ML20148G502 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Salem, Hope Creek, 05000000 |
Issue date: | 03/22/1988 |
To: | Corbin McNeil Public Service Enterprise Group |
Shared Package | |
ML20148G506 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 8803290164 | |
Download: ML20148G502 (2) | |
MONTHYEARML20217M7571999-10-22022 October 1999
[Table view]Advises That Attachment 1 to ,Marked as Proprietary,Re Safety Limit MCPR & Fuel Vendor Change Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR2.790(b)(5) ML20217M2101999-10-19019 October 1999 Forwards NRC Rept Number 17, Requal Tracking Rept from Operator Licensing Tracking Sys.Rept Was Used by NRC to Schedule Requalification Exam for Operators & Record Requal Pass Dates ML20217H8471999-10-18018 October 1999 Discusses Completion of Licensing Action for GL 98-01 & Suppl 1, Yr 2000 Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps, to All Holders of Operating Licenses for NPPs ML18107A5601999-10-18018 October 1999 Submits 30-day Fuel Clad Temp Rept,Iaw 10CFR50.46.Rept Describes Changes to Calculated Peak Clad Temp (PCT) for Salem Generating Station Large & Small Break LOCA Analyses ML20217K8441999-10-15015 October 1999 Submits Revised Commitment to NRC Bulletin 90-01,Suppl 1 for Hope Creek Generating Station ML20217H9771999-10-13013 October 1999 Forwards SRO & RO Initial Exam Rept 50-354/98-302,suppl Rept on 990125-29,mtg Meeting on 990322,990429-30 & 0617-18 in-office Review & 990720 Telcon on Appeal Results.Overall, 11 of 16 Applicants Received NRC Licenses ML18107A5531999-10-0808 October 1999 Forwards Summary Rept of Plant Startup & Power Ascension Testing for Sgs,Unit 2 Cycle 11,per Requirements of TS ML18107A5561999-10-0707 October 1999 Requests Relief Associated with Containment Examinations at Hope Creek & Salem Generating Stations.Attachment 1 Includes Proposed Alternatives & Supporting Justification for Relief Requests ML20217C4391999-10-0606 October 1999 Informs That Util Authorized to Administer Initial NRC Retake Written Exam to Applicant Listed,During Week of 991011 ML18107A5591999-10-0505 October 1999 Informs That Nj Dept of Environ Protection Has No Comments on License Change Request S99-07 for Sgs,Units 1 & 2 ML18107A5521999-10-0505 October 1999 Encourages NRC to Support Abb Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power Request for Priority Review of Generic TR Re Crossflow Ultrasonic Flow Measurement Sys ML18107A5501999-10-0505 October 1999 Provides Current Status of Pse&G Actions Re GL 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps, for Salem Nuclear Generating Station,Units 1 & 2 & Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20217A9601999-10-0404 October 1999 Forwards Errata Redressing Deficiencies & Correcting Two Typos to Ufsar,Rev 10.Incorporate Attached Pages/Figures Into Controlled Copies of UFSAR ML20217A6861999-10-0101 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-354/99-05 on 990711-0829.Four Violations Occurred Re Areas of Fire Protection,Operation at Reduced Feedwater Inlet Temp & safety-related Battery Charging Operation & Being Treated as NCVs LR-N990430, Forwards Rev 10 to Hope Creek Generating Station Ufsar,Iaw 10CFR50.71(e).Details Re Each Change Also Attached to Facilitate NRC Review1999-09-28028 September 1999 Forwards Rev 10 to Hope Creek Generating Station Ufsar,Iaw 10CFR50.71(e).Details Re Each Change Also Attached to Facilitate NRC Review IR 05000272/19990071999-09-28028 September 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-272/99-07 & 50-306/99-07 on 990721- 0831.One Potentially Safety Significant Issue Identified Dealing with Control Room Special Ventilation System.Four Addl Issues of Low Safety Significance Identified ML18107A5421999-09-22022 September 1999 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Salem Generating Station for Aug 1999.Rept Is Required by & Prepared Specifically for EPA & Nj Dept of Environ Protection ML18107A5341999-09-22022 September 1999 Provides Data Re Operator Licensing Exam for Salem & Hope Creek Station,In Response to NRC Form 536 (7-1999) ML20217K7781999-09-16016 September 1999 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Hope Creek Generating Station for Month of Aug 1999. Rept Is Required by & Prepared Specifically for EPA & Nj Dept of Environ Protection ML20212B3631999-09-14014 September 1999 Forwards Rev 13 to Salem - Hope Creek Security Plan,Iaw 10CFR50.54(p).Summary of Proposed Changes to Plan,Encl. Encl Withheld ML20212B4021999-09-13013 September 1999 Submits Supplemental Info Related to Hope Creek License Change Request (LCR) H98-08,submitted to NRC on 981230, Re Flood Protection TS Changes ML18107A5321999-09-13013 September 1999 Forwards Revised 10CFR50.92 Evaluation to Clarify Util Response to Question Number 1 Re Amend to Modify TS 3/4 8.1, AC Power Sources. ML18107A5351999-09-13013 September 1999 Informs That NRC Has Reviewed Pse&G Request Proposing to Modify TS Which Allow EDG to Be Operated for 24 Surveillance Test During Any Mode,Iaw 10CFR50.91(b) & Has No Comments ML18107A5331999-09-13013 September 1999 Provides Notification That PSEG Intends to Utilize ASME Code Case N-481 During Second ISI Interval at Sgs Units 1 & 2 ML18107A5231999-09-0808 September 1999 Forwards Salem Generating Station Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan-June 1999. Rept Summarizes Liquid & Gaseous Releases & Solid Waste Shipments from Salem Generating Station for Period of Jan-June 1999 ML18107A5221999-09-0808 September 1999 Requests Approval to Use ASME Code Case N546,which Provides Alternative Qualification Requirements That Allow Personnel Most Familiar with Walkdown of Plant Sys,Like License Operators to Perform VT-2 Examinations ML20211N5421999-09-0808 September 1999 Forwards Amend 121 to License NPF-57 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Revises TSs by Relocating Procedural Details of RETS to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual LR-N990395, Provides Comments on NRC Ltr Dtd 990714, Closure of TAC Number MA1194 - Response to RAIs to GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity, for Hope Creek Generating Sation. Revised GE Report Encl Also1999-09-0101 September 1999 Provides Comments on NRC Ltr Dtd 990714, Closure of TAC Number MA1194 - Response to RAIs to GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity, for Hope Creek Generating Sation. Revised GE Report Encl Also ML18107A5181999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards Ninety Day Rept for ISI Activities Conducted at Sgs,Unit 2 During Ninth Extended Outage & Tenth Refueling Outage.List of Encl,Provided ML18107A4981999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards Response to NOV That Resulted from Predecisional Enforcement Conference Conducted on 990624.Corrective Actions:Communications to Supervisors Reinforced Employee Right & Duty to Raise Nuclear Safety Issues ML18107A5061999-08-26026 August 1999 Provides First Feedback from Observation of NRC Insp Under Pilot Nuclear Power Plant Insp Program.Attached Are Completed Insp Feedback Forms for Procedure 71111, Attachment 21 & Procedure 71151 ML18107A5051999-08-24024 August 1999 Informs That Nj Dept of Environ Protection Bureau of Nuclear Engineering Has Reviewed Request IAW Requirements of 10CFR50.91(b) & Has No Comments Re Amend to FOL Change Request S99-02 to Modify TS Re Penetration Valves ML18107A4921999-08-23023 August 1999 Provides Suppl Info Re 971024 Amend Request to Modify TS 3/4 7.7, Auxiliary Bldg Exhaust Air Filtration Sys. Util Withdraws from Request All Proposed Changes Associated with Filter Testing,Per Issuance of GL 99-02 ML18107A4911999-08-20020 August 1999 Forwards Revised Plant Attribute Libraries for Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations,Iaw 10CFR50,App E,Vi, Emergency Response Data Sys, 3.b.Changes Are Identified by Rev Bars ML20211B5341999-08-20020 August 1999 Forwards RAI Re 2nd 10-yr ISI Interval Relief Requests Re Plant.Info Requested to Be Provided within 60 Days of Receipt of Ltr ML18107A4861999-08-19019 August 1999 Forwards NPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept, for Salem Generating Station for Month of Jul 1999.Rept Required by & Prepared Specifically for EPA & Nj Dept of Environ Protection ML18107A4831999-08-18018 August 1999 Submits Licensee Comments on NRC 990730 Ltr Which Provided Notification of Close Out of TAC Numbers MA0567 & MA0568 Re GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1 ML18107A4801999-08-13013 August 1999 Requests That Pse&Gs Contact in NUREG-0383, Directory of Compliance for Radioactive Matl Packages, Be