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Annual Rept, Covering Period from 920501- 930506,consisting of Shutdown Statistics,Narrative Summary of Shutdown Experience & Tabulations of Facility Changes, Tests & Experiments,Per 10CFR50.59(b)
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 05/06/1993
Shared Package
ML20059K190 List:
NUDOCS 9311150210
Download: ML20059K198 (10)



Page 1 of 10 RANCllO SECO ANNUAL REPORT Shutdown Statistics:

The District provides the following shutdown statistics:


Rancho Seco permanently shut down nuclear power operations on June 7,1989.


The Rancho Seco reactor has been defueled since December 8,1989.


The NRC granted Rancho Seco a Possession-Only License (POL) on March 17, 1992. Rancho Seco has been in the Permanently Defueled Mode (PDM) during the entire reporting period (May 1,1992, through May 6,1993).


The Rancho Seco Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) contains 493 spent fuel assemblies and is licensed for 1080 spent fuel assemblies.


No spent fuel assemblies were moved during the reporting period.

i Shutdown Exnerience Summary:

The District provides the following shutdown experience summary:


Rancho Seco is proceeding towards decommissioning and continues to pursue severallicense amendments and exemptions. Also, Rancho Seco continues to safely store its spent nuclear fuel in the spent fuel pool without incident.

l 2.

As a planned evolution, the SFP level was lowered and promptly refilled from its normai make-up source. The drained SFP water was processed to remove the i

boron. The SFP level was above the PDTS low level limit at all times. The SFP level variation allowed performance of an operational test of the SFP level alarms.

i 3.

The Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System (SFC) pump was removed from service for seven hours to perform Preventive Maintenance tasks. This activity did not result in a significant increase in the SFP water temperature.


Many systems and components that are not required to function during the PDM were drained of both their oil and residual water in accordance with the Lay-Up and SAFSTOR Programs in preparation for eventual decommissioning.


Processing radioactive waste water, collected from drained system and contained in storage tanks, through the Miscellaneous Wastes Evaporator and Blender / Dryer continued throughout the reporting period.

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l Page 2 of 10 RANCllO SECO ANNUAL REPORT 10 CFR 50.59(b) SUMM ARY:

The following is a tabulation of the facility changes, tests, and experiments that occurred at Rancho Seco, from May 1,1992, through May 6,1993, that required a 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation. None of the changes evaluated in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59 resulted in an Unreviewed Safety Question.

Procedure A.12, Rev.19, " Reactor Coolant Chemical and Ilydrogen Addition System," and Procedure A.17, Rev.17, " Miscellaneous Liquid Radwaste System,"

allow operators to store concentrated miscellaneous radioactive liquid waste in the Concentrated Boric Acid Storage Tank (CBAST) via a cross-tie between the Borated Water System (BWS) and the Miscellaneous Liquid Radwaste System (RWS). Defueled Safety

. Analysis Report (DSAR) Section 11.2.2, " Miscellaneous Liquid Radwaste System," requires revision to address this cross-tie.

Procedure A.14C, Rev. 7, " Control Room /T< chnical Support Center IIVAC System," allowed Rancho Seco to lay-up both trains of the Control Room / Technical Support Center Essential HVAC System. This system is not required to function during the Permanently Defueled Mode (PDM) now that Rancho Seco has a Possession-Only License (POL). This change required a change to the Rancho Seco Decommissioning Plan (RSDP),

which is a License Basis Document (LBD). This procedure change does not require a change to any other LBD.

Procedure B.10, Rev. 9, "Defueled Condition," removed the requirement to maintain the 'A' Train of the Decay Heat, Nuclear Senice Cooling Water, and Nuclear Service Raw Water systems as the back-up spent fuel pool cooling system, and added the requirement to maintain Auxiliary Building exhaust fans A-542 A & B as the back-up spent fuel pool cooling system. This change required changes to the RSDP and requires revision to DSAR Section 1.5.40, " Cooling Water," and many sections in DSAR Chapter 9, " Auxiliary and Emergency Systems." The RSDP changes were previously communicated to the NRC.

