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Approves Extension to 851031 for Submittal of Surveillance Capsule Analyses Results,Per 850321 Request
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 06/12/1985
From: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Fielder P
LSO5-85-06-018, LSO5-85-6-18, NUDOCS 8506140055
Download: ML20126B271 (5)



! \o NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 8 I wAsnimoTow, p. c. rossa

. lune 12, 1985 k.....

Docket No. 50-219  :

LS05-85-06-018 __ ,

Mr. P. 8. Fiedler-Vice President and Director Dyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Forked River, New Jersey 08731

Dear Mr. Fiedler:




. ANALYSES RESULTS Re: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 4

g In accordance with Appendix H,Section III.A. of 10 CFR Part 50, GPU Nu: lear-

.(the licensee) requested a schedular extension for submitting the test results of the No. 2 surveillance capsule which was removed from the Oyster Creek reactor vessel on March 28, 1984. Appendix H of 10 CFR Part 50 requires the submittal of the test results within 1 year after surveillance capsule withdrawal; however, it also provides that the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation may grant requests for extensions of this deadline. ,

The licensee by letter dated March 21, 1985, requested an extension from the March 28, 1985, deadline to October 31, 1985. The licensee stated that the request was necessitated by a delayed shipment of the surveillance capsule to a testing laboratory. This was due to scheduling conflicts mainly with the receipt of several shipments of spent fuel being returned to Oyster y Creek from West Valley, New York.

The purpose of the reactor vessel material surveillance program is to ensure reactor vessel integrity by evaluating the effect of neutron irradiation damage on the reactor vessel beltline materials. The test results from the reactor vessel surveillance materials are used to evaluate the safety margin >

, in your pressure-temperature limits, which are required by Appendix G, 10 CFR Part 50. The current Oyster Creek pressure-temperature limits correspond to 10.0 effective full power years (EFPY). These curves include a conservative estimate of the amount of neutron irradiation damage that would occur after 10.0 EFPY of operation. Based on the cumulative gross thermal energy, Oyster Creek had accumulated 8.3 EFPY of operation on March 31, 1985.. It a 90 EFPY by percent usage October factor, 31, 1985. YouDyster Creek would are currently planningaccumulate less than a plant outage for- J.) October 1985.

Hence, there is sufficient margin between the amount of neutron irradiation damage calculated in the pressure-temperature limits and the projected amount of neutron irradiation damage to the Oyster Creek core materials on the date for submittal of the capsule No. 2 test report. As a result of this margin, A k$ 9

E l .-


t Mr. P. B. Fiedler June 12, 1985 a delay of 7 renths in submittal of the capsule No. 2 test report will not affect reactor vessel integrity. Thus, we consider that a delay of 7 months to October 31, 1985, for submittal of the capsule No. 2 test report is a ccepta ble.

, Your request for an extension to October.31, 1985, is hereby granted. We do note, however, that your request was not submitted in a timely manner.

You are requested to review your procedures for scheduling work to neet Connission deadlines so that future requests to the Commission are timely.

Sincerely, orisinst signed tg E E Demum .

Harold R. Denton, Director

! Office of fluclear Reactor Regulation j cc: See next page


) Focket JZwolinski ORAB

NRC PDR 0 ELD TBarnhart(4) l Local PDR EJordan SECY

}. ORB #5 Reading BGrimes BElliott HThompson JPartlow llHazelton

! JDonohew ACRS (10) BDLiaw CJamerson CMiles, OPA

( *PREVI0tlS C0f!Ct!PRENCE SEE DATE DL: DIR* NRR:DD* NPP/yt3R HThompson DEisenhut HD M on 5/29/85 6/4/85 (p /f ff65 DL:0RB#5* DL:0RB#5* DL:0RB#5* OELD* DL:AD/SA*

CJanerson:,ib JDonohew JZwolinski DCrutchfield 5/14/85 Ig85 5/14/85 5/16/85 5/29/85 V WW g sp/es


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Mr. P. B. Fiedler a delay of 7 months in submittal of the capsule No. 2 test report will not affect reactor vessel integrity. Thus, we consider that a delay of 7 months to October 31, 1985, for submittal of the capsule No. 2 test report is acceptable.