Changed ML20210R4911999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-354/99-04 on 990530-0711.No Violations Noted.Inspectors Reviewed Performance Indicators Submitted as Part of Pilot Program for New Regulatory Oversight Process & Verified Data ML18107A4751999-08-0505 August 1999 Forwards Fitness for Duty Performance Data Rept for Six Month Period Ending 990630 ML20210M7571999-08-0404 August 1999 Forwards Response to Requesting Addl Info Re Status of Decommissioning Funding for Lgs,Pbaps & Sngs. Attachment Provides Restatement of Questions Followed by Response ML20210H9241999-07-26026 July 1999 Informs That State of Nj Dept of Environ Protection Has No Comments on Licensee 990517 Request for Amend to TS by Adding TS 3.3.10, Instrumentation of OPRM Sys ML20210F3271999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards SE Granting Relief Requests RR-B1,RR-C1,RR-D1 & RR-B3 Re First 10-year Interval for ISI Program at Hope Creek ML18107A4531999-07-20020 July 1999 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Salem Generating Station, for June 1999.Rept Is Required by & Prepared for EPA & Nj Dept of Environ Protection ML20210D3971999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Hope Creek Generating Station, for June 1999.Rept Is Required by & Prepared for EPA & Nj Dept of Environ Protection ML20209G2831999-07-14014 July 1999 Disclosure Closure of TAC MA1194 Re Licensee Response to RAI to GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Rc Structural Integrity, for Plant 05000354/LER-1999-007, Forwards LER 99-007-00,re License Condition Violation - Class-1E Battery Charging Operation.Commitments Made by Util Encl1999-07-14014 July 1999 Forwards LER 99-007-00,re License Condition Violation - Class-1E Battery Charging Operation.Commitments Made by Util Encl LR-N990250, Provides Proposed Alternative & Supporting Justification for Relief from Augmented Inservice Requirements of 10CFR50.55a(g) for Volumetric Exam of RPV Circumferential Welds1999-07-0909 July 1999 Provides Proposed Alternative & Supporting Justification for Relief from Augmented Inservice Requirements of 10CFR50.55a(g) for Volumetric Exam of RPV Circumferential Welds ML18107A4431999-07-0606 July 1999 Informs That Nj Dept of Environ Protection Bureau of Nuclear Engineering Has Reviewed Pse&G License Change Request S98-17 Re Permissible Enrichment Values for New Fuel Storage & Has No Comments ML20196J4421999-07-0101 July 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Increase of Allowable Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) Leak Rate & Deletion of MSIV Sealing Sys for Plant 1999-09-08 Category:NRC TO UTILITY MONTHYEARML20062E7751990-11-15015 November 1990
[Table view]Discusses Util 900910 Submittal of Addl Info Re Reliability of Bailey Solid State Logic Modules ML20197H7051990-11-0808 November 1990 Forwards Exam Rept 50-354/90-17OL Administered During Wks of 900827,0924 & 1001 ML20058H0531990-11-0606 November 1990 Informs That Dembek Replaced C Shiraki as Staff Project Manager for Plant ML20058H0461990-11-0606 November 1990 Forwards List of Unimplemented Gsis,Per Generic Ltr 90-04 ML20062B6611990-10-12012 October 1990 Extends Invitation to Attend 910220-21 Workshop in King of Prussia,Pa Re Engineering Role in Plant Support ML20059P0031990-10-0505 October 1990 Grants 900928 Request for Regional Waiver of Compliance Re Safety Auxiliaries Cooling Sys ML20058N8261990-08-13013 August 1990 Advises That Request for Relief from ASME Code Requirements for Svc Water Piping,Granted Until Next Scheduled Outage Per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i) & Guidance of Generic Ltr 90-05 ML20058M4371990-08-0101 August 1990 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-354/90-13 on 900618-22.No Violations Noted ML20058L7541990-07-23023 July 1990 Forwards Radiological Controls Insp Rept 50-354/90-15 on 900625-29.No Violations Noted ML20059M9281990-06-13013 June 1990 Forwards NRC Performance Indicators for First Quarter 1990. W/O Encl ML20055C6241990-05-22022 May 1990 Forwards Exam Rept 50-354/90-06OL Administered During Wk of 900319 ML20042F4381990-05-0303 May 1990 Requests Submission of Westinghouse Reassessment of NRC Bulletin 88-002, Rapidly Propagating Fatigue Cracks in Steam Generator Tubes ML20055C3921990-02-26026 February 1990 