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Special Rept 86-01:on 851221-31,diesel Driven Fire Pump Inoperable.Caused by Pump Overheating & Staff Failure to Complete Surveillance After Repairs Made.Reason for Delay in Surveillance Investigated.Procedural Changes Under Analysis
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 01/24/1986
From: Reinaldo Rodriguez
To: Martin J
86-01, 86-1, RJR-86-26, NUDOCS 8602030074
Download: ML20137N409 (2)



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SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT 6201 S Street. P O. Box 15830. Sacramento CA 958521830. If,16) 452 3211 AN ELEC TRIC SYSTEN1 SERVING THE Hf AR T Of C ALU OHNIA RJR 86-26 January 24, 1986 J B MARTIN REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR REGION V 0FFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT ATTENTION DOCUMENT CONTROL DESK U S NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON D C 20555 D0CKET NO. 50-312 LICENSE NO. DPR-54 SPECIAL REPORT N0. 86-01, DIESEL DRIVEN FIRE PUMP The Sacramento Municipal Utility Eistrict hereby submits Special Report 86-01 in accordance with Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Technical Specifications, Sections and 6.9.5E.

On January 7, 1986, it was repct ed by the District's Nuclear Operations Fire Protection Coordinator that the diesel driven fire pump (P-996) loca-ted in the raw water chemical mix building had been inoperable during the period between December 21, 1985 and December 31, 1985.

The diesel driven fire pump provides a backup capability for the motor driven fire pump (P-440) in the rire Suppression Water System.

It should be rioted that be-cause P-440 was operational, the Fire Suppression Water System remainea functional during this period of concern. The period of inoperability ex-ceed; the seven (7) days allowed by Technical Specificatica and reauires the submittal of this report.

Pe996 was observed to be overheating on December 21, 1985, during an auto-matically initiated weekly test of the pump.

The pump was declared in-operable by Operations, a clearance tag was attached, cnd a work request was written to investigate a suspected outboard bearing problen.

As a result of the work request, the outboard bearings of the pump were inspected, the cump was operated for thirty (30) minutes, and the bearing temperatures were measured and found to be within specifications.

No problems were found ano the clearance tag was removed from P-996 on December 24, 1985.

At this time, the only item required to return P-996 to an operable status was the successful completion of surveillance procedure SP 201.03B. How-ever, SP 201.03B was not completed until December 31, 1985, at which time the seven days for returning the pump to an operable status allowed by Technical Specification had been exceeded.


8602030074 860124

,t. 4 PDR ADOCK 05000312 s


RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENER ATING STATION O 14440 Twin Cities Road, Herald, CA 95638-9799;(209) 333-2935 l

-.m J B MARTIN :

An, investigation was made to determine why the allowed time was exceeded.

i The investigation showed (1) that the time requirement was explicitly stated on the work request and was reflected in the priority assigned to the task, (2) that the pump status was properly tracked during the Control j

Room shift turnovers, and (3) that the focus of attention on activities surrounding the December 26,-1985 trip was a major contributor in missing the required surveillance.

Ta addition to the investigation, the District's Incid at Analysis Group will perform a root cause analysis of this concern to determine if and what procedurai changes are needed to prevent a recur-rence. This analysis is expected to be completed by March 31, 1986.

If you have'any questions concerning this report, please contact Mr. Ron W.

C lornbo'at the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Unit No.1.





s cc:

Director NRR i

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