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Monthly Operating Repts for July 1998 for Jm Farley Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1998
From: Curlington A, Dennis Morey
NUDOCS 9808180093
Download: ML20237B189 (5)


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,. '. Davs Murry Southern Nuclear Vice President Operating CImpa:y Farley Project R0. Box 1295 Birmingham. Alabama 35201 Tel 205.992.5131 August 12, 1998 SOUTHERN h COMPANY Energy to Serve hurWorld" Docket Nos. 50-348 50-364 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D C 20555 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Monthly Operating Report Ladies and Gentlemen:

Enclosed are the July 1998 Monthly Operating Reports for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2, as required by Section of the Technical Specifications.

If you have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, Dave Morey RWC:(mor)

Enclosures El - July Monthly Operating Report for Plant Farley Unit 1 E2 - July Monthly Operating Report for Plant Farley Unit 2 cc: Mr. L. A. Reyes, Region 11 Administrator Mr. J. I. Zimmerman, NRR Project Manager }

Mr. T. M. Ross, FNP Sr. Resident inspector 9808180093 980731 PDR ADOCK 05000348 R PDR _


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OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO.: 50-348 UNIT NAME: J. M. Farley - Unit 1 DATE: August 5,1998 COMPLETED BY: _ . _

A. !I. Curlington TELEPilONE: (334) 794-6431 ext. 3399 OPERATING STATUS

1. Reporting Period: July 1998
2. ' Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 829_
3. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 822 1

This Month Yeatto_Date Cumulative l

4. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical: 744.0 5,087.0 147,368.6
5. Hours Generator On-line: 744.0 5,087.0 145,306.4 l
6. Unit Reserve S:a idown Hours: 0.0 0.0 0.0 1


7. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH): 589,934.0 4,166,493.0 _

114,466,821.0 CIIALLENGES TO PRESSURIZER PORY OR PRESSURIZER SAFETY VALVES Date i Iag No. I hvent Description There were no challenges to Pressurizer PORV or Pressurizer Safety Valves. 4 l

l El-1 L . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

UNIT SHUTDOWNS DOCKET NO.: 50-348 UNIT NAME: J. M. Farley - Unit i DATE: August 5,1998 COMPLETED BY: A. II. Curlington REPORTING PERIOD: July.1998 TELEPilONE: (334) 794-6431 ext. 3399 Type Method of F: Forced Duration Reason Shutting Down Cause/ Corrective Actions No. ,

Date S: Scheduled (Hours) } (1) (2) Comments There were no unit shutdowns during the month.

l (1) KLA5UN. (2) MLiliUU.

A - Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manual D Maintenance or Test 2 - Manual Trip / Scram C - Refuelirg 3 - Automatic Trip / Scram D Regulatory Restriction 4 - Continuation E Operator Training / License Examination 5 - Other (Explain)

F Administrative G - Opercional Error (Explain)

I 11 Other(Explain) l CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION / COMMENTS NARRATIVE REPORT On 980719 at 1638 the Unit was ramped to 75% reactor power in response to the tripping of 1 B Circulating Water Pump. IB Circulating Water Pump tripped due to a grounded electrical power cable.

The power cable was replaced and Unit I was returned to 100% power on 980723 at 1825.

l El-2 I

- _ _ _ _ _ _ A


DOCKET NO.: 50-364 UNIT NAME: J. M. Farley - Unit 2 j DATE: August 5,1998 l'

COMPLETED BY: A.11. Curlington TELEPilONE: (334) 794-6431 ext. 3399 OPERATING STATUS

1. Reporting Period: July 1998
2. - Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 829
3. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 852 This Month Year _to Date Cumulative
4. Number Of flours Reactor Was Critical: 744.0 3,878.4 128,795.4 i
5. Hours Generator On-line: 744.0 3,841.5 126,972.4
6. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours: 0.0 0.0 0.0
7. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH): 627,783.0 3,179,706.0 101,011,070.0 CIIALLENGES TO PRESSURIZER PORY OR PRESSURIZER SAFETY VALVES Date I lag No. I Event Desenption I


There were no challenges to Pressurizer PORV or l Pressurizer Safety Valves.


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UNIT SHUTDOWNS i DOCKET NO.: 50-364 UNIT NAME: J. M. Farley - Unit 2 DATE: August 5,1998 COMPLETED BY: A. II. Curlington REPORTING PERIOD: July _1998 TELEPilONE: (334) 794-6431 ext. 3399 Type Method of F: Forced Duration Reason Shutting Down Cause/ Corrective Actions No. Date S: Scheduled ; (Hours) (1) (2) Comrnents There were no unit shutdowns during the month.

l l 1 (6) KLAduN. u) ML n Up.

A Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 - Manual B Maintenance or Test 2 ManualTrip/ Scram C - Refueling 3 - Automatic Trip / Scram D - Regulatory Restriction 4 - Continuation E Operator Training / License Examination 5 -Other (Explain)

F- Administrative G OperationalErrer(Explain) j II-Other (Explain) '


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