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Requests Response to Listed Queries Re micro-earthquake Activity Near Plant Site
Person / Time
Site: North Anna, 05000000
Issue date: 01/04/1978
From: Allen J
To: Reiter L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20136A555 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-363 NUDOCS 8508220520
Download: ML20137D598 (2)


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January la , 1978 P.O. DOX 3951 Cl!ARLOTTESVILLE, VIICINIA 2290:

Ftr. Iron llei t er, Seismologi'st (717 J533.-704 or (80a)293-6039


Geosciences !! ranch Division o f Si te Sa fety anul 1:nvironmental Analysis U.S. Nuc l ea r itegis la t ory Commi ssi on

%ashington, D. C. 20W3

Dear bir. Itei t e r:

The North Anna Environmental Coalition rec;pectfully requests that you answer the foilowing questions at your earlient convenience:

(Re lleiter Af fidavi t of July 13, 1977)

1.  % hat work isthe Geosciences liranch doing to determine why "there is more act ivity (micro-seismic) along the lake shores" at North Anna?
2. You write ttjat "there is no evidence that micro-carthquakOf t AMurring elsewhere along Acuschel's lineament," and argue against its being seismically active. Does not the cluster of 16 8 micro-earth-quakes strongly suggest that at the point where the lineament intersects the lake, it has been activated by the weight of the water?

3 Do you agree with seismologist Seth Coplan that fault lubrication and reactivation is not a function of fault age? Given that, does not the

" historical" record of activity along Neuschel's lineament bi'come irrelevant in terms of assessing the current water-induced activity?

1 1 When you st ate that carthquake activity at North Anna "is not a t a ll regionally anomalous," what in the source of your data for the comparison?

If " Jack of instrumentation" has deprived you of base-line figures, and micro-earthquake monitoring installations einenhore are rare, how did you ar-rive at a standard of what was " regionally anom-alous" or regionally normal?

5. Where else in Virginia have you found comparable clusters of la6 micro-carthquakes?
6. bhore in the seinmological li t e ra t u re a re there examples of 30-year seismic predictions succesn-fully made on the banis of 3 years of micro-seismic monitoring?

7  % hat is the upper limit registered by the network?

What was the date or daten of the two carthquaken in the cluster which regintes ed a magnittulo of greater than 27 Thank you for your professional assintance.

G500220520 850722 POR FOIA June A Ilen DELLOS-363 PDR President, NAF.C cc th p. .lohn Slens Sen. Gary llart


Janua ry la , 1978 P.O. BOX 3951 CilARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 229 '

Mr. lxon Heiter, Seismologist (71?J533-7694 or (80 fe)293-60:

Geosciences 11 ranch Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis U.S. Nuclear llegulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Ileiter:

The North Anna Environmental Coalition respectfully requests that you answer the following questions at your i

earliest convenience:

(He Reiter Af fidavit of July 13, 1977)

1. What work is the Geosciences Branch doing to determine why "there is more activity (micro-
seismic) along the lake shores" at North Anna?

l 2. You write ttgat "there is no evidence that micro-carthquakO215"Neurring elsewhere along ficuschel's lineament," and argue against its being seismically active. Does not the cluster.of 16 micro-earth-6 l quakes strongly suggest that at the point whero the lineament intersects the lake, it has been activated by the weight of the water?

3 Do you agree with seismologist Seth Coplan that fault lubrication and reactivation is not a L

function of fault age? Given that, does not the

" historical" record of activity along Neuschel's l lineament become irrelevant in terms of assessing i

the current water-induced activity?

f 1 1 When you state that earthquake activity at North l Anna "is not a t all regionally anomalous," what I

is the source of your data for the comparison?

l If " lack of instrumentation" has deprived you of I base-line figures,and micro-earthquake monitoring j installations elsewhere are rare, how did you ar-I rive at a standard of what was " regionally anom-I alous" or regionally normal?

5. Where else in Virginia have you found comparable clusters of le6 micro-earthquakes?

6 Where in the seismological literature are there

examples of 30-year seismic predictions success-i fully made on the basis of 3 years of micro-seismic monitoring?

7 What is the upper limit registered by the network?

What was the date or dates of the two earthquakes in the cluster which registered a magnitude of greater than 2?

Thank you for your professional assistance.

incerely, i sne A llen

  • President, NAEC cc: liep. John Moss Sen. Gary llart i