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Rev 0 to CK-MP3-03-02, Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP) Mod Review Checklist,Mod Screening Checklist
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/1997
From: Neri A, Schopfer D
Shared Package
ML20137U214 List:
CK-MP3-03-02, CK-MP3-3-2, NUDOCS 9704160331
Download: ML20137U251 (36)


- s Northeast Utilities Millstone - Unit 3 Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP)  !

l Modification Review Checklist CK-MP3-03-02, Rev. 0 1 Modification Screeninu Checklist Prepared by: A A AJE4 4- + 7-9 7 Name Signature p Date Approved by: 1.U Sb o kV  %,"% d h b -

V-//-97  ;



System I


Modification No. )

Lead Verifier l

SRG Lead l I


Sheet 1 of  !

9704160331 970411 PDR ADOCK 05000423 G PDR g

i j

Ncrtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstne Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of  !

Modification Screening Checklist '

4 Instructions This checklists supplements project instmetion PI-MP3-03 and provides instmetions for screening modifications for the purpose ofidentifying elements which require a detailed review. The checklist addresses various subjects and refers to various NU programs and documents. Prior to utilizing this checklist, the Lead Verifier and/or Verifiers shall read the NU documents to become familiar with Millstone's specific requirements. Use of this checklist shall be as follows:

1. The SRG Lead shall assign a Lead Verifier from the applicable discipline.
2. The Lead Verifier shall perform the screening by answering the questions on the checklist. l
3. The Lead Verifier shall initial each response. '
4. The Lead Verifier may request assistance from the discipline Verifiers as needed.

Discipline Verifiers shall initial the responses they provide. ,

5. The Lead Verifier shall assemble the completed checklist by entering the system identifier and modification number in the titleblock on each sheet. The Lead Veri 6er shall also number the checklist pages sequentially and sign and date the cover sheet.
6. The SRG Lead shallindicate his concurrence that the checklists have been completed by signing and dating the cover sheet.
7. For elements determined to be affected, the Lead Verifier shall distribute checklists and the modification package to applicable discipline verifier for detailed review.

l l

(CK-MP34342, Rev. O, Page 2)

CTK34302. DOC l

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1 l Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist Modification Screenine Summary I

Affected l Review Attribute XM lit Initials Mechanical System Design Electrical Design I&C Design Structural Design ALARA Security Appendix R Compliance Electrical Equipment Qualification Seismic Qualification l RadiologicalEnvironment Non-Radiological Environment Station Blackout Control Panel Design Piping Design Review Setpoint Database Hazards /HELB Fire Protection Licensing PRA >

Training Procedures Emergency Preparedness Plan Plant Procedures Configuration Change Quality Software Design Review (CK MP343-02, Rev. O, Page 3)

CTK34302. DOC

N:rthe st Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System

Modification No. j

. Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist l

4 Mechanical System Desien l Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the l screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in  !

accordance with CK-MP3-03.

3 N_2 X11 Initials l 1. Does the modification affect mechanical or ventilation

systems or components.?


2. Does this modification affect piping systems?

i 3. Does this modification alter or penetrate any barriers ,

(i.e. HELB, fire, CO2 halon, ventilation, water, l j flooding, tornado, radiation, etc.)?

l 4 Will the change increase the potential for flooding,  !

i reduce the capability to isolate or cope with local flooding or locate essential equipment where it would j be susceptible to flooding?

i 5. Does this modification add insulation inside the

containment which is of a different type than that 4

already used inside containment?

6. Does this modification increase aluminum or add paint or coatings of a different type than that already used inside containment?
7. Does this modification affect mechanical analysis or calculations such as thermal loading, flow and pressure drop evaluations? )
8. Does this modification affect mechanical drawings, data sheets, lists or databases, or other mechanical 1 documents?

l l

(CK-MP343-02.Rev. O, Page 4) 1 CTK3-0302. DOC

N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist i

Electrical Desien 1

1 Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-04.

i Ng yf.t Initials

, 1. Does this modification alter, add or delete cables, raceways or physical separation barriers (e.g., use of theraset flame 3 retardant electricalinsulating materials, siltemp-wrap, armoring, flex conduit, etc.)?

