be after low power testing. The timing should be indicated to be for Post Core Hot Functional, i.e. af ter Initial Criticality but before Power Escalation. The same ter-minology had been used by the applicant for other test exceptions which are in fact planned for the Post Core HFT period. The applicant should follow the accepted terminology for the phases of initial startup testing, as given, for instance, in Regulatory Guide 1.6 The applicant agreed to correct the paperwork of test exceptions in accordance with the above observations. This will be Unresolved Item 443/86-13-0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ __--__




-Table 5-1 Main Steam Drawings involved in Modification of Emergency Feedwater Pump Turbine Supply Line Rip-Out Drawings Construction Drawings Drawing N Revision N Date Revision Revision No. Date Revision 1-MS 4000-22 4 1-10-86 6 1-29-86 1-MS 4000-25 6 1-10-86 7 1-27-86 1-MS 4000-25A 6 1-10-86 7 1-27-86 1-MS 4000-31 4 1-10-86 5 1-27-86 1-MS 4000-32 8 1-10-86- 10 1-27-86 1-MS 4001-19 10 1-10-86 12 1-29-86 1-MS 4001-19A 10 1-10-86 12 1-29-86 1-MS 4000-21 9 1-10-86 10 1-21-86 1-MS 4000-21 MS 4000-22 4 1-10-86 5 1-27-86 1-MS 4000-23 6 1-10-86 7 1-27-86 1-MS-4032-05 7 1-10-86 4 1-27-86 Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in '

. order to determine whether they are acceptable, an item of noncompliance, or a deviatio '

.The following unresolved items have been identified in this report:

'Open Item N Description Report Section 86-13-01 Open test exception of various tests,-found during TRE 86-13-02 Lack of Duplex Lube Oil Strainers in EDG's 86-13-03 UNSAT Hot Restart EDG "A" 3. during test PT-3 Schedule terminology for retests 5

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7.0 Exit Interview At the conclusion of the site inspection on December 13, 1985, an exit interview was conducted with the licensee's senior site representatives (denoted in Section 1). The findings were identified and previous inspection items were discusse At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspector. Based on the NRC Region I review of this report and discussions held with licensee representatives during this inspection, it was determined that this report does not contain infor-mation subject to 10 CFR 2.790 restrictions.




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, Attachment A Preoperational Test Procedures Test Procedure Review Item No. Proc. N Title Revision N Appr. Data 1 PT 3 Fuel Handling Equipment 1 1/10/86 2 PT ' Piping Vibration Testing 0 10/16/85 3 PT Power Converstion and ECCS 0 10/23/85 System 4 PT Power Conversion and ECCS 0 9/30/85 Thermal Expansion 5 PT 1 Main Steam Line. Isolation 1 1/10/86 Valves 6 PT 1 Service Water Cooling Tower 0 7/11/85 7 PT 1 Primary Component Cooling 1 9/30/85 Water 8 PT 1 PCCW Thermal Barrier Cooling 0 5/1/85 9 PT 2 RHR Vault Stairway Train A 0 9/30/85 Ventilation 10 PT 2 Control Room Ventilation 0 1/31/85 11 PT 2 Control Room Envelope Leakage 1 12/20/85 12 PT 31 125 VDC Distrubution 0 11/20/84 13 PT 3 Reactor Containment Type B 1 10/16/85 and C Leakage Rate 14 PT 45 Primary Auxiliary Building 0 8/8/85 Ventilation

'15 PT 44 Plant Ventilation Filters 0 5/1/85


16 PT 26 Containment Air Recirculation 1 1/8/86




Attachment A 2



Item N Proc. N Title Revision No. Appr. Data 17 PT 43 Reactor Post-Hot Functional 1 1/6/86 18 PT 21 Containment Isolation 0 9/30/85 19 PT 2 Fuel Storage Building Exhaust 0 7/3/85 Filters 20 PT 1 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling 0 2/15/84 21 PT 1 Spent Fuel Pool Cleanup 0 2/9/84 22 PT 2 Fuel Storage Building 0 2/9/84 Ventilation 23 PT 3 Loss of Off Site Power 0 2/21/86 Test (LOP)

24 PT 3 LOP with ESF Actuation 0 2/21/86 i



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Attachment B Acceptance Test Procedures Test Procedure Review


Item No. Proc. N Title Revision No. Appr. Data 1 AT SG Feed Pump A 1 8/21/85 Uncoupled Test 2 AT SG Feed Pump B 1 8/21/85 Uncoupled Test

.-3 AT Startup Feed Pump Test- 1 9/20/85 4- AT Condenser Air Evacuation 0 4/11/85 Condenser Vacuum Pumps 5 AT Condensate System 0 4/26/85 6 AT Circulating Water Pump Control 1 5/29/85 7 AT 9 Reactor Makeup Water 0 6/5/85

{ 8 AT 1 Instrument and Service 0 8/8/84 Air Systems 9 AT 1 Cable Tunnels and Electric 0 3/21/84 Penetrations - Dry Pipe l Sprinkler System Actuation Testing 10 AT 15 Liquid Waste System 0 1/31/85 11 AT 22 Containment Purge System 0 6/19/85 12 AT 2 Main Plant Computer System 0 10/9/85 l- Fail Over Test

