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Monthly Operating Rept for May 1982
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/03/1982
From: Hairston W
Shared Package
ML20054E674 List:
NUDOCS 8206140056
Download: ML20054E675 (11)


- - _ _ _ _ - _ -

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DOCKET NO. _50-364 DATE 6/03/82 COMPLETED BY W.G. Hairston, III TELEP110NE (205) 897-5156 DPER AllNG STATUS

1. Unit Name: Joseph M. Farley - Un it 2 Notes 1) Cumulative data -
2. Reporting Period: May, 1982 since 7/30/81, date of
3. Licensed 1 hermal Power (MWt): 2652 commercial operation.
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 860
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 829 .
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 854.7
7. Masimum Dependahle Capacity (Net MWe): 813.7
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Gise Reasons:


9. Power Lesel To which Restricted.If Any (Net MWe): N/A
10. Reasons For Restrictions,if Any: N/A l

. This Month Yr.-to.Date Cumulatise

11. ilours In Rerurting Period 744 3,623 7.344
12. Number Of Ilours Reactor Was Critical 740 2,916.8 6,597.0
13. Reactor Resene Shutdown liour, 4 71.0 111.8
14. Ilours Generator On Line 737.2 2,833.5 6,500.0
15. Unit Resene Shutdown llours 0 0 o
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWHI 1,913.932 7 028,728 16.494,885
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWil) 614,354 _ _ _ _ _ ,

2,258,092 5,329,470

18. Net E!cetrical Energy Generated (MWH) 584.442 2.131.246 5.051.966
19. Unit Senice Factor 99.1 78.2 88.5
20. Unit Availability Factor 99.1 78.2 88.5
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 96.5 72.3 84.5
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 94.8 71.0 83.0
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate .9 21.8 11.5
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Nest 6 Months (Type.Date.and Duration of Eacht:

Refueling Outage; October - November,1982, approximately 8 weeks.

25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup: N/A
26. Units in lest Status t Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achiesed INIIIA L CRI rlCA LI TY 5/06/81 5/08/81 e INillA L ELFC1RICITY 5/24/81 5/25/81 )

U 8/01/81 COMMERCI A L OPER A llON 7/30/81 (

8206140056 820608 gyg7 3 PDR ADOCK 05000364 R PDR

DOCKET NO. 50-364

~5, L743T. J.M. Farlev-Unit 2 s*

DAE 6/03/82

COhtPLETED BY W.G. Hairston, III

' TELEPl!ONE (205) 899-5156 SICIGli May .


2 817 -

g3 812 3 818 19 812 4 819 20 812 814 21 788 3

6 815 22 806 793 23 807 7

g 766 ;4 807 .

9 816 25 806 10 818 , - 26 816 i

  • 11 816 n 808 12 532 ;3 764 13 756 ;9 803 14 791 30 763 805 542 IS 3 16  : 813 ..,

P INSTRUCIlONS i On this fornut. list the avenge daily umt poweh icielin htWe Net for each d:y in the reporting inonth. Compute to

, the nease:t whole nr;1 watt.

k f


. $ g

. , e n

__ , ,n . -g p.- mg~ * - ~ * * ~ * ' '


g UNIT SilU1 DOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS DOCKET NO. 50-364 UNIT NAME J . M. Farley-Unit 2 DATE 6/03/82 COMPLETED BY _W . G. Hairston , III NEPORT MONTil May, 1982 TELEPHONE (205) 899-5156

.  % ~

c ri 5 r.a s - 5

. .E e  ! ysg Licensee Sv. ., Cause & Corre sive No. Date g 3g  ;; .g g 5 Event u? g*3 o- Action to H 5 r$ 0

$. j i2 g Report # ,

[O Proent Recurrence 5

008 ,

820512 F 6.8 A 3 NA EB ELECON While switching from 2A to 2B startup transformer, the breaker switch malfunctioned causin.g a LOSP on the 2G 4160V bus and a reactor trip. The switch was repaired and the unit was '

returned to service.

009 820530 F 0 A NA NA CH PUMPXX Unit was reduced to 60% power due to a EH fluid leak on the 2B Steam Generator feedwater pump.

l 1 2 3 4

F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit G . Instructions S: Scheduled A-Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual for Preparation of Data B. Maintenance of Test 2 Manual Scram. Entry Sheets for Licensee C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram. Event Report (LER) File INUREG.

. D Regula:ory Restsiction 4-Other (Explain) 0161)

. E-Operator Training & Ucense Examination F-Administrative 5

,' G. Operational Error (Explain) Exhibit I Same Source (9/77) ll-01her (E xplain)

  • e




OF OPERATIONS MAY, 1982 There was one (1) automatic shutdown and one (1) power reduction in the month of May.