2. Does this modification add hot piping, valves, pipe fittings or i any other device that generates heat such that the installation of these components are within close proximity (less than 30 inches) of electrical raceways, (conduits, trays) or cables or could othenvise significantly impact ambient operating j temperatures of electrical equipment?
3. Does this modification change, add or delete any electrical loads, or alter the loading sequence on any electrical bus?

l 4. Does this modification change, add, or delete a motor or MOV, alter the control circuit to an existing motor or MOV, or change the stroke time of any MOV"

5. Does this modification add or alter a circuit which utilizes a containment electrical penetration?


6. Does this modification revise a relay setting or alter, add, or i

delete in any way a protective device, alarm, or indication (i.e.

fuse, breaker, undervoltage, underfrequency tol etc.)? _,

7. Does this modification add or alter a structure which would affect the lightning protection and/or grounding system?
8. Does this modification add to or alter the wiring, insulation, or i connections in a control panel?

(CK-MP3-0342, Rev. O, Page 5)

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N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of

Modification Screening Checklist 5

N2 Xgs Initials i 9.

Does this modification alter or affect in any way the eqaipment or structures which interface with any offsite power source or Switchyard or affect the HVAC requirements of any onsite

{ power source enclosure (i.e. EDG, Battery or Inverter Room)?


10. Does this modification affect electrical drawings, datasheets, lists or databases, etc.?
11. Does this modification affect electrical calculations, such as equipment sizing, voltage drop, setpoints, overcurrent protection?

i l,

4 1

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(CK-MP3-0342, Rev. O, Page 6)

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I N:rtheest Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 l Millstone Unit 3 System i

, Modification No.

Sheet of 4

Modification Screening Checklist


I&C Desimo Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the a screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in  ;

accordance with CK-MP3-03-05. 1 N2 Yt1 Initials  !

. 1. Does the design affect the process parameters, which could )

2 require setpoint or calibration changes? l l

2. Does the design require any indication, alarms or protective  ;

interlocks with existing equipment?

< l i

3. Does the design install or modify the wiring or terminations  ;

} inside panels?


4. Does the design add, delete or modify any existing protection, control or indication loops?

l 5. Does the design add, delete, modify any microprocessor-based instrumentation?

l 6. Does the design affect the electrical and mechanical separation requirement as applied to the channelization of protection

7. Does the design add, delete or modify the tubing or tubing tray .

for any instrument loops? l

8. Does the design add, delete or modify air loading on the control or station air systems? _
9. Does the design affect instrumentation which provides input to the plant process computer?
10. Does the design change environmental parameters of an area

. containing safety-related instrumentation?

(CK-MP34342, Rev. O, Page 7)

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Ncrth=st Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System  !

Modification No. l Sheet of  !

Modification Screening Checidist Structural Desien  !



Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-06.

j _N_2 y_g Initials i

1. Does the modification add, modify or delete piping or pipe supports?
2. Does the modification add, modify or delete any equipment I mounted to floors or walls or steel beams?


. 3. Does the modification add, delete or modify electrical raceway or raceway supports?

. 4. Does the modification add, delete or modify HVAC ductwork j or ductwork supports?

5. Does the modification add, delete or modify access platforms?
6. Does the modification require concrete excavation for anchor

, bolts, core drills, etc.?

7. Does the modification affect site facilities such as buildings,

, fences, roadways, parking lots, buried commodoties or site drainage?

j 8. Does the modification require breaking of any outer walls?

9. Does the modification involve heavy load considerations?
10. Does this modification involve painting or coating activities?
11. Does this modification affect structural drawings or analysis?
(CK-MP343-02, Rev. O, Page 8)

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N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 i Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist ALARA Desien Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in

, accordance with CK-MP3-03-07.

.NIR Xu Initials

1. Did the modification alter systems which contain or could 4

contain radioactivity (e.g., liquid, gaseous, or solid radwaste; HVAC in contaminated areas; post-accident recovery systems, etc.)?

2. Did the modification alter parts of components that could be in a flow path leading to the reactor core?
3. Did the modification alter, delete or add radiation shields?
4. Was the estimated additional annual operating and i

, maintenance dose from this modification greater than 1.0 person-rem?

i 5. Will this project involve process, area, or airborne radiation j monitoring equipment?

6. Was any work performed inside radiological posted areas?

! - 7. Is there a possibility of coming in contact with contaminated liquid?

8. Is there a possibility of coming in contact with airborne radioactivity?

, 9. Is the estimated installation dose from this modification greater than 1.0 person-rem?

t 4

4 (CK-MP343-02, Rev. O, Page 9) l CXK3-0302. DOC

i N:sthe:st Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No. )

i Sheet of

} Modification Screening Checklist I

Security Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-08. l 1

Nfg Xtg Initials j

1. Will the work process or the design change create any openings in the Protected Area Barrier?
2. Will the work process or the design change create any openings or require opening systems that penetrate the Vital Area Barrier (e.g., service water, circulating water, ventilation systems)? Will the work process require the opening ofany door, roof, or floor plug that forms a portion of a Vital Area Barrier?
3. Will the work process or the design change affect the Security System Power Supply, the Security Diesel Generator, the Security CCTV System or minimum lighting?
4. Will the work process or the design change affect Security in any other way, or will Security support be required?

l i

. (CK-MP343-02,Rev.O,Page 10)

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N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist Annendix R Compliance


Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the  !


screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-09. l

.Nst ym Initials 1.

Will the change alter the access / egress routes and/or the emergency lighting paths? The access / egress routes and emergency lighting locations are specified on drawings contained in each compliance report.

2. Will the change alter the design or operation of any component utilized '

for reactor shutdown? These components are identified in the compliance report equipment listing section.

3. Will the change alter the location, functionability, design, or material

' requirements of fire suppression or detection system, fire barriers on cabling wraps, structural steel coating, or fire dampers in areas associated with Items 1 and 2 above?

4. Will the change alter the configuration of shutdown components ofItem 2 by introducing combustible material near or between these components?
5. Will the change alter the power or control cabling configmation to any of the shutdown components ofItem 27
6. Will the change alter any communication systems that are utilized during plant shutdown following a fire? The Unit Compliance Report Communication Section identifies the communication systems needed for Appendix R Compliance.
7. Will the change alter the reactor coolant pump oil collection system?
8. Will the change add additional electrical or mechanical components whose failure or malfhnetion could prevent or degrade a plant shutdown after a fire? The necessary components are described in the Unit's shutdown Equipment and Methods Secdon in the Compliance Report.

(CK-MP34342, Rev. O, Page 11)

CtK34302. DOC

N:rtheast Utilities Millstone Unit 3 CK-MP3-03-02 System s , __

i Modification No.

F Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist Electrical Eauinment Oualification Answer each of the questions below yes or no. Ifany of the answers are yes, submit a cop screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-10.

1. Ii2 yn Initials

' Does the proposed design change modify the installation or configuration of any equipment or associated component listed on the EEQ Master List?


Does the proposed design change add any electrical system or portion of an electrical system credited for accident mitigation component where the equipment is located in a harsh environment?


Does the proposed design change alter the electrical portion of any accident mitigating or monitoring system (including cable and interfaces) located in an area where the environment is affected by an accident?


Does the proposed design change credit any electrical system or portion thereof which is located in a harsh environment, which has not previously been credited for accident mitigating or monitoring?


Does the proposed design change alter the operating time during any phase of the accident when the devise is called on to function, or alter the time during of operation?


Does the proposed design change the accuracy requirements of any instrument credited during or following an accident, including the R.G.1.97 instruments, where the instrument is located in a harsh environment?

7. Does the proposed design change alter the physical arrangement or boundary of any EQ Zone, including doors, hatches, ductwork, piping or electrical penetrations and structural walls, which could affect the basis of the HELB analysis?

