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Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1984
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1984
From: Mcdonald R, Woodard J
NUDOCS 8410160139
Download: ML20093H044 (6)




OF OPERATIONS August i During the month of August there was one (1) shutdown which occurred I on August 31, 1984 due to re-analysis of Cycle II-III eddy current test results which showed significant tube wall degradation in two tubes exceeding the tube plugging limit of Technical Specification 3/4.4.6. The following major safety-related maintenance was performed in the month of August:

1. Performed miscellaneous corrective and preventive maintenance on diesel generators.

f 8410160139 840831 PDR ADOCK 05000364 -{% J R PDR ll

DOC m NO. 50-364 4 2 UNIT DAR 9-7-84 COMPLETED SY J.D.Wwdard TELEPHONE (205)899-5156 310NTil August, 1984 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL

  • DAY' AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe Net) (MWe-Net) g, 804 g7 801 -

7 801 13 802 3 an1 19 an, 4' 803 Ig 803 3 803 21 anA

                                                 *                           ~

801 803 6 n 7 802 23 802 g Ro? ;4 nnA 9 801 25- 804 10 801 26 Ani gg 803 p 800 g2 800 23 804 33 801 29 Ron g4 802 '799 30 35 801 33 494 16 800

                                                         !?GUCTIONS On this form:t. fist the 2ver:ge d: iy umt puwer Icvelin MWe Net for e:ch d y its the reporting month. Compute to
                                                , the ne:re:t whole rnes: watt.



l _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ . - - - -- --- a


(J ,i OPERATING DATA REPORT 50-364 DOCKET NO. DATE 9 84 COMPI ETED BY J.D.Uoodard TELEPHONE (205)899-5156 OPERATING STATUS J Seph M. Farley - Unit 2 Notes -

l. Unit Name:
2. Reporting Period: ^>m>>e 19AA 1) Cumulative data sin'ce 7-30-81, date of ' commercial
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWr): 2652 860 Operation.
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): ,
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 829
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 852.5
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 809.1
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Reasons:

N/A i

9. Power Level To Which Restricted if Any (Net MWe): N/A >'
10. Reasons For Restrictions.lf Any: N/A O This Mo' nth Yr.-to-Date "Cu'[nulative
11. Hours In Reporting Period 744 5.855 4 27,096
12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 739.2 5,803.2 24,346
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 138.0
14. Hours Generator On Line 739.0 5 , 754. 7 24,053.5
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 O.0
16. Grn's The ms! Energy Generated (MWH) 1.951.599 15.078.128 60'.41'5.972 - 6
            ' 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                 618.924                        4.867.680                  19,854,556
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 589,240 4,634,062 18,834,088
19. Unit Service Factor 99.3 98.3 88.8
20. Unit Availability Factor 99.3 98[3 88.8
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 97.9 97.8 85.9
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 95.5 95.5 83.8
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.7 1.7 4.5
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type.Date,and Duration of Each):

Refueling / maintenance outage, 1/4/85, approximately 'S weeks.

25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup: 9-14-84
26. Units In Test Status (Priar to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY 5-6-81 5-8-81 INITIAL ELECTRICITY 5-24-81 5-25-81 COMMERCIAL OPERATION 8-1-81 7-30-8L l

iu;- 3

UNIT SilUlDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS . DOCKET NO. 50-364 DillT NAhlE J.M. Farlev-14 tit 2 DATE 9 84 COMPLET EI) BY J.D.Woodard REPORT E10 Nill Aimiice _ 14R4 TEl.LPilONE (20si R99-5156 _ E E g

                                      .! E 3g 3;; $2 s.E. 5 Licensee 5Report *
                                                                                    ,E-r, gg K3                 Cause & Corressise -

Action to No. Date Event gu F y5 5 j ;:3 g , mO g Prevent Recurrence 6 006 840831 F 5.0 H I 84-008-00 AB SG Unit shut down due to re-analysis of Cvele II-III eddy current test results which showed significant tube wall degradation in two ' tubes exceeding the tube plugging limit of Technical Specification 3/4.4.6. d l I 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason: hiethod: s Exhibit G. Insieuctions S: Stheduled A Equipment Failure (c.xplain) 1 Manual for Preparation of D.ata 11 Msi. tenance of Test 2 Manual Scram. Eni y Sheets for I.icensee 4 C. Refueling 3 Automatic Scram. Event ReposI (I.ER) File INUREG-D-Regulatosy Restriction 4 Other (Explaire) 0161) E-Operator Training & IJeense Examination F Administrative 5 G Ope ational Enroe (linplain) Eshibis 1 - Same Sourec (9/77) 11 Othes (Explain)

7 e - Malling Address

   .'       Atb:ma Power Compzny 600 North 18tn strast '

Post Office Box 2641 Bamingham, Alabama 35291 Telephone 205 783-6090 R. P. Mcdonald Senior Vice President aninooo sanoing AlabamaPower tre wot'v:m Evcrc s 6Vn September 13, 1984 Docket No. 50-364 Director, Office of Management Information and Program Control U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Sir:

RE: Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Monthly Operatina Data Report Attached are two (2) copies of th? Auaust 1984 Monthly Operating Report for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, required by Section of Appendix A of the Technical Specifications. As requested by letter from Mr. John F. Stolz to Mr. Alan R. Barton, dated October 21, 1977, a

          " Narrative Summary of Operating Experience" is included in the attached report.

If you have any questions, please advise. Yours very trul , y% I R. P. Mcdonald RPM /KWM: sam Enclosures t xc: Director, IE (10 copies) l Director, RII (1 copy) l l


l p k


                                                                                    .i bc: Mr. J. M. Far1cy                                                    ,

Mr. W. 0.- Whitt l Mr. R. P. . Mcdonald Mr. H. O. Thrash Mr. W. G. Hairston, III Mr. L. S. Williams Mr. T. H. Nesbit Mr. J. D. Woodard Mr.' A. E. Hammett Mr. M. L. Stol tz Ms. S. N. Knight Mr. J. M. Elliott Mr. J. R. Crane. Mr. B. C. Hunt Mr. L. B. Long Mr. N. M. Horsley Ms. Sylvia Schoel Mr. J. C. Miller INP0 Records Center ANI Library File: Binder Copy A-2.1 3 4 L t I i _r - . - , , . .}}