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Telecopy AOs 50-277-75-51 & 50-278-75-38:on 750703,stack Flow Transmitters Failed.Caused by Lightning Strike.Repair Operations Initiated.Repairs Delayed Until Afternoon of 750704 Due to Difficulty in Obtaining Parts
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/07/1975
From: Ullrich W
To: James O'Reilly
AO-50-277-75-51, AO-50-278-75-38, NUDOCS 8401110447
Download: ML20086G436 (1)


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ottffreing W T'. U11 rich's phone conve.rsation with: Mr. E241on.Br.unner .
  • lesi.on 1, United. States Nuclear Reg.ulato ry . Commis s. ion. on July k ,. 19 7 5..

teference: License Number DP Lb and LPR-56 Technical.Specificat. ion


k.8.C.1 leport No.: 50-277-75-51 and 50-278-75-38


[eport Date: July L. 1975 _

  • .ccurreoce Date: July 3, 1975 r

acility: Peach Botton- ktonic Pover Station

, R.D. 1, Delta, Pennsylvania 173 h Identification of Occurrence:

Failure of stack flow transmitters.~

onditi'ons Pi ior to 0ccurrence:

, Unit 2 at approximately 100% power. Unit 3 at 50% power.

escription of Occurrence

On the evening of July 3, 1975, lightning apparently struck the nain l offgmL stack, resulting in damage to both offgas stack flow transnitters.

l Sesignation of Apparent.Cause of Occurrence: '

, Lightning strike.

taalysis of Occurrence:

Flow rate up the main offgas stack during normal operation is provided by several dilution fans. OTwo dilution fans were in service prior to the lightning strike and remained in service during the entire period that the S

t flow trancmitters were out of service. Total offgas stack flow, therefore can be accurately determined.

.safety total gaaeous release during this This p e results r i o d inThis

... an accurate occurrence determination has little c:


.~orrective Action:

A r.

Inspection in the area below the main stack was performed inmediately following the failure. Repair operations to the electronics were initiate:

Difficulty in obtaining the required spare parts delayed repair until the afternoon of July k, 1975 At this time, one of the two flow trans=1tters I was returned to service. Repair of the second transmitter is avalting l replacement parts.

l'ailure Data:


. .ery truly yours, . . -

f*h0ff. . . .A l

C. T Ullrich, Superintendent .

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station 9401110447 750707 PDR ADOCK 05000 s ,



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