(CK-MP3-03-02, Rev. O, Page 12)

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Ntrtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of ,

Modification Screening Checklist F.2. X11 Initials 8.. Does the proposed design change affect area ventilation flows:

a. open or seal flow paths in boundary?
b. change duct configuration (i.e., duct size, routing, GRDs)?
c. change duct velocity at fire dampers?
d. change duct velocity at elbow turning vanes?
e. change duct velocity at FES, silencers, or RS?
f. change supply air temperature?
9. Does the proposed design change revise area design environmental parameters (maximum / minimum temperature, relative humidity or l pressure for normal or abnormal modes)? l
10. Does the proposed design change increase or decrease area I heating /coolingloads?
a. electrical equipmem loads?


b. control equipment loads?
c. lightning loads?
d. cable loads?
e. motor loads (operating bhp or nameplate Hp increase)?
f. piping loads (line temperature increases, insulation thickness decrease or removal, size increase, length increase)?
g. pipe support loads (line temperature / size, support type, number ofsupports)?

(CK-MP34342, Rev. O, Page 13) cfCK34302. DOC -

N rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist N.q ,Ygg Initials

h. piping valves (temperature increase, size increase, quantity increase)?.
i. transmission loads (room construction)?
j. number of people in area?
k. mechanical equipment (tanks / vessels temperature, insulation, quantity)?
1. ventilation flows?
m. steam or water leaks?
12. Does the proposed design change affect HVAC equipment performance? i
a. fans (flow temperature, pressure, speed, blade setting)?
b. coils (air / water flows, air / water temperature, airside/ waterside fouling)? (This includes foreign material spilled and hardened on the face of a coil or equipment located in front of and blocking an HVAC duct.)
c. refrigeration equipment (condenser / evaporator operating conditions, refrigeration piping)?
d. filters (flow, loading)?
13. Does the proposed design change affect the amount of H2 released to space (i.e., batteries)?
14. Does the proposed design change revise the use for the area?
15. Does the proposed design change affect the quantity / type of hazardous materials stored in space?

(CK-MP3 03-02, Rev. O, Page 14)

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Northeast Utilities CLMP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No, Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist

& Yes Initials

16. Does the proposed design change affect HVAC system or ,

equipment instrument setpoints? (Electrical Department DBR)

a. time delay relays?
b. flow controllers, switches, transmitters, relays?  ;


c. temperature controllers, switches, transmitters, relays?
d. pressure controllers, switches, transmitters, relays? l 1

e, humidity controllers, switches, transmitters, relays?

l l

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(CK-MP3-03-02, Rev. O, Page 15)

CTK3 0302. DOC

i Nrrtheat Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist Seismic Oualification Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the j screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in


accordance with CK-MP3-03-11.

N_.q Yes Initials

1. Does the design change provide for the installation of the new Seismic Category I structures, systems, or components?
2. Does the design change provide for the installation, replacement modification, or removal of equipment which could effect the seismic response of Seismic Category I stmetures, systems, or components?
3. Does the design change alter the state er condition during normal or accident scer.arios for previously qualified equipment?
4. Does the design change modify or alter the mounting condition of existing Seismic Category I equipment?

(CK-MP3-03-02, Rev. O, Page 16)

CXK3-0302. DOC

I N:rthe:st Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 {

System l

Modification No. l Sheet of '

Modification Screening Checklist I

Radiolonical Environment Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the j screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in '

accordance with CK-MP3-03-12.

N.g Initials

1. Will the change cause an increase or potential increase in the amount of radioactive airborne effluents or liquid effluents, or '

significantly alter the nuclide mix of such effluents?

2. Will the change result in a new radioactive liquid or gaseous discharge point, or decrease the ability to sample or monitor existing release paths? I
3. Will the change significantly increase (for example, greater than five per year) the number of solid radwaste shipments per
4. Will the change cause an increase in the direct or scattered l dose rate at the site boundary greater than 0.1 mrem / year?
5. Will the change, in thejudgment of the mdividual performing the review, constitute an increased radiological environmental l impact for reasons not already considered above?

(CK-MP34342, Rev. O, Page 17)

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N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist Non-Radiolonical Environment t

Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-13.

,N[2 X.t1 Initials

1. Does the proposed design / Procedure alter the water quality characteristics regulated by NPDES permit? Increases in these characteristics that exceed permit conditions require environmental review.
2. Does the proposed design change / procedure modify water .