Procedure CAP-0002, Rev. 2," oft-site Dose Calculation Manual," incorporated the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (R ETS) into the Off-site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) in accordance with NRC Generic Letter 89-01 and License Amendment-No.118. The ODCM is a LBD. This change did not affect any other LBD.

Procedure CAP-0002, Rev. 3, " oft-site Dose Calculation Manual," implemented the PDTS (License Amendment No. I19) and required several changes to the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR), which preceded the DSAR. These changes were incorporated into the original version of the DSAR. The DSAR became effective in October 1992, and superseded the USAR at that time.

Page 3 of 10 RANC110 SECO ANNUAL REPORT Procedure CAP-0002, Rev. 4, "OIT-site Dose Calculation Manual," changed the Interim On-site Storage Building particulate radiation monitor Channel Test surveillance frequency from Shiftly (S) to Semi-Annually (SA). The ODCM revision 3 change accidently specified the Channel Test surveillance frequency as 'S' instead of'SA'. The ODCM is the only LBD atfected by this change.

. Rancho Seco Decommissioning Plan, Section 1.1.2, " Licensing Basis Documents,"

was changed to be consistent with the DSAR and District to NRC letter DAGM/NUC 92-213, dated October 5,1992, which states that the DSAR will be updated at least once every two years, not annually. This change only affected the RSDP, which is a LBD, and was previously communicated to the NRC.

Design Change Package No. R91-0002 installed two electric duct heaters to provide a new method for heating the Control Room and the Radio-Chemistry Lab Counting Room.

This facility change required a change to the USAR The USAR change became obsolete when the District developed the DSAR and removed reference to this heating system because Rancho Seco has a POL and is in the PDM.

Design Change Package No. R92-0006 provided plant process computer inputs for the Fuel Storage Building (FSB) Area Radiation Monitors (R-15028 and R-15029) and the Plant Perimeter Area Radiation Monitors (R-15040,41,42, and 43) and requires changes to DSAR Table 11.8-2," Area Radiation Monitors "

Design Change Package No. R92-0008 modified the Security Computer System and the Security Alarm Station by replacing the old Mod Comp Channel A computer with a new PC based system and providing a dual purpose Control Room Operator / Alarm Station Operator (CRO/ASO) alarm station. This facility change requires a change to DSAR Section, " Console and Panel Lay-out."

Rancho Seco Emergency Plan Section 3, Rev. 6, " Emergency Classification Overview," resolved a conflict between the Section 1 and 3 definitions for Alert, clarified.

the Rancho Seco Emergency Plan (RSEP) initiating conditions in Tables 3-1 and 3-3, and removed an incorrect reference to Accountability as a single action at the Alert emergency classification in Table 3-4. This change only affected the RSEP, which is a LBD.~

Rancho Seco Emergency Plan Section 6,'Rev. 6, " Emergency Measures," revised the Accountability requirements to inclu'de a discussion on dismissal and evacuation. This change only affected thy RSEP, which is a LBD.

Rancho Seco Fire Protection Plan, Section 3, Rev. 7, " Fire Protection Plan Implementation," removed Fire Detection System Nos. 21,44, and 45 in the Reactor

. Building from bemg required to be in service, since the associated fire hazards have been -

reduced or eliminated. This change only affected the Rancho Seco Fire Protection Plan (RSFPP), which is a LBD.

Page 4 of 10 RANCIIO SECO ANNUAL REPORT Lay Up Package L-0009, Rev. 4, " Miscellaneous Radwaste System," modified the RWS, BWS, and Reactor Coolant Drain System (RCD) to (1) allow the use of the RCS vent header for primary system recirculation and sampling, (2) facilitate the processing of BWST water and the draining of the 'C' Spent Regenerant Tank (T-679C), and (3) cross-tie BWS to RWS to allow use of the CBAST (T-704) to store Miscellaneous Waste Evaporator concentrates. This change required a change to the RSDP which was communicated to the NRC in letter DAGM/NUC 93-005 (dated January 7,1993), and requires a change to DSAR Section ll.2, " Liquid Radwaste Treatment Systems", and DSAR Figure 11.2-1.

