ELV-02059, Clarifies 900409 Response to 900323 Confirmation of Action Ltr.Util Made 31 Successful Start Attempts for Diesel Generator (DG) 1A & 29 Successful Start Attempts for DG 1B

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Clarifies 900409 Response to 900323 Confirmation of Action Ltr.Util Made 31 Successful Start Attempts for Diesel Generator (DG) 1A & 29 Successful Start Attempts for DG 1B
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/30/1990
From: Hairston W
To: Ebneter S
CAL, ELV-02059, ELV-2059, NUDOCS 9009210161
Download: ML20059K130 (17)



4- . Georgia Power Compary 1.-1 V ;, .,; 333 Piedmont Avenue Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Telephone 4M S26 3195 '

Ma+ng Addressi . .

40 Invernew Centor Parkway -

. Post Offee Box 1295 -

Dirrrungham. Alabarfe35?01 Telephone 205 808 5581 August 30. 1990 90 SEP 8 ~ ' P 24$%,em

? W. G. Hairston, all Servor Vce Premdent Nuclear Operaboos '

ELV-02059 0579 Docket No. 50-424 U.; S. Nclear- Regulatory Commission Region.II-101 Marietta Street, N. W;-

Atlanta, GA 130323 ATTN: Mr. S. D. Ebneter

Dear Mr. Ebneter:


By : letter datad April 9,1990- (ELV-01516), Georgia Power _ Company (CPC)l responded to a Confirmation of, Action. Letter. dated March 23, 1990. In that letter and. in our meeting notes, GPC reported that'Diuel Generator-(DG)d1A had'been. started 18 times. and DG.'18 had been started 19 times with no failures' or problems between March 20 and April 9,-1990. Similar information was reported-in

~ Revision 0 of Licensee Event Report (LER)'50-424/1990-006 dated Aprily19, 1990 (ELV-01545). - As reported in ~our telephone: calls to the NRC --we subsequently -

discovered that this information was in error.

In Revision 1 to LER 50-424/1990-006 dated June 29,1990--(ELV-01729),CPC.

attempted to clarify the correct number of DG starts- occurring in'this time period by using regulatory guide terminology'(i.e., valid vs. successful' starts).. This revised LER accurately; reports the number of: valid DG-starts during the. period of March 21 through June 7, 1990. However; durug a recent -

NRC-inspection;it was pointed out that the revised LER did no' .dequately clarify twe numbers in the April: 9th letter.

The confusion in the April .9th letter and the original LER appear to be the result of two factors. First, there was confusion in the distinction between a successful start and a valid test. For the purpose of this letter,f a start was considered successful.when the DG was started and either ran or was intention-ally shut down due to testing in progress, as identified on the attached: tables.

0ur use of the term " successful" was never intended to imply
a " valid successful test" in the context of Regulatory Guide l'.108. Many start attempts were made

~ to test the DG's IA and lB using applicable operating procedures. These procedurec and data sheets do not contain criteria for determining if ta: start ist successful which resulted in determinations of success which were inconsistent with the above definition. Second, an error was made by the individual;who performed the count of DG starts for the NRC April 9th letter, 9009210161 900830 kl i gaW:

1 0 c, o., o, y. een Anock OsoOo424 .

P PNU g , q

. :; y .; ,

GeorgitiPower A U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ELV-02059-Page 2-The purpose of this letter'is to correct the figures related to.the number of DG-: :j starts reported in the April 9th letter. Attached are tables -1~ and .2 which  !

-summarize the DG starts-for the period indicated. For DG 1A,-there was a total- l of 31 start attempts and 29 of these attempts were' considered successful-after g the two failures associated with the March 20 event. For DG 18 there was a' '

total of:29 start attempts and 21 of these attempts were considered successful.  ;

Fuc?her, for DG 18 there wereL12 successful sequential' starts.  ;

Sincerely  !

[04 .

W. G. Hairston, 11 WGH,III/NJS/gm j

~ Attachments xc: Georaia Power Comoany-Mr. C. K. McCoy 1 Mr. G. Bockhold, Jr. i Mr. R. M. Odom 1 Mr. P. D. Rushton i NORMS U. S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission ,

Document Control Desk i Mr. T. A. Reed, Licensing Project Manager, NRR Mr. B.-R. Ronser, Senior Resident Inspector, Vogtle i i

t i


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l DlESEl. GENERATOR 1A START. RUN UNPLANNED A ._ DAIE . SUCCESS IJ11E TRIP DISCUSSION 139 03-20-90 No 1 min Yes Failure to maintain load. q 140 03-20-90 No 1 min- Yes Failure.to maintain load.  :

141 03-20-90 Yes. ,4'l/2hr No. _ Nanual start,-load  !


142 03-20-S Yes 45 min .No Normal reserve auxiliary-  ;

transformer swap method.  ;

143 03-20-90  % 5' min No Observation run.

j 144 03-20-90 -u. 20 min No. Observation.run.- '

145 03-23-90 Yes 60 min No: Observation run.

