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Forwards Summary Rept of Plant Startup & Power Ascension Testing for Sgs,Unit 2 Cycle 11,per Requirements of TS
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/08/1999
From: Salamon G
Public Service Enterprise Group
LR-N99441, NUDOCS 9910210042
Download: ML18107A553 (6)


  • o PS~G Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038-0236 Nuclear Business Unit OCT s.

1999 LR-N99441 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • Document Control Desk.

Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:

SALEM UNIT 2 CYCLE 11 STARTUP REPORT SALEM GENERATING STATION -UNIT 2 FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE DPR-75 DOCKET NO. 50-311 Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G) Company hereby submits a summary report of plant startup and power ascension testing for Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11 in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification The report is required since fuel of a new design was installed for Cycle 11. A description of the fuel design changes and the summary of testing are included in Attachment 1.

ShouJd you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Paul Duke at (856) 339-1466.

Attachment 9910210042 991008 PDR ADOCK 05000311 P

PDR Th~, p;J\\Wr is in your hands.

Sincerely, G. Salamon Manager - Licensing

Document Control De.

LR-N99441 C Mr. H. Miller, Administrator - Region I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. P. Milano Licensing Project Manager - Salem U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North Mail Stop 881 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 USNRC Senior Resident Inspector - Salem (X24)

Mr. K. Tosch, Manager IV Bureau of Nuclear Engineering P. 0. Box415 Trenton, NJ 08625 OCT 8

  • 1999

ATTACHMENT 1 SALEM UNIT 2CYCLE11 STARTUP REPORT Salem Unit 2 began its eleventh cycle of operation on May 26, 1999 and completes operation on October 6, 2000. The burnup at the end of Cycle 11 is predicted fo be 18600 MWD/MTU. The Cycle 11 reload included one region of fresh Westinghouse RFA (Robust Fuel Assembly) fuel. This consisted of two sub regions: 44 Region 13A assemblies enriched to 4.006 w/o U235 and 28 Region 138 assemblies enriched to 4.407 w/o U235* The cycle 11 reload core utilizes 320 fresh discrete PYREX burnable absorber rods and 7392 1.25X (1.9625 mg/inch B-10) IFBA (Integral Fuel-Burnable Absorber) rods. Cycle 11 represents the first Salem reload utilizing IFM (Intermediate Flow Mixer) grids, the 1.25x IFBA loading, annular fuel pellets at the top and bottom 6'.'

of the Region 13 RFA fuel, and a protective bottom grid (a debris mitigation feature).

Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11 reload core design involved the installation of a new fuel type that had a different design than any previous Salem cycle. While various startup tests were performed, the reload core design, in particular, was verified during the startup physics testing program.

The program included the following tests:


Critical boron concentration measurements


Control rod bank worth measurements via Dynamic Rod Worth Measurement (DRWM)


Temperature coefficient measurements


Power distribution measurements usirig the incore flux mapping system Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11 is the first cycle of implementation at Salem for the Dynamic Rod Worth Measurement technique. The results of the startup physics testing program for Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11 follow. Critical boron, bank worth, and temperature coefficient measurement results are provided in Tables 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Comparisons to appropriate review and/or acceptance criteria are provided. Since review criteria are typically more restrictive than acceptance criteria for measured to predicted comparisons, only comparisons ~o the review criteria are provided if the review criteria are met since this guarantees that the acceptance criteria will also be met.

Table 1 Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11 Beginning of Life (BOL}, Hot Zero Power (HZP}, All Rods Out (ARO) Critical Boron Measurement Measured Value Design Value Review Criteria Sat/ Unsat (ppm)


Acceptance Range

(+/-50 ppm) 1684 1718 1668 - 1768 Sat

Document Control Del Table 2 LR-N99441 Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11 Dynamic Rod Worth Measurement (DRWM) Results Rod Bank Measured Design Value Review Sat/Unsat Worth (pcm)


Criteria D

726 731


Sat c

938 924


Sat B

931 917


Sat A

472 485

+/-100pcm Sat SD 408 406

+/-100pcm Sat SC 394 400

+/-100pcm Sat SB 866 874


Sat SA 219 228

+/-100pcm Sat Total 4954 4965


Sat Table 3 Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11 BOL HZP ARO Isothermal Temperature Coefficient (ITC) Measurement and Inferred Most Limiting Moderatpr Temperature Coefficient (MTC)

Parameter Value ITC Measured Value (pcml°F)

-3.99 ITC Design Value (pcml°F)

-3.88 Design Review Criteria Acceptance Range


( +/- 2 pcml°F)

Design Review Criteria (Sat/Unsat)

Sat MTG Measured Value* (pcml°F)

-1.35 MTC Acceptance Value (pcml°F)

<O Sat/Unsat Sat measured MTG value is corrected to the most limiting burnup for MTG (2000 MWD/MTU)

Document Control Def.

LR-N99441 Due to the satisfactory startup physics testing results* for Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11, power ascension was initiated. IN CORE flux map peaking factor measurement results (F ~H.

Fq, Fxy) with appropriate uncertainties applied as a function of core power level are provided in Tables 4, 5, and 6, respectively, which includes comparisons to the power level and/or core height dependent (Fq) Technical Specification and COLR limits for these parameters. Each part power flux map provided peaking factor results which met the Technical Specification and COLR limits for the flux map power level and the hot full power limits. Thus, power ascension was allowed up to 100 % power and the first near full power flux map occurred on June 7, 1999. This flux map showed acceptable comparisons to peaking factor limits as well with at least 8 % margin to the F ~H and Fxy Technical Specification and COLR limits and at least 22 % margin to the Fq Technical Specification and COLR limits.

Table 4 Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (FN ~H) as a Function* of INCORE Map Power Level Near BOL Test Conditions Measured Values Required Value Sat/Unsat (Power) 1.65[1.0+0.3(1-P)]

14.2 %


<2.0747 Sat 44.9%


<1.9227 Sat 73.9%


<1.7792 Sat 99.5%

1 ~5190

<1.6525 Sat Table 5 Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11 Maximum Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (Fq(z)) asa Function of INCORE Map Power Level Near BOL Test Conditions Measured Required Sat/Unsat (Power)

Values Values*



<4.74 Sat 44.9%


<4.7520 Sat 73.9%



  • Sat 99.5%


<2.4120 Sat Corresponds to hm1t at axial height with the highest Fq value Document Control Del Table 6 LR-N99441 Salem Unit 2 Cycle 11 Maximum Computed Radial Peaking Factor (F\\y) as a Function of INCORE Map Power Level and Rodded Condition for Surveilled Core Axial Heights Test Conditions Measured Values Required Values Sat/Unsat (Power) 14.2%

Rodded = 1.8927 Rodded < 2.6783 Sat Unrodded = 1.6725 Unrodded < 2.2256 44.9%

Rodded= N/A Rodded = N/A

  • Sat Unrodded = 1.6653 Unrodded < 2.0626 73.9%

Rodded= N/A Rodded= N/A Sat Unrodded = 1.6863 Unrodded < 1.9086 99.5%

Rodded= N/A Rodded= N/A Sat Unrodded = 1.6286 Unrodded < 1.7727