Lay Up Package L-0019, Rev.1, " Waste Gas System," removed the disk from check valve WGS-003 to allow the gas collection header to be vented to the Auxiliary Building exhaust plenum once valve RV-65103 is blanked oft. Radioactive gaseous effluent from the WGS are at very smalllevels and are monitored and discharged through the Auxiliary Building Stack. This Lay Up modification required a change to USAR Section 11.3.2. This licensing basis change was incorporated into the original version of the DSAR. The DSAR became effective in October 1992, and superseded the USAR at that time.

Procedure NDEI-0902, Rev. 2, " Qualification and Certification of.Non-Destructive Examination Personnel," revised the certification and qualification criteria for Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) personnel. This procedure change required a revision to the USAR. Since this change, the DSAR replaced the USAR, and the alTected USAR sections were removed from the Rancho Seco licensing design basis because Rancho Seco has a POL and is in the PDM.

Process Control Program Manual, Rev. O, incorporated the Process Control Program (PCP) portion of the RETS into the PCP Manual in accordance with NRC Generic Letter 89-01 and License Amendment No. I18. The PCP Manual is a LBD. This change did not affect any other LBD.

Proposed License Amendment No.186, Rev. O and Rev.1," Nuclear Organization Changes," redefines the SMUD nuclear organization that will oversee the operation of Rancho Seco through the Custodial SAFSTOR phase of the Rancho Seco Decommissioning project. Since this item is a proposed license amendment, NRC approval is required prior to implementation. Once NRC approval is received, then several DSAR sections in Chapters 1I and 12 will require revision. Also, the Independent Spent Fuel i

Storage Installation (ISFSI) Safety Analysis Report (SAR) and the RSDP will require revision. This change will not afTect any other LBD.

Rancho Seco Quality Manual,Section I, Rev. 7, " Organization," and Section II, Rev. 6, " Quality Assurance Program," made the Rancho Seco Quality Manual (RSQM) i consistent with the PDTS (License Amendment No. I19). The RSQM is a LBD. These changes did not affect any other LBD.

Page 5 of 10 RANCIlO SECO ANNUAL REPORT Rancho Seco Quality Manual,Section X, Rev. 6, "RSQM Inspection," removed ASME code Section XI inspection requirements. This change is commensurate with the code requirements applicable to a defueled nuclear power plant. The RSQM is a LBD.

These changes did not affect any other LBD.

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Manual, Rev. 6, reduced the REMP sampling requirements based on the defueled condition of the plant and the guidance provided in the applicable REMP related regulatory guidance documents. A new guidance document used in this revision is NUREG/CR-0130, " Technology, Safety, and Costs of Decommissioning a Reference Pressurized Water Reactor Power Station." The REMP Manual is a LBD. This change did not affect any other LBD.

Procedure RP.309.IV.01, Rev. 2, " Transfer and Storage of Waste Containers in the IOS Building," deleted the Interim On-site Storage Building (IOSB) source term calculation requirement, because it is not possible to exceed the IOSB design basis source term limit during the PDM. This procedure revision did not actually require a change to any LBD. The IOSB design basis information can continue to remain in the DSAR unchanged.

Procedure RSAP-0109, Rev. 3, " Management Safety Review Committee,"

implemented the new Management Safety Review Committee (MSRC) member qualification requirements the NRC approved in License Amendment No. Il9 (the PDTS).

The evaluation for this procedure change pointed out that license amendment No.119 also afTected RSDP Section 2.3, Organization. The LBD changes addressed in the procedure change evaluation resulted from NRC approval of License Amendment No. I19. No LBDs were directly affected by this procedure change.

Long Term Defueled Condition Physical Security Plan, Amendment 4, incorporated the access authorization requirements contained in 10 CFR 73.56 and the access authorization guidelines contained in Regulatory Guide 5.66 and NUM ARC Guidelines 89-01. This revision to the LTDC PSP did no1(1) reduce the effectiveness of the RSPSP,(2) require prior NRC approval, or (3) require a change to any other LBD.

