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Environ RO 77-22:on 770801,small Contained Oil Spill Observed at North End of Plant Site.Caused by Turbine Lube Oil Conditioner Losing Water Seal.Water Seal Level Readjusted & Storm Drain Flushed to Remove Residual Oil
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/1977
From: Cooney M
To: Stello V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RO-77-22, NUDOCS 8312210064
Download: ML20086F312 (2)


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P.O. 3OX 8699 -@ A PHILADELPHIA. PA.19101 -

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August 10, 1977 '% D

$ h3 Mr. Victor Stello, Jr.

Director Division of Operating Reactors Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Mr. Stello:


ENVIRONMENTAL DEVIATION The following deviation was reported to Mr. Burt Davis, Office of Inspection and Enforcement, Region 1, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission on August 2, 1977


License Number DPR-44/56 Appendix B Environmental Technical Specifications: 4.2 Report No.: 50-277/278-77-22 Report Date: August 10., 1977 Deviation Date: August 1, 1977 Facility: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 & 3 R. D. 1, Delta, PA 17314 Identification of Deviation:

A small contained oil spill at the north end of the plant site was observed on August 1,1977.

l Conditions Prior to Deviation:

Unit 2 shutdown for refueling outage. Unit 3 operating at 390 We .

Description of Deviation:

A small oil spill consisting of an oil sheen and some oil puddles was observed within the oil spill containment boca at the north discharge of the plant storm sewers to the Susquehanna River. Some of this oil sheen existed past the oil boom due to the boom being below water in one place where it had been caught by a snag.

8312210064 770810 7 72  ?#

PDR ADOCK 05000277 S PDR

g 9 Mr. Victor Stello, Jr. 50-277/2/8-77-22 August 10, 1977 Page 2 Designation of Apparent Cause of Deviation:

An inplant oil spill had occurred on July 30, 1977, because the Unit 3 turbine lube oil conditioner lost its water seal, and about 400 gallons of oil were spilled on the floor.' Some of this oil escaped underneath a door into the yard. At that time it was believed that no oil had gotten to the storm drain. However, upon the discovery of the oil spill on August 1,1977, it appears that a few gallons must have spilled into the storm drain.

Analvsis of Deviation:

Because of the small amount of oil which reached the river and because essentially all of the spilled oil was contained, there is no significant impact on the environment.

Corrective Action:

The original cause of the oil spill has been corrected by readjusting the water seal level. The spill itself was cleaned up by our consultant and the storm drain flushed to remove residual oil.

The small break in the oil boom was repaired.

Failure Data:

None previous.

Very truly yours, f

d /g9 M. J. Cooney S perintendent Generation Division-Nuclear cc: Mr. B. H. Grier NRC, Req. Office i


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