146 03-23;90- Yes- O min No- Started wrong diesel  :


147 03-29-90. Yes 50 min No UV. test start #1.- ,

148 03-30-90 Yes 2 hr Yes* . Bubble test #1, high.

temperature jacket water' sensor vented.

149 03-30-90 Yes 6 min. No Trip simulation test.

150 03-30-90 Yes 6 min No Trip simulation test.

151 03-30-90 Yes ' 3 min No. Trip simulation test'. -

152 03-30-90 Yes 6 min No Trip simulation test. t' 153 03-30-90 Yes 4 min No Orifice modification ' '

functional test. .

154 03-30-90 Yes 10 min No Orifice modification t , functional- test.

155 03-31-90 Yes 2 min No Orifice modification

. functional test. -

156 03-31-90 Yes 3 min No . Orifice modification functional test. '

157 03-31-90 Yes 10 min No Bubble test #2 158. 03-31-90 Yes 1 min No Sensor trip timing. test. v 159 03-31-90 Yes 1 min No Sensor trip timing.tetc.

160 03-31-90 Yes 2 min No Sensor'tr1p timing test, 161 03-31-90 Yes 1 min No Sensor trip timing test..

162 03-31-90 Yes 75 min No Sensor trip tiining test 163 03-31-90 Yes 27 min No UV test start #2.

164 04-01-90 Yes 1 1/2 hr. No Normal ~ surveillance test. .

165- 04-06-90 Yes 1 min No Jacket water temperature test.- '

l 166 04-06-90 Yes 1 min No- Jacket water temperature test.

16'7 04-06-90 Yes 10 min No Jacket water temperature j; test.

l i

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+ . .- ._ , -, - .

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DIESEL GENERATOR 1A START RUN UNPLANNED' h__ DAIE SECLU llE E _ -DISCUSSION 168 04-06-90 Yes 2 1/2 hr No. LOSP trip modification--

functional- test.

-169 04-09-90 Yes 1 3/4 hr. No Normal surveillance test.

  • Unit tripped during bubble testing due to one sensor venting and another sensing line being disconnected for testing.. This;is'further described.in NUREG-1410.


a TABLE 2 DIESEL GENERATOR lB START RUN UNPLANNED L DAI[ gicej;3Ji IJE _ TRIP DISCUSSION 120 03-21-90 No 0 min No Post-maintenance run;. prime fuel- I

-lines. .

121 03-21-90 No 0 min No' Post-maintenance run,_ prime fuel l lines.

122 03-21-90 No 15 min No Post-maintenance run, adjust 1 governor. ,

123 03-21-90 No 2 min No Post-maintenance run,: fuel oil i delta pressure high.:

124 03-21-90 No 4 min No- Functional: test run, fuel ~ oil delta pressure high, 125 03-22-90 Yes 6 min No Functional test for maintenance.

126 03-22-90 Yes 1 min -No Functional test for maintenance; 127 03-22-90 Yes 15 minc-No- Post-maintenance overspeed test, q 128 03-22-90 Yes 3 min No Post-maintenance overspeed test, i 129 03-22-90 Yes 5 min- No_ Post-maintenance overspeed test.- j 130 03-22-90 Yes 5 min -No Voltage' clamp circuit. adjust. j 131 03-22-90 :Yes 2 min. No Voltage clamp circuit adjust. j 1' 03-22-90 No 1 1/2'hr .Yes Post-maintenance 1oad test, high- i temperature lube oil trip.' '  !

133 03-23-90 Yes 7 hr No Post-maintenance _ load test-  ;

134 03-23-90 No 3 min -Yes Post-maintenance load ' test, low "

pressure' jacket water trip, ,

135 03-23-90 Yes- 4-1/2 hr_ No Post-maintenance:loadttest.

136 03-24-90 No* 33 min No Post-maintenance load- test, high temperature jacket water-al arm.

137 03-27-90 Yes 1 1/2 hr No Bubble' test. .i 138 03-27-90 Yes 42 min No Trip' simulation test. j 139 03-27-90 Yes 3 min No Trip simulation test.  ;

140 03-27-90 Yes 2 min No Trip: simulation test'. l 141 03-27-90 Yes 6 min No Trip simulation test.  ;

03-27 57 min No "

142 Yes UV test'.. .

143~- 03-28-90 Yes 1 3/4 hr No- Normal' surveillance 144 03-28-90 .Yes .4 min, No- Low pressure. lube oil .

modification functional i test.

145 03-28-90 Yes 4 min No Low pressure lube oil modification functional test 146 04-04-90 Yes 1 1/4 hr No ' Post-maintenance load test.

147 04-05-90 Yes 5 min No LOSP trip modification functional test.-

148 04-05-90 Yes 2 hr No Normal surveillance.

  • High-temperature jacket water trip alarm was received knd the engine kept running.


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