ML20029B672 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Rancho Seco |
Issue date: | 02/22/1991 |
From: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20029B665 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9103140063 | |
Download: ML20029B672 (6) | |
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By letter dated September 20, 1990, as amended by letter dated December 20, 1990, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) submitted Change 4 of the Rancho Seco Emergency Plan entitled "Long Term Defueled Condition Emergency Plan" for the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station (referred to as the Emergency Plan (EP) in this document).
The EP was revised to reflect the shutdown and defueled status of the reactor.
The submittal also included several attachments to justify the changos to the proposed plan and a request for an exemption to cease offsite emergency response and preparedness activities.
Rancho Seco was shut down on June 7, 1989, and defueling was completed by December 8, 1989.
The NRC staff used the same acceptance criteria for the review of the Rancho Seco EP as is used to evaluate the adequacy of onsite emergency plans for nuclear power reactors, with consideration for the current operational status and inherent low risk of Rancho Seco as described in the following sections.
The acceptance criteria includes the planning standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b),
the recyirements of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, and the guidance criteria of NUREG-Ob4/ FEMA REP-1, " Criteria for the Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," dated November 1980.
The staff review took into consideration the current defueled condition and inherent low risk of Rancho Seco.
The NRC staff also reviewed the Emergency Plan based on the standards of 10 CFR 50.47(d), which state the requirements _ for a license authorizing only fuel loading and low power testing.
The standards of 10 CFR 50.47(d) recognize the lower risk associated with low power operation and are considered by the staff to be generally appropriate for reviewing the offsite aspects of the defueled emergency plan.
Since Rancho Seco's EP references emergency plan implementing procedures (EPIPs), the review also included the EPIPs.
Therefore, reference to the EP also includes the EPIPs.
The potential for emergency events to occur and their possible consequences are discussed in the EP.
All of the irradiated fuel has been removed from the reactor vessel and is being stured in the spent fuel pool.
The radioactive 9103140063 910222 PDR ADOCK 05000312 F
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source terms for the accidental release have been greatly reduced by radioactive decay.
Based on the analysis of possible events at Rancho Seco, the licensee states in the EP that there are no postulated accidents which could result in the release of radioactive materials to the environment in quantities which would require protective actions for the public.
Therefore, they propose to delete offsite emergency response capabilities.
The NRC staff independently evaluated the offsite radiological consequences of potential accidents involving a fuel handling accident where a loaded spent fuel shipping cask was dropped.
The analysis was based upon the assumptions and parameters in the Standard Review Plan, Rancho Seco's Updated Safety Analysis Report and the licensee's submittal dated September 20, 1990.
Thetwo-bggr dose calculated at 100 meters 2 was 2.2 mrem whole body dose and 2.8 x 10 mrem thyroid.
The licensee'3 two-hour calculated dose at 100 meters was 13.1 mrem 4
whole body and 2.7 x 10 mrem thyroid.
Both NRC's and the licensee's calculated doses are well below the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)
Protective Action Guides (PAG) for protecting the public from exposure, i.e.,
1-5 rem whole body dose and 5-25 rem thyroid dese.
2.0 STAFF EVALVATION 2.1 Assignment of Responsibility (Organization Control)
The NRC staff has reviewed Rancho Seco's EP and concludes that the planning standard regarding responsibilities for emergency response are adequately addressed in the plan.
The Rancho Seco EP describes the onsite and offsite organizations that are intended to be part of the overall organization in the event of ar.
emergency at Rancho Seco.
In support of the normal shift organization, SMUD maintains the capability to provide corporate support, including senior personnel, facilities, equipment and financial resources.
Local agency and contract support services are identified as well as cop'es of letters of agree-ment listing individual responsibilities and arrangements.
2.2 Onsite Emeroency Oroanization The planning standard regarding on-shif t facility licensee responsibilities for emergency response is adequately addressed in the EP considering the defueled status of the Rancho Seco facility.
The Rancho Seco EP describes the normal station organization, and the full emergency response covering the_ Technical Support Center and the Control Room.
The licensee has provided a chart listing the individuals by their normal titles for each of the emergency response positions.
The plan identifies the Emergency Coordinator responsibilities that can't be delegated including event classification, offsite notifications, and protective action recommendations.