The following safety-related maintenance was performed in the month of May:

1. Performed preventive maintenance and completed some design changes on diesel generators.
2. #7 River Water Pump was repacked.
3. 2A Hydrogen Recombiner rupture disc was replaced.
4. The valve from the Recycle Evaporator vent to the plant vent.

was repaired.

a e

t OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKETNO. _50-364 DATE _6/03/82 COMPLETED HY W.G. Hairston, III TELEPii0NE (205) 897-5156 OPERA IING STA f US Joseph M. Farley - Un it 2 Not'5 1) Cumulative data  !

1. Unit Name: '
2. Reportmg Period: _ May, 1982 since 7/30/81, date of 2652 commercial operation.
3. Licensed 1 hermal Power (MWt):
4. Nameplate Rating (Grow MWe): 860
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWel: _B29
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 854.7
7. Masimum Dependable Capacity (Net MWel: 813.7
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Report.Give Reasons:


9. Power Lesel To which Restricted.lf Any (Net MWe): N/A
10. Reasom For Restrictions. lf Any: N/A a

1his Month Y r.-to-Da t e Cumulatne

11. Hours in Reportine Period 744 3,623 7.344
12. Number Of Ilour> Reactor Was Critical 740 2,916.8 6,597.0
13. Reactor Resene Shutdown Hours 4 71.0 111.8
14. Ilours Generator On-Line 737,2 2,833.5 6,500.0
15. Unit Resene Shutdown llours 0 _

0 0

16. Grow Thermal Energy Generated (MWil 1,913.932 .l.02H.728 16.494.885 17 Grow Electrical Energy Generated IMWill 614,354 _ , 2,258,092 5.329'.470
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWil) 584.442 2.131.246 5.051.966
19. Unit Senice Factor 99.1 78.2 88.5
20. Unit Asailability Factor 99.1 78.2 88.5
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Neti 96.5 72.3 84.5
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 94.8 71.0 83.0
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate .9 21.8 11.5
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Nest 6 Months (Type. Date.and Duration of Each t:

Refueling Outage; October - November,1982, approximately 8 weeks.

25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup: N/A
26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operationi: Forecast Athiesed INIII A L CRITICA LITy 5/06/81 5/08/81 INIll AL ELECTRICITY 5/24/81 5/25/81 COMM ERCI A L OPER A flON 8/01/81 7/30/81 e'


DOC);ET fiO. 50-364

  • ** UNIT J.M. F-rlev-Unit 2 VQ DAll 6/03/82 W.G. Hairston, III COSIPLETED DY I IILEPl!ONE (205) 899-5156 3101G11


33 812 818 39 _

812 3

819 20 812 4

788 5

814 21 815 22 806 6

793 807

~ 7 3 807 g 766  :.g 816 3 806 9 .

816 10 818' 26 ,


' ]t 816 7 764 12 532 3 ,

756 29 803 13 .

763 11 791 30 542 15 805 Ji .-

16  : 813 INSTRUC110NS On this formst. list the svenge daily unit powef levelin htWe Net for each d:y in t!ie reposting month. Compute to

, the neare: whole nr;rwast. .


~ - >

. (9(77) e


- ~

b -

UNIT SIIUlDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS DOCKET NO. 50-364 UNIT NAM E _J . M. Farley-Unit 2 DATE 6/03/82 COMPLETED BY W.G. Hairston, III HEPORT AIONTil May, 1982 TELEPilONE (205) 899-5156 "i -

3 us =


.2 e r.

8 7 5 ~4 Licensee p, 5*

c. Cause & Corrective No- Date g. gg  ;; ,g g 5 Event u? 83 Action so

$5 5 h i5 y Report

  • _

NC U Prcvent Recurrence b

008 ,

820512 F 6.8 A 3 NA EB ELECON While switching from 2A to 2B startup transformer, the breaker switch malfunctioned causing a LOSP on the 2G 4160V bus and a reactor trip. The switch was repaired and the unit* was returned to service.

009 820530 F 0 A NA NA 01 I'UMPXX Unit was reduced to 60% power due to a EH fluid leak on the 2B Steam Generator feedwater pump.

I 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit G . instructions S: Scheduled A. Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual for Preparation of Data B. Maintenance of Test 2 Manual Scram. Entry Sheets for Licensee C-Refueling 3 Automatic Scram. Event Report (LER) File INUREG.

D Regulato y Resisiction 4-Other (Explain) 0161)

E-Operator Training & License Examination F Administrative 5 G Operational Esror (Explain) Exhibit !- Same Source (9/77) Il-Othes (E xplain)

O .O


  • f 9




.There was one (1) automatic shutdown and one (1) power reduction in the month of May.

