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Forwards Environ Assessment Addressing Effects of Increasing Cycles of Solids Concentration in Circulating Water Sys. Results of Assessment Indicate That Change Would Not Involve Unreviewed Environ Question & Permissible
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/1988
From: Gucwa L
SL-4167, NUDOCS 8803180248
Download: ML20150C442 (4)



; Georgic Ibwer Company o 333 Pht Avenue Attanta, Georgia 30308 Te'ephone 404 5264526 Ma;fing Address:

Post Office Box AS45 Adanta, Georgia 30302 Georgia Power L. T. Gucws N SM*" CW WM Manager Nuclear Safety and Licensty)

SL-4167 0786m X7GJ17-V740 March 9, 1988 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Hashington, D.C. 20555 PLANT V0GTLE - UNIT 1 NRC DOCKET 50-424 OPERATING LICENSE NPF-68 CIRCULATING HATER SYSTEM CYCLES OF CONCENTRATION INCREASE Gentlemen:

In accordance with the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Environmental Protection Plan (Appendix B to Operating License NPF-68), Georgia Power Company (GPC) has performed an environmental assessment addressing the effects of increasing the cycles of solids concentration in the Unit I circulating water system. The results of this assessment show that the change would not involve an unreviewed environmental question and, thus, is permissible under the provisions of the Operating License. The details of our assessment are provided in the enclosure for the NRC staff's information.

Please contact this office if you have any questions, i Sincerely, M&=

L. T. Gucwa l

JH/im Enclosure c: (see next page) c0 0\


8803180248 880309 DR ADOCK0500g4

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GecrgiaPower A U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission March 9, 1988 Page._Two

.c: Georath Power Comoany Mr. P. D. Rice Mr. G. Bockhold, Jr.

GO-NORMS I). S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission Dr. J. N. Grace, Regional Administrator Mr. J. B. Hopkins, Licensing Project Manager, NRR (2 copies)

Mr. J. F. Rogge, Senior Resident Inspector-Operations, Vogtle l

1 0786m ens .

GeorgiaPower A ENCLOSURE PLANT V0GTLE - UNIT 1 NRC DOCKET 50-424 OPERATING LICENSE NPF-68 CIRCULATING HATER SYSTEM CYCLES OF CONCENTRATION INCREASE This evaluation assesses the effects of increasing the cycles of solids concentration in the circulating water system from four to ten.

This operational change has been initiated to optimize the chemical treatment program and protect the structural integrity of the cement fill material in the cooling towers.

GPC has determined that the proposed increase in cycles of concentration would not result in a significant or even measurable adverse environmental impact as defined in Section 3.1 of the Environmental Protection Plan and, as such, does not constitute an unreviewed environmental question.

The proposed change in the circulating water system operation would affect three operational aspects addressed by the Vogtle Final Environmental Statement (FES) which were previously evaluated by the NRC or the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. These operational aspects are as follows:

1. Coolina Tower Mineral Orift Decosition In Appendix K of the FES it was stated that at a cycle of concentration of 4, mineral drift deposition from the cooling towers would be a maximum of .18 kg/ha-mo of which less than .045 is NaC1.

Since mineral deposition rates are directly proportional to cycles of concentration, the Vogtle cooling tower mineral deposition rate at a cycle of concentration of ten would be a maximum of .45 kg/ha-mo of which 0.1125 kg/ha-mo would be Nacl. Since it is stated in NUREG-0555 Section that Nacl deposition rates of up to 2 kg/ha-mo are generally not damaging to plants, no significant increase above that previously evaluated in the FES will occur. The ASLB reviewed the highest predicted salt deposition value of

.15ka/ha-mo near the site boundary as well as the higher erroneous 1.58 ka/ha-mo value. The change in the cycles of concentration will not significantly increase any adverse environmental impact considered by the ASLB, since the levels associated with the proposed change will still fali well below the levels previously evaluated by the ASLB. [ Atomic Safety and Licensing Board's Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Motion for Summary Disposition of Joint Intervenor's Contention 12 [ Cooling Tower Drif t]) at Page 5-7]

SL-4167 E-1 03/09/88 0785m on _ _ _ _ .-

l; 4 GeorgiaPower d ENCLOSURE (Continued)


2. Liauid Effluent Water Ouality The values for the predicted liquid effluent water quality survey listed in Table 4.5 of the FES will be proportionally higher for circulating water blowdown at a cycle of concentration of ten, with the exception of -flow. These higher values will not produce a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact associated with the previously reviewed plant liquid ef. fluent quality.
3. Decrease 1 Coolina Tower Blowdown Volume The increase in cooling tower cycles of concentration vill reduce the i

blowdown per tower from 5,000 gpm to 1,630 gpm. The resulting decrease in available dilution flow will be supplemented by the use of the liquid radwaste dilution line if required. The decrease in cooling tower blowdown should also result in a discharge thermal plume of a smaller area than originally reported.

Although the increase in cooling tower cycles of concentration would result in changes of some previously evaluated issues lit the FES, these changes do not result in a significant increase in any Onvironmental impact, and thus, do not involve an unreviewed environmental question as defined in Section 3.1 of the Vogtle Environmental Protection Plan.

In accordance with Section 3.1 of the Vogtle EPP, this assessment will be included in the Vogtle Annual Environmental Operating Report.

SL-4167 E-2 03/09/88 0786m em