- discharges under NPDES permit and their Discharge Serial Numbers? New discharges created by the proposed change 1 require environmental review. Modifications to existing I discharges require environmental evaluation to determine whether an environmental review is required.

3. Does the proposed change alter the type or amount of fossil fuel burned?
4. Does the proposed change create a source of air pollution?
5. Does the proposed change involve use of a volatile chemical? I
6. Does the proposed change involve the use, storage, handling or disposal of a chemical product at variance with the BMP?
7. Does the proposed change involve the generation, use, storage, or disposal hazardous materials, hazardous wastes, toxic substances, or other environmentally regulated matter? _
8. Does the proposed change involve a construction site area greater than five acres?
9. Does the proposed change involve any other known '

environmental issues or regulations?

(CK-MP34342, Rev. O, Page 18)

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l Ntrtheast Utilities CK-MP3 03-02 l Millstone Unit 3 System l j Modification No. l Sheet of

- Modification Screening Checklist 1

$1glign, Blackout 4 i Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the i screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-14.

I H2 Y_t1 Initials

l. Will the change alter the design or operation of any SBO equipment? SBO equipment is identified in the Production
Maintenance Management System (PMMS) Database?
2. Will the change potentially impact the operation of any SBO J

equipment (i.e., non-SBO equipment potentially affecting SBO i

equipment operation)?

3. Will the change alter the determination of dominant areas of

!- concern or impact the results of analysis which determined dominant areas of concern (i.e., increase the area ,


l 4

1 l

s (CK-MP343-02, Rev. O, Page 19)

CTK3-0302. DOC

D Ntrtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System _

Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist Control Panel Desian Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-15.

N2 Y.t1 I!! ilia!!

1. Does the proposed modification occur in the control room or at local panels?
2. Does the proposed modification involve the installation or change of equipment that restricts operator or maintenance personnel movement at local panels or change to the communications equipme'nt at local panels?
3. Does the proposed modification involve the location, layout and capability of the user-computer interface (access) devices?
4. Does the proposed modification involve the change of 1 information or display characteristics of any system? .

(CK-MPLO342, Rev. O, Page 20) cTK10302. DOC

- N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System

  • Modification No._

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist i

l Pining Design 7 Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in i accordance with CK-MP3-03-16.

l- I$t 1 11 i I!LliAh

- 1. Does this design change involve a piping arrangement change (i.e., new pipe, rerouting of existing pipe, or complete or partial deletion of piping)?
2. Does this design change involve a permanent change in piping inventory (for example, steam service to water service)?
3. Does this design change involve an addition, deletion or modification of any in-line component?
4. Does this design change involve a change in orientation of an existing in-line component? _

j ' 5. Does this design change involve a change in piping material or wall thickness?

6. Does this design change involve a change in piping system j design parameters or classification (i.e., Operating / Design Temperature or Pressure; Code Class)?
7. Does this design change involve the addition, removal or
modification ofinsulation on piping? _
8. Does this design change involve the addition, removal or modification oflead shielding supported by piping.
9. Does this design change involve the adc'ition, removal,
modification of any piping appurtenance supported by existing ii PPng.

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4 (CK-MPLOLO2, Rev. O, Page 21)

CfCKLO302. DOC i

N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist Setooint Database Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-17.

_N.g Yes Initials

1. Does the design change add, delete or change any setpoint in the Master Setpoint Index (MSI) database? .
2. Does the design change reference information in the MSI such as database description, type of setpoint description, controlling department, responsible person, or mechanism of control? _
3. Does this modification alter the loading sequence on any electrical bus?
4. Does this modification revise a relay setting or alter, add or delete in any way a protective device (i.e. fuse, breaker, undervoltage, under frequency toi, etc.)?
5. Does the modification alter, add, or delete any instrumentation?

(CK-MP34342, Rev. O, Page 22)

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N rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 - System Modification No. i Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist y

i Hazards /HELB Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-18. ,

Na Xsa .le.itiala .