The following safety-related maintenance was performed in the month of May:

1. Performed preventive maintenance and completed some design changes on diesel generators.
2. #7 River Water Pump was repacked.
3. 2A Hydrogen Recombiner rupture disc was replaced.
4. The valve from the Recycle Evaporator vent to the plant vent was repaired.

4 i


1. Unit Name: Joseph M. Farley - Unit 2 Not'5 1) Cumulative data since 7/30/81, date of
2. Reporting Period: __May, 1982 2652 commercial operation.
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MW ):
4. Nameplate Rating (Grow MWel: 860
5. Desian Electrical Rating l Net MWeP 829
6. Masimum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 854 7
7. Masimum Dependable Capacity (Net MWel: 813.7
8. If Change, Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Report.Gise Reasons:


9. Power Lesel To hhich Restricted.lf Any (Net MWe): N/A
10. Reasom For Restrictwns. lf Any: N/A a

This Month Cumulatne


Y r..t o.Da t e

11. ifours In Reporting Period 744 3,623 7.344
12. Number OfIlour> Reactor Was Critical 740 2,916.8 6.597.0
13. Reactor Resene Shutdown lions, 4 71.0 111.8
14. Ilours Generator On-Line 737.2 _

2.833.5 6,500.0

15. Unit Resene Shutdown liours 0 0 0
16. Grow Thermal Energy Generated (MWill 1,913.932 _1,028.728 16.494.885


17 Grow Electrical Energy Generated (MWill 614,354 2,258',092 5,329',470

18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWil) 584.442 2.131.246 5.051.966
19. Unit Senice Factor 99.1 78.2 88.5
20. Unit Asailability Factor 99.1 78.2 88.5
21. Unit Capacity Factor tiking MDC Net) 96.5 72.3 84.5
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 94.8 71.0 83.0
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate .9 21.8 11.5
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Nest 6 Months iType.Date.and Duration of Eachp Refueling Outage; October - November,1982, approximately 8 weeks.
25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated llate of Startup. N/A
26. Units in Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achiesed INI TI A L CRITICA LITY 5/06/81 -

5/08/81 INillAL ELFCTRICITY 5/24/81 5/25/81 d COMM ERCI A L OPER A flON 8/01/81 7/30/81 pil7 "' )

DOCKI.T fiO. 50-364 9

  • UNIT J.Pf. Farlev-Unit 2
  • DA1I, 6/03/82 *)

W.G. Hairston, III CO.\fPLETED DY

/ Inif!!ONE (205) 899-5156 e

May 410!G11 AVERACE D.\lLY P0hER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE D AILY POWER I.EVEL DAY (5the Nel) (SIWE Net) 813 17 812 I,

817 . 33 812 3

6 t G12

. 3 __

818 39 819 20 812 4

788 5

814 23 ,,

815 22 806 6

793 807

, 7 23 .

807 766 24 g

816  ;$ S06 9 .

g 816 10 818' ,

808 i1 816 ;7 764 12 532 23 ,

756 ;9 803 ,,

13 .

763 11 791 30 _ _ _ _

542 15 '_ 805 33 .

16  ; 813 _

r INSTRUC!1ONS On this fomut. list the svenge daily unit powef levelin htWe Net for each d y in the reportmg inunth. Compute to f , the nc4:e t whole nepwJtt.

l 6

i (9p7) . .

A e .

j .

l , .


~ . . . . . . . .



4' .

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UNIT SIIUlDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS DOCKET NO. 50-364 UNIT NAME J.M. Farlev-Unit 2 DATE 6/03/82 COMPLETED BY W. G. Hairston , III REPORT hlONfil May, 1982 TELEPIIONE (205) 899-5156 e.

c r. $ wE E -

No' Date E.  ! 3E 5gx Event 13

'"5' E "" 8 i

Action to y 3.2 E 0

Report a mo o ";~-

y i?i l _ g Psevent Recurrence 45 008 820512 F 6.8 A 3 NA EB ELECON While switching from 2A to 2B startup transformer, the breaker switch malfunctioned causin.g a LOSP on the 2G 4160V bus and a reactor trip. The switch was repaired and the unit* was returned to service.

009 820530 F 0 A NA NA 01 PUMPXX Unit was reduced to 60% power due to a EH fluid leak on the 2B Steam Generator feedwater pump.

I 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason: Method: Exlubit G-Instructions S: Sdieduled A-Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual for Preparation of Data B-Maintenance of Test 2 Manual Scram. Entry Sheets for Licensee C Refueling 3 Automatic Scram. Event Repor (LERI File (NUREG-D Regulatory Restriction 4-Otlier (Explain) 0161)

E-Operator Training & License Examination F Administrative 5 e G-Operatiosul Es tor (Explain) Ext.ibit I Same Source (9/77) Il Other (Explain) b r$