Your request for an extension to October 31, 1985, is hereby granted however, the Commission expects licensees to apply for extensions to regula on deadlines in a timely fashion to avoid untimely situations. In is case, the situation of granting an extension to a deadline in 10 CFR art 50 after the deadline has passed because your submittal was received 1 ay before the deadline is not responsible scheduling of important regulat y commitments.

This request is the second time within 2 months that the C .ission has had to respond to your request for an extension to a deadline w h the request being sent to NRC within 1 week of the deadline. The other r quest was that for an extension to the Confirmatory Order dated June 17, 983, for the Post-Accident Sampling System. You are again requested to review our procedures for scheduling work to meet Coninission deadlines to avoid the ne for requests of this type to the Commission.

Sincerelv, Har ld R. Denton, Director 0 ice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION Docket JZwoli ki ORAB NRC PDR OELD TBarnhart(4)

Local PDR EJor an SECY ORB #5 Reading BGr mes BElliott HThompson JP rtlow WHazelton JDonohew A RS (10) BDLiaw CJamerson . Miles, OPA


so n

.DDj thut NRR:DIR HDenton 1 /85 Q/d/85 / /85 l

I DL: RB#5* DL:0RB#5* DL:0RB#5* OELD* L CJamer* :jb JDonohew JZwolinski 6 00 lu chfield 5/14/85 5/10/85 5/14/85 5/16/85 (/2/85



Mr. P. B. Fiedler a delay of 7 months in submittal of the capsule No. 2 tes report will not affect reactor vessel integrity. Thus, we consider that a delay of 7 months to October 31, 1985, for submittal of the capsule No. 2 test report is acceptable.

Your request for an extension to October 31, 1985, 's hereby granted; however, the Commission expects licensees to apply for exte sions to regulation deadlines in a timely fashion to avoid untimely s tuations. In this case, the situation of granting an extension to a dea ine in 10 CFR Part 50 after the deadline has passed because your submittal as received 1 day before the deadline is not responsible scheduling of imp tant regulatory commitments.

This request is the second within 2 months t at the Commission has had to respond to your request for an extension te a deadline with the request being sent to NRC within 1 week of the deadline. The other request was that for an extension to the Confirmatory Order d ed June 17, 1983, for the Post-Accident Sampling System. You are again request to review your procedures for scheduling work to meet Commission deadlines to av id the need for requests of this type to the Commission.

.incerely, Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION Docket JZw inski ORAB NRC PDR OE TBarnhart(4) local PDR E rdan SECY ORB #5 Reading P rimes BElliott HThompson Partlow WHazelton JDonohew ACRS (10) BDLiaw CJamerson CMiles, OPA DL: DIR NRR:DD NRR:DIR HThompson DEisenhut HDenton /

/ /85 / /85 / /85 DL:0RBf5 CJamerson: 1

>5 ew DL:0RB#

JZwolinski 0L (F h(J DL:AD/SA DCrutchfield f/f/85 g/85 5 /g/85 4 / $85 / /85 J

Mr. P. B. Fiedler Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station -

cc G. F. Trowbridge, Esquire Resident Inspector Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge c/o U.S. NRC _

1800 M Street, N.W. Post Office Box 445 Washington, D.C. '20036 Forked River, New Jersey 08731 J.B. Liberman, Esquire Commissioner Bishop, Liberman, Cook, et al. New Jersey Department of Energy 1155 Avenue of the Americas 101 Commerce Street New York, New York 10036 Newark, New Jersey 07102 Eugene Fisher, Assistant Director Regional Administrator Division of Environmental Ouality Nuclear Regulatory Commission Department of Environmental-'

Region I Office Protection 631 Park Avenue 380 Scotch Road King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Trenton, New Jersey 08628 BWR Licensing Manager ~

i GPU Nuclear 100 Interpace Parkway Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 Deputy Attorney General State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety s

36 West State Street - CN 112 Trenton, New Jersey 08625

,_ Mayor Lacey Township 818 West Lacey Road Forked River, New Jersey 08731 .

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region II Office ATTN: Regional Radiation Representative 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10007 D. G. Holland Licensing Manager Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Post Office Box 388 EJ Forked River, New Jersey 08731 -E

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