Security Training and Qualification Plan, Rev. 2, incorporated the access authorization requirements contained in 10 CFR 73.56 and the access authorization guidelines contained in Regulatory Guide 5.66 and NUM ARC Guidelines 89-01, This revision to the T & Q Plan did nol(l) reduce the effectiveness of the RSPSP, (2) require prior NRC approval, or (3) require a change to any other LBD.

Long Term Defueled Condition Physical Security Plan, Amendment 5, clarified the District's commitment to 10 CFR 73.56 and Regulatory Guide 5.66 and replaced the 10 CFR 26 Fitness For Duty Program (FFDP) with the District's own FFDP.10 CFR 26 is


not applicable to Rancho Seco with a POL. This revision to the LTDC PSP did nel(l) i reduce the effectiveness of the RSPSP, (2) require prior NRC approval, or (3) require a change to any other LBD.

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Page 6 of 10 RANCHO SECO ANNUAL REPORT Long Term Defueled Condition Physical Security Plan, Amendment 6, and Security Training and Qualification Plan, Rev. 3, allowed the District to assign both the security Alarm Station Operator (ASO) and the plant Control Room Operator (CRO) responsibilities to a single, qualified person and made organizational and POL related changes. This revision to the RSPSP did nol(l) reduce the effectiveness of the RSPSP, (2) require prior NRC approval, or (3) require a change to any other LBD.

Long Term Defueled Condition Physical Security Plan, Amendment 6, Supplemert 1, added a figure to the LTDC PSP to define the boundary of the continuously manned security alarm station. Also, this change defined the security alarm station ASO occupancy restrictions. This revision to the RSPSP did nol(l) reduce the effectiveness of the RSPSP, (2) require prior NRC approval, or (3) require a change to any other LBD.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0013, Rev.1, " Blender / Dryer System," will result in a change to DSAR Sections 1.5.52, D.2, and 11.4 during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase. The Blender / Dryer System will be de-energized, isolated, and abandoned after the spent fuel is removed from the spent fuel pool and the radioactive waste water on site is processed and disposed of as either a liquid or solid radioactive waste. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBD.

t SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0014, Rev.1, " Strong Motion Accelerometer," requires a change to RSDP Section during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase, because the Strong Motion Accelerometer System will be abandoned at this time. The DSAR does not require or address seismic monitoring requirements. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBD.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0018, Rev.1, " Radiation Monitoring System," will result in changes to DSAR Sections 7.4.2,9.2.6,9.5.2,11.3, and 11.8.4 during the Preparation for Custodial through Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phases. Also, this SAFSTOR Report requires a change to RSDP Section 3.2.2. No area radiation monitors will be required to function once the fuel is removed from the spent fuel pool and the plant is in Hardened SAFSTOR. Process radiation monitors will be removed from service as the systems they monitor are removed from service. Also, a modification i

will cross-tie the Reactor Building ventilation system with the Auxiliary Building Stack and allow the Reactor Building Stack monitor to be taken out of service. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBDs.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0019, Rev. 2, " Plant Security System," requires a change to RSDP Table 2-1 to indicate the security diesels are abandoned and that Plant Security System (PSS) modifications that will occur during the Custodial and Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phases. Implementation of this SAFSTOR report will allow implementation of the Hardened SAFSTOR Security Plan. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBD.

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- SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0021, Rev.1, " Plant Building & Structure System," will result in a change to DSAR Figures 1.1-2 and 1.1-3 during the Custodial SAFSTOR phase to acknowledge removal of the Turbine Storage / Rail Building. Also, the RSDP requires revision to address the revised schedule for when the TDI Diesel Generator, Nuclear Service Electrical, Chlorine, and Administration buildings will be abandoned. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBDs.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0030, Rev.1, "125V DC Power Supply System," will require a change to DSAR Section, " Lighting." The SOC and SOD DC buses will be abandoned during the Preparation for Custodial Decommissioning phase. Also, the RSDP requires revision to reflect that several actions are necessary to put the 125V DC system first into Custodial SAFSTOR and then into Hardened SAFSTOR. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBDs.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0032, Rev.1, " Solid Radwaste System," will require a change to DSAR Section 11.4," Solid Waste Management System," when the Radwaste Compactor is abandoned during the Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase.

Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBD.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0035, Rev.1, " Emergency Generator System," requires a change to RSDP Section and Table 5-1 to reflect that the Emergency Generator System (EGS) will be maintained partially functional throughout the various decommissioning phases. Rancho Seco will maintain the Communication diesel generator functional to support part of the plant communication system. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBD.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0043, Rev.1, ">6.9KV AC Electric Power System," will require a change to DSAR Figure 8.2-2 during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR mode. The District will transfer the Folsom South Canal pumping station 12KV system from Start-up Transformer No.1 to the local 12KV distribution system at this time.

Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBDs.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0044, Rev. 2, "480V Power Supply System," will require a change to DSAR Section, "480-Volt Auxiliary System," and DSAR Figure 8.2-2.

Consolidating the 480-Volt loads during the Preparation for Custodial and Hardened SAFSTOR phases will require revision to the 480V system description in the DSAR. Also, RSDP Section 2 and Tables 5-1 and 5-4 require revision to address that several actions are required to place this system into its Custodial and Hardened SAFSTOR configurations.

l Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBDs.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0048, Rev.1, "120V AC Interruptible Power System,"

l will require a change to DSAR Section, "120V AC Unregulated Power System,"

during Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR to reflect that all required 120V AC loads will be transferred to the "E" load centers at this time. Implementation of this SAFSTOR


Report will not require a change to any other LBD.


Page 8 of 10 RANCHO SECO ANNUAL REPORT SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0049, Rev. 2, "4.16KV AC Power Supply System," will require a change to DSAR Section, "4160-Volt Auxiliary System," and DSAR Figure 8.2-2. Consolidating the 4160-Volt loads during the Preparation for Custodial and Hardened SAFSTOR phases will require revision to the 4160-Volt system description in the DSAR. Also, RSDP Section 2 and Tables 5-1 and 5-4 require revision to address the fact that several actions are required to place this system into its Custodial and Hardened SAFSTOR configuration. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBDs.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0050, Rev.1, " Main Control Room System," will require a revision to DSAR Section 7.4," Operating Control Stations," the RSPSP, the RSFPP, and the RSEP, during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR phase aRer the PDTS are revised to remove the continuous Control Room manning requirement. The NRC must approve the PDTS change before the LBDs listed above may be changed.

Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBDs.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0051, Rev.1, "120V AC Uninterruptible Power Supply System," will require a change to DSAR Section, "120V AC Uninterruptible Power Supply System." Consolidating loads during the Preparation for Custodial SAFSTOR phase and then abandoning this 120-Volt AC system during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR phase will require revision to the description for this system in the DSAR. Also, RSDP Section 2 and Tables 5-1 and 5-4 require revision to address the fact that several actions are required to place this system into its Custodial and Hardened SAFSTOR configuration. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBDs.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0059, Rev.1, " Plant Cooling Water System," will require a change to DSAR Sections 1.5.40, " Cooling Water," and 9.2.5, " Plant Cooling Water System," during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase.

This system will be abandoned after all components requiring cooling from the PCW system have been abandoned. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBD.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0061, Rev.1, " Plant Computer System," will require a change to DSAR Section 7.4.2,"Information Display and Control Function," during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase. The Plant Computer System will be abandoned at this time. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBD.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0063, Rev.1, "Non-Nuclear Instrumentation System,"

will require a change to DSAR Sections 1.5.9,7.1, and 7.3 during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase. No systems will require Non-Nuclear Instrumentation System input at this time. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBD.



y SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0066, Rev.1, " Plant Transformer System," will require a change to DSAR Sections 1.5.13,, and Figure 8.2-2 during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase. Once the fuelis removed from the spent fuel pool, several transformers will no longer be needed to support safe fuel storage operations.