1. Does the modification alter or add any stmetures or equipment to Category I buildings, structures, or equipment? l
2. Does the modification potentially violate established i boundaries in Category I and II structures causing communication with adjacent Category I structures.

i If the answers to the above questions are "No," the review is complete; no further evaluation is necessary and completion of the remaining questions is not required. If the response to any of '

these questions is "Yes," continue to respond to the following questions.

3. Does this modification alter the energy level (i.e., operating i

temperature, fluid quality, or pressure) of any fluid system during an operating condition? ,

4. Does this modification introduce a new fluid or gas system or ,

relocate an existing fluid or gas system?

C Does this modification introduce a new source or modify an existing source of a potential missile generated from a high energy system (e.g., valve stems which are not backseated, valve body to bonnet connection hardware, thermowell, incore -



6. Does this modification introduce a new piece of rotating  ;


7. Does this modification alter the location, orientation, rotational  !

energy, or casing of any rotation equipment? j

8. Does this modification introduce or relocate a safety related component or system?

f (CK-MP343 02, Rev. O, Page 23)  ;

CTK3-0302. DOC 1

1 N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System i Modification No. I Sheet _ of Modification Screening Checklist ~

& yjg Initials  !

9. Does this modification introduce any equipment with anchorage that has not been specifically designed to withstand seismicloads?
10. Does this modification introduce any seismically anchored component or system which is to be installed within two inches ,

of any seismically anchored component or system?


11. Does the modification introduce or relocate a safety-related
component or system within six inches of nonseismically anchored component or system?
12. Does this modification introduce or relocate a safety-related l component which is potentially in the path of a nonseismically
anchored gravity missile (i.e., nonseismic component or system which may fall and impact the safety-related component)?



13. Does this modification alter, extend, or degrade any barners, i
seals, etc., designed to contain or mitigate the environmental effects of a high energy line break.  ;

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(CK-MP3-03 02, Rev. O, Page 24)

C:TK3-0302. DOC

N:rtheat Utilities . CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System ,

Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screenir.g Checklist Fire Protection Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-19.

bLo Yes Initials

1. Fire Barriers Are changes proposed (including penetrations) to any fire barriers such as floors, walls, or ceilings enclosing separate fire areas or will any existing penetration be modified / abandoned?

Are changes proposed (modification, removal) to any integral component of any fire barrier (doors, door frames, and assemblies, dampers, structural steel supports, hatches, steel plates, marinite boards, radiant energy shields, curbs)?

Will proposed changes modify the technical nature of the surveillance or periodic test procedures for fire barriers and their components (doors, dampers, penetration seals) or fire response? _


2. Combustibles '

Are changes proposed that will modify combustible loading (increase or decrease)?

Will the configuration of the combustibles be modified?

Is non-IEEE 383 qualified cable being added.

Is PVC insulated cable being added.

(CK-MP3-03-02, Rev. O, Page 25)

CrK3-0302. DOC

1 N rthe st Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 i

' Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist N_2 ' YU. Initials

3. Detection Are changes proposed that will modify any of the plant's fire detection systems, including quantity, type, circuitry, detector location and spacing, and sensitivity?

Are changes proposed to structures, cable trays, or ventilation ducts that willimpact the performance of any detection system?

Will the proposed changes cause air velocities or directions to change; or introduce heat producing device in an area containing fire or smoke detectors?

For example, the proposed change replaces an existing component with one which includes a self-contained forced air cooling system.

Will proposed changes modify the technical nature of the surveillance or periodic test procedures for the plant's fire detection systems or fire response? l

4. Suppression Are changes proposed that will modify any of the plant's fire suppression systems? Suppression systems include automatic sprinklers, water spray systems, foam systems, Halon suppression systems, CO2 suppression systems, water supplies (fire pumps, water mains), fire hose stations (houses, carts, etc.), hydrants and portable extinguishers.

- . Are any structures, cable trays, ventilation ducts, piping or other components being installed or modified which could impact the performance of a fixed fire suppression system (both manual and automatic) or impact the ability of the fire brigade to access and utilize manual fire suppressicn equipment particularly under adverse emergency conditions?

(CK-MP343 02, Rev. O, Page 26)

C:CK3 0302. DOC Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Checklist H2 Xu Initials Will proposed changes modify the technical nature of the surveillance or periodic test procedures for plant's fire suppression systems or fire response?

