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Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp on 770829-0902.Corrective Actions:Training Will Be Conducted to Keep Personnel Current W/Requirements of Work Plans/Procedures-QC Instruction 56
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Palo Verde
Issue date: 10/17/1977
From: Van Brunt E
To: Spencer G
Shared Package
ML17198A269 List: ... further results
FOIA-84-293 ANPP-9553, NUDOCS 8508150622
Download: ML20134B437 (3)


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NEN N N @@M.LSST e ocmx, AMZoNA eBo3e

p. o. sox aises October 17, 1977 ANPP-9553 A
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U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement I


O ( # b Region V I

\\A Walnut Creek Plaza - Suite 202

h. 7*-

1990 North California Boulevard Walnut Creek, California 94596 y,,. s' '


Mr. G. S. Spencer, Chief Reactor Construction and Engineer Support Branch


Docket Nos. 50-528, 50-529 and 50-530 File:

77-058-026 Dear Sir This refers to the inspection conducted by Messrs. R. J. Pace and T. W. Bishop on August 29 to September 2, 1977 as documented in your letter dated September 19, 1977 of activities authorized by the Nuclear Regulatory Connaission (NRC) Construction Permit Nos.

CPPR-141,142 and 143.

As a result of this inspection, a Notice of Violation was written identifying two apparent violations. Our response to this Notice is recorded on Attachment A.

Very truly yours, g


A E. E. Van Brunt, Jr.

APS Vice President Construction Projects ANPP Project Director EEVBJr/ JAR ske Attachment cct R. L. Robb I

W. M. Petro


R. L. Hand B. S. Kaplan i

J. M. Allen A. C. Cahr 0500150622 050703 l

FOIA W. H. Wilson ppH LEIGHTOU4-293 PDH l

I J. E. Bashore C. Betzhold 1


E l


Docket No. 50-528 i

Construction Permit No. CFFR-141 Notice of violation t


Criterion Y requirse that activities affecting quality be ascomplished as prescribed by documented instructions and i

procedures. Bechtel Work Procedure / Quality Control In-l struction No. 56 requires concrete rebar clanning to be f

performed in accordance with Enrico Procedure R510M974, i

"Cadweld Rabar Splicing".

Contrary to this requirement, on August 30, 1977, the NRC l

I Inspector observed five No.11 robars in the reactor pit which were in the irocess of being cadwelded, but had not been wire brushed (cleaned).

It was further noted that the technique used by Bechtel personnel when cleaning rebar is not in accordance with the Enrico procedure, in r

that bars are not wiped with a clean, dry rag after hand wire brushing and bars are not heated with a " Rosebud" tipped torch before wire brushing.

This is a deficiency.

Bassonne A.

The five No.11 reinforcing bars that were identified durin8 the NRC Inspection as being improperly cleaned were reeleaned i

during the inspection in accordance with the Work Plans / Pro-cedures-Quality Control Instructions (WF/F-QCI) No. 56.0.

A review of these procedures, WF/F-QCI No. 56.0 and the


f l

activities associated with the installation of these five No. 11 bars, indicates that the cleaning requirements are adequately defined, but Bechtel personnel were remiss by not adhering to the procedures in the area of proper cleaning.

1 A further review of the cadweld splicing process indicates j


that of approximately 15,000 cadwelds made to date, we have i

experienced sons 15 visual rejects and aero failures of the l

l production splices tensile tests.

l l

Subsequently, techtel personnel have been instructed per the i

requirements of WF/F-QCI No. 56.0, with emphasis being placed on proper cleaning techniques and requirements. This action is documented on training records and the last training session j

was conducted September 28, 1977.

In order to prevent future reoccurrence, concentrated trainint l

will be conducted to keep affected personnel current with the requirements of WF/F-QCI No. 56.0 and continued surveillance i

and audits will be accomplished to assure compliance.


c Attachment A Notice of Violation Page 2 B.

Criterion XVII requires sufficient records be maintained to furnish evidence of activities affecting quality. ASTM Specification C94-1974 (as committed in the PSAR, Section 3.8) requires that supplemental water additions to concrete in delivery trucks be recorded on the concrete delivery tickets before unloading.

Contrary to these requirements, on August 30, 1977, during Concrete Placement No. 1A037/1A039 and the west half of LA061, a four-gallon supplemental water addition was made to concrete in a delivery truck without being recorded on the l

delivery ticket prior to unloading.

This is a deficiency.

Resoonse B.

This four gallons of supplemental water was, in fact, added to the concrete in a delivery truck without being recorded on the delivery ticket.

This addition was made to the con-crete represented by Delivery Ticket #06784 and did not pro-vide adequate records to demonstrate compliance with ASTM C-94.

The concrete thus poured was not out of specifications

  • in that the delivery ticket clearly indicated that a maximum of 13 sallons could have been added to the concrete without violating the specified cement / water ratio.

To provide immediate correction, a Procedures Change Notice (PCN) No.1 to WP/P-Qc153.0, Revision 5, was issued on September 1, 1977 to provide clear instructions for adding and recording water to the concrete delivery trip ticket.

Subsequent review determined that additions of water was not really necessary and Specification Change Notice No. 529 to Specification 13-cM-101, Revision 5, was issued stating, "No water shall be added to the mixer truck after batching until full discharge of the batch to placement."

Tull compliance was achieved September 29, 1977.

1 l