2The shortest distance from tht limiting accident release point to the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) boundary and the Protected Area boundary is 100 meters.
- 2. 3 Emergency Response Support and Resources The planning standard regarding arrangements for reouesting and utilizing assistance resources has been adequately addressed in the EP considering the defueled status of the Rancho Seco facility.
SMUD has arrangements with local support agencies for ambulance services, hospital facilities and with the Herald Fire Department for offsite fire protection assistance.
Technical support is available for personnel and equipment through the West (rn Regional Emergency Hutual Assistance Agreement.
Letters of agreement are found in Appendix 8 of the EP.
2.4 Emergency Classificat, ion System The Rancho Seco EP adequately addressed the emergency classification and action levels associated with the Rancho Seco facility in the defueled configuration.
Incidents at nuclear power plants are categorized into one of four emergency classes according to a graduated level of severity:
Notification of Unusual Event (NOVE), Alert, Site Area Emergency, and General Emergency.
The licensee has evaluated the potential consequences of a spectrum of postulated accidents and states that there is no postulated accident for Rancho Seco after the shutdown that could result in an emergency tlassification more severe than an Alert.
A list of initiating conditions and emergency action levels associated with possible events at Rancho Seco which would result in the declaration of a NOUE or Alert is given in Section 3 of the Emergency Plan.
The licensee's proposed Emergency Action Level scheme demonstrates a comprehensive and anticipatory approach to emerger:y classifications at the defueled Rancho Seco facility.
2.5 Notification Methods and Procedures The Rancho Seco EP adequately addressed the methods and procedures for notifi-cation of emergency response personnel, State and local organizations and the public, considering the defueled status of the Rancho Seco facility.
The EP identifies notification call sequences in the event of an NOUE or an Alert.
It also describes the reporting for one-hour and four-hour reports for non-emergencies.
Since there is negligible potential for offsite releases, the State and local authorities will receive initial notification but will receive periodic rather than continuous infor.T.ation or updates.
In addition, the annual dissemination of basic emergency preparedne:S information will no longer be provided under the EP.
An exemption from this requirement was granted on November 30,1990 (55 FR 50901).
2.6 Emeraency communications The planning standard for prompt communications among response organizations is adequately addressed in the EP.
The licensee uses commercial telephones lines as the primary communicaticas link between onsite and offsite.
Two-way radios are available in plant between the TSC, in plant teams and fire teams.
A public address system is also available in plant to link the TSC, control room and in plant teams.
4 2.7 Public Education and Information Under the EP, the licensee does not intend to disseminate emergency planning information.
On November 30, 1990, an exemption was granted to Rancho Seco regarding dissemination of public information materials.
- 2. 8 Emeroeney Facilities and Eouipment The planning standard for adequate emergency facilities and equipment to support
an emergency response ef fort is adequately addressed in the EP considering the defueled status of the Rancho Seco facility.
In the revised plan, offsite emergency response facilities have been deleted.
They are the Emergency News Center and Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
The remaining onsite emergency response facilities are the Technical Support Center (TSC) and the Control Room (CR).
The Operations Support Center (OSC) has been combined with the TSC.
The physical layouts and capabilities of the TSC and CR remain as before including personnel habitability.
2.9 Accident Assessment i
The planning standard for methods, systems and equipment to be used in accident assessment and radir, logical monitoring is adequately addressed in the EP.
The onsite syrt,es end equipment used for radiological accident monitoring continue to be maintained and available for the proper assessment of an emergency situation.
Meteorological data are available from the National Weather Service in Sacramento.
2.10 Protective Response The planning standard for protective actions is adequately addressed in the EP considering the reduced risk associated with Rancho Seco's defueled condition.
In the early phase of the emergency, the Shift Supervisor as Emergency Coordinator has the responsibility to protect the station personnel, visitors and any contractors. Once the TSC is activated a qualified representative of SMUD assumes control of the emergency response o,rganization.
Notification of the onsite staff, accountability, classification, and recommendations of protective actions are some of the protective response actions that can be taken in the event of an emergency.
It is not expected that any protective actions for the public will be required under the EP since there is such a low risk of an accident with offsite consequences for Rancho Seco in its defueled state.
