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Responds to Re Amendment Permitting Temporary Operation of Plant Independent of Public Hearing.Law Requires Hearing to Be Held in Connection W/Amend to OL
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/22/1978
From: Gossick L
To: Duncan R
TAC-07551, TAC-11299, TAC-7551, NUDOCS 8811030205
Download: ML20195C533 (2)


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! The liornrenle Robert % Puncan United StAtos House of Representa tives

!iashinqton, u.C. 20515 trear Congressman Cuncan:

This responds to your letter of July 27, 1978, addressed to *.he Chaircan of the Cunission with relara to the athitted non-conforvance to specifi-I cations of t..e Control Nildina at tue Tro,ian i:uclear Plent, Because this natter is penuing bef ora dn IGC Ato.;1c Safety and Licensing Coard whose ruitops anJ d.ctstons oay ba suaject to review by the Comis'sionars, I including tt.a Chairuan, it was considered inappropriate tot

  • hin to rescond to your inquiry. Accordin'J1y, your letter stas referred to rco for response.

I ati pleased to provide that response. ,

I i The MC Orner of F.ay 26, 1976, reeuired that the seisnic desicn capability

' of the Control Da11ttin1 be brought into sunstantial conpliance witn Technical Specification S./.l. Based on infomation sun.rittw by the licensee, the MC staff deteroin<td that there was ane+ ate assurance i of s2fety for the plant to operate in tne interin, provided certain j sgcified con:itions are ret. *ccordiagly, the i RC's Psy 26,197L Order would oena the f acility oMratina license so that tnose portions of the Tcchnical SMcifications with which the Control Building does not co.aply are cae:wa civi.d until June 1,1979.

! Your letter, in ossence, asks hy we fo not let PC&E return to pcwer i independent of a puolic hearing on this noctor. The answer is to l be found in section 10 of the Atcaic Eneroy Act of 1954 as acended, l 42 U.S.C. 2?39, t.31ch rec,uires that a hearing oc of fered in conn <:ction With dn J'.eDfMCrt t0 Sn cperatiUp IICenSO. 00ction 10 doe 4 pomit i m ediate effectiveness of oteratinq license ac.entwnts upon a dets.:inatimi "that the avnarent involves no sinnificant buards consiqcration." r.1 tucu;h the 12C staf f has found tnat interin cocration would present no un<Ne hazard, th? fact ro1ains that too license amend-ment would involve consicarition of desion uctects which tha starf found to have $1?nificantiv rcou:e1 tee niant's long-tcru nargin of seis iic capability and t!'u:, would i'cluse a sinnificant hazarus consideration. Thretore, ;:rior to L?ccrin; ef fcctive, such an amenoaent t r*bst, unuer the Atenic Er.oruv /ct of Isi, is acaded, be noticed and an opportunit/ inr nearing nroviticd. If it is detemine<1 that 0011030205 700614 PDR ADOCK 05000344 ~. ~


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4 O S The lionorable Robert 3. Duncan ,

a hcaring will be halo, the tvena ont wil not becose effective until further ordor or the licensi ir: board. This interpretation of the rec,uireuents of the Atouic En:: ray Act was upheld by the Cccaission in a July 7,1978 Order in res.;onse to a June 14, 1978 Petition for energency relief tilms hv Portland Ccneral Electric Company, further details concerninq tnis retor cre ccntaine.t. in the attached co'*cs of the above nentioned l'ay26,1973 Greer and.ti.e July 7,1970 conuission I Order.

As you know, a hearing has noen r< masted in this catter. In its Order dated July 7, l'.i?4, the Comi .sion uirected the licens1n;) Doard to proceed er,peditiously. Accuraingly, a prenearing conference was held on July 24-P.6,1970, e ',econc prehearinq has been ordered for Augurt 14, 1978, and the hearing has to.'n ordered for Septecoor 6, 197P.

I trust that this has been responsive to your letter.

Sincerely, pigmd) lee V, GceleY W f C- M ya.a .:

hyCpwhM l


1 1. Order dated July 7,1973 1

2. Order for Enditication cated

!!ay 26,197J

} DISTRIBUTION ShlY 78-1080(3)

Courtesy Docket (50-344 Copy ) EGCase NRC PDR LVGossick .

LOCAL PDR HRDenton ORB #1 Reading ORB #1 Subj. File ED0 Reading NRR Reading HShapar VStello DEisenhut 00R:0RB #1*

ASctmencer CMTrammell ggajegg:1b ED0 OCA CParrish U/u//6 LVGossick

  • See previous yellca for concurrence gj j7g 77 j3 l 0Ett ler(E00-4235)

,,,,Rhro C E:A/J ALP *' m :0 OELD*  :,RR imR ff DEisenhut VStello JGray EGCase HRDenton 8/8/78 8/ y/78 8/11/78 n 8/ /78 8/ /78 J w maw no <,.v., sacu on.o _ _ ft o . o . . . . . . - - . . . y 1_,, < . _._1, ,o _. . . . . . .