Approves Util 900214 Request for Use of B&W Steam Generator Plugs W/Alloy 690 as Alternative to Alloy 600.Alternate Matl Is nickel-base Alloy (ASME Designation SB-166) ML20248G5531989-09-26026 September 1989 Forwards Exam Rept 50-354/89-08OL Administered During Wk of 890717 ML20248G9731989-09-20020 September 1989 Forwards Unexecuted Amend 13 to Indemnity Agreement B-69, Reflecting Increase in Primary Layer of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Provided by ANI & Maelu IR 05000354/19890141989-09-19019 September 1989 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-354/89-14 on 890620-0814.No Violations Noted.Inspectors Noted Addl Attention to Detail Errors by Facility Personnel Similar to Ones Described in Most Recent SALP Rept 50-354/88-99 ML20247H6411989-09-12012 September 1989 Advises That 890816 Revisions to ATWS Mitigation Sys Acceptable W/Requirements of 10CFR50.62(c)(1) ML20247K2231989-09-11011 September 1989 Forwards Amends 123 & 41 to Licenses DPR-61 & NPF-49, Respectively & Safety Evaluation.Amends Change Tech Specs 4.10.1.D.1.h & to Allow Insp of Steam Generator Tubes by Insertion of Ultrasonic Test Probe ML20247E3371989-09-0707 September 1989 Forwards Amends 122,34,143 & 40 to Licenses DPR-61,DPR-21, DPR-65 & NPF-49,respectively & Safety Evaluation.Amends Change Tech Spec Sections 6.10.2.m & 6.10.3 Re Records Retention for Radiological Effluent Monitoring & ODCM IR 05000029/19890141989-08-31031 August 1989 Forwards Insp Repts 50-029/89-14 & 50-271/89-10 on 890717-21.No Violations Noted ML20246Q0121989-08-31031 August 1989 Forwards Insp Repts 50-029/89-14 & 50-271/89-10 on 890717-21.No Violations Noted ML20246J5581989-08-28028 August 1989 Grants 890609 & 16 Requests for Withholding of Rev 0 to TR-ESE-737 from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR2.790 ML20246E7631989-08-22022 August 1989 Informs of Maint Program Team Insp Scheduled for 891002-13 to Focus on Maint Performance & Whether Components,Sys & Structures Adequately Maintained & Repaired to Perform Intended Safety Function.Encl Ref Matl Requested ML20246J4371989-08-18018 August 1989 Clarifies NRC Position Re Definition of Extremity for Purpose of Setting Occupational Exposure Limits.Procedures Should Incorporate Applicable Dose Limits of 10CFR20 ML20246C3941989-08-15015 August 1989 Forwards Safeguards Insp Repts 50-272/89-19,50-311/89-17 & 50-354/89-15 on 890710-14.No Violations Noted ML20246C8211989-08-11011 August 1989 Confirms 890808 Telcon Re Util Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey on 891023 in Berlin,Ct.Schedule & General Discussion Groups Shown in Encl ML20248D6921989-08-0404 August 1989 Advises That Rev 6b to Generating Stations Emergency Plan Transmitted by Util 890710 Form Acceptable & Does Not Decrease Effectiveness of Plan ML20248C0561989-08-0303 August 1989 Forwards Sser Accepting 880601,0909 & 890602 Changes to ATWS Mitigation Sys Actuation Circuitry for Plants.Nrc Requested to Be Notified Upon Completion of Human Factors Review ML20245H5331989-08-0202 August 1989 Advises That 890519 Changes to QA Program Described in CPC-2A Acceptable.Issues Addressed Listed ML20247H6891989-07-25025 July 1989 Requests Proposed Design Change to Containment Hydrogen Monitoring Sys,W/Schedule for Implementing Change or Justification for Existing Configuration ML20247N4481989-07-24024 July 1989 Forwards Insp Rept 50-354/89-13 on 890626-30.No Violations Noted ML20247J2841989-07-24024 July 1989 Forwards SER & EGG-NTA-8341 Re Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 4.5.3, Reactor Trip Reliability-On-Line Functional Testing of Reactor Trip Sys ML20246J8671989-07-12012 July 1989 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-354/89-11 on 890501-0619.No Violations Noted ML20246F7291989-07-0606 July 1989 Forwards to Ecology Ctr of Southern California Re Petition to Fix or Close Reactors Designed by Ge.Ltr States That Petition Being Treated Under 10CFR2.206 ML20246A2951989-06-29029 June 1989 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re NRC Bulletin 88-008, Thermal Stresses in Piping Connected to Rcs ML20245J8061989-06-27027 June 1989 Grants Util 871211 Relief Requests, & Re Inservice Insp Plan Category B-A Reactor Vessel Welds,Per 871211 SER ML20246L2211989-06-26026 June 1989 Forwards Amends 118,33,142 & 36 to