2.11 Radiological Exposure Control The planning standard requiring means to control the radiological exposure of emergency workers is adequately addressed in the EP.
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In the EP, the functions of an OSC is combined in the TSC.
The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for emergency team assignments and may authorite emergency workers to receive doses in excess of 10 CFR Part 20 limits.
This authorization to exceed limits would be made only after consultation with the Radiological Assessment Coordinator in the TSC.
2,12 Medical and First Aid Support The planning standard for medical services is adequately addressed in the EP.
First aid and other medical supplies are located in several areas throughout the plant.
Offsite physicians are elso available to provide onsite assistance.
i University Medical Center and Sutter General Hospitel have agreed to assist Rancho Seco for more serious injuries.
Description and contract numbers with these support organizations are included in the plan, 2.13 Recovery and Reentry Planning The planning standard for general plans for recovery and reentry is adequately addressed in the EP and associated EPIPs.
The Emergency Coordinator is responsible for determining that the emergency is terminated and for initiating recovery and reentry operations.
The CPIPs describe the recovery organization and outline the specific actions needed to accomplish the recovery.
2.14 Exercises and Drills The planning standard for periodic exercises and drills is adequately addressed in the EP considering the defueled condition of Rancho Seco.
Annual exercises of the EP will continue to be conducted, however, the biennial full participation exercise with State and local authorities will not be performed.
The exercise Exemption was granted on November 30, 1990, to discontinue the offsite biennial full participation with State and local authorities.
f 2,15 Radiological Emergency Response Trainino The standard for radiological response training is adequately addressed in the EP.
SMUD maintains a training program to ensure that station personnel and partici-pating agencies involved in emergency response are t7ained or retrained on an annual basis.
The training covers basic, as well as specialized training, for those emergency response personnel assigned to speciffe assignments.
Rancho Seco's emergency medical responders received first aid and cardio pulmonary training.
2.16 Plan Development and Review The planning standard for plan developunt and review is adeauately addressed in the EP,
6-The EP is reviewed annually and updated as necessary.
The emergency respnnse program is independently audited biennially.
3.0 {NLVIRONME.NTALCONSIDERATION Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.21, 51.32, and 51.36, an environmenta' assessment and finding of no significant impact have been prepared and published in the Federal Rt;gister (56 FR 7421 ) on February 22, 1991. Accordingly, based upon j
the environmental asstssment, the Commission has deterMned that the issuance l
of this emendment will not have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment.
S Rancho Seco's proposed Emergency Plan has been reviewed by the NRC staff the acceptance criteria included in 10 CFR 50.47(b), Appendix E to 10 CFR 50, and NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1.
The staff review took into consideration the shutdown and defueled condition of the Rancho Seco plant including the negligible amount of decay heat being generated by the spent fuel.
Based on a review of SMUD's analysis of possible events at Rancho Seco, the staff concurs with the analysis and concludes that there is no credible accident for Rancho Seco in the defueled condition which could resu't in the release of radioactive materials to the environment in quantities that wuuld require protective Lctions for the pLtlic.
The Staff concludes that the Rancho Seco's Emergency Plan, Long Term Defueled Concition, provides an adequate basis for an acceptable state of emergency preparedness for Rancho Seco in its shutdown and deiueled condition, and provides reasonable assurance that adequatti protective measures can and will be taken in the event of a radiological emergency at Rancho Seco.
It is therefore concluded tntt Rancho Seco may cease all offsite emergency prepar.ed-ness activities, except to the extent discussed above, and impkment the EP upon approval of Rancho Seco request for exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50.54(q).
This detei nination applies only to Rancha Seco in its defueled condition and is not considered to be an irreversible step toward decommission-ing in that emergency prepargone0s for power operations can be reestablished if required.
Based on a review of SMUD's analysis of possible events at Rancho Seco in its defueled status and the staff conclusion that tha EP provides an adequate basis for an acceptable state of emergency preparedness, the sr.aff finds th6t the licensee's request for an ext.mption is reasonable in light of the highly reduced offsito radiological risk associated with Rancho Seco's shutdown and d$ fueled condition.
Principal Contributor:
L. Cohen Dated: February 22, 1991