5. Ventilation -

Will the proposed change alter the location or type of air supply or discharge registers or other openings intended for air circulation in a room or area containing smoke or fire detectors; or change the velocity or quantity of air being supplied to or discharged from a room or area containing smoke or fire detectors.

Are any ventilation systems being modified such that fire barriers are penetrated and consideration of additional fire dampers is necessary?

- 6.' Fire Wrap Are changes proposed that will in any way modify the  ;

existing configuration and type of cable tray, conduit, cable shaft, panel, equipment, or ventilation duct wrap, including supports.

l 1

Will any existing wrap be abandoned?

Will proposed changes modify the technical nature of i the surveillance or periodic test procedures for fire


7 RCP Oil Collection Are changes proposed that will modify the performance, capacity, or location of the Reactor  :

Coolant Pump Oil collection system? _

l I

l (CK-MPMM2, Rev. O, Page 27)


l l N:rtherst Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist N_q Xt1 Initials

8. Structural Steel i

1 Are changes proposed that will in any way modify the fire coating to structural steel?

9. GeneralPlant Arrangement Will the proposed change alter the access to or limit l the range of manual fire fighting equipment by l modifying the general arrangement of an area such as installing floor mounted equipment which could inhibit )

fire brigade efforts or fire fighting equipment?

i Do the proposed changes renovate an area for a different occupancy such as enclosing or fencing off an .

l area for use as a storage space or establishing a personnel work station or office, etc.?

4 (CK-MP34342, Rev. O, Page 28) cTK34302. DOC

Nsrtheast Utilities CK-MP3-03-02  ;

Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist

, Licensine i

Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in i accordance with CK-MP3-03-20. I No Yes Initials '


1. Is there an Unreviewed Safety Question?
2. Is there an Unreviewed Environmental Impact?


, 3. Is a change to the EPP required?

4. Is an NPDES Permit change required?

5 Is any other DEP or EPA Notification, Registration, or Permit required?


6. Is a change to Technical Specification prior to or after i operations?

I l

7. Is there a decrease in the effectiveness of the Security Plan?
8. Is there a decrease in the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan?
9. Is a change to the basis of an exemption to regulations required?
10. Will the design change result in change to the Final Safety Analysis Report?

11, Is a change to the Technical Requirements manual required?

12. Does the change affect Licensing Commitments?

(CK-MP3-03-02, Rev. O, Page 29)

CrK34302. DOC

N:rthe'st Utilities CK-MP3 03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist i

P.BA i

i 1

Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the '

4 screening form and modification packcge to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-21.

N2 Yes Initials 1

1. Could the modification change event frequencies assumed in j the unit PRA analysis? )
2. Could the Modification impact On-Line Maintenance Risk j Assumptions? _ l 1

! 3. Could the modification change the Maintenance Rule i significance or scope? l i

t i

n 4

4 4

(CK-MP343 02, Rey,0, Page 30)

  • CX'K34302. DOC i

l N:rthe:st Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System 4

Modification No. ,

Sheet of I Modification Screening Checklist l l

Ouality Software  !

I Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the applicable discipline verifier for review in accordance with CK-MP3-03-22.

N.e Yu Initials l

1. Does the proposed design include or effect any computer program (i.e., programmable set ofinstructions) that is processed by a computer (e.g., main frame computer, minicomputer, microprocessor, embedded processor, programmable devices, etc.) that could be Quality Software, Category I Quality Software, Controlled Software, or a Computerized Quality Database?


2. Will the change involve a plant process computer (i.e., any real-time sensor-based monitoring or control computer system I that assists nuclear unit operation. Included are the following:

systems traditionally known as " unit process computer;")  ;

special purpose computer, minicomputer or microprocessor  !

computer-based instrumentation monitoring and process control systems; and station security systems).

3. Does the proposed design add, delete, or modify any input or ,

output point for a plant process computer? l l

l l

(CK-MP3-0342, Rev. O, Page 31)

C:TK34302. DOC

,- .- - ~ - - -. - - . - . _- .. , - -

N:rthe:st Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No,  ;

i Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist i Trainine Procedures 1

Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the l

screening form and modification package to the ORG for review in accordance with PI-MP3-06. 1 Ng Xgg Initials 1

1. Does the design change add or delete components (not parts)  ;

or change the physical orientation of plant equipment such that 1 4

the Operator's response could be impacted by the modification?