Licenses DPR-61,DPR-21, DPR-65 & NPF-49,respectively & Safety Evaluation.Amends Revise Tech Specs by Removing Tech Spec Figures 6.2-1 & 6.2-2 Re Organizations Functional Requirements ML20245J3301989-06-22022 June 1989 Provides Background Info on Regulatory Analysis Supplementing NRC Proposed Backfit,Per 890413 Request.Util Expected to Provide Schedule for Implementation of Required Improvements ML20245B2811989-06-19019 June 1989 Ack Receipt of & Payment of Civil Penalty in Amount of $50,000,per NRC .Region I Will Review Info Provided Re Limitorque Gear Case Grease Relief Example of Violation & Provide Separate Response ML20245F2691989-06-16016 June 1989 Forwards SER Accepting Licensee 850612 Response to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 4.5.3 Re Trip Reliability & on-line Functional Testing of Trip Sys ML18094A5401989-06-16016 June 1989 Fowards Response to NRC Bulletin 88-003 Re Potential Inadequate Latch Engagement in GE Hfa latching-type Relays. Until alternative-type Relays Available,Spare GE Hfa Relays Ordered for Replacement in-kind Applications ML20245H1491989-06-15015 June 1989 Submits Correction/Clarificaton to Util 890508 Response to Generic Ltr 88-14, Instrument Air Supply Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Program on Critical Air Demand Equipment Is in Addition to Investigations Performed ML20245B1731989-06-15015 June 1989 Ack Receipt of Rev 55 to QA Topical Rept CE-1-A.Program Satisfies Requirements of 10CFR50,App B & Acceptable ML20244C2941989-06-0909 June 1989 Advises Tht Util 890329 Request for Approval to Use Fuses for Electrical Isolation of non-Class 1E Dc Power Sys Acceptable Provided That Circuit Breaker in Parallel to Two Fuses Locked Open ML20244C5091989-06-0101 June 1989 Advises That Bunker Ramo Penetration Assemblies Environmentally Qualified to Perform Intended Functions for Plants,Per 890224 Rept & .Concerns Expressed in Re Byron Unit 2 Satisfied ML20248C2671989-05-31031 May 1989 Forwards Insp Repts 50-321/88-37,50-366/88-37 & 50-424/88-53 on 881102-890106 & Notice of Violation.Notice of Violation Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(d) & 73.21) ML20247M7731989-05-26026 May 1989 Forwards Directors Decision Re Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy 10CFR2.206 Petition Re 880309 Power Oscillation Event at Lasalle,Unit 2 ML20247M8211989-05-25025 May 1989 Forwards Directors Decision,Ltr of Transmittal & Fr Notice Re Denial of Ocre 10CFR2.206 Petition on BWR Stability. Request to Reopen Rulemaking on Anticipated Transients W/O Scram Being Considered as Petition Under 10CFR2.802 ML20247H3511989-05-19019 May 1989 Advises That Licensee Response to Generic Ltr 82-33 Re post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation,Per Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.97,acceptable,except for Four Items Listed in Technical Evaluation Rept ML20247J7801989-05-19019 May 1989 Informs of Implementation Schedule for Item 1.b of NRC Bulletin 88-011, Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal Stratification, Mutually Agreed Upon Between NRC & Westinghouse During 890411 Meeting 1990-08-13 Category:OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE MONTHYEARML20217M7571999-10-22022 October 1999
[Table view]Advises That Attachment 1 to ,Marked as Proprietary,Re Safety Limit MCPR & Fuel Vendor Change Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR2.790(b)(5) ML20217M2101999-10-19019 October 1999 Forwards NRC Rept Number 17, Requal Tracking Rept from Operator Licensing Tracking Sys.Rept Was Used by NRC to Schedule Requalification Exam for Operators & Record Requal Pass Dates ML20217H8471999-10-18018 October 1999 Discusses Completion of Licensing Action for GL 98-01 & Suppl 1, Yr 2000 Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps, to All Holders of Operating Licenses for NPPs ML20217H9771999-10-13013 October 1999 Forwards SRO & RO Initial Exam Rept 50-354/98-302,suppl Rept on 990125-29,mtg Meeting on 990322,990429-30 & 0617-18 in-office Review & 990720 Telcon on Appeal Results.Overall, 11 of 16 Applicants Received NRC Licenses ML20217C4391999-10-0606 October 1999 Informs That Util Authorized to Administer Initial NRC Retake Written Exam to Applicant Listed,During Week of 991011 ML20217A6861999-10-0101 