, 13 AT 33 Communications System 0 9/20/85 l

l 14 AT 34 Emergency Lighting 0 9/20/85 15 AT 41 Main Lube Oil 0 7/29/82

- 16 AT 56 Auxiliary Boiler and 1 12/3/82 Water Treatment Room Ventilator 17 AT 5 Plant Drainage and Oil 1 6/19/85 Separation - Vault 1 18 AT 5 Plant Drainage and Oil 1 6/19/85 Separation - Vault 3 i




-Attachment B 2



Item N Proc. N Title Revision No. Appr. Data 19- AT 5 SW/CW Intake / Discharg /19/85 Structure, Pump House Sump Pumps and Heaters 20- AT 5 Chlorination System 0 8/8/85 21i ~AT 5 ~ Chlorination Bulding 0 8/14/85 Air Handling 22 AT 62 Generator H2and Co2 Gas 0 12/13/84 System 23 AT 66 125 VDC Non-Vital Distribution 0 12/13/84 24 AT 2 Control Rod Drive Mechanism 0 7/24/85 Cooling 25 AT Intake / Discharge Flow 0 8/30/85 Transients Circ. Water 26 AT 1 SG Blowdown Recovery 0 10/9/85



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Attachment C L Test Results Evaluation Review Preoperational Tests

! ~ Item No. Proc. N Title Revision N Appr. Data 1 PT Pressurizer Relief Tank Test 2 8/30/85 ' Test Results approved 1/22/86 I

2 PT Pressurizer Relief Tank - 3 10/25/85-Hot Functional Test Test Results approved 12/18/85 3 PT Boron Thermal Regeneration 2 10/25/85 System - HFT Test results approved 12/18/85 L 4 PT 9 ECCS Hot Functional Test 2 9/9/85 Test results approved 12/30/85 5 PT 1 Main Steam Line Isolation 0 9/9/85 Test results approve /4/85


6 PT.1 Emergency Feedwater System - 0 10/9/85-L HFT Test results approved 12/18/85 7 PT 1 Primary Component Cooling 1 9/30/85 Water-Test results approved 12/30/85 8 PT 1 PCCW Thermal Barrier Cooling 1 9/11/85 Test results approved 1/24/86 9 PT 4 Pressurizer Level and Pressure 1 10/23/85 Test results approved 1/24/86-10 PT 4 Steam Generator Water Level 1 9/20/85 Instrumentation Test results approved 1/24/86 11 PT 4 Instrument Cross Verification 1 9/18/85 Check and RCP Operating Record Test results approved 1/24/86 12 PT 4 Remote Shutdown Panel 0 9/13/85 Test results approved 1/15/86

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- J Attachment C 2


Item No. Proc. N ' Title Revision No. ' Appr. Data



. 13 PT 4 Pressurizer and Main Steam 1 9/9/85 Safety Valve Setpoint Verification


-Test results approve /22/86 14 PT 40.7: Condenser Steam Dump -0 9/30/85 Test results approved


12/11/85 15 PT 4 Service Water and Component 1 10/23/85 Cooling Water - HFT Test results approved 1/24/86 16 PT 40.10 Heat Removal Demonstration 1 .11/14/85 Test Test-results approved 12/11/85






Attachment D Test Results Evaluation Review Acceptance Tests Item No. Proc. N Title Revision No. Appr. Data 1 AT 1,3 Startup Feed Pump Test 1 9/20/85' :

Test results approved 10/25/85 2 AT Feedwater System Hot 0 9/30/85 Functional Test Test results approved 12/11/85

'3 AT Condensate System Hot 1 10/29/85 Functional Test


Test results approved 11/24/85 4 AT ' Chemical Addition and 0 8/15/84 Analysis: Auxiliary Boiler Test results approved 9/27/84 5 AT Chemical Addition and 1 4/15/85 Analysis: Condensate Test results approved 5/8/85 6 .AT Circulating Water Pump 1 5/29/85 Control Check Test results approved 6/26/85 7 AT Intake-Discharge Flow 0 8/30/85 Transients, Tunnel resistance, ,

Heat treatment .

Test results approved 10/9/85 ;

i 8 AT 8 CVCS Letdown Degasifier 1 3/28/84


Test results approved 1/15/86

'9 AT 1 Sampling System-Reactor 1 11/21/85 ;


[ Test results approved 11/24/85 10 AT 1 Sampling System-Steam 1 i

i 11 AT 1 Sampling System - Auxiliaries 1 11/21/85


Test results 12/4/85 l





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Item N Proc. N Title Revision N Appr. Data 12 AT-1 Sample System - Secondary 1 11/18/85


Steam and Water Flow ,


, Test results approved 11/21/85 13 At-11 Reactor Coolant Drain System 0 6/13/84 Test results approved 1/15/86 14 AT-1 Fire Pump House Heating and 0 2/9/84 Ventilation l- Test results approved 5/16/84 15 AT-1 Transformer Area Fire 0 11/23/83 Protection System Test results approved 4/12/84 16 AT-2 Containment Structure Cooling 0 10/31/84 Hot Functional Test Test results approved 11/22/85 17 'AT-2 Control Rod Drive Mechanism 0 7/24/85 Cooling Test results approved 9/25/85 18 AT-2 Electrical Penetration Area 2 9/11/85 Air Conditioning