and will be de-energized. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a-l change to any other LBD.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0077, Rev.1, " Component Cooling ~ Water System," will l

require a change to DSAR Sections 1.5.40,9.1,9.2.5 and 9.2.6 during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase. This system will be abandoned after the.

i spent fuelis removed from the spent fuel pool. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report -

will not require a change to any other LBD.

j SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0078, Rev.1, " Borated Water System," will require a i

change to the updated licensing basis that was established in the 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation.

i for Lay Up Package L-0009, Rev. 4, during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR-phase. This approved 10 CFR 50.59 evaluation is a LBD. Currently, the CBAST, Boric Acid pumps, and associated piping and valves are used to support radioactive wastewater j

processing. These components and the BWST will not be abandoned until the spent fuel is removed from the spent fuel pool and the radioactive wastewater is processed and then disposed of. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any j

other LBD.

j 1

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0079, Rev.1, " Reactor Coolant Drain System," will require a change to DSAR Figure 11.2-1 when the Reactor Coolant Drain System (RCD)is modified to provide a drain path from the Once-Through Steam Generator low point drains -

to the East Decay Heat Pump Room Sump during the Preparation for Custodial SAFSTOR decom.missioning phase. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not-1 require a change to any other LBD.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0080, Rev.1, " Coolant Radwaste System," will require a i'

change to DSAR Section 11.2.1, " Coolant Radwaste System," and DSAR Tables 11.2-1 and 11.2-2 during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase. The,

1 Coolant Radwaste System (RWS) will be abandoned at this time after the radioactive waste -


water on-site is processed. Also, RSDP Section and Tables 2-1 and 5-3 require revision to address the fact that portions of the RWS will be maintained functional until?

Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report ivill not require a change to any other LBDs.

SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0089, Rev. 2," Heating and Ventilation System,"_will require several changes to DSAR Section 9.5, " Station -Ventilation System," during th.e Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase. Several plant HVAC '

systems described in the DSAR will be abandoned at this time. Also, the RSDP requires revision to specify that the 'A' train of the Control Room Essential HVAC system will be removed from service during Preparation for Custodial SAFSTOR, instead of being 4

maintained functional until the Control Room is not longer required to be manned.

Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBDs.

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Page 10 of 10 RANCllO SECO ANNUAL REPORT SAFSTOR Report No. SAF-0093, Rev.1, " Miscellaneous Radwaste System," will require a change to DSAR Section 11.2," Liquid Radwaste Treatment System," and DSAR Figure 11.2-1 during the Preparation for Hardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase.

Most of the Miscellaneous Radwaste System (RWS) will be abandoned at this time after the radioactive waste water on-site is processed. Portions of the RWS necessary to collect RCS drainage and rainwater intrusion in the controlled ancas of the Auxiliary Building and Solidification Structure will be maintained during Hardened SAFSTOR. Implementation of this SAFSTOR Report will not require a change to any other LBD.

Special Test Procedure STP-1328, Rev. O, "CBS Spray Additive Disposal," addresses removing and processing the caustic sodium-hydroxide solution in the Containment Building Spray (CBS) Spray Additive Tanks. This activity is in accordance with RSDP Table 5-1, but is not a test that is described in the DS AR. This STP does not require a change to any LBD.

Training Department Administrative Procedure TDAP-3010, Rev. O, " Certified Fuel llandler Training Program," put into effect the Certified Fuel Handler Training Program that the NRC approved when they approved the PDTS. This new procedure requires changes to DSAR Section 12.2," Personnel Training." The previous descriptions concerning Licensed Operator training must be revised to address the NRC approved defueled operator training programs. This new procedure does not require a change to any other LBD.

Technical Services Administrative Procedure TSAP-2101, Rev.1, " Technical Services Management," updated the Technical Services organization chart. This procedure change requires a change to DSAR Figure 12.1-2 to address the new SMUD Nuclear Organization management titles. This procedure revision does not require a change to any other LBD.

t i