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-354/99-05 on 990711-0829.Four Violations Occurred Re Areas of Fire Protection,Operation at Reduced Feedwater Inlet Temp & safety-related Battery Charging Operation & Being Treated as NCVs IR 05000272/19990071999-09-28028 September 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-272/99-07 & 50-306/99-07 on 990721- 0831.One Potentially Safety Significant Issue Identified Dealing with Control Room Special Ventilation System.Four Addl Issues of Low Safety Significance Identified ML20211N5421999-09-0808 September 1999 Forwards Amend 121 to License NPF-57 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Revises TSs by Relocating Procedural Details of RETS to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML20211B5341999-08-20020 August 1999 Forwards RAI Re 2nd 10-yr ISI Interval Relief Requests Re Plant.Info Requested to Be Provided within 60 Days of Receipt of Ltr ML20210R4911999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-354/99-04 on 990530-0711.No Violations Noted.Inspectors Reviewed Performance Indicators Submitted as Part of Pilot Program for New Regulatory Oversight Process & Verified Data ML20210F3271999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards SE Granting Relief Requests RR-B1,RR-C1,RR-D1 & RR-B3 Re First 10-year Interval for ISI Program at Hope Creek ML20209G2831999-07-14014 July 1999 Disclosure Closure of TAC MA1194 Re Licensee Response to RAI to GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Rc Structural Integrity, for Plant ML20196J6301999-07-0101 July 1999 Requests Addl Info Re Status of Decommissioning Funding for Limerick Generating Station,Units 1 & 2,Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station,Units 1,2 & 3 & Salem Nuclear Generating Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20196J4421999-07-0101 July 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Increase of Allowable Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) Leak Rate & Deletion of MSIV Sealing Sys for Plant ML20209B6751999-06-29029 June 1999 Ack Receipt of from Dr Powell in Response to NRC Re Fitness for Duty.Attachment 2 of Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20196F9441999-06-21021 June 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-354/99-03 on 990419-0529.Violations Noted.Two Violations of NRC Requirements Occurred Re Reactor Bldg Ventilation Setpoints & Control Rod Drop Analyses ML20212J0541999-06-17017 June 1999 Responds to Requesting That NRC Staff ...Allow BWR Plants Identified to Defer Weld Overlay Exams Until March 2001 or Until Completion of NRC Staff Review & Approval of Proposed Generic Rept,Whichever Comes First ML20195J1101999-06-0707 June 1999 Informs of Completion of Review of Providing Updated Status on Implementation of Commitments Made in Response to GL 89-13.Confirms Revs Made to Previous Commitments to Resolve Monitoring Pressure Drop Problem ML20195J1051999-06-0707 June 1999 Informs That NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Reorganized Effective 990328.As Part of Reorganization,Div of Licensing Project Mgt Created.Jw Clifford Will Be Section Chief for Hope Creek Generating Station ML20207F2681999-06-0303 June 1999 Responds to by Forwarding Gfes & NRC Written Exam Grades for List of Hope Creek Operators Submitted by DE Jackson.Absence of Gfes Grade Indicates That Operator Previously Issued RO or SRO License.Without Encl ML20207D0201999-05-27027 May 1999 Discusses 990512 Meeting to Identify Insp Activities at Hope Creek Facility Over Next Six Months & Informs of Planned Insps in Order for Licensee to Have Opportunity to Prepare & Provide Region I with Feedback on Schedule Conflicts ML20207A3451999-05-20020 May 1999 Discusses Completion of Licensing Action for NRC Bulletin 96-003, Potential Plugging of ECCS Strainers by Debris in Bwrs ML20206Q4461999-05-14014 May 1999 Forwards SE Accepting GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves, for Plant ML20206Q6211999-05-14014 May 1999 Informs That on 990119 Licensee Provided NRC with Several Revised TS Bases Pages for Plant.Ts Bases Pages B 3/4 6-1 & B 3/4 6-2 Were Revised ML20206U8451999-05-14014 May 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-354/99-02 on 990308-0418.Violations Re Fuel Handling Errors & Missed Temp Monitoring During Reactor Vessel