2. Does the design change add or delete components (not parts)  ;

that will affect equipment operational practice, surveillance's, I maintenance practices or testing practices?

3. Does the design change alter or modify power supplies, change controls, operational characteristics or iridication of components or systems, affect equipment operational l procedures, surveillance procedures, maintenance practices or i testing practices?
4. Does the design change add, delete, or modify power supplies, equipment, actuators, or setpoints such that a simulator modification (s) will be required?

i l

(CK-MP3 0342, Rev. O. Page 32)

CM'K34302. DOC

^ ^

1 Nrrthaist Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No. 1 Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist Emernency Prenaredness Pronram

, Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the ORG for review in accordance with PI-MP3-06.

F_g Yts Initials

, 1. Does the modification alter / add equipment which has the potential to impact the emergency plan, procedures, facilities, equipment, and software (e.g., OFIS)?

i d

l l

l l

(CK-MP34342, Rec. D Pqe 33)

CZK34302. DOC

i N:rtheast Uf.ilities CK-MP3-03-02 4

Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No. 1 Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist Plant Procedures i

i Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the ORG for review in accordance with PI-MP3-06.

ER Y.t1 18111A11 1

1. Will the proposed design change test plan require preservice or 1 inservice testing, inspection or base line data generation etc.?

(i.e. is it within tne ASME class 1,2 or 3 boundary)

2. Will the proposed design change require the generation of ASME Section XI repair packages per NGP 7.057 I 3. Will the proposed design change impact the Erosion / Corrosion program? (i.e. flow, pressure, piping geometry, temperature, j water chemistry on carbon steel components)
4. Does this modification add or delete a motor or MOV or alter the control circuit to an existing motor or MOV?
5. Will the proposed design change impact an MOV? (i.e. flow, temperature, pressure, electrical, thermal overloads, stroke time)
6. Will the proposed design change impact the Check Valve program? (i.e. modify, replace, repair, add, delete, alter flow conditions or change location of a check valve)-
7. Will the proposed design change impact Containment Configuration Testing (Appendix J)?
8. Will the proposed design change impact the Maintenance Rule Program? (i.e., maintenance requirements, or changes to program scope documents such as an addition or deleting of a MR SSC or change offunctions.)

(CK-MP3-0342, Rev. O, Page 34)

, CTK34302. DOC

N rthe:st Utilities CK-MP3-03-02

e Unit 3 System l Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checidist j

4 Eg Xtg Initials

9. Will the proposed design change impact the Maintenance requirements of any new or existing Plant Equipment? (i.e.,

equipment accessibility, maintainability, proper design to accommodate predictive maintenance technologies, etc.)

10. Does the modification affect equipment that is referenced (or needs to be referenced) in any Emergency Operating Procedure?-


11. Does the modification affect equipment that is referenced (or needs to be referenced)in any Operating Procedure? (AOP, OP, ARP, ST, IST, etc.)
12. Does the modification affect equipment that is referenced (or needs to be referenced) in any Chemistry Procedure?
13. Does the modification affect equipment that is referenced (or
i. needs to be reference) in any Maintenance Procedure? i i

14.' Does the modification affect equipment that is referenced (or U i needs to be referenced) in any I&C Procedure?

15. Does the modification affect equipment that is referenced (or need to be referenced) in any other procedures? J i


i f' . (CK-MP343 02, Rev. O, Page 35)

I CfCK3-0302. DOC

m .

Ntrtheut Utilities CK-MP3-03-02 Millst:n3 U it 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Modification Screening Checklist Confieuration Answer each of the questions below yes or no. If any of the answers are yes, submit a copy of the screening form and modification package to the ORG for review in accordance with PI-MP3-06.

N_2 Xt1 Initials

1. Does the design change make any physical changes to the system configuration?

(CK-MP34342, Rev. O, Page 36)

C:TK34302. DOC