Test results approved 9/30/85 19 AT-2 ' Electrical Penetration Area 1 9/25/85 Hot Functional Test Test results approved 11/22/85 20 AT-36 Turbine Steam Seal System 1 4/3/85 Test results approved 4/26/85'

21 AT-38 Auxiliary Boilers 0 2/18/83 Test results approved 9/1/83 22 AT-39 Lube 011 Transfer and 0 9/12/84 Purification Test results approved 11/15/84 23 AT-40 Water Treatment System 0 11/28/83 Test results approved 5/16/84 24 AT-41 Main Lube Oil System 0 7/29/82 Test results approved 10/23/84

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. Attachment D 3


, Item No. Proc. N Title Revision No. Appr. Data 25' AT-43 Generator Seal Oil 1 7/11/84 Test results approved 9/12/84 26 AT-44 Generator Stator Coolant 2/27/85 System Test results approved 5/22/85 27 AT-5 Administration Building 0 12/3/82 Ventilation Test results approved 6/27/83 28 AT-5 Administration Building 0 11/18/82 Chilled Water Test results approved 11/24/82 29 AT-6 Generator Leak Test 1 7/6/83 Test results approved 4/4/84 30 AT-62 Generator H2 and CO2Gas System 12/13/84 Test results approved 1/23/R5 31 AT-63 Initial Turbine Roll 1 11/1/85 Test results approved 12/11/85 32 AT-66 125 VDC Non-Vital Distrubution 0 12/13/84 Test results approved 9/30/85 33 AI 9 Reactor Makeup Water 0 6/5/85 lest results approved 34' AT-26 Rod Control Systen 0 4/19/84 Test results approved 1/24/86 35 AT-2 Main Plant Computer System 0 10/9/85 Failover Test Test results approved 1/15/86 i



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Attachment E to 50-443/86-13 -


Review of Surveill nce Reports (SRs) by YAEC-F]AG \



Report SR N Test Proc. Observed . T.P. Title Date-SR

"Y-1078 PT-38, Revision 2 ESF Int. Actuation Test 2/21/86 Y-1077 PT-38, Ravision 2 iSF Int. Actuation Test 2/26/86 Y-991 PT-33.1, Revision l' :1ergency Diesel Generator 2/14/86 Y-996 PT-33.1, Revision 1 Eiergency Diesel Generator 2/14/86 1 Y-954 PT-33.1, Revision 1 ' Erergency Diesel Generator 2/12/86 Y-997 PT-33.1, Revision 1 En.ergency Diesel Generator 2/14/86 Y-998 PT-33.1, Revision 1 Emergency Diesel Generator 2/14/86 Y-1020 PT-33.1,. Revision 1 Emergency Diesel Generator 2/18/86 Y-1070 PT-33.1, Revision 1 Emergency Diesel Generator 2/25/86 Y-1058 PT-33.1, Revision 1 Emergency Diesel Generator 2/24/86 Y-91 PT-27.1, Revision 1 Fuel Sto. Ventilation System 2/10/86 Y-1054 PT-12.2, Revision 1 Cont. Spray Nozzle 2/21/86 Y-769 PT-28'.3, Revision 1 Control Room Leak Test 1/22/86 Y-938 PT-27.2, Revision 0 Fuel Sto. Eldg. Exh. Filter System 2/10/86


Y-994 PT-27.2, Revision 0 Fuel Sto. Bldg. Exh. Filter System 2/14/86

. Y-1013 PT-27.2, Revision 0 Fuel Sto. Bldg. Exh. Filter System 2/18/86 Y-643 PT-32, Revision 0 120 VAC Vital Instr. Power 1/10/86 Y-659 PT-32, Revision 0 120 VAC Vital Instr. Power 1/13/86 Y-716 PT-32, Revision 0 120 VAC Vital Instr. Power . 1/18/86 Y-715 PT-31, Revision 1 120 VDC Distribution 1/18/86

's Y-722 PT-43, Revision 1- Rx Post HFT Ins /19/86

, Y-1068 PT-43, Revision 1 Rx Post HFT Ins /25/86 Y-767 PT-43, Revision 1 Rx Post HFT Ins /22/86

, Y-820 PT-43, Revision 1 ~ Rx Post HFT Ins /28/86 Y-990 PT-37.2, Revision 1 Cont. Type B & C Tests 2/14/86 Y-913 PT-37.2, Revision 1 Cont. Type B & C Tests 2/6/86 Y-865 PT-37.2, Revision 1 Cont. Type B & C Tests 1/31/86 Y-776 PT-37.2, Revision 1 Cont. Type B & C Tests 1/23/86 Y-778 PT-37.2, Revision 1 Cont. Type B & C Tests 1/23/86 Y-717 PT-37.2, Revision 1 Cont. Type B & C Tests 1/18/86 L