Head Tensioning Occurred & Being Treated as non-cited Violation ML20206R2691999-05-12012 May 1999 Informs That During 990504 Telcon Between J Caruso & H Hanson,Arrangements Were Made for Administration of Licensing Written Retake Exam at Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station During Week of 990927 ML20206C8431999-04-22022 April 1999 Forwards SER Authorizing Util 980728 Submitted Relief Requests Associated with Changes Made to Repair Plan for Core Spray Nozzle Weld N5B ML20205S7911999-04-19019 April 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-354/99-01 on 990124-0307.Violations Noted.Some Human Performance Errors Occurred During Numerous Outage Activities,Util Appropriately Reacted to Each of Errors & Initiated Corrective Actions ML20205R0861999-04-14014 April 1999 Informs That Final Review of Hard Copy of PPR Re Hope Creek, Issued 990409 Had Error.Electronic Version e-mailed Was Not Effected.Forwards Pp with Correction in Margin.Without Encl ML20205R0461999-04-14014 April 1999 Forwards Associated Page with Correction Marked in Margin of PPR of Salem Issued 990409.During Final Review of Hard Copy, Error Was Noted.Without Encl ML20205N2481999-04-0909 April 1999 Discusses Hope Creek Generating Station Plant Performance Review Conducted for Period April 1998 Through Jan 1999 & Informs of NRC Planned Insp Effort Resulting from Ppr. Historial Listing & Insp Plans for Next Few Months Encl IR 05000354/19983021999-04-0909 April 1999 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-354/98-302 Issued on 990226.Response Indicates That Licensee Corrected Violation & Initiated Measures to Prevent Recurrence ML20205G5961999-03-19019 March 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation of Relief Request Re ASME Code Case N-567, Alternate Requirements for Class 1,2 & 3 Replacement Components Section Xi,Div 1. Request Acceptable ML20205F8771999-03-18018 March 1999 Forwards SE Authorizing Licensee 971222 Relief Requests Re Second 10-year Interval for Pumps & Valves IST Program for Hope Creek Generating Station ML20207D5741999-03-0101 March 1999 Discusses Pse&G 980604 Updated Response to GL 96-05 Indicating Intent to Implement Provisions of JOG Program on MOV Periodic Verification at Hope Creek Generating Station. Forwards RAI Re GL 96-05 Program at Hope Creek ML20206S5951999-02-0303 February 1999 First Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Documents Listed in App a Already Available in Pdr.Documents Listed in App B Being Released in Their Entirety ML20198H6211998-12-24024 December 1998 Forwards Notice of Withdrawal of 970826,as Suppl 980424 & 0924 Amend Request for FOL NPF-57.Proposed Change Would Have Modified Facility TSs Pertaining to Filtration,Recirculation & Ventilation Sys Surveillance Testing Requirements ML20198L3571998-12-22022 December 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-354/98-11 on 981101-1212.No Violations Noted.Insp Generally Characterized by safety-conscious Operations,Effective Engineering & Maint Practices & Careful Radiological Work Controls ML20198H6661998-12-17017 December 1998 Informs That Attachment 1 to Ltr LR-N98404,dtd 980825 Marked as Proprietary,Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure Pursuant to 10CFR2.790(b)(5) & Section 103(b) of Atomic Energy Act of 1954,as Amended ML20198H1851998-12-15015 December 1998 Responds to to President Clinton Re Rept by Gao, Issued 970530 on NRC Oversight of Nuclear Power Industry ML20196K1371998-12-0909 December 1998 Advises of Planned Insp Effort Resulting from Hope Creek Insp Review Planning Meeting Conducted on 981110.Details of Insp Plan for Next 6 Months Encl ML20197H3841998-12-0707 December 1998 Informs That Licensee Authorized to Administer Initial Written Exams to Listed Applicants on 981222.NRC Region I Operator Licensing Staff Will Administer Operating Tests ML20198B7611998-12-0303 December 1998 Informs That on 981007,generic Fundamentals Exam Was Administered to 148 Candidates at 21 Facilities.Summary of Statistical Results of Exam Listed.Contents of Exam Along with Associated Input Data Needed for Updating Catalog Encl ML20196H0301998-12-0101 December 1998 Informs That NEDC-32511P,rev 1,dtd Oct 1998 Marked as Proprietary,Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure Pursuant to 10CFR2.790(b)(5) & Section 103(b) of Atomic Energy Act of 1954,as Amended ML20196F7991998-11-30030 November 1998 Forwards Rept Representing Results of 981026-29 Audit of Year 2000 Pragram at Hope Creek Generating Station.Audit Conducted as Followup to NRC GL 98-01, Year 2000 Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps, Issued 980511 ML20196D0711998-11-23023 November 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-354/98-10 on 980920-1031 & Notice of Violation Re Preforming Single Cell Charge on safety-related Battery Cell in Configuration Prohibited by Station Procedures ML20155J7191998-11-0505 November 1998 Fourth Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Records Listed in App G Being Released in Entirety.Documents Listed in App H Being Withheld in Part (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20154Q7071998-10-16016 October 1998 Forwards Exam Rept 50-354/98-03OL Conducted by NRC During Periods of 980304-12,0519-21,22-28 & 0629.All Five Reactor Operator Applicants & Four of Five Senior Reactor Applicants Passed Exams ML20154J8501998-10-0909 October 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-354/98-08 on 980809-0919 & Notice of Violation Re Inadequate Corrective Actions to Resolve Steam Leaks from Piping Located in Torus Room ML20154P4011998-10-0909 October 1998 First Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.Records in App a Available in Pdr.Records in App B Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 3) 1999-09-08 |
See also: IR 05000272/1988006
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MAR 2 2 Iggg
Docket Nos. 50-272
Public Service Electric & Gas Company
ATTN: Mr. C. A. McNeill, Jr.
Senior Vice President - Nuclear
Post Office Box 236
Hancecks Bridge, New Jersey 08038
Sub.iect: Combined Inspection Nos. 50-354/88-04, 50-272/88-06 and 50-311/88-06
This refers to the routine safeguards inspection conducted by Messrs. R. J.
Bailey and W. K. Lancaster of this of fice on February 1-5, 1988, at Hancocks
Bridge, New Jersey, of activities authorized by NRC License Nos. NPF-50, DPR-70
and DPR-75 and to the discussions of our findings held by Mr. Bailey and Mr. P.
S. Moeller of your staff at che conclusion of the inspection.
Areas examined during this inspection are described in the NRC Region I
Inspection Report which is enclosed with this letter.
Within these areas, the
inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and
representative records, interviews with personnel and observations by the
Within the scope of this inspection, no violations were observed.
Portions of the enclosed inspection report contains details of your security
program that have been determined to be exempt from public disclosure in
accordance with 10 CFR 73.21 (Safeguards Information).
Therefore, those
portions will not be placed in the NRC Public Document Room and will receive
limited distribution.
No rerly to this letter is reovired.
Your cooperation with us is appreciated.
yagnal Signed By:
d=ald R. 60llamy
Ronald R. Bellamy, Chief
Facilities Radiological Safety
and Safeguards Branch
Division of Radiation Safety
and Safeguards
Enclosure: Combined NRC Region I Inspection Report Numbers 50-354/88-04,
50-272/SS-06, 50-311/85-05 (Safeguards Information (SGI) is contained in
paragraphs 17, 18 and 19)
SCIR A! 88-04/00 - 0001.0.0
8803290164 eso322
ADOCK 0500
____ -_______
Public Service Electric &
MAR 2 2 1983
Gas Company
cc w/ enc 1 (w/o SGI):
VS LaBruna, General Manager, Hope Creek Operations
vdack Urban, General Manager, Fuels Department, Delmarva Power & Light Co.
\\41. M. Zupko, Jr. , General Manager - Salem Operations
vC. P. Johnson, Manager - Quality Assurance Nuclear Operations
VB. A. Preston, Manager, Licensing and Regulation
s General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review
V . J. Wetterhahn, Esquire
bR. Fryling, Jr., Esquire
(Rebecca A. Green, Bureau of Radiation Protection
Public Document Room (POR)
Local Public Document Room (LPDR)
Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)
VNRC Resident Inspector (w/SGI)
tState of New Jersey
bec w/enci (w/o SGI):
'fagien I D :ket Roc.m (with concurrences)
tManagement Assistant, ORMA (w/o enc 1)
,0RP Section Chief
. Robert J. Bores, DRSS
K mig
SCIR AI 83-04/06 - 0002.0.0
_ _ .
. . .
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